Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: SamH on 03 Aug 2005, 17:35

Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: SamH on 03 Aug 2005, 17:35
Whats your fav game of all time and why ?

Personaly i cant get enough of the first Unreal ^_^
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Switchblade on 03 Aug 2005, 17:50
Don't have one. I play too many different games to have developed a real favourite, as such. I have many favourites, and cycle between them at semi-regular intervals.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Karn on 03 Aug 2005, 18:04
I love all of BioWare's Forgotten Realms games. It's really a shame that this developer is no more.

The original Baldur's Gate was totally groundbreaking, with its sequel and the IceWind Dale and Neverwinter Nights games adding to the fun. They really did some amazing stuff with the D&D game engine, in my opinion. As far as storyline and gameplay go, these games exceed that of most of the more recent "role-playing games."

Simply excellent work.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Shibboleth on 03 Aug 2005, 18:17
Tetris for the Gameboy totally owned my soul for a long, long time.

Ultima 4 and 5 for my Apple //c, Starcraft and Quake 2 for my PC, and Metroid Prime and Wind Waker for the Gamecube all come in close 2nd.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Tedd on 03 Aug 2005, 19:01
I've played many, many, nay games over my years but I could never find one that I could call my favorite. There aren't enough games with an equal balance of story, graphics (keep in mind graphics do not make a good game), violence and titties. We need another game like FF.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Acclrator on 03 Aug 2005, 21:40
Final Fantasy XI.. I can't put the damn thing down. :(
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Sythe on 03 Aug 2005, 21:53
Black & White was an awesome game. I mean, you get to be a deity and stomp on people's shit!
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Super Dave on 03 Aug 2005, 21:56
Definitley SONIC 2 for sega genesis. No matter what mood i'm in, that game is always cool.

19, 65, 09, 17 then hold A+START



aw yeah.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Inlander on 04 Aug 2005, 00:36
Quote from: Shibboleth
Ultima 4 and 5 for my Apple

DAMN RIGHT!  Okay, I've never played any of the Ultimas on an Apple, but those of you who've read my posts in this part of the Forum may be all too aware of my all-consuming passion for Ultima V.  Best goddamn game ever made.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: 5thWheel on 04 Aug 2005, 02:06
Deus Ex (  It is 5 years old and still pisses all over anything I've played since (it both pisses *and* poops all over the sequel:/).
Why? The characters were fun & I cared about them, the plot was pretty good fun (great by game standards IMO), the FPS aspects were cool ("realistic" mode gives 1-shot kills etc & I liked the aiming system) & I liked the way it (initially) tried to react to the way you played it (you can go for lethal or non-lethal approach in the 1st 2 missions & people treat you differently depending on how you played) & I also liked the RPG aspects.
I have been gagging for a comparable game ever since (tried Morrowind, sucked).. Hoping Alan Wake ( or Oblivion ( might be what I'm looking for..
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: MoiraFae on 04 Aug 2005, 02:15
Final Fantasy. Any of them. All of them. Also, Chrono Trigger.

<----RPG Addict. *bows head in shame*
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Luke C on 04 Aug 2005, 05:29
Quote from: Switchblade
Don't have one. I play too many different games to have developed a real favourite, as such. I have many favourites, and cycle between them at semi-regular intervals.

Id say that sums me ud as well tbh.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: will: wanton sex god on 04 Aug 2005, 07:20
la dee da.
link to the past.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: twentyfour on 04 Aug 2005, 07:25
Quote from: 5thWheel

I have been gagging for a comparable game ever since


I gotta say my favourite is a real toss up. Shining Force 2 or Vandal Hearts. Both hold a special place in my left ventrical
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: 5thWheel on 04 Aug 2005, 08:31
Quote from: twentyfour

As in "Gagging for it" (, as in "desparate for", never really occured to me that was uk-only slang...
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: twentyfour on 04 Aug 2005, 10:27
Well, where I'm from to say someone was "gagging" for it implies they were either takin it in the mouth or they were sick.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Karn on 04 Aug 2005, 12:52
Quote from: 5thWheel
(it both pisses *and* poops all over the sequel:/).

