Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Gryff on 11 Jul 2005, 18:02

Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Gryff on 11 Jul 2005, 18:02
I just got Tekken 5 the other day and I was blown away by the graphics on this baby, but I think I still prefer Virtua Fighter 4.

I like VF4 because the controls are simple (just puch, kick and guard) and intuitive while simultaneously being very deep (guard-throws for instance).

I also like how balanced the characters in VF4 are, compared to Tekken which has lots more characters, but has quite a few that are very similar. VF4's characters almost always have their own unique moves and combos, which makes playing them a more in-depth experience.

Tekken also seems to allow more room for button-mashers to do well, while VF tends to reward experience, which I like. There's nothing like the shame of being destroyed by a button-masher, or the glory of putting one down with a perfect.

So what's your favourite one on one fighter, and why?
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Kai on 11 Jul 2005, 18:04
VF4 and Street Fighter myself. Namely for the reasons above. although Street Fighter isn't all that balanced, seeing as it's really effing easy to kick ass with the Indian strecthing guy.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Acclrator on 11 Jul 2005, 18:07
I am personally a 2D fighter guy. Street Fights and King of Fighters please.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Mr Putter on 11 Jul 2005, 20:00
Definitely Street Fighter, preferably champions edition (classic!) or alpha 3 - I really liked the character building world tour thingy in alpha 3.  

I have a big problem with 3D fighters like tekken - they always feel really slow and clunky to me - I dunno maybe I just suck at them
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Switchblade on 12 Jul 2005, 05:17
Def Jam Vendetta: Fight for New York.  Okay, so it's a bit too "bling bling word up 2 my homies" for my tastes, but that's just graffiti slapped on the walls of a damned fine fighting game.

Oh, and I'm unbeatable at Tekken 4, so long as I use Steve. Seriously.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 12 Jul 2005, 10:31
Argh.  Pick just one?  I don't know if I can.  I love Guilty Gear X2 but then there is the Capcom VS series that are awesome as well.  As well as the Street Fighter and KoF series.

Also Street Fighter is some what balanced.  I don't remember the who's and what's exactly but Dhalism (stretchy Indian dude) can be countered.

I like Soul Calibur 2 as far as 3D (are they actually a fully 3D?  There isn't really any up or down movement and the Namco fighting games) fighters go.  Though the latest Mortal Kombat game was fun as well.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: heretic on 12 Jul 2005, 11:13
Soul Caliber II and PowerStone. hell yes powerstone, that game rocks the hardcore full 3d.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: FreshJive787 on 12 Jul 2005, 14:52
guilty gear x2 forever! that game is the only reason i play one v one fighting games, also i really liked the bouncer for a 3d fighting game
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Gryff on 12 Jul 2005, 15:04
The Bouncer? I believe I played that back when the PS2 came out. My friend had a saved game at the last boss and I beat it first time. This is not a reflection on my awesomeness, more the game's fairly pathetic difficulty level. Can't say I liked that game too much...

But GGX2 is way cool. That'd be my favourite 2D fighter. I haven't really had a chance to delve very deep into the gameplay yet, but I'm impressed with it so far. Fave characters, GGX2 fans?

Mine would be Faust, I think, partly because he's cool and partly for the reaction he gets out of people who haven't seen the game before (for those not in the know, Faust is a nine foot tall doctor with a paper bag on his head and a giant scalpel as a weapon, who dabbles in occult arts... serious)!
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: will: wanton sex god on 12 Jul 2005, 17:09
^ for ggx2 i like may and jam :)
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Acclrator on 12 Jul 2005, 17:52
I'm all about some GG also.. I just never got in to the 3D scene. I've been playing fighters since Street Fighter on SNES so.. It's all about them for me. 3D just adds a useless dimension. You can "side step" in current 2D fighters too.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Crowebert on 12 Jul 2005, 18:59
Soul Calibur (1 or 2) pwnz all. Best fighting game in existence. Some of the Street Fighters and Guilty Gear come close, as do some of the ones for the Neo Geo. Anyone played Garou: Mark of the Wolves or Waku Waku 7? Those were pretty neat.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Sabre on 13 Jul 2005, 03:26
Soul Blade and Soul Calibur II are awesome, Love Nightmare and Li Long and of course Heihachi ( i know he's acually from Tekken, but i like him better in SCII)
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Sideways on 13 Jul 2005, 07:44
Probably Soul Calibur 2... what a game!
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 13 Jul 2005, 10:49
Quote from: Gryff
But GGX2 is way cool. That'd be my favourite 2D fighter. I haven't really had a chance to delve very deep into the gameplay yet, but I'm impressed with it so far. Fave characters, GGX2 fans?

Hard pick but probably Chipp Zanuff.  If I remember the charecter/name correctly.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Sabre on 14 Jul 2005, 04:08
i just got Tekken 5 today, it's cool, but i still think Soul Calibur II is best, Tekken 5 don't have Heihachi :(
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Gryff on 14 Jul 2005, 15:30
Tekken 5 do have Heihachi, actually. Finish story mode a few times to unlock him.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: KJ on 14 Jul 2005, 16:59
King of Fighters for 2D, and Soul Calibur 2 (the only fighting game I'm actually a bit good at)
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Sythe on 14 Jul 2005, 17:01
Blanca 0wnz j00.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Sabre on 15 Jul 2005, 03:33
Quote from: Gryff
Tekken 5 do have Heihachi, actually. Finish story mode a few times to unlock him.

thanks i got him
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Mikintosh on 18 Jul 2005, 20:25
Marvel vs. Capcom 2, my ol' Dreamcast buddy.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Blue Kitty on 18 Jul 2005, 20:28
Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO for the Gamecube cause it made fighting so very easy.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Crowebert on 18 Jul 2005, 21:06
Quote from: Mikintosh
Marvel vs. Capcom 2, my ol' Dreamcast buddy.

