Comic Discussion => ALICE GROVE => Topic started by: Deadcoder on 04 Aug 2015, 12:30

Title: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Deadcoder on 04 Aug 2015, 12:30
Jeph's normal schedule for publishing Alice Grove is "Each Tuesday and each Thursday". However, the last publish was July 27th, a tuesday, and it's been a week since we got anything. Has Jeph abandoned Alice?
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: pwhodges on 04 Aug 2015, 12:43
He's been away at an event - that's why there were fillers in QC as well.  He doesn't bother with fillers for Alice Grove, but he has done some catching up in the past by publishing two comics later in the week.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 04 Aug 2015, 12:44
It's a bit early to be calling it that. Jeph's been dealing with some other stuff and probably just doesn't have time right now to keep up with both comics. Alice has always been and likely always will be the side project, while QC is his bread and butter. Comics will resume when life calms down, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 04 Aug 2015, 15:44
Indeed.  He's also in process to move to Canada as well, so give it time.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Welu on 04 Aug 2015, 16:24
He usually updates on Twitter with info. His latest tweet says Alice is pushed back to Thursday/Friday this week.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 04 Aug 2015, 16:30
Also, no updates for a week is enough to call for the CSI team? Some of the comics I follow update so irregularly that a monthly update would be remarkable. Some disappeared for up to a year before restarting because of the artist's life issues.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: jwhouk on 04 Aug 2015, 16:47
OOTS and Wapsi Square immediately come to mind...
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: pwhodges on 05 Aug 2015, 00:09
And (now long completed) Anders loves Maria.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 05 Aug 2015, 05:45
Goblins went on an over-a-year hiatus a while back as well. Sometimes comics just do peter out.. The creators lose interest, other obligations get in the way or writer's blocks turn to mountains and the comic just get fewer updates as time goes on or stop abruptly. Many times the creators will announce it though when they do decide to end a series. None of that really applies with Jeph and Alice Grove though. I do believe he is still keen on telling this story. Life just has a way of disrupting plans sometimes. It's good at that.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Method of Madness on 05 Aug 2015, 13:19
Indeed.  He's also in process to move to Canada as well, so give it time.
Wait, what? I wonder if QC will stay in MA then.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 05 Aug 2015, 16:50
Most likely

Jephs getting out of the U.S. before the nutjobs completely take over
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: cesium133 on 05 Aug 2015, 16:56
Indeed.  He's also in process to move to Canada as well, so give it time.
Wait, what? I wonder if QC will stay in MA then.
It'll stay in MA, but now it'll be about getting "wicked drunk, eh? ("
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Deadcoder on 07 Aug 2015, 12:20
Most likely

Jephs getting out of the U.S. before the nutjobs completely take over

I'm making a similar plan, but I'm shooting for North Australia, since the weather is warmer.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: bhtooefr on 10 Aug 2015, 19:28
Let's be real, Australia is chasing 'murrica to the bottom. (Then again, so is the entire Anglosphere...)
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 11 Aug 2015, 15:26
And our current Govt. doesn't seem to want to learn anything from either except to follow them down the gurgler.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Detachable Felix on 11 Aug 2015, 15:30
Just one more year and the nutjobs in Australia will be gone though. Abbott is less popular than stepping on a Lego brick with bare feet.

QC in Canada would be interesting but highly unlikely.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 11 Aug 2015, 15:31
I can only hope the same thing happens to Darth Key and his cronies at the next election.

Not your kinda brew eh?
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Akima on 14 Aug 2015, 18:03
Just one more year and the nutjobs in Australia will be gone though. Abbott is less popular than stepping on a Lego brick with bare feet.
And has been since five minutes after the last election. He's the political equivalent of Australia getting a bad tattoo while very drunk.

I didn't know Jeph was moving to Canada, but I don't follow his Twitter etc.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Detachable Felix on 14 Aug 2015, 20:16
I laughed out loud, and then I felt bad because it's too true :/
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: ASB84 on 17 Aug 2015, 06:35
Just one more year and the nutjobs in Australia will be gone though. Abbott is less popular than stepping on a Lego brick with bare feet.
And has been since five minutes after the last election. He's the political equivalent of Australia getting a bad tattoo while very drunk.

I'd like to share that optimism. I can't shake the nagging thought he'll experience a surge of popularity, probably due to fearmongering, and somehow get back in.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Wildroses on 17 Aug 2015, 07:01
I'm not sure Abbott realises he didn't get elected because Australia thought he would be a good prime minister, he got in because Australia was sick of Gillard and Rudd constantly fighting for the Leadership and were wary of minority governments after the debacle of the election before. I'm believing he'll get voted out next election because I'll go mad if I believe otherwise. It does worry me that Australia nearly always gives governments a second term though.

And in case any non-Australian's think we are exaggerating about this jerk:

The only thing I don't like about this video is that it was made before he decided to give an Australian Knighthood to Prince Philip of Britain and before he said his greatest achievement as Minister for Women was getting rid of the carbon tax because it was aimed at putting more money in household budgets.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 17 Aug 2015, 13:35
Just be grateful he ain't President of the U.S,A
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: SubaruStephen on 17 Aug 2015, 21:01
Soooo.....after seeing that vid I can't help but think "Is Abbot is the Aussie version of Donald Trump?"
Title: Australian Politics (was: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?))
Post by: Detachable Felix on 17 Aug 2015, 21:45
More like George Dubya.