It's the sad truth. Even when you could get DX:IW to run, it was a real shoddy game. Besides paling in comparison to the first DX in terms of gameplay, the graphics were really disappointing for a game that came out in 2003.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Kid Modernist on 04 Aug 2005, 13:04
Final Fantasy 7 fo' life.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Addius on 04 Aug 2005, 13:25
I think it would be Chrono Trigger.. based on the fact that never have I completed a game as many times as I did that game. Baldurs Gate one would probably come as a close second, tailed by the first Diablo game.. And then I have to finish the four best ones with a game called Albion. That shit was HOT! I should install that again when I come home, many childhood memories in that game. (Also I think it was the first game I bought with my own money that I actually searched for.. Had to look hard to find it too)
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Switchblade on 04 Aug 2005, 17:32
Quote from: Tedd
There aren't enough games with an equal balance of story, graphics (keep in mind graphics do not make a good game), violence and titties.

HL2 only really falls down on that last point, actually, so if you haven't played it, I think you should.

Mind you, Alyx has an AMAZING ass... which kind of compensates.

Ever notice how there are no woman headcrab zombies? I have killed many a HCZ, and seen nary a boob.

Wait, shit, I just realised how totally creepy that sounds... *dons sunglasses, raises shiney metal stick* Hey, look at this thing!

Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: 5thWheel on 05 Aug 2005, 02:47
Quote from: Switchblade
Quote from: Tedd
There aren't enough games with an equal balance of story, graphics (keep in mind graphics do not make a good game), violence and titties.

HL2 only really falls down on that last point, actually, so if you haven't played it, I think you should.

Hmm, I thought the story for HL2 was poor-to-nonexistant:/  I was hugely disappointed in the whole game tbh.  They made this big wet deal out of the physics but if you acutally did anything useful or "out of the box" with them it screwed you (e.g., in "(SPOILER) Entanglement" ( I pre-built an escape route out of the pit with the turrets & 4 forcefields in it & ended up in the middle of a load of spawnpoints for enemies).  Also I felt it had no atmposphere (except for Ravensholm, that was cool :) ). Also your fellow soldiers are totally disposable. Also Steam both sucks & blows.
OTOH over 1.7million retail sales would tend to place me in the minority I guess.  & I admit the graphics totally blew me away.

Max Payne 2 has story, graphics, violence *and* titties :) .
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Sabre on 05 Aug 2005, 03:16
I too love the forgotten realms series, but when did they go bust?!?!?!

Quote from: Karn
I love all of BioWare's Forgotten Realms games. It's really a shame that this developer is no more.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: MoiraFae on 05 Aug 2005, 03:31
Quote from: twentyfour
Shining Force 2

I loved the Shining Force series!! Now if I could only get my hands on a few of them ...

Oh, I didn't mention, Pirates! Gold. God I loved that game. And the original Theme Park ...
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Stranger Dan on 05 Aug 2005, 03:44
Quote from: Sabre
I too love the forgotten realms series, but when did they go bust?!?!?!

Quote from: Karn
I love all of BioWare's Forgotten Realms games. It's really a shame that this developer is no more.

Obviously, they took all of the money that they made from Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 and Jade Empire and bought themselves race cars and an unmeasureably large amount of vodka. They all died either from car crashes or alcohol poisoning or more commonly both. Oddly enough this hasn't stopped them from working on Jade Empire 2.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Switchblade on 05 Aug 2005, 09:52
Quote from: 5thWheel
Hmm, I thought the story for HL2 was poor-to-nonexistant:/  

Poor-to-nonexistant plot? Hardly. The genius of HL2's plot doesn't lie in plot twists, emotional angst and all that... it's in the detail. The photograph in Kleiner's lab, showing a bunch of scientist (including Gordon Freeman) with one of the faces obliterated by white-out. The spray-painted orange Lambda symbols wherever the underground resistance has left a supply drop. Barney pausing whilst hacking a console and saying "Did you hear a cat just then?... The damn thing haunts me..." A terrified resistance member being comforted by one of her comrades while a firefight rages outside. Newspaper cutting talking about the "Seven hours war" hung up in  Eli's lab. Eli's missing leg.

