Fun Stuff => MAKE => Topic started by: practicality on 19 Jul 2005, 15:32

Title: To everyone who can draw people...
Post by: practicality on 19 Jul 2005, 15:32
I have a few questions...
How long did it take you to get significantly better than when you started?
Did any books help? Or did you have a natural knack?
How much practice does it take? I know it takes a whole lot, but weeks, months, years...?
I am starting to make my own sewing patterns, but one of the important skills is to be able to draw what the garment should look like on a person. I've been practicing since Winter 2004, and I have gotten a lot better, but I still have a long ways to go. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Title: To everyone who can draw people...
Post by: torg on 20 Jul 2005, 02:40
well.. i dont think that you can say 'well, you'll need 6 months to get better' ... it just doesnt work like that. books help getting the basics, but in the end it's all about practice. draw draw draw. look at pics. dont try to draw everything from memory, use pics for reference. and one day there will be the point where you suddenly 'get' the persons. but that might take some time or it could also happen in an hour.
i dont draw much... or better i just started some months ago and havent drawn too much since then, because i am horribly slow. but i think i developed an eye for the things 'wrong' on a person (or an item or whatever). but that also might be the result of my education as i studied CS with emphasis on computer graphics. the theory of colour, light and perspective helped a lot.
But basically it all is a question of practice, and theres also no 'end' to getting better. so keep on trying and you will get better constantly.
Title: To everyone who can draw people...
Post by: will: wanton sex god on 20 Jul 2005, 11:49
