Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: TheEvilDog on 22 Oct 2017, 19:03

Title: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 22 Oct 2017, 19:03
So folks, what do we think is going to happen?

Will Sam continue her trip to the repair shop?

Will Faye and Bubbles be able to repair the accident prone Punchbot?

Lets find out, same QC time, same QC website!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BLT with rings on 22 Oct 2017, 20:30
I don't know what is going to happen next, but I think it is high time someone taught this prepubescent girl that it is not cute and adorable to go through life behaving like a brat.   

Humans do not break into other humans homes and then into their bedrooms while shrieking at them.  Even among dumb animals, if the pet did not already live in the house that behavior would be over the line.  Humans do not literally insert themselves into the health records, and bodies, of other sapient creatures while suffering no consequences.  Doing so will likely get you slapped silly if not arrested.

Sam needs to get wised up, and fast, or we'll soon be hearing about how banging another 8th grader was "the best day of her life!" and then a while later about how terrible it is that this little infant thing is sucking all the happiness out of her life; or God forbid, how her abortion was "the best day of her life!"   
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 22 Oct 2017, 20:42
Wow, the ending of that got a little dark...

But consider this... Sam has no one in her life to direct her to becoming a responsible person. She's 12. Her parents are divorced; she lives with her father who has one of the most god awful jobs for spending time with kids, to the point where he really doesn't react to her shenanigans anymore. His current girlfriend is a world famous dominatrix whose own parenting skills have resulted in, well, Marten...

Sam is...exhuberant... enough to know that she's never going to have many friends, especially ones her own age. Just look at how she latched onto Faye. In Faye she has an older sister figure, one who gets her and understands where she is coming from. If Sam acts like a hyperactive child, it's because she is, she still needs to learn the boundaries that come with friends and being around other people. Whether or not Faye or Bubbles can provide that remains to be seen. This might be the first step towards Sam becoming that little bit more mature.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: A Duck on 22 Oct 2017, 21:04

Also, a robot using a fax machine!

A sentient robot using a fax machine


Who am I kidding, I'm sure the same will eventually happen in our world, if we do get sentient AI
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BLT with rings on 22 Oct 2017, 21:05
I've no problem with Sam per se. 

I just think that it's time that Sam got some guidance in growing up.  I don't find it adorable that Sam gets to act like an obnoxious Pekinese while everyone else chuckles indulgently.

Maybe it's time that some of the other characters in the strip start acting like coaches for her and imparting life lessons. 

That to me would be a far more interesting story line than a week's worth of panels of Sam rummaging around inside of Punch Bot trying to find his keys while the rest of the cast makes snide remarks.

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 22 Oct 2017, 21:09
This might be the first step towards Sam becoming that little bit more mature.
I think that's where Jeph is heading.  Messing any other character's maturity level will break the character, but at 12 Sam is supposed to be changing.  Dynamic characters are always more interesting if also more difficult to write.

And Uncle Punchbot seems to like her.  The stuffy professional with the quintessential boring day job who engages in illegal fighting exhibitions at night would make a great mentor for her!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Tova on 22 Oct 2017, 21:55
I'm getting the impression that Sam's behaviour really bothers you.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BLT with rings on 22 Oct 2017, 22:00
Actually, I'm bugged by Jeph's caricaturing what should be a normal twelve year old girl as a three year old idiot. 

Besides, I think the characters joining together to help enlighten Sam is a story line that would be well worth exploring!


No! No! Wait! Wait!  I've got it!

Sam had a tragic accident as a little child and had to have a robotic hysterectomy!  All her girlie parts have been replaced by robotic parts!  She can't get pregnant or have children, but her robotic girlie parts give her preternatural powers to be disclosed at a later date!  Of course abilities greater  than usual must be offset by other abilities less than usual, which explains why Sam is such a doofus. 

I'm sure Jeph can go to town on a premise like this!

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: shanejayell on 22 Oct 2017, 22:06
I'm OK with Sam. She's no more exaggerated than several other characters in the series...

Liked the new comic. You would think they could at least attach a 'loaner' arm to replace the wrecked one. 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 22 Oct 2017, 22:18
I also suspect that this poster shan't last very long here.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BLT with rings on 22 Oct 2017, 22:22
Please tell me what I am doing wrong? 

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Penquin47 on 22 Oct 2017, 22:22
Sam's fourteen (, not twelve.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Tova on 22 Oct 2017, 22:34
Actually, I'm bugged by Jeph's caricaturing what should be a normal twelve year old girl as a three year old idiot. 

Three year old idiot? Hyperbole, wouldn't you say?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BLT with rings on 22 Oct 2017, 22:42

I'd forgotten about that strip!

While I remember reading it now, I have to admit that I'm not a scholar of the series, even though I've been reading it since Marten's job description was "office bitch." 

So what you are saying is that Sam is not simply a farcically over exuberant 12 year old but rather an obviously mentally deficient 14 year old child?


PS: With all the news these days about women being sexually exploited, I find it ironic that anyone would be hostile to someone pointing out how in a comic they mutually follow that one of the characters in that comic could also be a woman at risk. 

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: brasca on 22 Oct 2017, 23:02
Well what Sam drew is certainly an improvement over what Faye would've drawn. 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: shanejayell on 22 Oct 2017, 23:03
"Eh. He probably misses my drawing penises on him..."
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 22 Oct 2017, 23:18
Everyone is unique and brings their own unique perspective and ideas to any endeavour. That's what I think is going to happen this week - Sam making Faye and Bubbles look at some things differently.

I really, really don't think that Sam could have done anything nicer for Punchbot than her little bit of art there. It's... well, it's him, down to the deepest level. Punchbot has a child-like simplicity and good cheer that never ceases to amaze me and, as I said last week, he and Sam are on the same level in so many ways.

One thing: "Fax me the invoice"? Does anyone still do that?

PS: With all the news these days about women being sexually exploited, I find it ironic that anyone would be hostile to someone pointing out how in a comic they mutually follow that one of the characters in that comic could also be a woman at risk. 

But that's not what you're doing, is it? Instead, your switching between condemning the character of Sam and then practically dancing in the street at the prospect of her inevitable upcoming rape. The way you choose to express yourself is... somewhat disturbing.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BLT with rings on 23 Oct 2017, 00:00
"But that's not what you're doing, is it? Instead, your switching between condemning the character of Sam and then practically dancing in the street at the prospect of her inevitable upcoming rape. The way you choose to express yourself is... somewhat disturbing."

With all respect, I think you've missed my point entirely. 

In no way do I see myself as dancing in the street, except out of concern for what next is going to happen to Sam if she keeps going on this trajectory.  I'm hoping to save her from her inevitable (most likely statutory) rape by teaching her values and limitations. 

No one should be permitted to be a brat into their teens. 

Yeah, haw haw, it's funny; but the potential consequences are far from being funny.   

I do not limit my argument to double XXs either.  I think XYs also need to be given discipline by the time they become sexually active.

Frankly, neither whether the immature brat is an XX or an XY is the issue. 

The issue is (no pun intended) what will become of the children, who have no say in the matter. 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Tova on 23 Oct 2017, 00:31
Well, I don't think that Sam's behaviour is as terrible as you seem to believe, personally.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: foolsguinea on 23 Oct 2017, 00:42
BLT with rings, are you new? Have you met Pintsize?

I can't say how ridiculous it is for a twelve-year-old girl to behave this way. I was a pretty odd kid myself.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Cornelius on 23 Oct 2017, 01:28
One thing: "Fax me the invoice"? Does anyone still do that?

Do not underestimate the accountants' ways; I've personally seen someone print an invoice, copy it, then fax it to their boss, who returns it, after signing it, by mail, only to scan it into the system again. While the system provides a neat little button 'send for approval'.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Sullivan on 23 Oct 2017, 01:30
Will Faye and Bubbles be able to repair the accident prone Punchbot?

"Yes, but how would you fix it?" - CorpseWitch
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Sullivan on 23 Oct 2017, 01:36

Also, a robot using a fax machine!

A sentient robot using a fax machine


Who am I kidding, I'm sure the same will eventually happen in our world, if we do get sentient AI

Somewhat related: It always bothered me to see Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor - who was (for those who don't know) a holographic projection created by AI software running in the ship's computer - sitting at his desk in Sickbay, using one of the computer consoles.

I mean, he is the computer! Or at least a part of it. Isn't that a horribly inefficient way for him to enter, say, notes on patient visits?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Case on 23 Oct 2017, 03:32
"But that's not what you're doing, is it? Instead, your switching between condemning the character of Sam and then practically dancing in the street at the prospect of her inevitable upcoming rape. The way you choose to express yourself is... somewhat disturbing."

With all respect, I think you've missed my point entirely. 

Oh, I don't think so. Methinks Ben knows the difference between "concern" and "concern trolling" and is enquiring about the sincerity of your concerns. No offence, but this is, after all, widely known to be a liberal forum. We do get the occasional 'conservative' anti-liberal 4chan-er.

Fun fact: We also have (a substantial minority of) actually conservative people. And the funny thing about them is that 'rape' ain't the second word out of their mouths, either. Surprising, but true ...

She'll be lucky if her first rapist is an 8th grader.  Unless someone teaches Sam some values, she'll likely have a succession of them.

Incidentally, what would those 'values' be that you'd want to teach to Sam?

Sam has clearly been taught to value self-reliance and a healthy amount of respect for authority (and a good dose of curiosity). With 'healthy' meaning: Not so much she'd let it over-ride her own (admittedly still puerile) judgement.

Incidentally, those are the very 'values' taught in self-defence courses, especially courses that focus on sexual harassment of women. Wonder why that is ... (maybe because traditionally education of female children teaches values like 'not talking back' and 'not putting themselves first'?)

I think XYs also need to be given discipline by the time they become sexually active.  Frankly, neither whether the immature brat is an XX or an XY is the issue. 

I'm wondering about what you mean by 'discipline'. I seriously hope you don't mean the type that is legally considered child abuse in my country.

So what you are saying is that Sam is not simply a farcically over exuberant 12 year old but rather an obviously mentally deficient 14 year old child?

I'd ask you to be careful how you use the words 'mentally' and 'deficient'. We have a fair share of folk here whose headmeats are rated non-standard according to various versions of the DSM, and 'mentally deficient' is one of standard labels applied to many of us by less-than-well-meaning folk with little grocking and even less fucks to give, ever since we were children.

P.S.: As someone who still lives with ADHD in their 40s (about a third of those who were diagnosed as children continue to have symptoms in adulthood), I especially don't appreciate the implicit association of 'hyperactivity' with 'mental deficiency'. Something to do with my having to wave my goddamn' doctorate around to prove that people like me are not 'mentally deficient', I guess.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 23 Oct 2017, 03:43
Sam's fourteen (, not twelve.