The bits that really stand out for me, however, are during "Red Letter Day" - Alyx goes through the teleporter, and she gives her dad a kiss on the cheek when she arrives - and "Dark Energy". When Gordon goes down in the lift to enter the core, Alyx presses her hands against the glass, and watches him descend. Without saying anything, it's an emotional moment.
Also I felt it had no atmposphere (except for Ravensholm, that was cool :) ).

You ever noticed how there are no kids in HL2? During the opening sequence, Doctor Breen's broadcast includes a section where he reads a letter from a citizen asking when the suppression field that prevents breeding will be lifted. Shortly thereafter, you walk past an old play park, with a swing set and see-saw, all rusted and dirty from disuse. and I'd swear that the soundtrack at that point includes kids screaming.

There may not be a plot in the traditional sense but the WORLD is so full of depth and atmosphere that I've only scuffed the surface here. It's run-down, neglected, opressed. Whole sections of a once-grand city have slowly fallen to ruin, inhabited by tired, scared citizens. Very little new is invented that isn't being used by the Combine. The plot depth and atmosphere are there, they just aren't expressed overtly. It's implied story-telling, basically, and a fine example at that.

They made this big wet deal out of the physics but if you acutally did anything useful or "out of the box" with them it screwed you (e.g., in "(SPOILER) Entanglement" ( I pre-built an escape route out of the pit with the turrets & 4 forcefields in it & ended up in the middle of a load of spawnpoints for enemies).

If you will insist on mucking with the game, then you can expect to be nastied up. HL2 was never designed to be a game about choice. In fact, the whole thing revolves around a lack of choice. Gordon is forced inexorably down a single path, both metaphorically, and literally. Sure, there are different ways to take on different challenges. During "Nova Prospekt", when faced with turrets, the options I tend to use when dealing with turrets are to either chuck a grenade at them, or rip a radiator off the wall with the G-gun, and use that to knock them over instead. But at the same time, there really is only one course open to you. Fight, move on, follow like a rat in a maze where all the alternative routes have been sealed off. But there are times when you can bypass the game and get away with it. During the coast road sequence, for example, you come across a gate. You're supposed to seek out the batteries hidden around the area to power the motor and open it.

The first time I got there, I built a ramp and boost-jumped over the gate instead. I wasn't penalised for that. I took DOG's ball into Ravenholme with me, one time. Not only is it useful ammo for the G-gun, but it's combine-aligned, meaning that the headcrabs and zombies attack it. If I chuck the ball into the middle of a zombie cluster, I'll kill one, and the rest will gather round and smack it, leaving me free to pick up a sawblade or something and take ALL of them out in one go. plus, it can kill headcrabs by rolling over them.

Also your fellow soldiers are totally disposable.

Not so. Medics hand you health packs if you get too badly wounded, for starters, and they ALL  pitch into the fights, making them a lot shorter and easier.

I also love it when they swap out their weapon for a better one on the ground. At the start of "Follow Freeman", one of the soldiers following me grabbed an RPG with a satisfied "one for me..." and then shot a strider, yelling "AND ONE FOR YOU!!!" Another one swapped her SMG for a combine pulse rifle nicked off a dead soldier, and said "thank you!" to its former owner. And even these minor characters make eye contact with you, look and focus properly, and basically behave like human beings. One of mine got killed by a turret one time, and the guy next to her gave this anguished "NO!" and rushed over and knocked the turret down.

Also Steam both sucks & blows

Never had a problem with it, myself. In fact, I think it's quite useful.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: 5thWheel on 05 Aug 2005, 10:11
Quote from: Switchblade
[A spirited defense of HL2]

k, plot/atmosphere matter of personal preference I guess.  I may have suffered from hearing all the hype.

Re: steam OTOH, I do see the point in steam but I'd rather not have to wait up to half an hour before being able to play the game.  Happened a couple of times the damn thing took so long to update (no offer of skipping it I could see) that by the time it had started I had to turn it off again:/  I do have broadband btw.

ObOnTopic: Grim Fandango ( is another of my fave games
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Switchblade on 05 Aug 2005, 10:30
Funny. On a 56K dial-up, I had to endure only a single 90-minute download time when I first set up the game. Since then, the whole thing's been as smooth as a shaved baby's bum after being sat in WD-40. I've found it to be nothing other than incredibly useful, in fact, though I have heard horror stories.

