Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: heretic on 31 May 2005, 12:20

Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 31 May 2005, 12:20
why does linkin park continue to exist? is it just so my brother will have something god awful to play? is it to thwart my attempts at bringing him into the light?
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: AnonymousPosterChild on 31 May 2005, 12:25
Linkin Park exists as a musical black hole to make every other band suck less by comparison.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 31 May 2005, 12:36
ah thank you. that explains a lot. but why must i be in such close proximity to this place so cold and desolate. the musical nether regions creep closer and closer promising to suck all talent and originality from everything they come in contact with
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Titan on 31 May 2005, 12:45
Originally I didn't think Linkin Park were half bad - they seemed new and fresh. Then they got in that in with that MTV crowd and I realised they didn't have anything else in them - you get that idea when they start mixing up their old material and get some thick as shit rapper along to help. After that I guess I came to my senses and treated it like an antichrist does a bible.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Switchblade on 31 May 2005, 13:03
Actually, "Meteora" is a good album for late-night (two in the morning) driving.

Mind you, any band whose remix album of their debut album is better than the debut album itself is a bit difficult to garner more than a smidgeon of respect for.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: ASturge on 31 May 2005, 13:21
Hey, I like Linkin Park!!11222

Just becasue you don't doesn't mean you should mock them!!!1111oneoneone
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 31 May 2005, 13:27
*hopes that was sarcasm*

Linkin Park sucks. Normally, a band/group/artist has some sort of redeeming feature, even if it's not their music. Not these guys. I can actually say "the suck" with a straight face.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 31 May 2005, 13:30
chester bennington should just give in and form an angst-riddled boy band already. and god i hope that was sarcasm. i can make fun of them all i want. because they suck. dicks. big ones.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 31 May 2005, 13:41
like those to be found on donkeys!
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Aphi on 31 May 2005, 13:42
Ah, see, Chester Bennington has an ego big enough to encompass about thirty people like him. Assuming this, if he were to die, he would instantly be replaced by hundreds, possibly thousands, of clones who stunk even /more/, but now it's much worse, 'cause they don't have any opinions.

So, technically, Chester Bennington is doing us a favor by living, 'cause there's only one of him. =nods=
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 31 May 2005, 13:44
obscure logic, brain shutting down, must make attempt to understand before it destroys me.... ok got it.

ok that makes sense, thank you chester.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Aphi on 31 May 2005, 13:45
Obscurity is my middle name. ^^

And I just realized that the thinger under my name just changed to say that. I like it where it is now. =nods=
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 31 May 2005, 13:46
If Chester was killed, his music would be hyped into the stratosphere. That's what happened with Nirvana and they sucked too.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 31 May 2005, 13:52
^ Very true words!
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: ASturge on 31 May 2005, 14:10
Don't worry matey, sarcasm is my middle name!

Nirvana are composed of shit and urine. At a ratio of 4:3 i belive...
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 31 May 2005, 14:18
That's gotta be smooth going down.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: blindsuperhero on 31 May 2005, 14:18
The fact that he type the word "one" several times didn't act as a clue?

Oh, and no images in signatures. Thanks
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: ASturge on 31 May 2005, 14:28
Yeah, I was going to say.

Also, I don't think we should just kill Chester. I mean, I wouldn't wish death upon somebody just for playing bad music.

Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 31 May 2005, 15:01
Quote from: blindsuperhero

Oh, and no images in signatures. Thanks

Well, that was embarrassing. Stupid forum habits clouding my judgement. -__-;

And some people type like that. I've seen it before.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Sturge on 31 May 2005, 15:29
hey, at least we know that in his later life his voice is going to be utterly fucked and he wont even be able to speak at all!
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 31 May 2005, 15:30
I'd call that poetic justice.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Johnny C on 31 May 2005, 17:47
Nirvana =/= feces.

Quote from:  James
This is the worst thread there has ever been, on any forum, in all the inter nets. Congraturation!

I disagree (
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Inlander on 31 May 2005, 18:16
Yeah, Linkin Park suck, blah blah.