Dreamcast was the shiznit up in the hizzy for fighting games. RIP little swirly guy :)
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: IronOxide on 20 Jul 2005, 08:54
Wait... Did they stop making Dreamcast games?

I kid, I kid. I loved sega.

The best fighting game is either Marvel vs. Capcom 2 or Soul Calibur 2
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: will: wanton sex god on 20 Jul 2005, 11:46
tecnically, sf3 and vf4 are the best fighting games.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Abattur on 21 Jul 2005, 06:47
Sould Calibur series and King of Fighters series.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Lug on 21 Jul 2005, 07:56
My favorite would probably be Streetfighter VS SNK 2 (King for the win!) but I can see Guilty Gear X 2 for being a better game (I just suck at GG that's all).

I like 2D fighters more then 3D ones. In 3D fighters you can really get away with button mashing which is lame.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: heretic on 21 Jul 2005, 08:31
powerstone FTW. that game rules all
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 21 Jul 2005, 10:28
Lug, how is that you suck at GGX-2?  I think the special and one hit kills are more similar to Capcom vs SNK 2 then just about any other fighting game.  Also, is that Ash from one of the Evil Dead comics?
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Mikintosh on 21 Jul 2005, 11:07
Quote from: Lug
My favorite would probably be Streetfighter VS SNK 2 (King for the win!) but I can see Guilty Gear X 2 for being a better game (I just suck at GG that's all).

I like 2D fighters more then 3D ones. In 3D fighters you can really get away with button mashing which is lame.

Well, in the Marvel/Capcom series, they was kinda true too. The difference for me, though, was that the 2D art allowed for a lot more cool explodey attacks, and then it kinda became a real-time strategy thing (MvC was 3 on 3) that took 60 seconds and you had to move around really fast. The 3D games just seem kinda pedestrian, like bland Mortal Kombats BUT YOU CAN ROTATE OMG.

Yeah, I'm very protective of my Street Fighters 'cause all of the lil youngsters nowadays probably barely know what they are. DAMN YOU CAPCOM, AND YOUR MEGA MAN DEVOTION!
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Lug on 22 Jul 2005, 00:03
Quote from: happybirthdaygelatin
Lug, how is that you suck at GGX-2?  I think the special and one hit kills are more similar to Capcom vs SNK 2 then just about any other fighting game.  Also, is that Ash from one of the Evil Dead comics?

Granted my biggest problem with GG is that I don't play it enough; anyone can go and pick up a controler and punch and kick their way to victory (assuming they are playing against a guy who is equally well versed in the game) but if you are playing anyone who knows how to do stuff you are probably going down.

I think that SF is an easier game because the moves are more traditional. Charge guys only have charge moves and QC guys only have QC moves and a fireball or upper cut from one guy is probably going to do a similar move with another. These are easy things to remember so after 5 or 10 minutes I get back in the flow of things and start kicking ass.

In GG everyone's move is unique and many characters have charge moves as well as QC moves. You can't go from playing Faust to playing May and expect QCB is going to make her jump on her anchor and throw crap at you or disapear and attack you from behind now can you? I can't kept track of everyones moves and everyones variations of moves since you have to know each character well to be half decent.

It's easier to pick up a SF based game and kick ass then it is to pick up GG.

And yes that is Ash from the Evil Dead Comic.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Stranger Dan on 22 Jul 2005, 00:18
I like that I was able to almost instantly find a Soul Caliber II character that was perfect for me and he was equiped with the same weapon as my favorite ninja turtle. I usually suck at fighters but I can actually kick ass as Kilik.
I was able to master Sol Badguy in Guilty Gear X2 in five seconds now I'm able to pick a random character and be fine with almost anyone even Zappa.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: AeroZeppelin on 23 Jul 2005, 11:31
It may seem extremely old.... But Street Fighter II is my all time favorite because of the way it looked way back when....
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 25 Jul 2005, 12:09
Quote from: Lug
Lots of stuff and good points

Ah, I was thinking that alot of the SNK charecter move sets are similar to GG. I see what you mean now though but I've played Capcom vs SNK 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Guilty Gear X2 all quite a bit so maybe that's why I was sorta perplexed.  Now where I've had problems is actually playing 2D fighting games on actual arcade machines.  I grew up in pretty rural areas with no access to arcades and more access to consoles.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: Gryff on 25 Jul 2005, 16:52
That's funny 'cause most "hardcore" fighting game fans swear by using arcade sticks, even at home. I've never really seen the point in shelling out for extra controllers when the regular pads usually work just fine, though.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 26 Jul 2005, 08:33
Never really saw the point of them either.  A lot of the arcade style set ups purchasable for home use seem cumbersome.  I've thought about getting one of Street Fighter controllers that have just the fun little holographic image and are more set up kind of like a Sega Genesis controller.
Title: Fave one on one fighter
Post by: neomang5 on 26 Jul 2005, 09:12
Marvel vs Capcom 1&2 ftw.
And for the 3d world, Soul Calibur 2 and for some strange reason DBZ: Budokai 2 (never played 3). I guess its just fun to have a few more abnormal powers in a fighting game (fusion, transformaition, HUGE FUGGIN EXPLOSIONS)