And it is possible to run Steam in an offline mode, too, you know.

I respect that you don't want to let a game's hype force you into making a  false positive judgement, but at the same time it's possible to go too far in the opposite direction. I find that hype is justified, more often than not.

Anyway, 'nuff said on that topic. I urge you to replay and take things slower, and look around at the game world more closely, however. You should ahve a more fulfilling experience.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: deborah on 05 Aug 2005, 10:50
call me an old coot, but my favorite game was the sierra version of the black cauldron.
actually, pretty much anything sierra put out back in the 80s was cool shit.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: jhocking on 05 Aug 2005, 12:06
Quote from: twentyfour
Shining Force 2

Quote from: MoiraFae
I loved the Shining Force series!!

If you love the Shining Force games, you should definitely check out Nippon Inchi's strategy RPGs on PS2.  I recommend Disgaea, although Phantom Brave is my favorite; Disgaea's battle system is just like Shining Force, whereas Phantom Brave changes up some fundamentals.

Too bad about the latest 'Shining' game, Shining Tears.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: LiterSize on 05 Aug 2005, 13:45
Standout game right now that I can go back to again and again...

Tales of Symphonia.  Doesn't need multiplayer, I <3 rpg's and as conventional as the story is, I don't mind playing through it.


Before ToS, there was shining Force II.... SLADE WAS AWESOME.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Karn on 05 Aug 2005, 16:53
Quote from: Sabre
I too love the forgotten realms series, but when did they go bust?!?!?!

Shit, talk about a slip. Replace "BioWare" with "Black Isle." Don't give me that look! They both stat with "B!"

Yes. Black Isle, being a subsidiary of Interplay, disappeared when Interplay was bought out by a company in France called "Titus." For those unfamiliar with the developer, Black Isle produced such quality franchises as Fallout, Bard's Tale and Baldur's Gate, as mentioned in my previous post. BioWare is still alive and well. :-)

Speaking of tragically evaporated developers, has anyone here played the Thief game series by Looking Glass studios? Those were some of my favorite games, as well.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Kai on 05 Aug 2005, 17:32
The Thief series, along wiht Deus Ex and Half Life are easily the best games ever. period.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: GebStar on 06 Aug 2005, 00:50
Monkey Island

Non-Star Wars related Lucas Arts adventure games FTW.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Wulfen on 06 Aug 2005, 04:40
Any FF. However! The Civilization games have always managed to suck me in no mater how much I tell them I have a headache.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Tedd on 06 Aug 2005, 06:29
Quote from: Karn

Speaking of tragically evaporated developers, has anyone here played the Thief game series by Looking Glass studios? Those were some of my favorite games, as well.

Thief is my best friend's favorite game- I had to give her my 5200FX when I got my Radeon 9800Pro.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Inlander on 06 Aug 2005, 06:31
The "Thieve's Highway" mission across the rooftops of the city in Thief 2 is, I think, the greatest level ever created for a F.P.S. game.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: trolley on 06 Aug 2005, 06:48
ff7 was the best game I ever played.

But Tomb Raider II was my first playstation game I bought. And it was friggin' awesome. So it gets my vote as my favorite.

Except for the level with the Giant spiders, which I had to play through with my eyes closed.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: McTaggart on 06 Aug 2005, 07:26
Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind. Hands down. The one game that I've been able to completely immerse myself in for days on end. A beautifully crafted and intricately detailed world combined with a good story and enough other stuff to do that you never have to touch the story. Best. Game. Ever. (in my opinion).

I'm hoping like hell Morrowind will gracefully hand it's crown over Oblivion when it comes out.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Freezey on 06 Aug 2005, 14:57
Chrono Trigger/Cross as far as how many times I've replayed a game...

unless you count like, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Super Mario World ect. I've played those countless times.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Karn on 06 Aug 2005, 18:46
Quote from: Inlander
The "Thieve's Highway" mission across the rooftops of the city in Thief 2 is, I think, the greatest level ever created for a F.P.S. game.

