Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Edguy on 14 Nov 2013, 05:24

Title: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Edguy on 14 Nov 2013, 05:24
Anyone play MOBAs here? My friends got me into playing League of Legends a few months ago, and while it's hard to begin with, I'm really starting to like it. Also keeping an eye at Infinite Crisis, since I love superheroes.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 14 Nov 2013, 06:16
I've played League of Legends a lot in the past. I keep meaning to get back into it and try out other MOBAs, but the nature of competitive play and the people it brings out (or more accurately, what it brings out in some people) turn me off. Back in the day I used to team up with friends and we mostly fought against bot teams. Just for the fun, not the glory. And no people screaming at us in chat.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: snalin on 14 Nov 2013, 06:17
My experience with MOBAs is pretty much a combination of sameish gameplay and incredibly toxic communities. You also need to know a hundred different heroes and a thousand items to be decent, which means that you'll be bad for the first 50 hours you play the game. Not fun. I tried LoL, and, well, you've got to give the community for being gender neutral - they threaten to rape you no matter your gender.

Awesomenauts is the only one I've had fun with - there's more than one map, for starters. Shorter matches and decent bot replacements for leaving players means that there's much less hate going on. I also love the buying system - you don't have to deal with the abstract stats of the classic MOBAs, you just get "this thing gives you that ability, this one gives you this much HP, this one gives you this much damage per shot".
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: ev4n on 14 Nov 2013, 08:40
I enjoy LOL, but yeah, mostly only play bots because other people's kids are not my problem.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 14 Nov 2013, 09:32
I play Smashmuck Champions from time to time.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: ChaoSera on 14 Nov 2013, 11:46
I play a lot of League of Legends, barely missed getting into Platinum for the end of this season, but oh well. It's true that the community just sucks, but with extensive use of the ignore function I enjoy most of my games. My ignore list contains a couple hundred names by now.
Before LoL I played a lot of the original DotA, but never competitively. I tried out DotA 2 but at that time I was already too hooked on LoL to enjoy it.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Edguy on 14 Nov 2013, 16:10
Yeah, the LoL community is pretty horrible. I keep thinking it will be fun to play alone, since my friends all have several hundred wins and I with them meet tougher opponents than when alone, but I'm constantly reminded of the 12-year-olds who call you an "n00b feeder" no matter what, oblivious the their own mistakes and any other strategy than "halp me get pentakil". Plus I play on EU East (I'm Norwegian), wich means a ton of polish and eastern europe people who can't seem to talk english if their lives depended on it. No offense.

Still, I find a lot of enjoyment in the high challenges the game offers, as well the colorful Lore and Champions created by Riot. Gotta give them credit for interacting with the fans and generally being a cool company!

Anyone signed up for the Infinite Crisis beta? I've tried a few games, and it seems decent. Will of course need time and polish to play as smooth as LoL or (assumably) DOTA, but that's in the nature of a game of this type. One thing bothers me tho; In LoL there's a nice, simple systems of different champions with associated skins. In IC there are often different itterations of the same hero (f.ex. Normal Batman, Nightmare Batman, Gaslight Batman), as well as skins (read; costumes) for each of those. That seems pretty weird to me. Wouldn't it be more natural to make itterations such as Gaslight Batman or Atomic Wonder Woman simply be skins for their respective heroes, instead of separate heroes?
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Haseo on 17 Nov 2013, 16:11
I play a lot of LoL, but I missed getting into gold by a single game. (Was 2/0 in my promo series) I tried playing DotA 2, and I used to play the original DotA. Fun games to be had.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Edguy on 01 Dec 2013, 18:39
Been playing a lot lately, after the preseason began. Since I mostly play support, I LOVE the changes; you can actually be useful late-game now, other than being a vision machine!
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Haseo on 01 Dec 2013, 19:56
Been playing a lot lately, after the preseason began. Since I mostly play support, I LOVE the changes; you can actually be useful late-game now, other than being a vision machine!

I got myself out of bronze by doing nothing but stunning people and warding the map.... Nami was a fun champ to have been played a lot.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Stryc9Fuego on 04 Dec 2013, 19:22
The closest to a MOBA I play is Airmech. It has a lot of MOBA stylings where you have the little creeps that head toward bases with the intent to capture them, but it also has a lot of strategy elements. It also has a small enough community that it's not saturated with asshats.

Plus, you fly around in mechs. That's always fun.

Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: ChaoSera on 19 Aug 2014, 05:25
Up it goes!
Anybody here playing LoL on EU West? I'm looking for somebody to duoq with. Currently I'm in Platinum IV, trying to get into diamond before the end of the season. Having at least 1 competent teammate can go a long way for that.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 19 Aug 2014, 06:52
Oh hay, this thread is still here. I've taken to playing Smite lately for MOBA fun. I'm enjoying it with the 3rd person play style instead of overhead perspective. It does suffer from the usual some champions are clearly much better than others that is typical of these games. What's that, Thor can fall out of the sky on your head from anywhere on the field, then go into a spin that slows everyone in an AOE and enough damage to kill darn near everyone but a tank, while following you? That's not overpowered AT ALL....
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: CUBErt on 07 Oct 2014, 06:41
I'm looking at more MOBAs than I probably should. Mostly League and Dawngate, bit of Smite and DotA2. Decent at the first 3, terrible at DotA.

Has anyone looked at Gigantic? It looks amazing and I'm just hoping for an alpha invite.
Title: Re: MOBAs (LoL & DotA etc)
Post by: Edguy on 29 Nov 2014, 11:50
Anyone tried out Infinite Crisis? It's gotten better since the closed beta, but it's still kinda rough compared to the likes of LoL and DotA. I presume it takes a lot of tweaking to get these kinds of games to feel smooth, especially on characters with combos and mobility. Anyways, if anyone want to try it out, and be a bro, why don't you sign up by way of my referral link?  :angel: :

So yeah, fingers crossed for Infinite Crisis. I really want DC to do something good with their IPs for once.