Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: californaya on 25 Apr 2005, 13:05

Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: californaya on 25 Apr 2005, 13:05
I've been more or less in love with Bloc Party, Louis XIV, and The Futureheads as of late, and I have grown quite a liking to Doves and Kasabian as well.

Now, I want more. If someone could let me know about some more British indie bands, I'd really appreciate it.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Willis on 25 Apr 2005, 13:13
Glad you like Doves.  And better yet that you didn't include the in there.  

As far as other bands go, I'm partial to British Sea Power.  I haven't picked up their new album (released a month or so ago) yet but their debut, The Decline of... is bloody fantastic.  I've been listening to a lot of Mull Historical Society the past couple of days (he's Scottish).  I also have to give a plug for another Scottish band, Teenage Fanclub -- can't miss with the Fanclub.

Those are my contributions

Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: rynne on 25 Apr 2005, 13:40
Super Furry Animals
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: blindsuperhero on 25 Apr 2005, 13:53
The Beatles
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Tinjessla on 25 Apr 2005, 14:16
The Crimea
And already mentioned, but The Mull Historical society
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: a pack of wolves on 25 Apr 2005, 15:26
This Ain't Vegas
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: blindsuperhero on 25 Apr 2005, 16:03
Amen, brother
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Driftwood on 25 Apr 2005, 18:58
You should definitley check out Gomez.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: californaya on 25 Apr 2005, 19:25
Quote from: James
is the only attraction that they're British? Because that's no way to go about choosing musics, fella!

No, not at all. I just seem to be attracted to those bands as of late. I listen to any and all styles of music; I just seem to be listening to British rock a lot lately. A happy coincidence, I suppose.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: BrittanyMarie on 25 Apr 2005, 21:43
Kick out a bit of the old school if you haven't already. They don't sound much(Or really anything) like what you mentioned, but they're good.

My Bloody Valentine
Jesus and Mary Chain

You might like Wolf Parade as well, though I haven't a clue where they're from.

And Art Brut.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Spencer on 26 Apr 2005, 09:02
LouisXIV is from San Diego, California.

/me reps San Diego.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: yggdrasil on 26 Apr 2005, 09:14
You'll probably know most of these, but nonetheless I personally enjoy:

<free association>

Camera Obscura
Belle and Sebastian
The Divine Comedy
The Magnetic Fields


</free association>

Other than that, like other people have said, check out classic acts like Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, etc. if you haven't already.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Snapman on 26 Apr 2005, 10:22
British Sea Power.
Super Furry Animals.

These are two seriously underrated British bands that really deserve much more recognition. British Sea Power have produced two fantastic albums, their debut 'The Decline Of British Sea Power', and their recently released follow-up 'Open Season'. Both albums sound quite derivative and underwhleming on the first couple of listens, but are real growers. 'Decline Of' is probably the better of the two (and one of my top 5 favourite albums), but it's also the heavier, with many of the melodies tucked away under guitars on overdrive. 'Open Season', is a much more polished affair, and is much more restrained. But both are great and recommended. Not only that, but they put on one hell of a live show.

Super Furry Animals are one of the most consistantly good bands around, who probably couldn't put out a bad album if they tried. 'Radiator' is probably the most straightforward indie-rock out of all their albums (along with 'Mwng'), but their best in my opinion is 'Guerrilla', which incorporates a much more electronic sound throughout.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: muffy on 26 Apr 2005, 10:47
Another prop to British Sea Power, who can do no wrong...
80s Matchbo B-Line disaster if you like things a little heavier and a little less tuneful,
I would say Razorlight, but I've gone right off them, I'm a fickle music fan...
The Dawn Parade
And for those who like to pretend that Britpop never died, The Kaiser Chiefs.

Delays and
The Boxer Rebellion.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: a pack of wolves on 26 Apr 2005, 14:36
If you ever feel like checking out something a little less pop, then Soeza, Bilge Pump and pretty much everything else on Gringo is pretty amazing.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: californaya on 26 Apr 2005, 15:26
Quote from: BrittanyMarie
You might like Wolf Parade as well, though I haven't a clue where they're from.


Snapman: I've known about Super Furry Animals for quite some time, ever since I saw them a few years ago on HBO's Reverb, and I enjoy them quite a bit.

Quote from: Spencer
LouisXIV is from San Diego, California.

Really? Hmm.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: blindsuperhero on 26 Apr 2005, 15:51
Quote from: muffy

Easyworld?! Wow, are those guys still around? I remember seeing them support King Adora when I was a wee bairn
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: muffy on 26 Apr 2005, 16:25
Sadly, Easyworld have all gone their separate ways and are making music with new bands, but the old albums are still worth investigation...
I too saw them, many a time, with King Adora, who I left off the list in a vague attempt at saving face, but yeah.