What I really want to know is: at what period of recent history did the Nirvana backlash begin?  Having grown up listening to 'em in my formative years, I kinda took it for granted that they were perenially popular.  I guess you have to be of a certain generation, though . . .
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 31 May 2005, 20:53
Possibly when everyone realised that Nirvana was just another fucking boring alt. rock band, except with the added bonus of a singer who was somewhow 'tragic' because he blew himself away. Big whoop. Thank goodness he can no more trouble us with his incessant bloody whining.

I never really liked Nirvana to begin with. After the overplaying, I fucking hate them. Except when I'm drunk, but I love every song I know the words to when I'm drunk. And quite a few of the ones I don't.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Johnny C on 31 May 2005, 20:56
Wow, you hardly ever hear "Nirvana" and "boring" in the same sentence.

Wait wait wait I've come this far in the topic without commenting on Linkin Park? Well then:


That is all.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Inlander on 31 May 2005, 21:00
Quote from: KharBevNor
Possibly when everyone realised that Nirvana was just another fucking boring alt. rock band, except with the added bonus of a singer who was somewhow 'tragic' because he blew himself away. Big whoop. Thank goodness he can no more trouble us with his incessant bloody whining.

I never really liked Nirvana to begin with. After the overplaying, I fucking hate them. Except when I'm drunk, but I love every song I know the words to when I'm drunk. And quite a few of the ones I don't.

Yeah, see I'm 25 coming up to 26 so when I was in my teens Nirvana hadn't been played absolutely to death and the radio wasn't quite chock-full of soundalikes.  For my generation Cobain killing himself was seriously a big fucking deal - I expect most people who's now aged between 25 and 30 can remember where they were when they heard the news.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 31 May 2005, 21:00
You must listen to some damn boring music then. I mean for fucks sake! I could see 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' being ok at 3 minutes long, but how long is it? 6 minutes or something? 6 bloody minutes of 'bluh bluh bluh bluh bluhbluhtain blus"

'Nevermind' is so boring I still have yet to sit through it, and yes, I am aware it is not their best record.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Mr Pink on 31 May 2005, 21:01
Personaly I think that linkin parks' lyrics are meaningfull and deep. You're all just jelouse and are mad that they are so successfull.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Johnny C on 31 May 2005, 21:02
Quote from: KharBevNor
'Nevermind' is so boring I still have yet to sit through it, and yes, I am aware it is not their best record.

So then why would you sit through it? In Utero is musically superior x30 plus contains cello. Cello!
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 31 May 2005, 21:33
Because it is the only one I own. And fucked if I'm buying another one. I've heard their greatest hits (About 30 times! Thank you, common room stereo) and it was all boring as poop. There are a squared infinity of better bands for me to be spending my cash on.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: El Opium on 31 May 2005, 22:05
linkin park are just a commercial black hole to suck in the cash of the angstful and unadventurous. I'll leave em too it, they'll not bother me so long as I never turn on my radio. If anyone plays em in my vicinity they'll get a harsh noise record to the eardrum.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: est on 01 Jun 2005, 00:06
Quote from: KharBevNor
You must listen to some damn boring music then. I mean for fucks sake! I could see 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' being ok at 3 minutes long, but how long is it? 6 minutes or something? 6 bloody minutes of 'bluh bluh bluh bluh bluhbluhtain blus"

'Nevermind' is so boring I still have yet to sit through it, and yes, I am aware it is not their best record.

a lot of people like Nirvana because they pretty much singlehandedly knocked crap like Europe, Bon Jovi and Poison off the radio at one point, and paved the way for more decent bands to come to the fore.  compared to the pop stuff (and i stress the "pop stuff" there) that was around at the time, Nirvana was gold.

are they earth-shattering now?  not so much.  were they interesting back then?  comparatively speaking, surely.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 01 Jun 2005, 00:19
But Europe and Poison totally SMOKE Nirvana! Bon Jovi I'm more indifferent to, but I'd kill (or at least injure) to have stuff like 'The Final Countdown' on the radio rather than the alt-rock and faux-indie garbage I hear today.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: TheCourtJester on 01 Jun 2005, 00:34
Maybe I just like playing Devil's Advocate...but are there any real REASONS everyone is jumping on the "fuck linkin park" bandwagon? Pretty much EVERY band has angst of some sort..or angst's older (only slightly less annoying when over-used) cousin, emotion. What makes 'em so much worse than anyone else?