Does it really matter? Sam's character is wrapped around the concept of hyperactive kid who doesn't know what boundaries are. Its the same at 12 or 14.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 23 Oct 2017, 03:43

Also, a robot using a fax machine!

A sentient robot using a fax machine


Who am I kidding, I'm sure the same will eventually happen in our world, if we do get sentient AI

In some ways, it is interesting how the AIs and their human friends don't always view them as internet-connected devices but people who need appliances to communicate. I remember that Pintsize had to remind Marten that he is a sentient computer with an internet connection and, thus, Marten didn't need a laptop to prepare his music blog, He could plug Pintsize into a monitor and input devices and they could work on it together.

I think XYs also need to be given discipline by the time they become sexually active.  Frankly, neither whether the immature brat is an XX or an XY is the issue. 

I'm wondering about what you mean by 'discipline'. I seriously hope you don't mean the type that is legally considered child abuse in my country.

I have to say that it is the use of 'XX' and 'XY' that interests me; ZoeB has had a lot to say on the inadequacy of those (likely shortly to become obsolete) bioscience terms.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 23 Oct 2017, 03:49
When Punchbot said "Fax me the invoice", I half expected Bubbles to go "Screeeeeeeeech Done."

But yeah, there are people who still insist on fax machines. Lawyers, for one. Don't know any accountants except ones who work for the government, and government (at all levels) also still relies heavily on fax machines. Some professions don't like cutting-edge technology. They like the edges on their tech to be as dull as possible.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 23 Oct 2017, 04:45
Over the last few strips we've seen that Sam has the maturity of a three year old. 
She breaks into homes, enters bedrooms, puts on masks and wakes people by screaming in their faces.

I'm gonna take a guess here that you don't have kids.
A Twelve year old putting on a mask and trying to scare an authority figure is something one should EXPECT.
Going into a marital bedroom unannounced?... maybe not quite so much - but going into (what she classes as ) a FRIEND'S bedroom?

She is invited to a place of business and immediately tries to break business equipment and drive off potential customers.

She "*tries* to break equipment"...? Could you point me to the part where she actively TRIES to break equipment?
Or even where she "(tries...) to [drive] off potential customers?"

However, eventually that twelve year old is going to get a bit older and start being ...

So you're trolling!?

(Unless, of course, you can give three good reasons why musing on the potential (apparently multiple) rape of a young girl is suddenly the place you naturally go to when faced with cartoon strips?)

Ookay then.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Marco on 23 Oct 2017, 05:00
When Punchbot said "Fax me the invoice", I half expected Bubbles to go "Screeeeeeeeech Done."

But yeah, there are people who still insist on fax machines. Lawyers, for one. Don't know any accountants except ones who work for the government, and government (at all levels) also still relies heavily on fax machines. Some professions don't like cutting-edge technology. They like the edges on their tech to be as dull as possible.

Not sure if all accountants use fax machines nowadays, but I´m sure they keep them on a drawer, just in case...

About the current trend topic: looks like there is a need to discuss seeerious things in the forum. When the strips become plain silly for a while (let's remember QC started quite silly), some people tend to overthink. C'mon, folks, it's just comics! Let's not start a fight over it!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 23 Oct 2017, 05:41
But that's not what you're doing, is it? Instead, your switching between condemning the character of Sam and then practically dancing in the street at the prospect of her inevitable upcoming rape. The way you choose to express yourself is... somewhat disturbing.

That it is.  I made a report to the mods right before my previous post in this thread, and still contemplating emailing Jeph on the matter.  To say that such a line of thinking is squick territory is an understatement at a level beyond even  the British capacity for understatement.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Case on 23 Oct 2017, 05:44
About the current trend topic: looks like there is a need to discuss seeerious things in the forum. When the strips become plain silly for a while (let's remember QC started quite silly), some people tend to overthink. C'mon, folks, it's just comics! Let's not start a fight over it!

Your post seems to imply that you do not take comic discussions seriously ... ?


P.S.: Polo ...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 23 Oct 2017, 05:59
Moderator Comment As much as we shouldn't have to point this out, jokes about rape are not acceptable here. Nor is talking about the sexual activity of a teenager. Do not do this, at all.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 23 Oct 2017, 06:37


Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Marco on 23 Oct 2017, 06:43
Thank you very much, Moderator. This was reaching Youtube-comment level of agressivity. Now we can move on to more interesting topics, like how Sam got her haircut (yes, I take hairdos very seriously!)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 23 Oct 2017, 06:45
She stuck a bowl on her head and used clippers?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 23 Oct 2017, 06:50

Also, a robot using a fax machine!

A sentient robot using a fax machine


Who am I kidding, I'm sure the same will eventually happen in our world, if we do get sentient AI

Somewhat related: It always bothered me to see Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor - who was (for those who don't know) a holographic projection created by AI software running in the ship's computer - sitting at his desk in Sickbay, using one of the computer consoles.

I mean, he is the computer! Or at least a part of it. Isn't that a horribly inefficient way for him to enter, say, notes on patient visits?

Two things:
1. What kind of sapient being would want an unsecured remote connection that is designed to accept and store arbitrary data from any third party without comment or prior authorisation? Facsimile traffic is a security nightmare.

2. Good point about Voyager's EMH. Similarly, why does he have to walk over to the replicator to collect a hypospray or whatever? I get having real tools that other people can use and I get having an avatar to appear to manipulate them for the benefit of the patient's psyche, but there’s no reason he needs to reach over and grab stuff (much less have a nurse) in a room full of force field emitters and tractor beams under his direct control.
Now, it would make sense if he lost the ability to directly manipulate things when using his remote projector or when in the holodeck but at the beginning, when he’s “fully integrated into the sickbay systems”, he should be the technological equivalent of a telekinetic.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 23 Oct 2017, 06:53
Now we can move on to more interesting topics, like how Sam got her haircut (yes, I take hairdos very seriously!)

She went into the nearest barber and said: "Give me the Brienne Of Tarth look!" The Barber doesn't watch GoT and Sam is lucky she didn't end up with a pink mohawk!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Case on 23 Oct 2017, 07:02
Now we can move on to more interesting topics, like how Sam got her haircut?

( ( (
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: sitnspin on 23 Oct 2017, 07:46
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: jeph on 23 Oct 2017, 07:56
However, eventually that twelve year old is going to get a bit older and start being sexually aware.  Having the emotional development and values of a three year old is not going to do her any favors once that happens.  She'll be lucky if her first rapist is an 8th grader.  Unless someone teaches Sam some values, she'll likely have a succession of them.

what the fuck is wrong with you
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 23 Oct 2017, 08:03
I was going to say "A lot" but I've just noticed that they've been banned.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: tustin2121 on 23 Oct 2017, 08:14
Oh, crap. Jeph himself is here! O_o

...I'm glad that got resolved quickly. I was about to ask how a username with formatting in it is a legal username, but now I can guess what that means...

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: jwhouk on 23 Oct 2017, 08:24
Uh oh, Boss came down here. Kinda like Klaus von Wolfenbach.

As to fax machines: they do have that added feature of the time-date stamp to verify when the fax was sent. That's important in the medical/legal professions.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Cornelius on 23 Oct 2017, 08:32
When Punchbot said "Fax me the invoice", I half expected Bubbles to go "Screeeeeeeeech Done."

But yeah, there are people who still insist on fax machines. Lawyers, for one. Don't know any accountants except ones who work for the government, and government (at all levels) also still relies heavily on fax machines. Some professions don't like cutting-edge technology. They like the edges on their tech to be as dull as possible.

That's my line of work, and seriously, some of the procedures actually do date back to 1830...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Shjade on 23 Oct 2017, 11:17
I was going to say "A lot" but I've just noticed that they've been banned.

Literally my forum visit today:
*sees thread about unfamiliar name being banned* "Huh, wonder what that was about. Oh well, probably nothing I'd know about."
*checks this thread* "Oh hey it's that name...oh. Ooooh. Wow. WOW. Okay then. Jesus."

On a lighter note: Sam really brightened Punchbot's day! I wonder if she'll become something of a shop mascot for morale support. Goodness knows with Faye and Bubbles as the proprietors they could use a little more, um...optimistic energy? around the place.


Eh, maybe not. She brings a little too much energy for a recovery/repair atmosphere.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: traroth on 23 Oct 2017, 12:58
I'm happy to see the strange person has been dealed with.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 23 Oct 2017, 13:54
I'm happy to see the strange person has been dealed with.
I think he was on here twice - the first several weeks ago and then this last round.  Both times he de-lurked to rant about how a character needs to learn some discipline.  My inner armchair psychologist is having a field day with words like "projection" and "transference" dancing like sugarplums in my head.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Thrudd on 23 Oct 2017, 15:42
Those aren't sugar plums - more like past their ripeness date prune plums. The mildew could be mistaken for sugar at a distance.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Tova on 23 Oct 2017, 16:08
I'm happy to see the strange person has been dealed with.
I think he was on here twice - the first several weeks ago and then this last round.  Both times he de-lurked to rant about how a character needs to learn some discipline.  My inner armchair psychologist is having a field day with words like "projection" and "transference" dancing like sugarplums in my head.

I had precisely the same reaction. I'm glad others dealt with him (I particularly appreciated Case's considered response) before I lost the ability to remain polite. MON DIEU!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: blt on 23 Oct 2017, 16:11
I feel ashamed that I shared a screen name with that weirdo...

On the topic of fax machines, I heard a piece on the radio recently that their continued use by doctors is becoming an issue.  But change is hard because they offer some level of security, and all the equivalents aren't as universally accepted.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Case on 23 Oct 2017, 17:01
Uh oh, Boss came down here. Kinda like Klaus von Wolfenbach.

Personally, I was rather thinking of 'Orbital Railgun Justice' (, but I'll admit that lacks a Girl Genius reference or two.

Chapeau!  :-D
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: jwhouk on 23 Oct 2017, 17:13
For those of you wondering, he likely violated Wheaton's Law - something near and dear to Our Boss.

"Don't be a dick."
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 23 Oct 2017, 17:19
I love the expressions in this strip.
Expressive faces are expressive!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 23 Oct 2017, 17:33

Just got done browsing the first page of this thread. Thanks for givng that turd sandwich the boot.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 23 Oct 2017, 18:16
Oh, new comic. Quick Bubbles, distract her with something shiny!

Yeah, Sam would definitely be one of those kids I would have attempted to distract by jangling keys or using a reflection off my watch or pointing to something in the distance and running away while they looked away...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: SotFX on 23 Oct 2017, 19:27
I feel ashamed that I shared a screen name with that weirdo...

