Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: jeph on 26 Aug 2005, 14:10

Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: jeph on 26 Aug 2005, 14:10
The title of "Best Album of 2005" will be shared between the new Broken Social Scene album and the Everyone Loves Katamari OST.

I have spoken.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: maxusy3k on 26 Aug 2005, 14:21
But we still have four months and five days until the end of 2005!

However I shall make sure I acquire said albums. I don't think I even heard an album from this year so I'll keep my own entry quiet until I'm sure I have something that qualifies.

Perhaps sp2 will put forward Coldplay's 'X&Y'?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: kikanjuuneko on 26 Aug 2005, 15:01
Is there a "best thrash/Gothenburg hybrid" category, and can I give that honor to the new Darkest Hour?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: judeau on 26 Aug 2005, 15:01
I haven't given the new BSS album a complete listen through well because of "Rehearsing my choir by the Furnaces".  This album is awesome, just so wierd and at first I couldn't understand why I was liking it, but what the Friedbergers have done is awesome.  So yea this cd has my vote for the year (ironically I found out about both these leaks at the same time)
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Hairy Joe Bob on 26 Aug 2005, 15:04
Open Season by British Sea Power I'd have to say.

However I have recently begun to re-appreciate Silent Alarm by Bloc Party and Never Apologise, Never Explain by Therapy?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 26 Aug 2005, 15:29
I vote "Blinking Lights & Other Revelations" for pure Eelsy goodness. Plus the tour was incredi-gasmic.
Title: Re: Albums of the Year
Post by: happybirthdaygelatin on 26 Aug 2005, 15:41
Quote from: jeph
The title of "Best Album of 2005" will be shared between the new Broken Social Scene album and the Everyone Loves Katamari OST.

I have spoken.

I read somewhere a while back that the soundtrack for the new Katamari is going to have a version of theme barked by dogs.  If that is true I will have to get my hands on a copy of it.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: aekastar on 26 Aug 2005, 15:59
I have to agree that the new broken social scene is pretty good (listened to it 4x since Monday).  of course, the leaked version is missing a song, so my opinion is not complete!  one song probably won't change my opinion by much though.

Also, the new Sigur Rós and Animal Collective have gotten a lot of play for me lately.

I'm sure my end of year list shall be long; this year feels like it went on decades music-wise.  the music at the beginning of the year feels miles away right now... except Archer Prewitt's 'Wilderness'.  I still enjoy that one tons.
Title: Re: Albums of the Year
Post by: Bob McBob on 26 Aug 2005, 15:59
Quote from: happybirthdaygelatin
I read somewhere a while back that the soundtrack for the new Katamari is going to have a version of theme barked by dogs.  If that is true I will have to get my hands on a copy of it.

That is beautiful.  BEAUTIFUL.

And I say BSS's album would make my top-'o-the-list if it regained the original title and had Windsurfing Nation as the first track.  It

Actually, the second song.  Or any other song except that FIRST ONE OH MY GOD KILL MY EARS.  Ok I'm done now.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 26 Aug 2005, 16:00
I'm not sure what mine is going to be. Trying to recall what's come out this year. The new Candlemass maybe? I may have to hold out and see if Ewigkeit's 'CONSPIRITUS' is released on time, as reading interviews about it, it would seem that the drugs have finally completely annihilated Jim Fogarty's sanity*, which can only mean it's going to be even better than Radio Ixtlan, though I'm still worried that given the more mediocre tracks the fucking incredible mind-raping brilliance of 'Strange Volk' may have been a fluke. Still, fucked up avant-garde electrometal based on the writings of David Icke, how can it be bad?

*I suspected this when I learned that the album title was to be spelt ALL CAPS.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: sp2 on 26 Aug 2005, 17:27
There are a lot of good bands putting albums out this fall, so I'm going to hold off judgement a bit.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Signum_Tenebrae on 26 Aug 2005, 17:33
Deathspell Omega - Kénôse
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Modernist on 26 Aug 2005, 17:48
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - s/t
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kai on 26 Aug 2005, 19:26
Quote from: KharBevNor
I may have to hold out and see if Ewigkeit's 'CONSPIRITUS' is released on time

Oh! is that that one man electronic thing? you posted a link to those guys along time ago! I thought it was really good and then completely forgot about it. Maybe I ought to pick up an album or something.