Next up... Nirvana VS. Ace of Base, who does everyone hate more?

Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Robbo on 01 Jun 2005, 00:49
*Looks at CD collection....looks at a Linkin Park CD.....looks at CD collection, looks at Linkin Park*

Yes, beacause angst is why a Prog and Tech music fan things "fuck Linkin Park" rather than them being a musical waste.
As for the Nirvana side thread that poped up, Khar's said it all really.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: will: wanton sex god on 01 Jun 2005, 03:04
this topic sucks.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Shaft on 01 Jun 2005, 08:14
Wuuurgh Linkin Park are gheyyyyy.

Metora is a great album. It is catchy, there are some really nice chord secquences in it, and the production is fantastic. I'm not out to sodomise LP (The stuff they did with Jay Z was... Well you know...) I almost want to agree with people who say everyone is jealous of them.

When Hybrid Theory was released, Linkin Park were another alt rock band that all the alt rock kids were into. Then - Commercial success - ARRRGHHHHHH NOOOO, THE FACT THAT AN 8 YEAR OLD MIGHT BE ENJOYING THE SAME MUSIC THAT I ENJOY IS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO TAKE! MUST... FIND... MORE... OBSCURE... MUSIC! I am just waiting for the day an artist like Merzbow is played on the radio, and people condemn it for being too catchy.

Nirvana's songs were uninspiring, the recordings really weren't that great, and Kurt's voice - Ugh, Kurt's voice. *Grind grind grind*

Having said that, Heart Shaped Box is a halfway decent song. I still don't like them, though.

"Because you care what I think"
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Johnny C on 01 Jun 2005, 08:25
1) What's with all the "this topic sucks?"

2) The "angst" issue I brought up was the fact that every song of theirs that I've heard (all of Hybrid Theory, the singles from Meteora) is pretty much constructed out of cliched angst - not even angst put across in a convincing or interesting or witty manner or anything, just "RHOAHHHH, HEAR ME OUT NOW, YOU GOT TA LISTEN TO ME I'VE HAD ENOUGH RIGHT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW" voiced with a throaty X-TREME scream.

If I can dislike emo's angst for being cliched and wrapped up in shimmering guitar, I can dislike Linkin Park's angst for being cliched and wrapped up in nu-metal.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: a pack of wolves on 01 Jun 2005, 08:39
Quote from: Shaft
When Hybrid Theory was released, Linkin Park were another alt rock band that all the alt rock kids were into. Then - Commercial success - ARRRGHHHHHH NOOOO, THE FACT THAT AN 8 YEAR OLD MIGHT BE ENJOYING THE SAME MUSIC THAT I ENJOY IS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO TAKE! MUST... FIND... MORE... OBSCURE... MUSIC! I am just waiting for the day an artist like Merzbow is played on the radio, and people condemn it for being too catchy.

What the hell? Okay, leaving aside the fact that I have no clue what an 'alt rock' kid listens to (although I'm guessing it's the Smashing Pumpkins), I heard that first Linkin Park single when it came out. It was nu-metal, really really blatant nu-metal. Happily it had a catchy chorus, so I didn't really mind it. It was an ok bit of fluff. But critical credibility? Oh come on, they never had that.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Robbo on 01 Jun 2005, 08:43
As fair as I remember, Nu Metal is mostly a bastardised form of Alt. Rock with a few other things thrown in like Rap or whatever.

Though I presume they had underground fans like most bands do in some ways. Those poor people.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: a pack of wolves on 01 Jun 2005, 08:50
But surely no-one who wasn't creaming over Limp Bizkit or Papa Roach could have ever liked them... right?
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: ForteBass on 01 Jun 2005, 09:02
Quote from: Johnny C
1) What's with all the "this topic sucks?"