On the topic of fax machines, I heard a piece on the radio recently that their continued use by doctors is becoming an issue.  But change is hard because they offer some level of security, and all the equivalents aren't as universally accepted.
There's a few doctors that are essentially shifting to a modified printer/scanner combo that functions basically the same, but stores backup copies as files.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 23 Oct 2017, 20:38
For those of you wondering, he likely violated Wheaton's Law - something near and dear to Our Boss.

"Don't be a dick."

In this case there'd be a bit more precision in "don't be creepy".
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: N_Zephyr on 23 Oct 2017, 20:49
On the topic of fax machines, I heard a piece on the radio recently that their continued use by doctors is becoming an issue.  But change is hard because they offer some level of security, and all the equivalents aren't as universally accepted.

I (currently) work in the IT Dept for a Healthcare company. Faxes aren't always all that secure. In fact, if our Sysadmins are to be believed, they're actually a pretty decent security risk, as that's another connection/line that needs security and monitoring. Larger companies have even more issues.

Our department hates faxes with a passion, that much I can tell you. The Doctors don't switch primarily because 1) other companies still use them and 2) in my personal experience, doctors are extremely resistent to change, especially when they're the stockholders like in our company.

But, to be on topic, Sam's behavior isn't really all that unusual for someone at 14. Undesired, perhaps. A little on the extreme side, certainly, at least sometimes. But I still remember what my friends (and enemies) in middle and high school were like. It wasn't all that off from how Sam generally acts.

I'm more worried about Punchbot. He didn't just lose his arm; a good chunk of his side was completely torn off, the inside exposed. There's so many ways being prone to this sort of thing could be a problem, even for an AI/Robot.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 23 Oct 2017, 21:09
*pats Bubbles' shoulder sympathetically*

It happened to me too when I mentioned that I knew how to spot and handle snapping turtles to my cousin's kids.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 23 Oct 2017, 21:22
But, to be on topic, Sam's behavior isn't really all that unusual for someone at 14. Undesired, perhaps. A little on the extreme side, certainly, at least sometimes. But I still remember what my friends (and enemies) in middle and high school were like. It wasn't all that off from how Sam generally acts.

Hells, I'm surprised that I even survived my teenage years.  Sam *does* remind me of people I know with pretty serious ADHD, and in real life, is one of those sorts of people I could probably handle in small doses, lest I go mad.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 23 Oct 2017, 21:34
What was that thing that Bubbles just squished?  At first I thought Sam was annoying her enough to crush an inanimate object, but it looks like she was just compacting it for the recycle bin.

And hurry up and discover boys, Sam.  That's where all that energy's supposed to be going.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 23 Oct 2017, 22:07
REALLY bad timing for that last line there.  Hopefully Sam will find *some* way to channel that enthusiasm in a manner that is interesting/useful.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Nepiophage on 23 Oct 2017, 22:30
What was that thing that Bubbles just squished?  At first I thought Sam was annoying her enough to crush an inanimate object, but it looks like she was just compacting it for the recycle bin.
Part of Punchbot’s shoulder joint. First panel of
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 23 Oct 2017, 23:17
I'm getting the impression that Bubbles doesn't like Sam. It's just the impression I get from panel 5 - that she's regretting giving Sam a reason to want to associate with her in the future. I'm not sure if it's personal (Sam's simple force of personality and hyperkinetic nature isn't for everyone; she put off Veronica at one time, IIRC) or if she just doesn't like kids in general. However, we've also learned of a chink in her armour: She doesn't like letting people think that there is anything that she can't do!

Now, can someone please tell me what that poor engine piston did to Bubbles that it should suffer such a grizzly death in panel 2? I'm guessing that she and Faye have a couple of crates of scrap that she's trying to recycle into raw materials.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: brasca on 23 Oct 2017, 23:36
Dislike is a bit strong.  I think Bubbles might be wary of her since it was a bunch of teens that caused a minor breakdown.  They can be the worst, but Sam isn't one of them. 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: oeoek on 24 Oct 2017, 00:58
Sam's state of mind is known as 'youthful enthusiasm'. It is not something wrong. Its the starting point for Nobel prices and gold medals. And it's the task of the tribe -every non-young person around- to be the helmet/safety net/soft floor mat.

Bubbles is not too sure about her ability to be a soft floor mat, that is her worry in the last frame.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: traroth on 24 Oct 2017, 02:40
Oh, new comic. Quick Bubbles, distract her with something shiny!

Yeah, Sam would definitely be one of those kids I would have attempted to distract by jangling keys or using a reflection off my watch or pointing to something in the distance and running away while they looked away...

A kid actually interested by stuff you show them, and not by their smartphone? How better could they come? Enthusiasm is not a flaw.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Technoir on 24 Oct 2017, 04:59
However, eventually that twelve year old is going to get a bit older and start being sexually aware.  Having the emotional development and values of a three year old is not going to do her any favors once that happens.  She'll be lucky if her first rapist is an 8th grader.  Unless someone teaches Sam some values, she'll likely have a succession of them.

what the fuck is wrong with you

You know "YOU DONE MESSED UP, A-A-RON!" when The Man, himself, drops in to regulate.  Welcome JJ, and thanks for relieving us of that twatwaffle.

oh, and thanks for finally revealing Sam's shirt design. When can we expect that in the merch store? :D
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Technoir on 24 Oct 2017, 05:01
I was going to say "A lot" but I've just noticed that they've been banned.

Literally my forum visit today:
*sees thread about unfamiliar name being banned* "Huh, wonder what that was about. Oh well, probably nothing I'd know about."
*checks this thread* "Oh hey it's that name...oh. Ooooh. Wow. WOW. Okay then. Jesus."

On a lighter note: Sam really brightened Punchbot's day! I wonder if she'll become something of a shop mascot for morale support. Goodness knows with Faye and Bubbles as the proprietors they could use a little more, um...optimistic energy? around the place.


Eh, maybe not. She brings a little too much energy for a recovery/repair atmosphere.

Sam does seem to have a keen interest in robotics and robot-wearable art.  Perhaps we'll see her apprenticing at the Robot Repair shop.  Faye could use a little responsibility upping, and Bubs is there to try and keep both of them from going off the rails into wackadoodlery and tomfoolery.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: pwhodges on 24 Oct 2017, 06:17
I made a report to the mods right before my previous post in this thread, and still contemplating emailing Jeph on the matter.

Jeph also gets the report messages, though he usually leaves them to us (not this time, though).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JimC on 24 Oct 2017, 07:17
Bubbles is not too sure about her ability to be a soft floor mat, that is her worry in the last frame.
Mmm, there's a whole load of implied and effective responsibilities that go with having an early teens adolescent round the place, and some folks do find it worrying. And in Bubbles case she's never been an adolescent human herself, so most likely way way out of any comfort zone. We shouldn't forget, too, that Bubbles has not had much time in comfort zones lately.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Rincewind on 24 Oct 2017, 10:40
Bubbles might not be comfortable accompanying a young human to a potentially hazardous situation.  Might bring back memories from what happened to her squad-mates.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 24 Oct 2017, 11:37
Welcome N_Zephyr!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Penquin47 on 24 Oct 2017, 21:03
Sam, robo-tattoo artist.  Wonder what Jim will think of her new career? :D
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 24 Oct 2017, 23:18
Well, we all wondered what particular talent Sam would bring to Union Robotics and now we know: Some synthetics are into hull inking and Sam is the hand and eye that is setting the trend without knowing it! I'm wondering if, in a later strip, Punchbot will thank Sam for making him a trend-setter for the first time in his life! :-D

I can't help now but find myself wondering who Greybot is. I mean, the team at the chassis shop said they had a style for every personality but I just wonder what he does in his 'everyday' life.

Finally: Bubbles expression is somehow worth 1,000 words today. I've got the feeling that she's felt the rip-tide of social trends about to sweep away her assumptions about reality and she really doesn't know what she thinks about that!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: brasca on 24 Oct 2017, 23:25
Wonder if May is going to be jealous if they were to hire Sam to do chassis tattoos.  Union Robotics doesn't have a lot of extra money, but if they start coming because of her artwork then she'd be worth the expense in a way that May's dancing routine would not. 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: lawoot on 24 Oct 2017, 23:49
Looks like the New Yorker has the seen the future of the QC Universe... (
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Akima on 25 Oct 2017, 01:58
As with the holo-doctor, why does one of those robots use a tablet? I think the most egregious examples are the cyborgs and androids from Ghost in the Shell that interface with computers through keyboards like this (

So... robo-hipsters are a thing. I suppose it was inevitable.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 25 Oct 2017, 02:16

No - YOU'RE spending too much time looking at frame two of Faye leaning on the cattle truck....!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TinPenguin on 25 Oct 2017, 03:11
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: sitnspin on 25 Oct 2017, 03:13
As with the holo-doctor, why does one of those robots use a tablet? I think the most egregious examples are the cyborgs and androids from Ghost in the Shell that interface with computers through keyboards like this (
I assumed the point of the manual interface in that scene was to avoid neurally interfacing with the entity that could hack minds.

I think the better question is why is that one robot drinking coffee?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 25 Oct 2017, 03:14
I think the better question is why is that one robot drinking coffee?

He's not sniffing coffee, he's visiting Unicorn Valley with a take-out tea!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: sitnspin on 25 Oct 2017, 03:18
I think the better question is why is that one robot drinking coffee?

He's not sniffing coffee, he's visiting Unicorn Valley with a take-out tea!

Walking around in public while tripping balls is a very bad idea.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 25 Oct 2017, 03:22
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?

My initial response to this was. No, I meant cattle truck!
(For such things were called that in the one place I ever worked that used them)

You can imagine my surprise when I went a did a quick Google and found out that (seemingly) almost NOWHERE else uses that term!

(And yet I am SURE I've seen a comic... I wanna say The Freak Brothers?... where the term cattle truck was also used and they had a cow on the *insert one of the millions of names these things actually are known by*)

I had to look for it.. And I found it !

Now - the more astute amongst you will notice it says HAND TRUCK (although the font looks different and not as well spaced) NOT Cattle Truck!

So - I am now left wondering if I have made ALL of the above up over the last, what, 30-ish years? (I am CERTAIN that term was used in the textile mill... maybe it WAS just me!?!?!?)

And it's taken a web comic to show that!

(I must now go into my loft and find my old Freak Brothers comics and see if the original print did say "Cattle Truck" cos.. you know... that would have been the wordplay joke! Dammit!)


(I LOVE the "Warren Commission" joke!)  :)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 25 Oct 2017, 03:31
I can't help now but find myself wondering who Greybot is.

