Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: nitroholic on 26 Apr 2005, 11:55

Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: nitroholic on 26 Apr 2005, 11:55
over the next few weeks i will be doing a poll trying to decfifer a dream band. the band will consist of 4 memebers. We start with the drummer this week.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: ASturge on 26 Apr 2005, 12:10
there are hundreds of drummers that kick that selection's ass...
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Willis on 26 Apr 2005, 12:13
disclaimer: I apologize as I am currently in a research methods/statistics course, I'll do my best from going off on a statistical rant.

By choosing the drummers you think qualify as the best, the poll has some bias to it. A bias to you, the investigator.  We want to eliminate this bias and make it a valid study.
Well if we really wanted to do this the correct way, we would accept nominations.  Everyone would vote for say 5 (or whatever) drummers and the top 10 (or whatever) would make it to the poll.  We could then have rounds of voting until one drummer has the majority.  When we settle on a drummer we will eminate black smoke from our chimney, because, well we all know that drummers are the most dysfunctional, and most replaceable members of a band.

So really we need to establish a set criteria for 1) nominations, and 2) voting.  Once we all agree, then we can move onto actually figuring out who the dream drummer is.   Yes it will take a long time, but face it folks, where are we going?  We'll all be here to participate.

Don't you love beauacracy?

Of course we can just do it your way. :)

Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: rynne on 26 Apr 2005, 12:27
Well, this certainly is the first "dream drummer" poll I've seen to not include Neil Pert and Danny Carrey.

Personally, I like Bill Rieflin (Ministry, RevCo, KMFDM, REM).
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: maxusy3k on 26 Apr 2005, 12:30
My vote goes for Travis Barker, (perhaps formerly) of blink-182 and now with The Transplants. Best drummer I've ever heard, though I may be living a very deprived life in that respect.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: tute666 on 26 Apr 2005, 13:04
mike portnoy on the technical side.
but i got a soft spot por bonham.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Hephesus on 26 Apr 2005, 13:06
Mike Portnoy, I don't think I've ever seen a drummer that comes close to him, at least when talking about playing live.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Robbo on 26 Apr 2005, 13:10
I dunno, Mike took A LOT from Neil Peart. But both guys are awesome drummers.

As for balls to the walls guys, Gene Hoglan (Dark Angel, SLY, Death, etc) is great. Specially stuff like Darkness Descends ablum where he plays wave after wave of drum riffs, following guitar and bass at the same time.

And Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy) just for sheer speed and power, along with a shocking amount of skill, but then the guy does a lot of Jazz drumming stuff to train.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: festerius on 26 Apr 2005, 13:13
Dave Grhol (Nirvana) is my favorite... out of the choices.  My second choice would be my younger brother.  He's 17, but he's been drumming since he was 9 or 10... I don't know much about music, but I think he's as good as Dave or any one on that list. :P  Hahahaha!
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 26 Apr 2005, 13:16
I voted for Dave Grohl because of his apocalyptic drumming on Songs for the Deaf, not for any of his other stuff. A close second choice was Silas Graae, who is the drummer for the danish band Mew, he is very talented, just listen to Am I Wry? No
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: daviesmatt on 26 Apr 2005, 13:20
Quote from: rynne
Well, this certainly is the first "dream drummer" poll I've seen to not include Neil Pert and Danny Carrey.

I dont mean to sound like a snob, but Neil Peart pawns most, if not all, of those drummers.

Well, actually, I do mean to sound like a snob. Greenday? Fucking Nickleback? They're cool and all, but not in the same league as Rush, skill-wise.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Robbo on 26 Apr 2005, 13:22
With the lack of anything none Blues based in the list, Neil does own them all easily. Even at his age now.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: rynne on 26 Apr 2005, 14:04
Quote from: Praeserpium Machinarum
I voted for Dave Grohl because of his apocalyptic drumming on Songs for the Deaf, not for any of his other stuff.

Have you heard Killing Joke's 2003 self-titled disc?  Dave tears shit up on that album, too.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: OtterErotic on 26 Apr 2005, 14:38
Todd Trainer from Shellac OR Christopher McGuire from 12Rods / Quruli
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: I Am Not Amused on 26 Apr 2005, 14:52
For drummers that add the most to the music and are extremely techincally skilled, I have to vote for Joe Easley, formerly of The Dismemberment Plan. Insane drumming skills (listen to "The Other Side" for proof), and the ability to add more to the music with nothing ("Spider In The Snow").

If I was making my dream band, he would hands down, no contest be te drummer.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: blindsuperhero on 26 Apr 2005, 17:07
William Goldsmith - Sunny Day Real Estate, plus one-and-a-half Foo Fighters songs (interestingly two of their best songs - Doll and Up in Arms. He plays the quiet bits)


Tucker Rule - Thursday

Two drummers quite similar in style, not flashy or overly loud or anything, but really musically sensitive and detailed drumming.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: loyalpeon on 26 Apr 2005, 18:35
Quote from: Willis
disclaimer: I apologize as I am currently in a research methods/statistics course, I'll do my best from going off on a statistical rant.

By choosing the drummers you think qualify as the best, the poll has some bias to it. A bias to you, the investigator.  We want to eliminate this bias and make it a valid study.
Well if we really wanted to do this the correct way, we would accept nominations.  Everyone would vote for say 5 (or whatever) drummers and the top 10 (or whatever) would make it to the poll.  We could then have rounds of voting until one drummer has the majority.  When we settle on a drummer we will eminate black smoke from our chimney, because, well we all know that drummers are the most dysfunctional, and most replaceable members of a band.

So really we need to establish a set criteria for 1) nominations, and 2) voting.  Once we all agree, then we can move onto actually figuring out who the dream drummer is.   Yes it will take a long time, but face it folks, where are we going?  We'll all be here to participate.