Because it kind of does. It's all pretty much one big bitch fest, and certain people just trashing anything they choose not to listen to.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Robbo on 01 Jun 2005, 09:07
Meh, seen as the mods want us to all be freaky happy clappy people, we need negative venting.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Signum_Tenebrae on 01 Jun 2005, 09:13
Quote from: Shaft
Metora is a great album. It is catchy, there are some really nice chord secquences in it, and the production is fantastic.

Of course.

Since, you know, those traits are what makes a good album.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Shaft on 01 Jun 2005, 09:27
If something isn't catchy, has godawful chord progressions, and sounds like it was recorded in a large tin shed with a fisher-price karaoke machine it's unlikely to be great. I'm sure you will prove me wrong by naming one or two albums that you love because they are so "raw" but I stand by that ^.

I mentioned those aspects of it because you can't really argue with most of it. I guess you could if you really wanted to, but I tried to avoid saying things like "It has good songs" because that would be much more opinion-based.

Yeah, you know, those traits do help add up to a good album, sarcast-o-pants.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: a pack of wolves on 01 Jun 2005, 10:11
No, that's completely opinion-based. Objectively, you can prove the worth of nothing really, so trying is pointless.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Shaft on 01 Jun 2005, 10:56
I can prove the worth of socks. Without them you are nothing. You know it. You so know it.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: maxusy3k on 01 Jun 2005, 11:04
For the most part, I like Linkin Park... I don't think I've heard anything of theirs (yes, including the Jay-Z stuff) that I didn't at least like. I don't rave about them and I've calmed down about them since the days when I first heard them and I was just starting to listen to the music I wanted to listen to, but I still think they're ok...

Fairly valid points all round, though... I've never been a fan of the whole screaming thing and yeah, the lyrics are pretty cliche, but then, in my opinion, that's what the music is for. It's not groundbreaking in any way, sure, but it's still good to listen to.

I think this whole mentality of either 'band = popular therefore band = teh suck' or 'band = not entirely different from X bands on the market therefore band = teh suck' is pointless anyway... ultimately, an artist or group is invariably releasing records to make money. Holding that against them is self destructive.

And I've gone off on a tangent away from the point I was originally trying to make... hmm...

Yeah, so, that's that.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: KharBevNor on 01 Jun 2005, 11:11
I don't hate anything because it's mainstream, yet I hate or at least dislike a vast majority of 'mainstream' stuff: and it's not like I'm indulging in the hypocrisy of just liking the bands that sound like the mianstream bands except no-one's ever heard of them: I don't like most of that stuff either. I only like stuff I like: I'm actually very un-elitist in that way, I like bands like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and Nightwish (up to a point anyway) despite the fact that they're all 'mainstream' and 'sellout' (they've all charted...somewhere), but I mean, just because I listen to Illnath, Gloomy Grim and Epica as well as a vast array of stuff that sounds nothing like those three, doesn't mean I should stop liking them.

Or something.

Anyway, what I was trying to say was something like "Your opinions are respectable, but Linkin Park are still a giant steaming turd on the collective chest of humanity"

Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: ForteBass on 01 Jun 2005, 11:14
That's an interesting outlook, but I'm afraid I have a problem right here:

Quote from: maxusy3k
ultimately, an artist or group is invariably releasing records to make money.

To say that all artists everywhere are releasing records simply for the sake of making money is a tad off base. It's like saying the great painters of the world are just whores. Yes, there are plenty of people making albums simply for the money, but not anywhere near all of them.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Deadpan on 01 Jun 2005, 11:20
As far as I know, Chester Bennington doesn't actually do anything in Linkin Park except "sing". I think it's Mike Shinoda who writes the music and lyrics, so if you want to blame anyone, blame him.

I used to be all over LP when I was 14-15. Upon hitting 16, I realised that there are probably 10 year olds more literate than the lyricist, and the music was just plain dull.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 01 Jun 2005, 13:06
Quote from: Shaft
If something isn't catchy, has godawful chord progressions, and sounds like it was recorded in a large tin shed with a fisher-price karaoke machine it's unlikely to be great.