Anyways, The Residents' Animal Lover takes the cake this year.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: El Opium on 26 Aug 2005, 20:03
Some of these are re-issues but to me that counts.
Birchville Cat Motel-Chi Vampires
Lau Nau-Kuutarha
Magik Markers-I Trust My Guitar
Seht-Application Antartica Download Form
Yellow Swans-Dreamed Yellow Swans
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Inlander on 26 Aug 2005, 20:16
Hands-down the best album of the year so far for me has been the Mountain Goats' the Sunset Tree.  It's not often I get so excited when I discover an artist I hadn't heard before.

Also, if we're including in the nominations albums that were released outside their home country only this year: Little Chills by Darren Hanlon (Australian release 2004, overseas release 2005).  This had the same effect on me as the Sunset Tree: straight away I went out and grabbed up everything by the artist that I could get my hands on.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Skibas_clavicle on 26 Aug 2005, 20:19
Say High To Your Mom - Ferocious Mopes

Really dug it. I haven't heard the new BSS album yet, I'm really looking forward to that. I agree with Kid Modernist, too. CYHASY put out a great one.

Hopefully Death Cab For Cutie's cd will be able to make my list. *Backs away slowly from all the glares*.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 26 Aug 2005, 20:46
It's gonna be a tie for me:

Bear Vs. Shark - Terrorhawk
Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise
The Ponys - Celebration Castle
Sleater Kinney - The Woods
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 26 Aug 2005, 21:25
Quote from: Kai

Oh! is that that one man electronic thing? you posted a link to those guys along time ago! I thought it was really good and then completely forgot about it. Maybe I ought to pick up an album or something.

Damn yes it is. Jim Fogarty + Basement studio + drugs + the complete works of David Icke. And I've got to admit, if it means inventin genres like psychedlic glitch-folk and epic electrometal with each song, and sampling Dr. Who and the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, then rock the fuck on.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: sp2 on 26 Aug 2005, 22:07
Quote from: Merkava
Bear Vs. Shark - Terrorhawk

This is on my list of nominations for sure.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 26 Aug 2005, 22:19
When this comes out it will win hands, feet, and other things down:
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: weevil on 26 Aug 2005, 22:45
Strike Anywhere - To Live in Discontent. Because I'm biased.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Maui on 27 Aug 2005, 00:10
Come on you guyzzz, hilary duff's new greatest hits cd is number one right now!!!!! ZOMG! Totally my fave!!!! BEST ALBUM EVAR!!!!!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Micolithe on 27 Aug 2005, 01:47
This thread doesn't have enough Pixel Revolt by John Vanderslice
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 27 Aug 2005, 01:58
some of these I suspect:

Kaizer's Orchestra - Maestro
M.I.A - Arular
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & Matt Sweeney - Superwolf
Stars - Set Yourself on Fire
Eels - Blinking Lights and other revelations
Andersens Dreams

albums coming that I suspect might end up on the list as well:
Kashmir - No Balance Palace
Kitty Wu - Knives and Daggers
Mew - Mew and the Glass Handed Kites(perhaps, I like the single, but I can't stand their lyrics anymore, as a whole Frengers stank lyric-wise)
Jomi Massage - From Where No One Belongs I Will Sing...
Kĺ - Sammenbidt Blidt
Devendra Banhart - Cripple Crow
Depeche Mode - Playing the Angel

I could never choose a definitive album of the year, there are too much good music for that.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Trollstormur on 27 Aug 2005, 02:48
Uh, I guess the new falconer album. I haven't listened to much new music. I don't really follow new releases. I was wandering in the store and I found that album, so I bought it. had no idea it was actually out.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: MilkmanDan on 27 Aug 2005, 03:09
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: jariku on 27 Aug 2005, 03:25
Quote from: Signum_Tenebrae
Deathspell Omega - Kénôse

Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Hairy Joe Bob on 27 Aug 2005, 05:24
Quote from: MilkmanDan
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született

No matter what I do, I can't seem to get into Venetian Snares. Is this new album any more accessible?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Threatis on 27 Aug 2005, 05:36
mines between:

 the new Venetian Snares
Bear Vs. Shark - Terrorhawk
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Minus The Bear - Menos El Oso
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: McTaggart on 27 Aug 2005, 05:57
Since my 'buy The New Pornographers' new album' plan fell through I haven't actually bought an album released this year this year. But there are still four months and up to four Ryan Adams albums to come so I will hold off the judgement that I wasn't entitled to make.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ramenXnoodles on 27 Aug 2005, 08:46
Funeral was in 2004.......

