Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: Sixleaf on 05 Jul 2005, 13:12

Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Sixleaf on 05 Jul 2005, 13:12
What is it about the music you like that makes you like it?  What keeps you searching for new music to listen to?
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: kikanjuuneko on 05 Jul 2005, 13:21
I don't know, I guess the whole "hard, fast, loud" thing appeals to me, because that's how I like both my metal and hardcore. Particularly in regards to speed. The faster, the better.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: KharBevNor on 05 Jul 2005, 13:22
Mainly the fact that it is approximately 27 times more awesome than the music everyone else listens to.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Aphi on 05 Jul 2005, 13:24
Quote from: KharBevNor
Mainly the fact that it is approximately 27 times more awesome than the music everyone else listens to.

Ah, Khar. Modest as usual.

Well, it's kind of like reading choices, isn't it? Most music purveys a message, and that message usually hits its fans on a personal level, either because they can relate to it, or because it has something that the listener craves.

Me, I like the postal service, and sappy love music, because it's what I lack. =shrugs=

Then again, I /could/ just be talking out of my arse.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: zekterellium on 05 Jul 2005, 15:30
because bunnies would die if i didn't.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: KharBevNor on 05 Jul 2005, 15:57
I think peoples musical taste is a bit like peoples dogs. You know, it's a lot like them?

I like music that's big, loud, offensive, dresses in a manner that makes christian fundamentalists scared, thinks for itself, is a tad pretentious, a bit arty, has a highly liberal attitude to drugs and sex and really doesn't like political correctness.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: AnonymousPosterChild on 05 Jul 2005, 17:27
Because I like the way it sounds.

I really cant explain it better than that.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Tago Mago on 05 Jul 2005, 18:38
I like different music for different reasons, but the stuff I really like generally: makes me want to jump up and down (Melt Banana); provides a genuine experience akin to a memory (Can); sends a shiver down the spine (Animal Collective); makes me really happy or really sad (Guided By Voices); completely terrifies me (Faust); provides a vivid tapestry of colour and sound (Brian Eno); makes me forget myself (Miles Davis); is pure energy played with rank amateurism (The Stooges); is pure energy played skillfully (The Velvet Underground); is beautiful (John Coltrane); is tragic (Pere Ubu); is intelligent (Radiohead); is cool (Boredoms); contains something altogether new that I've never heard before (This Heat); calms me down (Nick Drake); and basically just makes me feel good (...I like namedropping).
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: saturnine1979 on 05 Jul 2005, 18:40
intelligence and creativity.

I'd say those are the two most common factors among the music I listen to.

I like music with well written lyrics. I like interesting song structures.
I like music with emotion. Not shitty "emo", real emotion. I don't care for a lot of 'angry' music (although I like DFA1979, QOSA, Deftones, etc.). I generally prefer indie pop, indie folk, or lap-pop. I like guitars. I don't like cock-rock. I can't stand vagueness and cliches in lyrics.

That's just ranting though... It's hard to say what really draws me to the music I like.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: nickyandthefuture on 05 Jul 2005, 18:50
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Merkava on 05 Jul 2005, 18:51
Quote from: saturnine1979
intelligence and creativity.

I'd say those are the two most common factors among the music I listen to.

I like music with well written lyrics. I like interesting song structures.
I like music with emotion. Not shitty "emo", real emotion. I don't care for a lot of 'angry' music (although I like DFA1979, QOSA, Deftones, etc.). I generally prefer indie pop, indie folk, or lap-pop. I like guitars. I don't like cock-rock. I can't stand vagueness and cliches in lyrics.

That's just ranting though... It's hard to say what really draws me to the music I like.

I agree with most of that, though I'm not exactly sure what lap-pop is. :P

Well, most of the stuff I listen to is alive. It's not straight and rigid like cock-rock would be. the music I like is messy, it's moving, it's textured. I guess that's what keeps me to the jingle-jangle of Indie rock. Sure, I'll enjoy a good, hard metal riff, but only for a few seconds before it gets tiring. It has to move, it has to change.