"God-awful chord progressions" is an opinion, and there's nothing wrong with LoFi.

Listen to Iron and Wine's first album and tell me that the rather bootleg production hinders it. In a way, it actually helps it. XP
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 01 Jun 2005, 14:39
TO: everyone saying this topic sucks

From: your friendly nieghborhood heretic

Content: i started this thread because i was uber bored at work and had bullshit linkin park running through my head "LIKE IT OR NOT RIGHT NOOOOOOOOW!!!!oneoneone" since i am not allowed music at work (even headphones) all i could do was jam pointy things in my ears in an attempt to get the bad out and relieve the pain. this did not work. so i started this thread to get my mind off it and to bitch about linkin park. i never expected it to actually get replys other than, yeah, what's your point? and this was a dumb topic and then people would forget about it. i think it'sd kinda funny this got to two pages when it is obviously a pretty shallow topic. typing for the sake of typing? fine by me :)
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: a pack of wolves on 01 Jun 2005, 17:01
Quote from: ForteBass
That's an interesting outlook, but I'm afraid I have a problem right here:

Quote from: maxusy3k
ultimately, an artist or group is invariably releasing records to make money.

To say that all artists everywhere are releasing records simply for the sake of making money is a tad off base. It's like saying the great painters of the world are just whores. Yes, there are plenty of people making albums simply for the money, but not anywhere near all of them.

I totally agree with that. I've got a lot of friends who operate on a strict DIY ethic with their music, which in a very condensed form is about completely resisting the idea of making music for money, which is also the way I'm planning to approach things with a few musical projects I have in the pipeline.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: est on 01 Jun 2005, 20:00
Quote from: KharBevNor
But Europe and Poison totally SMOKE Nirvana! Bon Jovi I'm more indifferent to, but I'd kill (or at least injure) to have stuff like 'The Final Countdown' on the radio rather than the alt-rock and faux-indie garbage I hear today.

ok whoa, holdup.  this is where i get off.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: jeney on 01 Jun 2005, 23:55
what's the deal? I didn't know this band still exsisted. If you dislike them so much, then stop watching mtv and listening to the radio?
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 02 Jun 2005, 05:18
again.  know of them because of sibling-music-taste deficiency. i don't watch TV except cartoons and i don't listen to the radio. are they even still on it?
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: sp2 on 02 Jun 2005, 13:26
Two things:

A) Nirvana may sound trite now, but that's basically because tons of bands picked up on the alt-rock bandwagon after Nevermind hit it big.  Yes, they pretty much ripped off the Pixies.  They still managed to make a lot of good music, and are probably responsible for plenty of current alt-rock, post-grunge, and so forth.  A lot of bands have obvious Nirvana influences, even bands you wouldn't expect it from, like Radiohead.  You can't claim they suck just because they got overplayed on the radio.  Corporate radio and MTV are for tools anyways.

B)  As much as you or I would love it if Linkin Park ceased to exist, killing Bennington (or having him kill himself or die an accidental death) would only propel the band into greater stardom.  What's the saying?  Better to burn out than to fade away?  Yeah.  Let Linkin Park fade away.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 02 Jun 2005, 13:29
Actually, Radiohead cites their early sound's influences on Pixies/My Bloody Valentine. Radiohead didn't have Nirvana influences. Any that they did have were quickly removed for the brilliant The Bends.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 02 Jun 2005, 13:31
while that may be the wiser choice, i feel like killing bennington would bring so much joy to so many of us audiofiles (audiophiles?) that it would be wrong to hold back. plus he's the worst part of the band. if they got rid of him i'd have a whole new tolerance for whatever formed afterwards and could give them 5 more years before offing another.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 02 Jun 2005, 13:36
Oddly, it was only after remembering Chester's scream that I was able to finally get into At the Drive-In and realizing what a wimp I was before. XP
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Signum_Tenebrae on 02 Jun 2005, 14:14
Quote from: sp2
B)  As much as you or I would love it if Linkin Park ceased to exist, killing Bennington (or having him kill himself or die an accidental death) would only propel the band into greater stardom.  What's the saying?  Better to burn out than to fade away?  Yeah.  Let Linkin Park fade away.