Those were the days!
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Tago Mago on 26 Apr 2005, 18:30
Sarah Records bands like the Field Mice, Talulah Gosh, and Heavenly comprise a lot of the best 90s British indie-rock and pop. They're definitely worth a listen. Also check out Disco Inferno's album D.I. Go Pop for some really beautiful post-punk/shoegazer.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: betteroffdead on 26 Apr 2005, 19:54
the libertines are fun

the kinks (not indie, but still good)
Title: Re
Post by: Marauder on 26 Apr 2005, 20:47
The aforementioned Belle & Sebastian

Almost certain that you've heard of them.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Revenge_Therapist on 27 Apr 2005, 12:39
Quote from: Driftwood
You should definitley check out Gomez.

Seconded. In Our Gun is an awesome album.
Also Ted Leo is not British, but is indie and awesome
Title: Hmm MHS
Post by: The Mighty Mopdecai on 27 Apr 2005, 16:34
Ah Mull Historical Society. I work for his mother she owns the reataurant I work in. Really good artist, just fired his manager. He's feeling a bit angry about not being promoted properly at the moment. Favourite song of his is Live like the Automatics

I don't know if there indie but I would recommend The Zutons seen them a few months ago. Excellent

Some others would be Idilewild, Bloc Party and Belle and Sebastian which I have on at the moment
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Revenge_Therapist on 27 Apr 2005, 16:46
I don;t know if they are really "indie" but Pulp is great. Different Class is a good place to start.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: godbowstomath on 27 Apr 2005, 17:12
hahahaha, louis xiv.

-Good morning, Mr. Hill.

-Doctor Bolend, what's going on man! It's been too long, man.

-Long indeed, Mr. Hill.

-Almost as long as my dick!

( )
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: californaya on 27 Apr 2005, 20:37
Quote from: godbowstomath
( )

I think that is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever read.

Quite possibly.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Marauder on 27 Apr 2005, 21:08
Most assuredly - that was abysmal.  Moral: don't live by Pitchfork.
Title: Weird
Post by: The Mighty Mopdecai on 28 Apr 2005, 04:43
That is strange. I relised I forgotten to mention Feeder. I don't know if I would call them indie through first gig I ever went to was them.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Snapman on 28 Apr 2005, 16:59
Quote from: Revenge_Therapist
I don;t know if they are really "indie" but Pulp is great. Different Class is a good place to start.


Different Class, This Is Hardcore, and We Love Life are all superb albums.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Sixleaf on 04 May 2005, 11:59
Quote from: rynne
Super Furry Animals

I second that.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 04 May 2005, 12:17
I am Kloot maybe, some old stuff like Happy Mondays or Stone Roses, bah I don't anything about british indie...
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: muffy on 04 May 2005, 14:58
You said I Am Kloot!
They are indeed fantabulous.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: LoveandaMolotovCocktail on 07 May 2005, 10:44

Other than that, like other people have said, check out classic acts like Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, etc. if you haven't already.[/quote]

Any of those would work well.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: ASturge on 07 May 2005, 11:49
Think somebody said New Rhodes. That person rules.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: StupidityKills on 07 May 2005, 14:02
Quote from: ASturge
Think somebody said New Rhodes. That person rules.

*squeeel* New Rhodes!!!
Yes, I whore the NR, they are teh awesome. And if you like Bloc Party its only natural you should like the Rhodes since Kele totally adores them and can be seen regularly sporting his tshirt with pride :)

Other bands you might like (all of which I just posted in another thread so I'm gonna be lazy and copy it here)
New Rhodes ([/url] - already covered ;)
Tom Vek ([/url] Funky, spexy electro rock.
Komakino ([/url] - Shouty, energetic Derby boys.
The Fog Band ([/url] - Modtastic punkers with the most intimidating (onstage) frontman ever.
Apartment ([/url]  - Very pretty, very listenable and danceable rock lovelys.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Johnny C on 07 May 2005, 18:05
Quote from: muffy
And for those who like to pretend that Britpop never died [John's note: Ouch.], The Kaiser Chiefs.


The Kaiser Chiefs are pretty swell folks, and Delays are even more swell. The first song on Faded Seaside Glamour opens with steel drums and moves into beautiful, slow-moving, kind of happy guitar rock.

Oh, and British Sea Power are teh sex.

P.S. That Louis XIV review had me laughing my ass off the first time I read it. It has nothing to do with the music, and therefore is a pretty terrible review, but as a comedy article it wins at life.
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Damniel on 08 May 2005, 04:48
the tears...and if you like them then listen to suede too...ocean colour scene...kinda indie but old too...they still sound great...ummm basically loads of stuff..too much to mention in one thread
Title: Recommend me some more British indie rock.
Post by: Damniel on 08 May 2005, 04:51
oh and fleet...saw them live and they were amazing...drummer is fit too
check them can downlod their single...which is good...from:  lol unintentional plug but they are really good...also the duke spirit...dunno their websitre address...but they have a foxy lead see a pattern in this post