Punkbot. His name is Punkbot. [/headcanon]

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JimC on 25 Oct 2017, 03:45
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?
sack barrow in (at least SE)  brit.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Marco on 25 Oct 2017, 03:52
Maybe Geybot/Punkbot is the drummer in a band. We may even see him soon in a story arc related to Deathmole. Assuming Deathmole still exists...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 25 Oct 2017, 03:59
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?
sack barrow in (at least SE)  brit.

Sack-Ville Barrows in The Shire.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: dutchrvl on 25 Oct 2017, 05:30
I can't help now but find myself wondering who Greybot is.

Punkbot. His name is Punkbot. [/headcanon]


Ha, the 'tin can with a shitty attitude' is back! See also comics 3576-3578 :)

I like him, he (she?) seems nice
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 25 Oct 2017, 06:29
As with the holo-doctor, why does one of those robots use a tablet? I think the most egregious examples are the cyborgs and androids from Ghost in the Shell that interface with computers through keyboards like this (
I assumed the point of the manual interface in that scene was to avoid neurally interfacing with the entity that could hack minds.

Well not everybody in the GITS universe is a cyborg. Neural Interfaces seem fairly common but are no means universal. And risky given that the threat of neural hacking and ghost diving existed before the Puppeteer. So a modification that could still work with a standard keyboard but operate much faster than human hands could would be useful in a variety of situations. Especially since they fold up into ordinary seeming hands when not in use.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Michael Chandra on 25 Oct 2017, 06:49


I am having a hard time not bursting out laughing and my coworkers are nearby so I now have to label your posts nsfw.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: kallibean on 25 Oct 2017, 07:30
Since when is drawing on someone with a permanent texta a tattoo, anyway?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 25 Oct 2017, 07:32
Since that someone had metal or plastic skin and traditional tattoo tools would thus be useless.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 25 Oct 2017, 07:47
We do stretch words out of their original meanings into analogous roles.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 25 Oct 2017, 08:29
Since when is drawing on someone with a permanent texta a tattoo, anyway?

It's NOT a tattoo...

"It's a SPRAY, duuuuude!"

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: tustin2121 on 25 Oct 2017, 08:54
The first thoughts that popped to mind when I read this: Are they going to charge for Sam's work? Is that ethical? They'd have to make up a price on the spot? They'd have to pay Sam then, right? It'd be under the table, because she's only 14. Is Sam going to then work more for them? What about school? Do they offer "Spray Times", which avoid school hours then? "It's Tagging Weekend! Our local artist is here to spray your chassis!" Maybe it could be more than just Sam? Maybe they could set up a venue for local spray artists? What would Sam think about her work being sold? What would Sam think about other artists potentially taking over her spot in spraying other robots?

Now I'm the one over thinking this comic...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: ysth on 25 Oct 2017, 08:58
I forsee legal trouble.  An underage worker?  Plus, anti AI-discrimination laws probably mean sprays are subject to the same health dept regulations as tats.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Dave H on 25 Oct 2017, 09:11
Now I'm the one over thinking this comic...

I'd think Jeph would be flattered. He's built a world that keeps us engaged even when we're not reading the comic.

If it was my shop, I'd talk to Sam and her father first and make sure he's okay with her performing work like that as well as setting hours and other rules. Then I'd suggest Sam work independently of the shop's business, setting her own rates and just paying Union Robotics a bit for space and materials. (Kind of like some beauty salons do - they rent chairs to freelance stylists.) UR gets a boost in traffic for having her on-site but isn't actually her employer so they don't need to deal with all that messy paperwork.

(Notice how I conveniently avoided addressing things like child labor laws and liability insurance. Buzzkills like that have no place in a comic strip.)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Y on 25 Oct 2017, 09:35
It probably only counts as child labor if she's getting paid for it.

I remember in high school we had to work somewhere as unpaid internship for a few weeks. I ended up working in a computer shop with someone thinking I would have to assemble computers. Except they let us clean the shop for 2 days until we got reassigned to another workplace.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Mr. Doctor on 25 Oct 2017, 12:13
Mohawk-robo made an interesting comment regarding authenticity. You'd think another robot would make some excellent sprays/tattoos bearing in mind their abilities (like perfect precision and so on). I'm probably overthinking it but I find it endearing that he wants that error on his body, understanding the beauty of more organic, human art. It could be a subconscious desire to look more like humans with all our faults.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: skatecyclelee on 25 Oct 2017, 13:22
I forsee legal trouble.  An underage worker?  Plus, anti AI-discrimination laws probably mean sprays are subject to the same health dept regulations as tats.

I would think it would depend of a spray is considered on the same level as a tattoo or not. I would guess they are more akin to face paint in that they are temporary and only last as long as you want them to. Unless the marker does stain their skin more permanently then it does a human's skin. 

I might guess something like engraving would be more like a tattoo.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Akima on 25 Oct 2017, 14:57
Punkbot. His name is Punkbot. [/headcanon]

I am having a hard time not bursting out laughing and my coworkers are nearby so I now have to label your posts nsfw.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: swapna on 25 Oct 2017, 14:59
The first thoughts that popped to mind when I read this: Are they going to charge for Sam's work? Is that ethical? They'd have to make up a price on the spot? They'd have to pay Sam then, right? It'd be under the table, because she's only 14. Is Sam going to then work more for them? What about school? Do they offer "Spray Times", which avoid school hours then? "It's Tagging Weekend! Our local artist is here to spray your chassis!" Maybe it could be more than just Sam? Maybe they could set up a venue for local spray artists? What would Sam think about her work being sold? What would Sam think about other artists potentially taking over her spot in spraying other robots?

Now I'm the one over thinking this comic...

I'm just going to assume that this Spray is either free (Punchbots was, presumably, since he didn't ask for it), or the ladies are just going to give Sam the money under the table. For future Sprays: I think if it's gonna be any more than "Sam does it whenever she's in the mood and around", Faye's going to take over. She is a pretty good artist - she studied art in college, and while she mostly does metal and welding, she would still need to be good at sketching/drawing. (and we know she is, since she managed to draw herself topless at the bottom of a coffee cup, and it was so good/accurate/sexy that Sven blushed when he saw it). They just didn't think of offering it.

On another note: Punkbot loves authentic mistakes in his spray - maybe because an AI can't make these mistakes, and it's perfectly the same every time they draw?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 25 Oct 2017, 15:13
Excellent Jeph!  I didn't even see that coming!  Invented slang is often strained, but "spray" is perfectly believable - I knew exactly what Punkbot was talking about right away.
Mohawk-robo made an interesting comment regarding authenticity. You'd think another robot would make some excellent sprays/tattoos bearing in mind their abilities (like perfect precision and so on). I'm probably overthinking it but I find it endearing that he wants that error on his body, understanding the beauty of more organic, human art. It could be a subconscious desire to look more like humans with all our faults.
Spot on.  It may even be fully conscious choice.   An AI artist would default to photo-realistic images, so work by a meat-artist would be more be seen as more desirable to express individuality. 

I wonder, is "spray" any aftermarket hull decoration, or does it mean exclusively work done by a human artist for an AI?  I think we'll soon find out.

It sounds like Sam's school is amenable to alternative educational experiences.  The UR shop may become her classroom for a few hours every week, and Punchy will certainly know how to get around child labor laws by socking funds away for Sam in something like MEFA ( in lieu of paying her.   And our Wild Child gets at artistic outlet.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Storel on 25 Oct 2017, 15:27

Also, a robot using a fax machine!

A sentient robot using a fax machine

For all we know, Punchbot may have a fax built into him, so that when he says "Fax me the invoice" he literally means "fax it to me", not "fax it to my standalone non-sentient fax machine". I mean, he's an accountant -- imagine how much time that could save him!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 25 Oct 2017, 15:35
Hmm.  I wonder if it was internal what the effects of a black fax would be on him.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Storel on 25 Oct 2017, 16:10
Hmm.  I wonder if it was internal what the effects of a black fax would be on him.

Hmm... You mean if it were completely internal and he could simply "see" in his mind whatever was faxed to him? Good question.

I was imagining that he has an output slot somewhere so the arriving fax would simply emerge from his body. As an accountant he probably has to have a hardcopy for his files, so that an auditor doesn't have to access Punchbot's own internal memory. Or perhaps he receives the fax and stores it in internal memory and then sends it to his wireless fax receiver/printer for output? Or, for security reasons, would he have to go back to his desk and plug a network cord into himself -- hidden behind one of his "ears", perhaps -- so he could output it more securely?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Shjade on 25 Oct 2017, 20:08
As with the holo-doctor, why does one of those robots use a tablet? I think the most egregious examples are the cyborgs and androids from Ghost in the Shell that interface with computers through keyboards like this (
I assumed the point of the manual interface in that scene was to avoid neurally interfacing with the entity that could hack minds.

Basically this. Directly connecting to a website would open you, yourself, up to all the potential threats that would otherwise only be directed at your mobile device if you decided it was more convenient to do it yourself all the time. Considering the list of potential threats in online spaces only seems to be growing over time, that sounds like taking unnecessary risks with potentially catastrophic consequences.

Security issues aside, I would think it's also good for compartmentalization: maybe you don't want to occupy your personal processing power with a given task, so leave that to your tablet/laptop/whatever while you focus on what's more important to you. I realize an AI would be capable of far broader and better multitasking than humans, but that doesn't mean they'd always WANT to be operating that way on everything they do.

And who knows, maybe the tactile interface satisfies a certain need in itself. A sense of anchoring in your own body in maintaining separation between the You that is walking down the street, navigating the web via tablet, and your far-flung consciousness navigating the greater world around you via increasingly networked connections throughout your society.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: DaiJB on 25 Oct 2017, 20:43
 :laugh: May is gonna be so pissed - a tweenage girl can get a job at the repair shop, but she herself can't offer them anything more useful than her incredible dancing skills...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 25 Oct 2017, 21:18
Sam knows the word 'ectothermic'! So she -reads- about snakes too.

How does Punkbot see what she's doodling?

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: dreed on 25 Oct 2017, 21:38
At first I thought Faye was a bit unfair taking a cut from Sam payment.

Assuming the guy tipped 20 percent Faye took 9 buck's for work Sam did at zero cost to the business.
And that's good exposure for the business.  Word of mouth.
Additionally it might arise to some child labour regulations breach.

But then again.  Good lesson for Sam.  About how business world operates.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Storel on 25 Oct 2017, 22:02
At first I thought Faye was a bit unfair taking a cut from Sam payment.

Assuming the guy tipped 20 percent Faye took 9 buck's for work Sam did at zero cost to the business.
And that's good exposure for the business.  Word of mouth.
Additionally it might arise to some child labour regulations breach.

But then again.  Good lesson for Sam.  About how business world operates.

Well, if it weren't for the repair shop, Sam would never have had any opportunity to do either of those sprays. So Sam owes them something.