We really should continue this in the Australian Politics thread, jsyk :)
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Storel on 19 Aug 2015, 00:45
Goblins went on an over-a-year hiatus a while back as well. Sometimes comics just do peter out.. The creators lose interest, other obligations get in the way or writer's blocks turn to mountains and the comic just get fewer updates as time goes on or stop abruptly.

*cough*Templar, AZ*cough
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 19 Aug 2015, 16:37

Angels2200 comes to mind
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Sorflakne on 21 Aug 2015, 15:05
Is Alice Grove a deadfic?
It better not be.  It's starting to get good.

And I find it a more interesting story than QC.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Method of Madness on 21 Aug 2015, 15:20
Nothing wrong with that. I do, too.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: SubaruStephen on 27 Sep 2015, 10:55
Is Alice Grove a deadfic?
It better not be.  It's starting to get good.

And I find it a more interesting story than QC.

I'm willing to bet that's because Alice Grove is story based and QC is character/relationship based.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Sep 2015, 22:52
Day 10 of no updates.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 29 Sep 2015, 00:38
I'm sure we'll survive.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: drewdane on 29 Sep 2015, 06:06
I'm sure we'll survive.
Oh gee golly, thanks SO much for putting us whining plebes in our place!  No really: THANKS, MOM!   :roll:
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 29 Sep 2015, 08:43
:roll: to you, too.

Yea, sorry about that, I wasn't in the best of moods this morning.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 29 Sep 2015, 21:28
Jeph's Twitter feed says he'll restart this week, maybe Thursday.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 30 Sep 2015, 13:11
I'dve been more worried if there were also no QC Updates
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Sep 2015, 19:10
I'm sure we'll survive.

Are you sure? Thousands of people around the world died while we were waiting.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Method of Madness on 30 Sep 2015, 19:25
Dude, what the fuck? I know that's technically true, but come on!
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 30 Sep 2015, 21:09
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 02 Oct 2015, 12:32
(being silly. I do that sometimes.)
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Method of Madness on 02 Oct 2015, 13:24
No, no, silly is fine. That was straight up morbid.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Detachable Felix on 05 Oct 2015, 14:02
I'd say nihilistic more so than morbid
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Method of Madness on 05 Oct 2015, 14:15
No, nihilistic would be that their lives were meaningless.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Kugai on 05 Oct 2015, 14:20
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 05 Oct 2015, 19:56
Nihilism is useless.
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: Method of Madness on 05 Oct 2015, 20:16
A nihilist would agree, but would respond that so is everything else :wow:
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: jheartney on 13 Sep 2016, 12:27
Thought I'd go count up how many AG comics (not including text-only notes) we've had in each of the months of 2016:

January - 5
February - 6
March - 8
April - 6
May - 6
June - 6
July - 4
August - 4
Sept. (so far) - 2

Looking back at that, there's only one month where you could say the comic has updated twice a week. In the others, it's updated either about 1.5 times a week, or, in July through today, once a week.

I'm not berating Jeph; keeping up a weekday comic (QC) on top of AG is a real commitment. And I appreciate his commitment to keeping the quality of all his comics high.

But I do think we ought to re-think calling AG a twice-weekly comic if it only updates at half that rate. Just-sayin'...
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: jwhouk on 13 Sep 2016, 13:10
For a Patreon extra, once a week is just fine IMNSHO.

Sent from my Nextbook

Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: brasca on 14 Sep 2016, 03:49
Thought I'd go count up how many AG comics (not including text-only notes) we've had in each of the months of 2016:

January - 5
February - 6
March - 8
April - 6
May - 6
June - 6
July - 4
August - 4
Sept. (so far) - 2

Looking back at that, there's only one month where you could say the comic has updated twice a week. In the others, it's updated either about 1.5 times a week, or, in July through today, once a week.

I'm not berating Jeph; keeping up a weekday comic (QC) on top of AG is a real commitment. And I appreciate his commitment to keeping the quality of all his comics high.

But I do think we ought to re-think calling AG a twice-weekly comic if it only updates at half that rate. Just-sayin'...

He said he'd be getting back on track shortly so maybe we'll get two this week or the next. 
Title: Re: Jeph is busy (was: Is Alice Grove a deadfic?)
Post by: KevxD on 17 Sep 2016, 03:21
Thought I'd go count up how many AG comics (not including text-only notes) we've had in each of the months of 2016:

January - 5
February - 6
March - 8
April - 6
May - 6
June - 6
July - 4
August - 4
Sept. (so far) - 2

Looking back at that, there's only one month where you could say the comic has updated twice a week. In the others, it's updated either about 1.5 times a week, or, in July through today, once a week.

I'm not berating Jeph; keeping up a weekday comic (QC) on top of AG is a real commitment. And I appreciate his commitment to keeping the quality of all his comics high.

But I do think we ought to re-think calling AG a twice-weekly comic if it only updates at half that rate. Just-sayin'...

The description has been changed now

Alice Grove is a comic by Jeph Jacques. It updates once a week right now.