I also like beauty. It doesn't always have to be pretty beauty like Death Cab/The Postal Service. And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead (at least up until their most recent album) is a great example of the band that falls into this category. It's beauty in pure emotion.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: saturnine1979 on 05 Jul 2005, 19:19
Merkava: The Postal Service is lap-pop. It's another name for IDM I believe. It's like electronic-indie-pop...or something.

Handclaps make everything better.
"Stars And Sons". mmmmmmmm
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Merkava on 05 Jul 2005, 19:23
Oh, so it wasn't a coincidence that I originally read it as "lap-top". :P
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: KharBevNor on 05 Jul 2005, 20:14
...In what universe does metal stay still? It's too busy punching you in the face over and over again and making love to your spouse to stay still.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: La Creme on 05 Jul 2005, 20:38
And sodomizing your pets Khar! Don't forget that one... (Fucking an Animal is the funniesr Gwar song ever. Ever.)

I listen to everything because I think that there is so much life to live and not nearly enough time to live it all, so you might as well get in what you can while you can. All the music i listen to I like for different reasons, but I think the two never-fail rules I run by are that (1) The music has to be either original or so beautifully stereotypical of a genre that it becomes unique in and of its self and (2) The musicians seem to care about what they are playing.

PS: Merkava, if you want metal that changes a lto, listen to the Liquid Tension Experiment song "Paradigm Shift", then check out "Biaxident", then "When The Water Breaks". It's really prog, but whateva.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: mechorg on 05 Jul 2005, 20:47
"Why do you like what you like?"

because i do
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: KharBevNor on 05 Jul 2005, 20:49
For an example of a really organic metal track totally on the other end of the spectrum from prog, my mind instantly jumped to 'Cassie Eats Cockroaches' by Acid Bath. It slides around everywhere. Definitely my funnest song to play on the guitar, vying, rather oddly, with Folsom Prison Blues.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: reva on 05 Jul 2005, 20:58
Because it appeals to my set of opinions, beliefs, and feelings.


Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Devastator on 05 Jul 2005, 21:46

(It makes me move. It makes me think. Fulfill one of those two, chances are I'll enjoy it. Fulfill both, chances are, I'll adore it.)
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: ebullientsoul on 05 Jul 2005, 22:29
Because the music makes me move, sing out, finger point and re-evaluate where I am and how I can improve myself.

And because Aaron from Bane is a lyrical genius.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: lastclearchance on 05 Jul 2005, 22:54
Quote from: mechorg
"Why do you like what you like?"

because i do

Why do they call it Apple Jacks if it doesn't taste like apples?
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Kanno on 05 Jul 2005, 23:58
Because I don't know of anything else offhand that is as infinitely interesting or cool as music.  I don't think I could explain why I like music.  

I think it spawns from the first time I ever saw someone play a drumset, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.  After that, I began playing all sorts of instruments, and once you start playing, you never stop.  

I love the feeling of listening to a new album that just knocks me on my ass.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Clara on 06 Jul 2005, 00:12
Quote from: saturnine1979
"Stars And Sons". mmmmmmmm

Mmmmm, Broken Social Scene.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: zekterellium on 06 Jul 2005, 05:45
because sometimes it's windy but then other times it's sunny.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Drewbacca on 06 Jul 2005, 06:16
And here's one I prepared earlier .. oddly enough, inspired by reading QC.

Quote from: Drewbacca's LJ
Mostly due to reading Questionable Content I have been thinking a bit about musical tastes recently. For most people it seems easy to place them into fairly well defined groups based on their listening tastes. Some will be predominently Goth, others will be into Heavy Metal, while others will be into Dance/Trance/etc. Sometimes, these tastes will overlap with someone like two, three, or more different groups. When it came time to classify myself, however, I ran into a snag. While I liked individual songs, I did not styles of music as much. For instance, I like Rammstein, but not German music in general; I like a couple of songs by Muse, but the rest of Indie music does nothing for me. In fact, a look through my average playlist showed a smattering of techno, some classical, a touch of 60's and 70's tracks with a little pop and rock thrown in for good measure. The thing that really stood was the one thing that almost all of these tracks had in common. They were all either played in a movie, or part of a movie soundtrack.