Ohhhhhhh, that was a BADASS level. I would have to agree with you via a non-queer "high-five."

One of my other favorites from Thief 2:TMA would have to be "Assassins!" It was just so huge, and so much fun. That, and "First City Bank & Trust." Robbing an entire bank--every thief's dream come true!
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Gryff on 08 Aug 2005, 17:39
Doom 2.

I spent a lot of time on that game, and even now it's cool to go back to. Nothing beats it.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Inanimate Object on 09 Aug 2005, 07:51
Quote from: GebStar
Monkey Island

Non-Star Wars related Lucas Arts adventure games FTW.

YES! Monkey Island are easily some of my favorite games.

The top spot is taken by Donkey Kong Country though. The original SNES game was amazing.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 09 Aug 2005, 18:24
I've said it before and I'll say it again - hell, I never stop saying it - Grim Fandango. Perfect.
Title: everyone knows this one.
Post by: Markoff_Chaney on 10 Aug 2005, 03:05
Chrono trigger, with a nod at more than one castlecania effort.
and of course, custards last stand on atari.

Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Alex on 11 Aug 2005, 02:50
Starsiege: Tribes is probably my favorite game of all time. Fast-paced online multi-player action. It was so great. It was the first FPS to introduce full 3D movement with Jetpacks. You couldnt just run around on the ground like in Quake, if you planned to survive and be any good to your team, you had to plan on being in the air a lot. It was a true game of skill. Then came later installments, which made it exactly what us Tribers were trying to stay away from: Quake/Unreal.

LOZ: OOT is high on the list as well.

Goldeneye 64 is an all time fav.

Tekken 5 is pretty awesome as well.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 11 Aug 2005, 08:51
Unreal Tournament Classic was awesome. Then Descent (first network game I used to play a lot) and tons of Lucas Arts adventures. Also, StarCraft (plus Broodwar).

But first and foremost: Homeworld. God, I love this game and it's a goddamn shame I can't get a legal copy since I lost my CD (still have the box though).
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Ethan on 11 Aug 2005, 11:05
Tales of Symphonia pwns.

Its one of the only RPG's Ive ever beaten >_o
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Merkava on 12 Aug 2005, 12:57
Metal Gear Solid is, in my opinion, the best game ever made. I mean the original, not the GC remake.

Other than that, FFVII. Even though I've gone on to play more and more RPG's, I just feel guilty not naming this one my favorite. I have more memories, and fond memories at that, with FFVII than any other game. It's the most perfect RPG experience I've had.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant deserves an honerable mention for being pretty much just as good.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: ASturge on 13 Aug 2005, 09:57
Quote from: Kid Modernist
Final Fantasy 6 fo' life

Edited so it made sense.

Also, Morrowind and Deus Ex
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: citric_acid on 13 Aug 2005, 10:48
Asking a hardcore gamer their favorite game is like asking them to pick a favorite ... internal organ, perhaps?

I guess I could narrow it down to top three, though. I like FFVII, Mario64, and Super Mario Bros. 3.

I'm an oldschool gamer, I guess.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: AeroZeppelin on 13 Aug 2005, 11:43
I'm a big Legend of Zelda fan and the Ocarena (sp?) of Time, I might buy a gamecube for the soul purpose of playing the new Zelda game.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Melkor on 13 Aug 2005, 15:45
Elite, Monkey Island, and Morrowind are my three favourites.
I just hope that Elite 4 is going to up to the the standard set by games such as X2: The Threat...
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: jhocking on 15 Aug 2005, 06:09
Quote from: citric_acid
I like FFVII, Mario64, and Super Mario Bros. 3.  I'm an oldschool gamer, I guess.

You call that oldschool?  "Oldschool" would be like Pacman or Donkey Kong.  SMB3 is in the grey, but the other two have 3D graphics, for Pete's sake.

If you want a good oldschool game, try Wizard of Wor.  atari4lyfe!
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Inlander on 15 Aug 2005, 06:17
Or Boulderdash!  Digger!  Or any variation on the classic Space Invaders template.
Title: Shenmue
Post by: The Mighty Mopdecai on 15 Aug 2005, 18:39
Shenmue I & II and not the bastard version on the XBOX. Game historians will look back at those two games and will relise how great they were.
Seriously Shenmue - I play it once every year.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: ManlyMan on 15 Aug 2005, 19:05
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.