Don't you love beauacracy?

Of course we can just do it your way. :)


yeah - i definatelly agree with wills here. if we're to do anything of this sort and not expect it to degenerate into a proverbial dick contest, we definatly need nominees, tabulation of those nominees and then a poll with say the top ten tallying nominees. Rinse and repeat with guitar, base, vocals, handclaps, etc.

In fact, I humbly suggest we start something like that and see where it takes us. could be fun.

.loyally yours.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Druid on 26 Apr 2005, 18:52
I'd definately have to give props to William Goldsmith and Joe Easley, both are very good.

I'd have to give my vote to John Stanier (Helmet, Tomahawk, Battles) or Jimmy Chamberlain (Smashing Pumpkins, Zwan, The Jimmy Chamberlain Complex) really.

Lance Carter (Maroon, Sonny Sharrock), Steve Shelley (Sonic Youth, Cat Power, Two Dollar Guitar), or Brit Walford (The Breeders, Slint, Squirrel Bait might factor in depending on the type of music.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: KharBevNor on 26 Apr 2005, 20:23
I vote for Michael VanDyne of Arsis.

Or Cain from Crotchduster :D
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Jolouie on 26 Apr 2005, 21:48
Any jazz drummer, because they got it goin' on.

But mine are....

Chris Adler - Lamb Of God
Terry Bozzio
Carter Beauford - Dave Matthews Band
Dennis Chambers
Joe Morello - Dave Brubeck Quartet
Brian "Brain" Mantia

And of course Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Ozymandias on 26 Apr 2005, 21:57
Dave, because it's possible.

He'll drum for anyone. Biggest whore ever!
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Trollstormur on 27 Apr 2005, 01:26
Jan Axel Von Blomberg of Mayhem, Emperor, Arcturus, Immortal, Covenant, Winds, etc. etc. etc.

He's one of the best technical drummers in the world.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: KharBevNor on 27 Apr 2005, 02:44
Ah yeah, can't forget old Hellhammer. (Also, the finest stage-name for a drummer ever, imo, even if he did nick it)
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Robbo on 27 Apr 2005, 04:13
Very true. I was listening to the Age of Silence album (a Winds side project) the other day, brilliant stuff.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Trollstormur on 27 Apr 2005, 10:08
Quote from: KharBevNor
Ah yeah, can't forget old Hellhammer. (Also, the finest stage-name for a drummer ever, imo, even if he did nick it)

that band was crappy anyway.
Title: in regards to willis
Post by: nitroholic on 27 Apr 2005, 11:24
hey willis, if you wanna draw up some critieria for this thing and just post it. that would be great, I wouldn't know where to start (actually being a bassist and all) I cant belive that this thing has taken off like it has!!!

Unbeliviable, I love it!!!

Thanks Again
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: KharBevNor on 27 Apr 2005, 11:30
Quote from: Trollstormur
that band was crappy anyway.

There's a list as long as my arm of people who'd bite out your jugular for saying that.

But it's so true!
Title: Re: in regards to willis
Post by: Willis on 27 Apr 2005, 12:16
Quote from: nitroholic
hey willis, if you wanna draw up some critieria for this thing and just post it. that would be great, I wouldn't know where to start (actually being a bassist and all) I cant belive that this thing has taken off like it has!!!

I'm more then willing to to organize this.  My only stipulation is that I've got finals (ie lots of work) that is taking up pretty much my whole life for the next week.  After next wednesday, I'll be happy to draw some stuff up and organize the whole Dream Drummer thing.  The way I see it, this is the first step in what we could dub the QC Dream Band.  Subsequent voting on bass players, singers, guitarists, etc will take place.  I feel that we should have a committee of people (around 3-5) that will establish the voting/nomination criteria.  If you are interested in helping out, just send me a PM.

Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Revenge_Therapist on 27 Apr 2005, 12:19
All of those choices are abslute shit as far as I'm concerned. It's like the dream line up for drummers of some asshole who drives a camaro. Anyway Brendan Canty from Fugazi would be my choice. Good tight rythmic sound, also very adept at pounding the shit out an uptempo beat.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Robbo on 27 Apr 2005, 12:23
Hence why the best where named in the thread.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Signum_Tenebrae on 27 Apr 2005, 15:24
Proscriptor McGovern of Absu, Melechesh, and Equimanthorn.

Honorable mentions:

Tony Laureano
Flo Mounier

These are just my favorites.  Obviously on the scale of technicality jazz drummers are supreme.
Title: sound good willis
Post by: nitroholic on 27 Apr 2005, 18:16
sounds good willis..

good luck on your finals and all of you get you memory banks running and get your grey matter working. As soon as the criteria is up. We will rock!!!!

Thanks again Willis.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Willis on 04 May 2005, 05:54
Just a bit of an update.
I'm still looking for people to be on the "steering committee" to establish the protocol for voting and what-not.  If you are interested, just send me a PM.
As I'm almost done with finals, I'd like to get this thing rolling by early next week.

Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Robbo on 04 May 2005, 05:56
I'd be so tempted to, just for the "Technical Elitist Bastard" place on the group. Even though it's either take or unneeded.

That and I have exams coming up soon.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: Inlander on 04 May 2005, 06:25
Quote from: Jolouie
Any jazz drummer, because they got it goin' on.

Joe Morello - Dave Brubeck Quartet

And of course Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa.

What?  No Max Roach?  No Art Blakey?  No "Papa" Jo Jones - or "Philly" Joe Jones, for that matter?

Anyway, as far as rock drummers go, I nominate Jim White of the Dirty Three.  There is nobody else.
Title: dream Band Poll (drummers)
Post by: zekterellium on 04 May 2005, 10:26
ben koller from converge, if for nothing else but the snare and kick at the start of 'thaw'.