Intrigued by this I dug a little deeper. One of my favourite artists, "Weird" Al Yankvich, I discovered thanks to the soundtrack for The Flintstones movie. It was from there I went and bought his Alapalooza album, which featured the track 'Jurassic Park'. Most of the songs I own I have for this, or very similar reasons. The one that is a little different from the rest is the two tracks I like from Muse, 'Time is Running Out' and 'Stockholm Syndrome'. The first time I heard 'Time' was when I saw the video on tv. I instantly recognized the set as an homage to the War Room from 'Dr Strangelove' [whether this was deliberate or not is another matter] and was hooked. Later I discovered 'Stockholm' and got a mental flashback to 'The World Is Not Enough' where it was mentioned and used as part of the plot [the syndrome, not the song].

It is due to this investigation I have come to the realisation that I am a fan of movie music. Not just scores and compositions, but music that is used in, linked to, or has reference to movies and tv. Even songs used in trailers - like 'Ready, Steady, Go' by Paul Oakenfield - have not escaped my grasped. I can now look upon my soundtrack-filled cd collection and understand what it is that I am. I have transcended being a mere movie geek, and become something else entirely. If this is for the best or not I am yet to decide, but if you'll excuse me now, 'Axel F' has come up on my playlist and I'll leave you now and sink into a haze of keyboards and synthesizers.

Yeah, I may be just a little messed up.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: zekterellium on 06 Jul 2005, 07:00
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: My Aim Is True on 06 Jul 2005, 09:58
I agree with Tago Mago, that different types of music appeal to me for different reasons. I listen to a lot of hardcore, hip hop, country/folk, and indie rock. Most of it has something I can identify with in the lyrics, but sometimes it's just really catchy or energetic. I've never done herion, but the VU is still great.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Wondershot on 08 Jul 2005, 16:00
I like what I like because, well, I like stuff that is creative and different, and never takes itself way too seriously. Sometimes my taste in music doesn't seem to make much sense, such as my liking Curve but not Bloc Party, or how I like (nay, adore) Overseer but not much else in terms of rap or techno. Basically, I think that any band that's not afraid to screw around once in a while, try making a record with many different elements and emotions, or with a beat that changes quite a bit from song to song, is a good band for trying their best to evolve and be different.

For example, One of my favorite bands ever, the Plastilina Mosh, is a duo from Mexico who simply cannot stick to one single style or mood. Each of their songs is so radically different and downright confusing that it's almost impossible to discern them all as being written by the same artist. From growling raps to upbeat sing-alongs to sexy and danceable to the most confusing breakbeat song ever, with samples from a tape on how to learn Japanese, no less, Plastilina Mosh will always remain my favorites for refusing to stay the same. Always shifting techniques and jumping from one genre to another, their songs are always fun to listen to because they share almost nothing in common.

And that basically explains my taste in music.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Shadow on 11 Jul 2005, 08:36
This is gonna sound elitist, but its really practical for me.

The first thing that draws me to music is the complexity of it, if a song is realy crazy in the building of the parts, or its in a funny time signature like 11/8 or something I like it just cause the person gets an A for effort.

Also I listen to stuff based on its guitar lines, like I just stole my bro's Jack Johnson CD cause the guitar stuff is really awesome, its like all jazz chordings.

Then theres just simply stuff that sounds cool.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: MilkmanDan on 11 Jul 2005, 12:11
Quote from: saturnine1979
The Postal Service is lap-pop. It's another name for IDM I believe. It's like electronic-indie-pop...or something.

No, not really. IDM != Lap-pop. Lap-pop is indie-pop which happens to involve some electronic elements. The Postal Service, The Notwist, and some other peoples. IDM on the other hand, is straight up electronica, eg Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin and.. well, basically just think Warp Records.

Also, as someone else has already mentioned, the only reason to like music is cowbells.
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: Mnementh on 11 Jul 2005, 12:13
It pleases my ears
Title: Why do you like what you like?
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 11 Jul 2005, 14:37
I'm a drummer, so I guess I'm drawn to music with complicated rhythms and textures.
In some cases, it's also melody or the lyrics, but first and foremost, the music has to rock (and that's mostly via rhythm for me) and that means it should give me the feeling that I need to move while listening to it, be it dancing, jumping or kicking random people in the face in a moshpit.
Of course that depends on my mood then.