Basically, it's like how hair stylists who can't afford to open their own shop rent a chair in an existing hair salon. They do the work, but they have to give the salon a cut because without the salon, they wouldn't have any work.

Also, I doubt Faye took any of the tip, because he gave the tip directly to Sam. So Faye only took five dollars out of the twenty.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Reaver on 25 Oct 2017, 22:07
Yeah, but it sounds like she didn't even get to keep her tip, AND the marker was already hers, so they basically charged for her standing in their garage, and took her tip :I

Salons do not take your tips.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Storel on 25 Oct 2017, 22:10
What makes you think they took her tip?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Akima on 25 Oct 2017, 22:33
It's hard to be sure. Punkbot pays $20 plus tip, though the size of the tip isn't specified. I have no idea what is customary with tattoo-artists, but let's say 10% for the sake of argument, so a total of $22. Next Faye is contemplating the money and offering Sam $15, so unless she's already slipped the tip to Sam separately off-camera, it does look as if she's just giving Sam $15 out of the $22 total (68%) and keeping 32% for the shop.

Jeph says: "Sam deserves a bigger cut IMHO", so I guess that is canon. ;)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 25 Oct 2017, 23:16
Okay, any doubts that were raised yesterday about Sam being 'exploited' are gone. She's savvy enough to realise that she's stumbled backwards onto a money-spinner and she's already thinking ahead to her future business prospects!

Meanwhile, Bubbles is realising that she may never understand the Teenage Mind! :wink:

P.S.: I love Faye's expression in panel 2. This is one of those panels when Jeph really lets the feelings of the characters shine though. You can see how much Faye loves Sam and how proud she is that she's growing up to be an artistic personality.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 25 Oct 2017, 23:17
No, I don't think Faye kept the tip. Punkbot specifically said the tip was for the artist. Taking the tip would be outright theft as well as an exceptionally crappy thing to do to a friend. And $15 plus tip is pretty good to doodle on someone's back with a sharpie. To be honest, it's probably a better deal that most tattoo artists get when they're working out of someone's shop. Space rental, utilities, advertising and insurance isn't cheap.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Storel on 25 Oct 2017, 23:18
It's hard to be sure. Punkbot pays $20 plus tip, though the size of the tip isn't specified. I have no idea what is customary with tattoo-artists, but let's say 10% for the sake of argument, so a total of $22. Next Faye is contemplating the money and offering Sam $15, so unless she's already slipped the tip to Sam separately off-camera, it does look as if she's just giving Sam $15 out of the $22 total (68%) and keeping 32% for the shop.

Hmm, you may be right. Initially I interpreted "Here's a little extra for the artist" as meaning he had already paid Faye and was just handing over the tip, but now I see he first says "You said twenty bucks, right?" Which means he hasn't paid Faye yet, because he wouldn't need to verify the price if he'd already paid. So maybe he did give Faye the $20+tip, and she gave $15 of that to Sam.

That still doesn't mean Faye kept the tip. If the tip was, say, $5, then Faye passed on the tip plus ten dollars from the twenty-dollar fee -- a 50/50 split, which doesn't seem unreasonable.

Edit: Also, I like Sam's "They're not tattoos, they're sprays. Learn the terminology." Yeah, Faye, jeez!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: oeoek on 26 Oct 2017, 00:41
Sam knows the word 'ectothermic'! So she -reads- about snakes too.

 Oh yes... take a look at her bookcase ( (I love these details).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 26 Oct 2017, 01:55
I was reading some old strips a few minutes ago, most notably 3162 ( and 3163 ( Then I also factored in the similar levels of sass as well as fascination with robot anatomy and metalwork and then, suddenly, it all became very, very clear to me. Jeph has been making it quite clear since Dora and Faye baby-sat her at Coffee of Doom several hundreds of strips ago: Sam is Faye's mini-me. The affection that Faye shows her is for a surrogate baby sister and you can see a lot of it in the current arc.

I can't help wonder if a lot of Bubbles annoyance and confusion is partly because she's having a hard time dealing with Faye Mk2 in a different chassis! :-D
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 26 Oct 2017, 02:21

Edit: Also, I like Sam's "They're not tattoos, they're sprays. Learn the terminology." Yeah, Faye, jeez!

I'm more impressed that this was all foreseen!


Since when is drawing on someone with a permanent texta a tattoo, anyway?

It's NOT a tattoo...

"It's a SPRAY, duuuuude!"


Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: sitnspin on 26 Oct 2017, 02:44
No, I don't think Faye kept the tip. Punkbot specifically said the tip was for the artist. Taking the tip would be outright theft as well as an exceptionally crappy thing to do to a friend. And $15 plus tip is pretty good to doodle on someone's back with a sharpie. To be honest, it's probably a better deal that most tattoo artists get when they're working out of someone's shop. Space rental, utilities, advertising and insurance isn't cheap.
When I was starting out, I pretty much worked for just tips.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: gopher on 26 Oct 2017, 04:25
At my Favourite local tattoo place the owner get's 50% of all fees, and none of the other artists think it is unfair. Mind you he does have a world wide rep, people fly from the US for a session with him.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 26 Oct 2017, 04:29
I'm not sure if this is correct but, according to some on the SubReddit yesterday, Sam is legally old enough to work in Massachusetts, so long as Union Robotics is a properly-registered place of work (and I can't see Punchbot having skimped on the paperwork). Because of ths, so long as Jim and/or his ex-wife agree, there is no reason why Sam cannot work after-school and possibly weekends, even if only on a by-commission basis.

Naturally, if she develops a rep amongst the local Synthetics as THE hull inker, the fact that she is only available for a dozen or so hours a week will make it harder to get an appointment and, naturally, that having a Genuine Sam Bean that much more a status symbol amongst the robo-hipsters. 8-)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Technoir on 26 Oct 2017, 05:09
Sam, robo-tattoo artist.  Wonder what Jim will think of her new career? :D

Skullmaster Sprays, Exclusively at Union Robotics!

"Friggin' sick!" ~ Greybot
"It IS much better!" ~ Punchbot

there's gotta be some sort of "Now! Weekly" style community paper or circular, catering to AI's, that they could advertise in...

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 26 Oct 2017, 05:25
They could put an ad in the Valley Advocate ( That ought to cover it. It's read by all hipsters, robotic or otherwise.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Dave H on 26 Oct 2017, 05:54
I can't help wonder if a lot of Bubbles annoyance and confusion is partly because she's having a hard time dealing with Faye Mk2 in a different chassis! ;D

I read Bubbles' expression as more confusion than annoyance. She's used to working with AIs and disciplined humans. And Faye, who might not be all that disciplined but who tries to not let her turmoil splash onto others too much.

Anyway, I'm sure Sam's personality is a new experience for Bubbles, and she's trying to figure out how to respond. Good thing she's developed a lot of restraint.

On another note - if a spray is a tattoo on a robot, would a temporary spray be a decal?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Technoir on 26 Oct 2017, 06:07
Sam, robo-tattoo artist.  Wonder what Jim will think of her new career? :D

Skullmaster Sprays, Exclusively at Union Robotics!

"Friggin' sick!" ~ Greybot
"It IS much better!" ~ Punchbot

there's gotta be some sort of "Now! Weekly" style community paper or circular, catering to AI's, that they could advertise in...

PS...... Jeph, another good T-shirt design there.  flying skullbird with "HECK"  above and "Friggin' sick!" underneath.   
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 26 Oct 2017, 06:24
I'm not sure if this is correct but, according to some on the SubReddit yesterday, Sam is legally old enough to work in Massachusetts, so long as Union Robotics is a properly-registered place of work (and I can't see Punchbot having skimped on the paperwork). Because of ths, so long as Jim and/or his ex-wife agree, there is no reason why Sam cannot work after-school and possibly weekends, even if only on a by-commission basis.

Naturally, if she develops a rep amongst the local Synthetics as THE hull inker, the fact that she is only available for a dozen or so hours a week will make it harder to get an appointment and, naturally, that having a Genuine Sam Bean that much more a status symbol amongst the robo-hipsters. 8-)

You do realise for that to work, Sam would need to have a great deal of maturity and attention, when currently it seems like Sam has the attention span of a ADHD rabbit that is stuck in a room full of shiny objects.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 26 Oct 2017, 06:29
I'm not sure if this is correct but, according to some on the SubReddit yesterday, Sam is legally old enough to work in Massachusetts, so long as Union Robotics is a properly-registered place of work (and I can't see Punchbot having skimped on the paperwork). Because of ths, so long as Jim and/or his ex-wife agree, there is no reason why Sam cannot work after-school and possibly weekends, even if only on a by-commission basis.

Naturally, if she develops a rep amongst the local Synthetics as THE hull inker, the fact that she is only available for a dozen or so hours a week will make it harder to get an appointment and, naturally, that having a Genuine Sam Bean that much more a status symbol amongst the robo-hipsters. 8-)

You do realise for that to work, Sam would need to have a great deal of maturity and attention, when currently it seems like Sam has the attention span of a ADHD rabbit that is stuck in a room full of shiny objects.

Hard cash has an almost UNCANNY ability to focus teens, though... :)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Technoir on 26 Oct 2017, 06:35
I'm not sure if this is correct but, according to some on the SubReddit yesterday, Sam is legally old enough to work in Massachusetts, so long as Union Robotics is a properly-registered place of work (and I can't see Punchbot having skimped on the paperwork). Because of ths, so long as Jim and/or his ex-wife agree, there is no reason why Sam cannot work after-school and possibly weekends, even if only on a by-commission basis.

Naturally, if she develops a rep amongst the local Synthetics as THE hull inker, the fact that she is only available for a dozen or so hours a week will make it harder to get an appointment and, naturally, that having a Genuine Sam Bean that much more a status symbol amongst the robo-hipsters. 8-)

You do realise for that to work, Sam would need to have a great deal of maturity and attention, when currently it seems like Sam has the attention span of a ADHD rabbit that is stuck in a room full of shiny objects.

Hard cash has an almost UNCANNY ability to focus teens, though... :)

True dat, yo.  My autistic nephew will talk your face off about whatever his obsession-of-the-week is, but if you offer to buy one of his creations just to shut him up, he instantly switches to business mogul mode.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: SotFX on 26 Oct 2017, 07:56
You know, I wonder if this is pretty much the temporary tattoo version of a spray. With the "real" thing being more of the things like the artwork airbrushed on vehicles and walls in our world.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 26 Oct 2017, 08:08
Depending on the goods or services produced and the facilities needed, 25% may not be a bad cut.

I would love to be able to take 50% of every invoice that gets paid out of Owner Equity (what I have invested in my business) and move it into Owner 2017 (my own personal pocket).  (No doubt Punchy has spent some time off camera explaining to Faye how this works.  Bubbles, being AI, would get it the first time through.)  For most small businesses it doesn't always work that way, though.