I honestly don't know this one. I have to wait for the new Against Me! to come out.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 27 Aug 2005, 08:58
I'm very much liking the new Broken Social Scene album.

But I'm probably going to go for "Set yourself on Fire" By Stars.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: MilkmanDan on 27 Aug 2005, 10:15
Quote from: Hairy Joe Bob
No matter what I do, I can't seem to get into Venetian Snares. Is this new album any more accessible?

Yeah. A lot more. He replaces about half the mentalism of previous albums with classical music. So now there's only about 10 snares a second and some violin, as opposed to 18 snares and some static*. It works better than you can possibly imagine.

*exaggeration, baby.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kai on 27 Aug 2005, 10:34
Quote from: Maui
Come on you guyzzz, hilary duff's new greatest hits cd is number one right now!!!!! ZOMG! Totally my fave!!!! BEST ALBUM EVAR!!!!!

Greatest hits? Doesn't she only have like, 2 albums? what's the fucking point?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Everest on 27 Aug 2005, 10:48
I didn't even know she had 2 songs?!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 27 Aug 2005, 11:42
She does, she just changes the lyrics a little bit each time...

So, I guess my battle is between:
Eels - Blinking Lights & Other Revelations
Gwar - Live From Mt. Fuji (I've been waiting for a live Gwar CD for a while. I'll probably never listen to it again once I go to one of their shows...)
The Bad Plus - Suspicious Activity? (This will take the cake when it comes out...)
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Chymes on 27 Aug 2005, 12:05
Quote from: Praeserpium Machinarum

Mew - Mew and the Glass Handed Kites(perhaps, I like the single, but I can't stand their lyrics anymore, as a whole Frengers stank lyric-wise)

I'm really excited about this album. Probably the first album I've been excited about this year come to think of it. I generally love it when bands sing in keys like Jonas does anyway, but Mew have a REALLY good sound to back it up. The lyrics are a bit wishwash in places, granted, but Comforting Sounds has some of my favourite lyrics ever. Hope this album makes them big outside Denmark, as only a few people in the UK seem to know about them. (from their tour supporting Gretch mostly)
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Cpt.Fantastic on 27 Aug 2005, 12:08
The new BSS is high, since I heard it for the first time today.

Wiki says 'Set Yourself On Fire' was 2004.

'Picaresque', 'Frances The Mute', 'Lullabies To Paralyze' there's a few for consideration.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 27 Aug 2005, 12:17

Well then, it's Looking like new Broken Social Scene =/
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Highlander on 27 Aug 2005, 12:18
I can't judge right now. Not without hearing the new Opeth and Franz Ferdinand cs's first. Those are gonna rock.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Cpt.Fantastic on 27 Aug 2005, 13:01
Quote from: ASturge

Well then, it's Looking like new Broken Social Scene =/

I don't see any reason to complain, it's an awesome album.

Also, forgot to mention 'You Could Have It So Much Better... with Franz Ferdinand'  Out October 3rd kids!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 27 Aug 2005, 14:18
You're 15....

mmmm, for some reason the prospect of a new Franz Ferdinand album doesn't make me explode with happy.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 27 Aug 2005, 14:26
My dad loves them, though. I heard the first single off of their new album. It's basically moments from the first album strung together. It was ok. The video was funny.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 27 Aug 2005, 14:41
Nothing this year has impressed me that much, but from what I bought (and can remember), I liked:

Into The Moat - The Design
The Holy Shroud - Ghost Repeaters
The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute

I have yet to listen to Minus The Bear's new record and I will probably give Bear Vs. Shark a try as well, they sound like something I might like.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: JLM on 27 Aug 2005, 21:20
Top 3 in order:
Silver Screen - The Greatest Story Never Told (Hands Down)
Boom Bip - Blue Eyed In The Red Room
The American Analog Set - Set Free

New BSS is good, but doesn't really deserve to be on a best of list, unless it's been an UNBELIEVABLY lackluster year.  Right now, it's just a sort of lackluster year.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: daysweregolden on 27 Aug 2005, 23:31

seriously, this album is perfect!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: captainawesome on 28 Aug 2005, 11:56
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois is going to be the top of my list, no question.

