Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: nosepeople on 08 May 2015, 21:30

Title: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: nosepeople on 08 May 2015, 21:30
Hi all. Long-time lurker here, delurking because this series of momo strips has me wondering...

What the hell-ass happened to Momo's libido? In her original chassis she had fantasies about Sven, played doctor with an anatomically correct male doll, squealed with Hannelore over dating details, and even boasted about being able to shoot eels out of her

...but now? No interest at all, seemingly. She just seems bored and/or embarrassed by sexuality, and unless I missed it there's no explanation even or acknowledgement of this rather important aspect of her personality vanishing.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 09 May 2015, 00:19
Hmm! One random thought is that Marigold and Dale instantly left her jaded. Another is that the job keeps her occupied.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Zebediah on 09 May 2015, 03:59
The joke about her lusting after Sven was a one-shot deal. I really don't think Jeph is going to show Momo lusting after a human male in her current chassis, because she looks like a young teenager and that would be really creepy.

As for recent squeeing over other people's love lives, there is this (
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: TRVA123 on 09 May 2015, 08:45
I do think the apparent age of her new chassis has something to do with it. Momo might be avoiding revealing those thoughts because of the squick factor. It is also possible that her long term plan is to gradually age as she jumps to new chassises, paralleling her growing experience as a person in the world.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Rghfrgl on 09 May 2015, 09:37
It's a lot easier to stay focused without the eels squirming around.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Stanistani on 09 May 2015, 19:32
It's a lot easier to stay focused without the eels squirming around.
I hope they found a good home for the eels. Poor eels.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: cesium133 on 09 May 2015, 19:47
Sam hid them under Veronica's bed.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Thrudd on 09 May 2015, 20:06
All I can think of is Hibachi when eels are mentioned  :-D
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: nosepeople on 10 May 2015, 16:12
Thinking about it more, I'm think that she's depressed. Her affect is flat, and she's lost her libido. Classic signs.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Rghfrgl on 10 May 2015, 16:55
She's not depressed, she's just the straight man.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Aziraphale on 10 May 2015, 19:23
It's a lot easier to stay focused without the eels squirming around.
I hope they found a good home for the eels. Poor eels.

Probably a hovercraft.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: de_la_Nae on 10 May 2015, 20:45
I really don't think Jeph is going to show Momo lusting after a human male in her current chassis, because she looks like a young teenager and that would be really creepy.

I do think the apparent age of her new chassis has something to do with it. Momo might be avoiding revealing those thoughts because of the squick factor. It is also possible that her long term plan is to gradually age as she jumps to new chassises, paralleling her growing experience as a person in the world.

Actually I think there's an interesting conversation we could have there, especially since

1. This is a world where digital sentients exist, and can/do interact with organic ones, and share a whole lotta characteristics with them.

2. This is also a world where a digital sentient can change its physical body drastically.... assuming it can afford to.

Is it okay to be squicked out by a relationship between an adult AI and an adult human? Or perhaps I should ask is it just to act on such a squick? These aren't humans, after all, not the AI, no matter how human-like their chassis is. They are our sibling-souls, but so's Chewbacca, and he's a wookie not a human.

And what about our spider-chassis friend? The toaster? If they're of an interest to have a romantic and/or sexual relationship with a human, should we really be off-put about that?

I feel like we're probably getting into 'Her' territory here, though, and I didn't watch that movie, so y'know.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: hedgie on 10 May 2015, 21:02
I don't want to stop Jeph from going there, so I'll state here that whatever I say here is Public Domain (in case he actually wants to use it), but I still want to see one of Sam's same, or similar-age male friends develop a mutual crush, and awkward flirtation and such.  The same kind of thing that people who are around Momo's apparent age would do.  It would give a "safe" place for Jeph to explore that aspect of her personality. 

If the mods want to delete this, for obvious reasons, please do so.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: ASB84 on 11 May 2015, 00:18
My guess is that it hasn't been mentioned because it hasn't been relevant to the story, and there have been other punchlines to use. As for being embarrassed by it...well, I'd say that it's more a case of "I don't really want to know that about my friends", or "I'd rather not hear my friends going at it", rather than "Ew, sex!" in a more general sense.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Aziraphale on 11 May 2015, 09:37
I don't want to stop Jeph from going there, so I'll state here that whatever I say here is Public Domain (in case he actually wants to use it), but I still want to see one of Sam's same, or similar-age male friends develop a mutual crush, and awkward flirtation and such.  The same kind of thing that people who are around Momo's apparent age would do.  It would give a "safe" place for Jeph to explore that aspect of her personality. 