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Rincewind on 26 Oct 2017, 08:10
Artists doing airbrush work or pin-striping on vehicles can put a layer or two of "clear-coat" over it as protection.  Although, the more ephemeral nature of the sharpie-work might be part of the appeal to people living in a metal chassis. 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: hedgie on 26 Oct 2017, 12:22

Edit: Also, I like Sam's "They're not tattoos, they're sprays. Learn the terminology." Yeah, Faye, jeez!

I'm more impressed that this was all foreseen!


Well done.  I would have beaten you to it, but that would have involved cheating.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Agar on 26 Oct 2017, 13:41
Given Pintsize's reputation, I could see him doing "Sprays" as well. But Just as a trendy pop up and specializing in just drawing dicks. I don't know if he would be helping Faye in the shop or if he would be a rival shop, but either way it would be hilarious to have someone have the line: "That's the third call! Everyone keeps asking for a Pintsize dick!"
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: ChipNoir on 26 Oct 2017, 14:20
I'm not sure if this is correct but, according to some on the SubReddit yesterday, Sam is legally old enough to work in Massachusetts, so long as Union Robotics is a properly-registered place of work (and I can't see Punchbot having skimped on the paperwork). Because of ths, so long as Jim and/or his ex-wife agree, there is no reason why Sam cannot work after-school and possibly weekends, even if only on a by-commission basis.

Naturally, if she develops a rep amongst the local Synthetics as THE hull inker, the fact that she is only available for a dozen or so hours a week will make it harder to get an appointment and, naturally, that having a Genuine Sam Bean that much more a status symbol amongst the robo-hipsters. 8-)

You do realise for that to work, Sam would need to have a great deal of maturity and attention, when currently it seems like Sam has the attention span of a ADHD rabbit that is stuck in a room full of shiny objects.

Hard cash has an almost UNCANNY ability to focus teens, though... :)

It's also a matter if she has ADD, ADHD, or is simply extremely enthusiastic and energetic. Money does absolutely nothing for cases like mine.

The thing with ADD and ADHD is that we (I have ADD personally) actually can have some pretty extreme focus. The problem is that it absolutely has to have immediate and apparent rewards that we feel we can achieve. If we can (or are taught to) conceptualize the idea of a long term goal, we can spend an insane amount of time on one activity. It's called Hyperfocus, and it's the kinda shit that can lead kids into burying hours in WoW or building insanely large structures in Minecraft in survival mode.

Where we tend to run into trouble is when it's a project that isn't point A to Point B. If we don't see an end in sight, we kinda tend to get bored, and try to find something else to sate our need for novelty. That's why a lot of people with ADD and ADHD have a terrible time with school, since there's such long term goals and very little external reward for accomplishing good grades. An A on a paper doesn't mean very much to me, but a completed project does. I imagine for someone like Sam, if she does have this kinda of alternative learning style, completing an art project is the reward. If the project doesn't have a definitive end goal in sight, we'll fracture our attention, drifting from project to project in hopes of finding something that DOES sate our need for competition, and before we know it we have NOTHING done.

So Sam can probably excel at this new little side job, as long as she's allowed to do what she wants, and it all gets done in the same appointment. She would of course need guidance (And maybe medication) if she wants to become a serious artist and go after long term goals. It really is about the environment you're raised into and the skills you're taught to manage the different way of thinking. I'd be curious to see how she reacts to an AI that wants a specific commission that might not suit her tastes. If there's a learning opportunity, it'll be that one.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: comicalArchitect on 26 Oct 2017, 14:55
This has nothing to do with anything, but I just came up with the craziest theory. What if Spookybot hacked into Faye's toaster (we've seen the concept of AIs-as-toasters show up a million times) and burned down her apartment because it was important for some reason that she move in with Marten?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: ChipNoir on 26 Oct 2017, 14:58
This has nothing to do with anything, but I just came up with the craziest theory. What if Spookybot hacked into Faye's toaster (we've seen the concept of AIs-as-toasters show up a million times) and burned down her apartment because it was important for some reason that she move in with Marten?

*Brain shortcircuits*
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 26 Oct 2017, 16:54
"Always tip yer artist"

Now I want to see Punkbot showing off his new spray to his buddies.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 26 Oct 2017, 17:25
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?
sack barrow in (at least SE)  brit.
Also called a "dolly" in much of the Mid-West.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Rincewind on 26 Oct 2017, 20:06
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?
sack barrow in (at least SE)  brit.
Also called a "dolly" in much of the Mid-West.

Named after the First Lady Dolly Madison, who used one to rescue precious art works and such from the burning White House, back when the Canadians torched it.  (This probably isn't true.)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: zisraelsen on 26 Oct 2017, 21:32
"This power I feel... it is intoxicating."
"Bubbles, you're a 7-foot tall bulletproof war machine."
"Yes, but I did not command skulls until this moment."
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Mordhaus on 26 Oct 2017, 22:47
I figuratively died laughing. Bubbles joke and then Faye saying USURPER! was the funniest thing I have read in 2017. It reminds me of some old movie but I can't remember the name.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Wildroses on 26 Oct 2017, 22:55
Does anyone else find it very suspicious that Sam goes to a school that lets her not go if she's having personal development and life experience? Personally, I think she's racing to school to be picked up by a parent so they don't know she didn't go that day. Maybe she's going to get busted when Bubbles gives back the Skullmaster mask to her Dad via Marten. "It's from the day Sam spent at our robot repair shop... No, not a weekend, it was one of her personal development and life experience days...I'll just let myself quietly out while you are screaming at Sam..."
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 26 Oct 2017, 23:16
It isn't often but occasionally we see Bubbles's very fey sense of humour at work. I wonder how long she'd been calculating whether or not this little quip would work? That said, Sam's skull mask seems to have this effect on women. Remember when Dora spent an afternoon wearing it? She seemed to enjoy it! There may be a sense of personal power acquired from bearing the mantle of The Skullmaster!

On a side note, I'm wondering if Jeph's comment text, "!!!" is just letting us know what should have gone in the speech bubble at the end of Faye's cry of 'USURPER"?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 27 Oct 2017, 00:19
On the note of ADD & ADHD meds; 'along with therapy'. For any sort of psychological neurodivergence that can be treated with meds, therapy should also be part of the treatment. It helps us learn coping techniques for when we either forget or run out of meds.

I haven't had to take any meds for my ADD for 5 years thanks to those techniques. Unfortunately for some, this isn't really a long term option.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: traroth on 27 Oct 2017, 00:42
That was really unexpected!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 27 Oct 2017, 01:01
Whelp.. of any possible imagined scenarios... That wasn't one of mine.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: oeoek on 27 Oct 2017, 03:22
Somehow the proclamation 'I am the Skull Master' is slightly less worrying when done by a 14 yo girl. When a huge battle bot makes this claim, I might be inclined to take a step back before trying to make fun of it.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: MrNumbers on 27 Oct 2017, 03:30
Bubbles getting ready to bone down.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 27 Oct 2017, 03:35
So, what is everyone expecting for next week? I think that Jeph has wrapped this arc so we'll be seeing something new from Monday.

Somehow the proclamation 'I am the Skull Master' is slightly less worrying when done by a 14 yo girl. When a huge battle bot makes this claim, I might be inclined to take a step back before trying to make fun of it.

Unless said battle droid is your best friend and you know that she has a sassy sense of humour. Then you know that she's getting into the spirit of things.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TinPenguin on 27 Oct 2017, 04:09
The child was useful, but now Skull Master has at last found a worthy host. Let the world tremble.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Nycticoraci on 27 Oct 2017, 04:55
Again, I have to read bubbles' line in the voice of the great James Earl Jones.

For those (traitors) who don't know this voice by memory, think Darth Vader.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Technoir on 27 Oct 2017, 05:07
Absolutely BRILLIANT ending to the week, and a most excellent first panel. Nice use of perspective and motion.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: traroth on 27 Oct 2017, 05:09
Again, I have to read bubbles' line in the voice of the great James Earl Jones.

For those (traitors) who don't know this voice by memory, think Darth Vader.

The great Thulsa Doom!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: dutchrvl on 27 Oct 2017, 05:40
Again, I have to read bubbles' line in the voice of the great James Earl Jones.

For those (traitors) who don't know this voice by memory, think Darth Vader.

The great Thulsa Doom!

I love a good Conan reference on a Friday!

Today's comic was really the perfect way to end the week (+ the arc?), it made me laugh out loud. Very curious where Jeph will go back to now. Winslow perhaps?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: traroth on 27 Oct 2017, 06:40
Pintsize wanting a new body? That's coming soon, imo...

Or maybe PT410x, but that wouldn't be that much interesting.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Dave H on 27 Oct 2017, 06:47
Bubbles finally figured out how to deal with Sam's enthusiasm. "If you can't beat them, join them!"
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 27 Oct 2017, 06:49
In her own unique way, of course. "This is me playing a humorous quip. Please note my comedy voice."
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: shanejayell on 27 Oct 2017, 07:03
 :lol: :laugh:  That was nice.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 27 Oct 2017, 07:08
Does anyone else find it very suspicious that Sam goes to a school that lets her not go if she's having personal development and life experience? Personally, I think she's racing to school to be picked up by a parent so they don't know she didn't go that day. Maybe she's going to get busted when Bubbles gives back the Skullmaster mask to her Dad via Marten. "It's from the day Sam spent at our robot repair shop... No, not a weekend, it was one of her personal development and life experience days...I'll just let myself quietly out while you are screaming at Sam..."

A few notes on this: PVPA, the school Sam attends, is in South Hadley, 12 miles from downtown Northampton. So Sam isn't going to go sprinting back to it. She probably takes the bus in (there's a PVPA bus that stops in downtown Northampton.)

Also, if she did skip school then Jim ought to know about it. Most schools these days notify the parents if their kid doesn't show up - on days my son is out sick I tend to get a robo-call about 10 AM informing me that he's not at school. (Even if I've already called the school to tell them he wouldn't be in.)

And while I don't know much about PVPA's attendance policies.... yeah, I'm not buying Sam's explanation. A progressive school might allow it with parental approval for a specific educational purpose. But just letting a kid cut out of school whenever they feel like it probably violates the law and certainly opens up a legal can of worms if anything happens to the kid when they are supposed to be at school.

Meanwhile, in other news, Bubbles now has her Halloween costume.  :-D
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 27 Oct 2017, 08:13

Just dropping back into this one to say, I am truly disappointed in Faye actually speaking the word "Welp"....

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: tustin2121 on 27 Oct 2017, 08:29

Just dropping back into this one to say, I am truly disappointed in Faye actually speaking the word "Welp"....