I can't get enough, and now I'm gonna go cry because I think I lost my gold cartridge. Or somebody stole it. Shit.
Title: Re: Shenmue
Post by: ASturge on 16 Aug 2005, 08:57
Quote from: The Mighty Mopdecai
Shenmue I & II and not the bastard version on the XBOX. Game historians will look back at those two games and will relise how great they were.
Seriously Shenmue - I play it once every year.

Whatever happened to Shenmue 3?
Title: Re: Shenmue
Post by: jhocking on 16 Aug 2005, 09:19
Quote from: The Mighty Mopdecai
Shenmue I & II and not the bastard version on the XBOX. Game historians will look back at those two games and will relise how great they were.
Seriously Shenmue - I play it once every year.

That reminds me, I'm just getting over my Tenchu addiction (I finally beat it.)  I recommend Wrath of Heaven for PS2 (I think that's the third in the series.)  Fatal Shadows has good gameplay, but the cutscenes are some annoying funky crap, and apparently the XBox version was underwhelming.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: NotAnotherTeenUser on 22 Aug 2005, 13:26
let's think : 3 favourite games

Medieval :  Total War  <--- totally awesome, Poles beating up HRE, just as in 1410 :P [or Spain having lands in Livonia :D]

Fallout I & II <--- "In this world one have loaded guns, other digs. You dig"

Vice City <--- "Never play with open fire near Phil's Cassidy boomshine still" whoa, rocks :D

and maybe AOE II :P as fourth
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Oldschoolstylee on 22 Aug 2005, 14:08
Mutant league Hockey.

Or guardian heroes.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Gryff on 22 Aug 2005, 15:50
Ha! Mutant League Hockey - sheeeeit!

I played Mutant League Football heaps back in the day.

[Note: "sheeeeit" refers to my level of excitement when remembering these games, not that I think they were shit]
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Oldschoolstylee on 22 Aug 2005, 16:07
"waste the ref!"

Pure, unadulterated genius.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: SeŅor Duarte on 23 Aug 2005, 13:18
Starcraft and Mega Man 2.

Am I the only one who thinks that Blizzard needs to stop making Warcraft games and get working on a new Starcraft already? (And no, Ghost doesn't count)
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 24 Aug 2005, 11:04
Quote from: jhocking
Quote from: citric_acid
I like FFVII, Mario64, and Super Mario Bros. 3.  I'm an oldschool gamer, I guess.

You call that oldschool?  "Oldschool" would be like Pacman or Donkey Kong.  SMB3 is in the grey, but the other two have 3D graphics, for Pete's sake.

If you want a good oldschool game, try Wizard of Wor.  atari4lyfe!

Quote from: jhocking
That reminds me, I'm just getting over my Tenchu addiction (I finally beat it.) I recommend Wrath of Heaven for PS2 (I think that's the third in the series.) Fatal Shadows has good gameplay, but the cutscenes are some annoying funky crap, and apparently the XBox version was underwhelming.

Seven different kinds of awesome, you are.   The Tenchu games are one of my favourite series.

Does anyone else remember Basketbrawl?  For the NES I think.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Mister Ash on 24 Aug 2005, 15:58
I hate people asking me that question, but it's gotta be a close call between Quake 3, Half Life, Starcraft, Command And Conquer (all of em except Renegade), and Dark Forces / Jedi Knight (all of em)

Currently in the process of playing Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy for the 4th time (using al the diff light saber styles)
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: The Mighty Mopdecai on 24 Aug 2005, 17:26
I don't know how to quote so I'll just say this Shenmue 3 is in a permanent state of delay from Sega if you want Shenmue 3 keep Sega successful.
Then maybe ONE DAY![/quote]
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Glitch on 07 Sep 2005, 02:33
My favourite games have to be Star Wars Supremacy, Generals, Eve and HL2.