Look, I know people -- and I'm reasonably sure you do, too -- who look a lot younger than their age. But basing her relationships (or lack thereof) on just physical appearance is a minefield on several levels... not least of which is the fact that, whatever her appearance, she's an adult by any reasonable measure (intellectually, socially, etc.). Her social circle, her coworkers, and -- one assumes -- most of the people she encounters on a day to day basis are adults. She has an adult job and adult responsibilities; her friendships, ways of thinking, et cetera, are those of an adult.

Call me old-fashioned, but an adult in a relationship with someone who's just barely a teenager isn't cute, it's predatory.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: hedgie on 11 May 2015, 09:48
I see what you're saying.  But despite her job, Momo is somewhat still child-like.  I think that she will eventually move to an "adult" chassis, but her current one seems to reflect her current state of emotional development.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Aziraphale on 11 May 2015, 10:00
On the other hand, take "mutual" out of there, and I think you have a plausible scenario (one of Sam's friends develops an unrequited crush on Momo). You could also have it further complicated by Sam having a crush on said friend, but that'd be pretty much a retread of the Angus/Faye/Marigold storyline.

PS: I'm sorry if the post before this came off a bit harsh. I know where you're coming from WRT "apparent" age. I'm just looking at it from the standpoint of things not always being what they seem, and what that would mean taken to its logical conclusion.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: pwhodges on 11 May 2015, 10:05
Call me old-fashioned, but an adult in a relationship with someone who's just barely a teenager isn't cute, it's predatory.

A sexual friendship, sure; but there's plenty of scope for a admiring friendship - not everything has to be about sex.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: hedgie on 11 May 2015, 10:20
PS: I'm sorry if the post before this came off a bit harsh. I know where you're coming from WRT "apparent" age. I'm just looking at it from the standpoint of things not always being what they seem, and what that would mean taken to its logical conclusion.

No worries.  Momo is probably the most interesting AI so far, so that will lead to a lot of speculation.  I see her previous chassis as "kid Momo", and the current one as her "teen" version.  Maybe it's just the way I read her personality.  Her innocence and just trying to figure out her "place" in the world seems like something that people at her apparent age just do; like pwhodges stated, it doesn't have to be sex, but learning the dynamics of attraction, like even just hand holding would be just exploring another dynamic of a human-dominated world.  She is still new to life, in terms of experience.

I can see why you read her as an adult in a child's body.  Her intellect far surpasses either her chronological or apparent age, as well as a certain maturity.  She has an advanced database for social protocols, as well as all the information she needs to live as an independent being.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 11 May 2015, 13:32
Which means that our human categories of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood are bad matches for the reality of Momo.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Detachable Felix on 11 May 2015, 15:32
It's a lot easier to stay focused without the eels squirming around.
I hope they found a good home for the eels. Poor eels.

Probably a hovercraft.
My nipples explode with delight.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Schwungrad on 12 May 2015, 06:56
It's a lot easier to stay focused without the eels squirming around.
I hope they found a good home for the eels. Poor eels.

Probably a hovercraft.
My nipples explode with delight.
Drop your panties, Sir William, I cannot wait 'til lunchtime!
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: cesium133 on 12 May 2015, 07:14
It's a lot easier to stay focused without the eels squirming around.
I hope they found a good home for the eels. Poor eels.

Probably a hovercraft.
My nipples explode with delight.
Drop your panties, Sir William, I cannot wait 'til lunchtime!
Do you wa... do you want to come back to my place? Bouncy bouncy!
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: improvnerd on 12 May 2015, 19:17
Momo's Libido appear to be alive and well as of Wednesday's comic.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: ASB84 on 12 May 2015, 20:38
Indeed. Right on cue.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Detachable Felix on 12 May 2015, 23:04
Momo's Libido appear to be alive and well as of Wednesday's comic.
Title: Re: What happened to Momo's libido?
Post by: Kugai on 13 May 2015, 00:05