She said "howdy" and "whaddaya" two strips ago. I'd imagine those would be the more egregious examples to cry over if you cared enough to cry over her character development laxing language use...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 27 Oct 2017, 08:43
Does anyone else find it very suspicious that Sam goes to a school that lets her not go if she's having personal development and life experience? Personally, I think she's racing to school to be picked up by a parent so they don't know she didn't go that day. Maybe she's going to get busted when Bubbles gives back the Skullmaster mask to her Dad via Marten. "It's from the day Sam spent at our robot repair shop... No, not a weekend, it was one of her personal development and life experience days...I'll just let myself quietly out while you are screaming at Sam..."

A few notes on this: PVPA, the school Sam attends, is in South Hadley, 12 miles from downtown Northampton. So Sam isn't going to go sprinting back to it. She probably takes the bus in (there's a PVPA bus that stops in downtown Northampton.)

Also, if she did skip school then Jim ought to know about it. Most schools these days notify the parents if their kid doesn't show up - on days my son is out sick I tend to get a robo-call about 10 AM informing me that he's not at school. (Even if I've already called the school to tell them he wouldn't be in.)

And while I don't know much about PVPA's attendance policies.... yeah, I'm not buying Sam's explanation. A progressive school might allow it with parental approval for a specific educational purpose. But just letting a kid cut out of school whenever they feel like it probably violates the law and certainly opens up a legal can of worms if anything happens to the kid when they are supposed to be at school.

Meanwhile, in other news, Bubbles now has her Halloween costume.  :-D

Alternatively, its Saturday and as new small business owners Faye and Bubbles can't afford to take the weekends off completely.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: ChipNoir on 27 Oct 2017, 09:02
The most obvious thing is that there's 0 permission slip going on here. I've done career-day type situations, and every single time, I needed paperwork: The place in question was contacted to make sure they were okay with it, and they had to sign that I spent the entire time in the company of adults.

Sam is very much in trouble here. But I can see her dad turning this into a good thing: If running off is a bad habit of Sam, Jim can either

A. Hold this over her head: If she ever runs away again, she's not allowed to visit the shop again.
B. Make her work for Fey/Bubbles as 'punishment'. As soon as this becomes work rather than play, Sam's gonna balk and try and avoid it, but at the same time, she's going to want to be around Fey . This is a pretty effective way to teach her responsibility, and how to commit to a long term goal and sense of responsibility and organization. It would also be a good way to mature Fey and Bubbles in their own ways, having the little monster under their wing on a regular schedule. So everyone wings: Jim has some much needed leverage, as well as knowing there's someone outside the home to keep an eye on Sam, Sam gets a bit of consistency and structure, and learns a really useful trade, and Fey/Bubbles both get to mature a little, and bond over looking over an adolescent.

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 27 Oct 2017, 09:22
Alternatively, its Saturday and as new small business owners Faye and Bubbles can't afford to take the weekends off completely.

No, it's definitely a weekday.

Or are you going to argue with Bubbles? (
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 27 Oct 2017, 09:33
......Saturday is a day of the week.....

Hey, look over there! A distraction!
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Oct 2017, 09:51
Perhaps there can be only one Skullmaster.

Sam and Bubbles then have to fight for the honor?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 27 Oct 2017, 09:56
Hmmm, combat AI in a military grade chassis with strength and stamina beyond that of an ordinary human....


A tweenage girl.

Well, the anime and manga industry tells us that Sam is going to win after a long and drawn out battle that spans over 100 chapters.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 27 Oct 2017, 10:37
Hmmm, combat AI in a military grade chassis with strength and stamina beyond that of an ordinary human....


A tweenage girl.

Well, the anime and manga industry tells us that Sam is going to win after a long and drawn out battle that spans over 100 chapters.

Or almost immediately after she realises she only has to call on the power of 'true love'. :-P
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 27 Oct 2017, 10:50
It is well within Bubbles's abilities to fashion herself a Skullmaster head.  And it is almost Halloween.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Akima on 27 Oct 2017, 15:53
Sam's Skullmaster head/mask probably wouldn't fit Bubbles anyway. It might stretch, of course, if it were made of rubber, but then it would look all distorted.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: zioninavision on 27 Oct 2017, 17:27
There are many tidbits from Jeph today that maybe will be discussed in next week's thread!  This is just one of them and feels pertinent to this week too. :)

Vampire, Weakened‏ @jephjacques 8h8 hours ago

It finally happened, I finally had to make a spreadsheet to keep track of my cast.
TBH it was smaller than I thought. Which still means 33 characters I’d consider “significant,” of which I consider 13 to be basically retired or absent, with several more effectively so

It reminds me about Angus; i do wonder about his eventual return/visit! 
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Thrudd on 27 Oct 2017, 18:50
Cattle truck? You mean the sack-trolley?
sack barrow in (at least SE)  brit.
Also called a "dolly" in much of the Mid-West.
Named after the First Lady Dolly Madison, who used one to rescue precious art works and such from the burning White House, back when the Canadians torched it.  (This probably isn't true.)
Nah, the white house only got smoke damage since it was up on a hill downwind of the burning capitol.
Mind you fair is fair since they burnned down Canada's Capitol when they invaded earlier that year. Just glad we didn't keep Detriot. Imagine the mess that would have been latter on.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: shanejayell on 27 Oct 2017, 20:34
I DO suspect Sam is truant, which may be followed up.

*imagines her Dad talking to Veronica about it*

"I'm really impressed about how well you did with Marten. Any suggestions?"

Veronica remembers toddler Marten getting into her sex toy collection.

"I don't think my parenting style would work here..."
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 27 Oct 2017, 23:45
It reminds me about Angus; i do wonder about his eventual return/visit!

I'm certain that Angus is either on the 'retired' list or isn't on the list at all.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 28 Oct 2017, 10:09
I'm certain that Angus is either on the 'retired' list or isn't on the list at all.
He's still on the cast page (, all of whom appear to be, with the exception of an allosaurus snack, eligible for resurrection.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 28 Oct 2017, 11:24
Results from the poll!

More hijinks from Sam and inadvertently gets in the way.- 16 (45.7%)
Punchbot falls to pieces over the repairs.- 0 (0%)
Pintsize arrives for his weekly defrosting.- 3 (8.6%)
Jeph moves onto a different storyline.- 5 (14.3%)
Steve and Cosette eat a new type of cereal.- 7 (20%)
Something something humorous and witty comment.- 4 (11.4%)

Well, Sam did inadvertently open up a new line of business for Union we were half right...
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 30 Oct 2017, 05:25

Just dropping back into this one to say, I am truly disappointed in Faye actually speaking the word "Welp"....


She said "howdy" and "whaddaya" two strips ago. I'd imagine those would be the more egregious examples to cry over if you cared enough to cry over her character development laxing language use...

Howdy is a perfectly cromulent word as and of itself.
Whaddaya is simple contraction and portmanteau-ing. (Much as "Howdy" is)

Welp is anathema.
It's the equivalent of actually saying "lol"
In fact, it's worse, as there is no basis for "welp" to exist - lol is at least functional as an acronym.

As far as "Character Development" goes... That's why I'm crying.
For Faye, it's a step backwards.
It's akin to *hipster-dom* - latching on to a meme which I have found ludicrous from day one.
(Had it been Marigold, I would have understood the usage, 'in context' as it were, but still disliked it!  :)  )

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 30 Oct 2017, 05:35
It might surprise you to learn that "welp" is over 70 years old, have been used as a synonym for the interjection "Well". But it first came up in a scholarly article from 1946, "Thoughts on 'Yep' and 'Nope'" (, by Dwight Bolinger.

Welp is a word we've been using for decades, even if we're not actually hearing it as we're spelling it. Its only with the rise of social media that we're seeing more usage of it.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 30 Oct 2017, 05:38
It might surprise you to learn that "welp" is over 70 years old, have been used as a synonym for the interjection "Well". But it first came up in a scholarly article from 1946, "Thoughts on 'Yep' and 'Nope'" (, by Dwight Bolinger.

Welp is a word we've been using for decades, even if we're not actually hearing it as we're spelling it. Its only with the rise of social media that we're seeing more usage of it.

Is this an American thing?

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 30 Oct 2017, 05:39
No, its a language thing, as they are wont to do.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 30 Oct 2017, 05:53
No, its a language thing, as they are wont to do.

Okay then, let's be pedants...
Allow me to rephrase.

Is this an 'American Language' thing?
"Welp" is not in any dictionary I own...
(Actually.. I do have a MASSIVE 'Websters' in my loft... so that last sentence might not be entirely correct.)

(Although... Miriam-Webster online does NOT contain "welp"...

Ahh... the link..
"Dwight L. Bolinger  - American Speech"

So, 'Yep'... seems it IS an American thing.
The entire premise for the "unfinished p" certainly does not occur in Scottish speech.
(Considering that Scots *Yes* is AYE which hardly lends itself to a 'unfinished' plosive of any kind.)
I also doubt is gets much shrift in 'Classic' English as sibilants tend to be well pronounced - again, no P at the end of yes.

Far be it for me to cast nasturtiums on an entire country's mode of speech.. but it reads like an excuse for lazily slurring one's words than anything else.
An "unfinished p" because one closes one's mouth at the end of a word???
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 30 Oct 2017, 05:56
Well if you want to be a pedant.
I meant that languages are constantly evolving.
But if you really want to read something, try this (
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Stoutfellow on 30 Oct 2017, 06:05
The entire premise for the "unfinished p" certainly does not occur in Scottish speech.
(Considering that Scots *Yes* is AYE which hardly lends itself to a 'unfinished' plosive of any kind.)

Heh. "Ayup" is often used as a marker of New England speech.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Thrudd on 30 Oct 2017, 07:16
And Eh finds it's roots in AYE but has blossomed and spread to cover all sorts of situational meanings.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Oct 2017, 07:23
Ay-up comes from the East Midlands or North-East of England; and I've said yep for ages. 

Welp, which I first saw in QC in fact, has recently become quite widespread.  Given the speed which things spread via the Internet these days, it is probably misleading to think of it as purely American now, though it may have originated there.  Welp is mentioned along with yep and nope in this article ( from 1946, so it's not as new as most people seem to be thinking.  It's also listed here (
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JoeCovenant on 30 Oct 2017, 07:36
Well if you want to be a pedant.
I meant that languages are constantly evolving.
But if you really want to read something, try this (

Like I said...
It's an American thing.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 30 Oct 2017, 17:32

Just dropping back into this one to say, I am truly disappointed in Faye actually speaking the word "Welp"....


She said "howdy" and "whaddaya" two strips ago. I'd imagine those would be the more egregious examples to cry over if you cared enough to cry over her character development laxing language use...

Phoenetic spelling of her Georgian accent.