Steam only sucks if your connection drops, or you don't have the intelligence of monkey.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: beckrokk on 07 Sep 2005, 02:52
This gen:
Beyond Good and Evil (insert Rodney Dangerfield impression here)
Ratchet and Clank Series

Last Gen:
Metal Gear Solid (I literally played that game no less than fifty times to completion. Still pick it up once in a while since I don't have a Gamecube for Twin Snakes).
Rollcage Series

Bugs Bunny's 50th Birthday Bash
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: CarbonatedWeasel on 07 Sep 2005, 17:59
I cant really decide between The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time or Homeworld.  I love them so much, they are like my childrens, but not really. Only kinda.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: La Creme on 07 Sep 2005, 21:21
Quote from: SeNor Duerte
Mega Man 2.

X2? Because that is my favorite X no challenge. Actually, both of the other ones on SNES do pose a challenge, but this still takes the cake.


--Heart Of Darkness

-----A little known and not nearly respected enough game for how utterly brilliant its graphics were for when it was released. Also, pretty clever story, great gameplay, tricky puzzles, all around an amazing game. Unfortunately, pretty short. A good gamer will probably be able to tackle it in one day.

--Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

-----Fuck it being "too cute" or "for kids". Fuck that. This game is totally amazing.

--Chrono Trigger

-----Pretty much the greatest RPG ever.


-----The contenders.

--Worms Armageddon

-----Haven't played in a while, but maybe I should start again. I was the ELITE master of this game. Plus, the cool thing was that when you were really fucking good, not only did you get to beat everyone BUT you also got to find all the really hard secrets and help everyone too. Sooooo good. I'm pretty sure this was the best party video game there was until Halo.

Quote from: beckrokk
Beyond Good and Evil

I've never really understood how this game did so bad in sales. It is fucking genius.

Well, damn the non-beleivers who didn't buy it because it didnt get much hype. What do those fuckers know anyways, yeah?
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Tabfan on 08 Sep 2005, 01:21
Quote from: La Creme
Quote from: SeNor Duerte
Mega Man 2.

X2? Because that is my favorite X no challenge. Actually, both of the other ones on SNES do pose a challenge, but this still takes the cake.

I think he may have meant the NES Mega Man 2, actually.  That one is frequently a favorite of Mega Man fans, because it introduced the 8 robot bosses concept that became the standard for the rest of the series(the first MM only had 6 bosses).
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Gryff on 08 Sep 2005, 15:06
I can just imagine it now...

"I've had this great idea, guys! How about instead of 6 bosses, we put in... 8?"



"Son, you'll be promoted for this. It's forward thinkers like you who will take this company far!"
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Highlander on 08 Sep 2005, 15:44
Might and Magic 7. It will never be topped.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Duchess Tapioca on 09 Sep 2005, 00:36
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Porcupine Sprout on 09 Sep 2005, 03:29
Hm, no one listed Gothic 1 and 2, but they are one of the best RPGs ever, i think...
it might be, that they never made there way over the big sea,  because they are from germany, but in europe it surely was very successful... Does anyone of you know that game?
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: LunaticCrow on 09 Sep 2005, 10:08
Quote from: thehoopiestfrood
I've said it before and I'll say it again - hell, I never stop saying it - Grim Fandango. Perfect.

I love you, please let me have your children.

Seriously, Grim Fandango has to be one of the best games I have ever played, there will never be anything like it ever again.

Legend of Mana is a close second in my book. :)
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Jarne on 11 Sep 2005, 11:51
Star Wars: Tie Fighter.
I pray for a sequel.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Larkke on 11 Sep 2005, 11:58
Quote from: LunaticCrow
Quote from: thehoopiestfrood
I've said it before and I'll say it again - hell, I never stop saying it - Grim Fandango. Perfect.

I love you, please let me have your children.

Seriously, Grim Fandango has to be one of the best games I have ever played, there will never be anything like it ever again.

Legend of Mana is a close second in my book. :)

Dammit. I thought I was gonna be original. I saw this thread and went, "Hmm... Grim Fandango. I've played it through so many times it's not funny."

I'm not gonna change my answer, though. I guess I'm just jumping on the bandwagon, there.
Title: Re: Shenmue
Post by: Kai on 11 Sep 2005, 13:06
Quote from: ASturge

Whatever happened to Shenmue 3?