Yeah look at all the fucking (undeserved) attention Dimebag got after he died.  

Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: sp2 on 02 Jun 2005, 14:20
Quote from: Merkava
Radiohead didn't have Nirvana influences. Any that they did have were quickly removed for the brilliant The Bends.

One word.  "Just"
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: blindsuperhero on 02 Jun 2005, 16:03
Yeah... Just sounds just like Nirvana....

In a 'not at all' kind of way

I mean, seriously, have you even listened to Nirvana? Have you even listened to Radiohead?!
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 02 Jun 2005, 17:30
Agreed. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Johnny C on 02 Jun 2005, 19:25
Seriously the rudeness needs to stop. I mean, sarcastic, ironic, and tongue-in-cheek, okay, funny, but being an ass isn't.

And you're allowed to be influenced by a band without sounding exactly like them, you know. I mean, I know I'm influenced by bands that sound nothing like the music I make, but I strive towards their lyrical style, or their recording aesthetic, or even their approach towards making music. Maybe I'm a special case, I dunno, but that's how I write. Is it conceivable that Radiohead, for example, likes something Nirvana did enough to imitate them a wee bit? Or is that hipster blasphemy?
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: sp2 on 02 Jun 2005, 22:31
Quote from: blindsuperhero
In a 'not at all' kind of way

The intro to Just is exceedingly grungy in a very Nirvana kind of way.  Same reliance on powerchords, same general chord progression, etc (basically it's a cross between Smells Like Teen Spirit and Aneurysm).  Several other songs on The Bends also have a very Nirvana style.  That's fine.  Not a big deal.  I'm not saying you have to love Nirvana or hate Radiohead.  I'm just saying that there is a definite Nirvana (and grunge in general) influence on about half the songs on that album.

Deal with it.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: blindsuperhero on 02 Jun 2005, 23:59
The point is that there isn't. I am confident that the members of Radiohead have hardly ever listened to Nirvana, unlike the bands widely accepted as their influences; Just, or for that matter any song Radiohead have ever written, does not sound 'grungy' in the slightest. True, Just and Smells Like Teen Spirit both share a 'clean-guitar sound then drums' intro, and I suppose both feature similar instruments, sadly for you, played in COMPLETELY different ways (could you imagine Kurt Cobain playing like Johnny Greenwood? I sure couldn't), the lyrics, vocal style, tempo, rhythmic features, harmony, and just overall sound are both completely different. Radiohead owe as much to Nirvana as any band in the last 10 years who play guitars, i.e. not much at all.

Deal with it.

Interesting addendum: Listen to the start of 'Pete Jackson is Getting Married' by Less Than Jake (go on, this will be fun). Now listen to the intro to 'In Circles' by Sunny Day Real Estate. Weird, huh? But that is of course because Sunny Day Real Estate were heavily influenced by Less Than Jake.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 03 Jun 2005, 05:56
i listen to both radiohead and nirvana, (though nowadays mostly when Drunk with a capital unk) and i can hear where someone might be confused as to whether nirvana influenced radiohead or not. but, it's easy to think that a band influenced another when you hear them in a certain order in a certain frame of mind. i'm just going out on a llimb here but i'm guessing you were younger when nirvana was around, and maybe didn't have as strong a grasp of the subtleties of music. i know i didn't. but i don't think nirvana was too much of an influence on Radiohead, if any at all. certainly no more than just that era in general was.
for my money if you're gonna say Nirvana influenced Radiohead you might as well say they influenced just about every alt./grunge/rock band at the time.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: Merkava on 03 Jun 2005, 07:21
I believe some consider The Bends to be the "anti-grundge" album, or the album that came along and kind of broke up the focus on grunge at that time.
Title: why won't chester bennington just die already?
Post by: heretic on 03 Jun 2005, 13:02
i think we had the forum headed that way with the last couple of posts