BTW, howdy and ya'll are both words in the dictionary, even though both are shortened forms of phrases ('how do you do' and 'you all' respectively).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Dave H on 30 Oct 2017, 18:12
BTW, howdy and ya'll are both words in the dictionary, even though both are shortened forms of phrases ('how do you do' and 'you all' respectively).

I'm still trying to figure out where "you'uns" comes from. Where I grew up (Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio) it was the plural of "you," as in "Are you'uns coming over for supper this Sunday?"
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Tova on 30 Oct 2017, 18:45
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: cesium133 on 30 Oct 2017, 21:45
BTW, howdy and ya'll are both words in the dictionary, even though both are shortened forms of phrases ('how do you do' and 'you all' respectively).

I'm still trying to figure out where "you'uns" comes from. Where I grew up (Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio) it was the plural of "you," as in "Are you'uns coming over for supper this Sunday?"
In Pittsburgh they compress it even farther to "yinz." It's disgusting. Almost as bad as when they say they're going to drink a can of someone's father.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Oct 2017, 22:01
Let's not forget "aina", dere hey?

(Oh wait, I forgot, cesium133 is over in Madison, he probably has yet to hear a Cudahy accent...)
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 31 Oct 2017, 10:02
I'm still trying to figure out where "you'uns" comes from. Where I grew up (Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio) it was the plural of "you," as in "Are you'uns coming over for supper this Sunday?"
Probably "you ones," probably evolved from "young'uns" (young ones). 

I recently got gibed for sounding like a TV network newscaster (Pacific Northwest accent).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Dave H on 31 Oct 2017, 10:48
I had a newspaper reporter from Dallas tell me I sounded like I was from Chicago, but I think that's because I worked most of my life up to that point in the Midwest. When I'm really tired I sound like a hillbilly.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 31 Oct 2017, 11:25
I have a very muddled accent. Born in Charlotte NC to parents from Pittsburgh, and now living in Massachusetts.

My wife's accent is even weirder. Born in Michigan to parents from the Appalachian mountains (her father is from northwestern North Carolina and her mother is from West Virginia), grew up in DC and NC, lived in France for almost four years (and speaks French with a Strasbourg accent), and has tried to eliminate all traces of Southern accents from her voice to further her career in academia.

Now, imagine what exposure to these varied linguistic inputs has done to our son. He can slide from a Boston accent to an Appalachian accent in mid-sentence.  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: retrosteve on 31 Oct 2017, 11:51

Also, a robot using a fax machine!

A sentient robot using a fax machine

More likely, a sentient robot with a _built-in_ fax machine.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: dutchrvl on 01 Nov 2017, 07:52
... has tried to eliminate all traces of Southern accents from her voice to further her career in academia.

You mean because the Southern accents are (unfortunately) by many associated with lower intelligence/not taken seriously? Otherwise I fail to see how a Southern accent would impact her academic career. Just curious, as during my own academic career I've heard so many different accents I can barely recognize any anymore.   
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 01 Nov 2017, 08:02
Yeah, Southern accents, and particularly the Southern Appalachian accent, are associated in a lot of minds with lack of intelligence or education. Unfortunate, but that's the way it is - if you want people to see you as an educated person you have to lose that accent. It wasn't so much an issue when she was at Duke University, but there is no way Harvard would ever have hired her if she spoke with her mother's accent.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 01 Nov 2017, 11:49
Yeah, Southern accents, and particularly the Southern Appalachian accent, are associated in a lot of minds with lack of intelligence or education. Unfortunate, but that's the way it is - if you want people to see you as an educated person you have to lose that accent. It wasn't so much an issue when she was at Duke University, but there is no way Harvard would ever have hired her if she spoke with her mother's accent.
That's why UK "public schools" taught "Received Pronunciation," so one could move on to "university" without an accent of lesser social status.  For all I know they still do.  Can the UK folks confirm or deny?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 01 Nov 2017, 12:23
I don't think so, but then I never went to a public school (I assume you mean fee-paying, selective "public schools", not schools for the peons plebs poor people general public). Its certainly not something that some of my friends who went to those schools seemed to pick up. Also, given that a lot of the top universities are likely to have people from all over the world studying there, accent probably isn't as much of an issue as it used to be. But Oxford or Cambridge, I forget which, did catch a lot of flak recently for being too elitist. That may include preferring students from RP-favouring backgrounds.

That said, I do come from the south-west and we all talk like farmers down yur; I also never went to a conventional university. pwhodges or Thrillho might say differently, since they're nearer to one of the big universities (I can't remember which).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: pwhodges on 01 Nov 2017, 12:37
I was never taught a pronunciation, nor did my schools try to do so (well, except Latin, for which I was taught two - one in the classroom, and one in the choir).  But I already spoke that way (RP, or BBC English, as you prefer), as my parents did...  Nor did this have a bearing on the fact that I subsequently worked at the BBC for a period.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 01 Nov 2017, 17:44
I'm still trying to figure out where "you'uns" comes from. Where I grew up (Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio) it was the plural of "you," as in "Are you'uns coming over for supper this Sunday?"
Probably "you ones," probably evolved from "young'uns" (young ones). 

I recently got gibed for sounding like a TV network newscaster (Pacific Northwest accent).
I grew up in Wichita, KS, so I've been asked by Oklahomans and Nebraskans if I'm from NYC because I have the Midwestern city accent (the one newscasters are supposed to emmulate). Before anyone asks, yes, rural Kansans do have a little bit of a drawal. It's more pronounced along the Missouri and Oklahoma borders, but only in the tiny "towns" (villages and hamlets).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 01 Nov 2017, 17:49
BTW, it should be pointed out that y'all along with basically the entirety of the Southern accent stem from the accent of 1700s English nobility.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: OldGoat on 01 Nov 2017, 18:48
I grew up in Wichita, KS, so I've been asked by Oklahomans and Nebraskans if I'm from NYC because I have the Midwestern city accent (the one newscasters are supposed to emmulate). Before anyone asks, yes, rural Kansans do have a little bit of a drawal. It's more pronounced along the Missouri and Oklahoma borders, but only in the tiny "towns" (villages and hamlets).
I was told in high school that the closest thing there was to neutral English was the Des Moines, Iowa non-accent, so that seems to fit with the "Midwestern City" name. 

WRT British "public schools," my understanding is that it referred to boarding schools where all meals were taken "in public."  Makes as much sense as any other explanation I've heard.  (On this side of the Atlantic Pond it's strictly "publicly funded.")
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: TheEvilDog on 01 Nov 2017, 19:04
Public Schools in the UK rose from charity schools for poor scholars, where the term public referred to that the idea to access to them were not restricted to religion, home location or occupation. They've since had a long association with the upper classes.

Grammar schools were secondary schools (high schools) where admittance as based purely on ability, with the idea that students who attended would go onto higher level education, more than likely university.

Comprehensive schools were based on the other end of the spectrum and the most recent, serving a particular catchment area and where students were expected to learn a trade when they left.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: comicalArchitect on 01 Nov 2017, 19:45
It occurs to me: as of a few days ago, Marten and Dora have been broken up for half the strip.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 01 Nov 2017, 21:48
I grew up in Wichita, KS, so I've been asked by Oklahomans and Nebraskans if I'm from NYC because I have the Midwestern city accent (the one newscasters are supposed to emmulate). Before anyone asks, yes, rural Kansans do have a little bit of a drawal. It's more pronounced along the Missouri and Oklahoma borders, but only in the tiny "towns" (villages and hamlets).
I was told in high school that the closest thing there was to neutral English was the Des Moines, Iowa non-accent, so that seems to fit with the "Midwestern City" name. 
I've also heard it called a 'cosmopolitan accent'. Though, I'm also asked if I do radio voice over or that I should.

EDIT: I suppose I should point out that I have a grandfather from Wisconsin, a grandma from Illinois, a step grandma from SW Nebraska, a grandma from Missouri, and a grandpa from Tennesse (I think). Yes, somehow they all ended up in Kansas.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: pwhodges on 02 Nov 2017, 00:53
Comprehensive schools were based on the other end of the spectrum and the most recent, serving a particular catchment area and where students were expected to learn a trade when they left.

Not quite: those were "Secondary Modern" schools - about fifty years ago Comprehensives replaced both Grammar (except those that chose to go private) and Secondary Modern schools, handling the full range of abilities and backgrounds in a single institution, with the benefits of breaking down some class barriers and reducing marginalisation.  They were often successful, but class barriers put up from outside by parents often compromise the principle to this day.  The current government has expressed a desire to return to creating Grammar schools, which has been much protested against as deliberately socially divisive (the Prime Minister is proud of having gone to one).
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: JimC on 04 Nov 2017, 19:37
Hmm. In my day we grammar school kids were regarded as academically superior to the students who'd gone to public (eg private) schools. In my time at Imperial College I don't ever recall any class barriers at all - in those early 70s days it would have been regarded as highly uncool.  There must have been a considerable social mix because I remember a considerable variety of accents - particularly one lass from up country Devon who needed an interpreter in the local shops when we were on a field course in the Clyde Estuary (lowland Scotland).

The minority of working class kids who got to grammar schools had virtually guaranteed social mobility - one only has to compare the Tory Government of Thatcher and Major with that of Cameron. The trouble is the whole debate is riddled with ridiculous political assumptions (on both sides) and any kind of rational evaluation and discourse is impossible.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Thrudd on 06 Nov 2017, 06:32
The trouble is the whole debate is riddled with ridiculous political assumptions (on both sides) and any kind of rational evaluation and discourse is impossible.
Politics and rational thought go together like .... no, not oil and water .... or a match and gasoline ...... more like a plasma furnace and puppies.  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: BenRG on 06 Nov 2017, 06:38
Politics and rational thought go together like ....
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: traroth on 06 Nov 2017, 08:06
A fist and an eye

A chicken and a hair comb
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Zebediah on 06 Nov 2017, 08:28
Frankenstein's monster and ballroom dancing.

Not exactly ballroom, but:

Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 06 Nov 2017, 09:40
Global Moderator Comment Is there anything more about that week in the comic?
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: Gyrre on 07 Nov 2017, 07:25
Politics and rational thought go together like ....
  • Water and molecular Sodium;
  • Frankenstein's monster and ballroom dancing.
Pacemakers and electromagnets.
Title: Re: WCDT Strips 3596-3600 (23rd October - 27th October 2017)
Post by: USS Martenclaire on 07 Nov 2017, 07:33
The trouble is the whole debate is riddled with ridiculous political assumptions (on both sides) and any kind of rational evaluation and discourse is impossible.
Politics and rational thought go together like .... no, not oil and water .... or a match and gasoline ...... more like a plasma furnace and puppies.  :psyduck:

Or Donald Trumps and White Houses? :D