It's in production and pretty much ready for release; although which console isn't decided. Also, it's going to have all three of the Shenmue's in one game, apparently! how fucking awesome is that?
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Akbar on 13 Sep 2005, 15:13
I would have to say Fallout 2 and Planescape: Torment.

They are both brilliant rpgs and I wouldn't want to choose between them.

Sadly, though, I used to love rpgs but I hadn't played one in ages until I recently picked up a copy of Vampire: Bloodlines. I still havn't really gotten into it though. Rather awkward in many ways, but brilliant dialogue and voice actors.

Still, if there's ONE game you should play before you die it's definately Planescape. It's glorious, I tell you.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: joshuasaurus on 13 Sep 2005, 23:14
i think mario world for SNES is the height of fun, so much so that is all i play on my psp other than lumines,  infact.

oh, and i totally grommed out on the first socom game for ps2 when it first came out a couple years back, so much so that im considering buying a ps2 again just for socom3.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Earthbound Misfit on 14 Sep 2005, 07:44
Looks like I'm gonna be the eccentric one (not that that's ever bothered me) around here: Jardinains and NFL2K
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: ramenXnoodles on 14 Sep 2005, 11:20
Metal Gear Solid 2.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: ZedOmega on 15 Sep 2005, 13:08
...I just feel this insane need to put down a list for each and every console/handheld I've played, but that'd take at least an hour and I'm afraid I'd be killed for some of my answers...
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: YoungGrassHopper on 16 Sep 2005, 14:20

commodore 64 version.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Merkava on 20 Sep 2005, 13:48
Quote from: LunaticCrow

Legend of Mana is a close second in my book. :)

Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) is the best in the series. No contest.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: El Pr0n on 23 Sep 2005, 06:04
Quote from: Kid Modernist
Final Fantasy 7 fo' life.

Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 23 Sep 2005, 09:34
El Porn, sig images are met with frowny faces.  Faster you get rid of it, the better.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Simulacra on 23 Sep 2005, 09:55
Bomberman and Dr. Mario have eaten my soul

also the ENTIRE final fantasy series.

... except FFX-2 "The Search For the Perfect Dress"
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: RedLeather on 23 Sep 2005, 10:16
Quote from: McTaggart
Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind. Hands down. The one game that I've been able to completely immerse myself in for days on end. A beautifully crafted and intricately detailed world combined with a good story and enough other stuff to do that you never have to touch the story. Best. Game. Ever. (in my opinion).

I'm hoping like hell Morrowind will gracefully hand it's crown over Oblivion when it comes out.

IMO I think there should be a giant battle between them where they have to share the crown

BUt i digress, Morrwowind was my favorite. Ever. Period.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: fifthfiend on 23 Sep 2005, 12:36
Chrono Trigger.

Fuck, I still get emotional about that game.

... yes, I did in fact sincerely write the preceding sentence.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Merkava on 23 Sep 2005, 18:40
What's wrong about getting emotional over Chrono Trigger, or any game for that matter? Unless you said that about Mario, no one should attack that. :P

I also feel that Chrono Cross is severely underrated. That game is one of the best sequals ever. Way to go for taking the happy-go-lucky first game and giving it concequences in the real world.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: salada on 23 Sep 2005, 18:59
the original prince of persia. when it was released, the graphics in that (mac version. the pc version was weak) blew my mind.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Luke on 24 Sep 2005, 14:12
Quote from: SpacemanSpiff

Yes. Absolutely yes. The only bad thing about Descent was that it stopped at Descent III.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Sythe on 24 Sep 2005, 14:15
Damn, that takes me back... I would play Descent, Heretic, and Hexxxxxxxxxen constantly. They made me happy in the pants.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: mooface on 25 Sep 2005, 05:07
i like pokemon :D
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: Abattur on 26 Sep 2005, 03:23
Nethack bitches!
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: crazybritishsteve on 26 Sep 2005, 04:22
I'm gonna have to go for Chaos League, Dawn of War, Disgaea and of course FF7.
Title: Fav game of all time ?
Post by: dracotuni on 27 Sep 2005, 19:25
i'd have to go with FFVII + FFIX and the Xenosaga series up 'till now.