I'm currently on my second listen of the BSS album, and it's good, but I'm not hearing anything special.  Also, there is a lot of "heeeyy, didn't i hear that on the last album?!" going on.

others include:

Decemberists - Picaresque
Boy Least Likely To - The Best Party EVER
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 28 Aug 2005, 12:40
I'm really excited about this album. Probably the first album I've been excited about this year come to think of it. I generally love it when bands sing in keys like Jonas does anyway, but Mew have a REALLY good sound to back it up. The lyrics are a bit wishwash in places, granted, but Comforting Sounds has some of my favourite lyrics ever. Hope this album makes them big outside Denmark, as only a few people in the UK seem to know about them. (from their tour supporting Gretch mostly)

Well judging from the new single Special, it doesn't look that promising, maybe I just miss their happy-go-lightly pop days, I Should Have Been A Tsin Tsi, Mica, Saliva etc. They had better lyrics then, or at least less pretentious. The whole hardrock transformation on Frengers appealed to me at first, but it wore off after some time, it sort of jars when listened to many times.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 28 Aug 2005, 15:21
Quote from: Merkava
Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise
The Ponys - Celebration Castle
Sleater-Kinney - The Woods


I'm excited for the new BSS album, though. Terribly excited.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: aekastar on 28 Aug 2005, 16:24
Okay, I just heard the new Dirty Three 'Cinder' and I have to say this one shall make the list, indeeed.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 29 Aug 2005, 14:33
I think that, also, Pelican's The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw gets my vote.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Garcin on 29 Aug 2005, 17:08
In addition to The Decemberists "Picaresque" & Sufjan Stevens "Illinois" which have already been mentioned:

Feist - Let It Die;

Brazilian Girls - Brazilian Girls.

Holy tamale.  I shouldn't be able to feel that kind of affection for refracting plastic.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Cpt.Fantastic on 29 Aug 2005, 17:33
Picaresque was quite a mild effort, it might scrape the lower reaches of my best of 2005...
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Quincy Hoist on 30 Aug 2005, 13:00
V/A - By the Roots You Shall Know the Fruits -a massively zoned bone throne

a crime to have released so few (*but still available):
Ai Aso - Umeromonoizen

All the recent Finn stuff, though my Finnish lineage makes me a bit biased.

Speaking of which, I'd best go read the Kalevala...
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 30 Aug 2005, 13:10
Quote from: Cpt.Fantastic
Picaresque was quite a mild effort, it might scrape the lower reaches of my best of 2005...

It was a hell of a lot better then the new 'Babyshambles' album...

Care to explain exactly why you bought that?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Jay on 30 Aug 2005, 13:49
I can't believe no one has mentioned Spoon's Gimme Fiction -- one of the best albums I've ever heard.

I'd nominate Funeral and Blinking Lights as well  -- plus, unlike many of my musical peers, I really liked 'Get Behind Me Satan' too. Yeah, the album really could have used more polish but it's still one of the catchiest albums I've heard this year.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 30 Aug 2005, 14:05
Funeral was last year; it topped like every "best of" list.

Gimme Fiction, though - good call. This has been a pretty good year for tunes.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 30 Aug 2005, 15:33
Quote from: Jay
I'd nominate Funeral and Blinking Lights as well  -- plus, unlike many of my musical peers, I really liked 'Get Behind Me Satan' too. Yeah, the album really could have used more polish but it's still one of the catchiest albums I've heard this year.

Actually, I thought that was the only remarkable thing about the album - the fact that it was not overproduced. I like albums with no production. If it sounds raw, it's good. And this album at least tried to emulate that sound.

And The Holy Shroud are getting better every time I listen to them. This might just end up as the best album of the year on my list.
But then again, I have also yet to listen The Locust's new album as well, so we'll see...
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Micolithe on 30 Aug 2005, 16:39
I didn't like Gimme Fiction as much as Spoon's other stuff. Girls Can Tell is undoubtedly their best work.

And I still think that Pixel Revolt by John Vanderslice is the album of the year.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 30 Aug 2005, 17:05
I am still looking forward to giving "Gimme Fiction" a listen. Killer band. Saw them live. Fucking infinity good show.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Bumface on 31 Aug 2005, 04:27
Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock and Roll
Clor - Clor
Stars - Set Yourself on Fire (it says 2005 on the packaging)
Boy Least Likely To - Best Party Ever (wasn't overly keen at first but seeing them live seems to have changed my mind on them)

Err...I can't remember any other 2005 albums I own...
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kelamin on 31 Aug 2005, 05:51
Best thing i've heard that's from this year has to be Mark Lanegan and his Bubblegum album
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Jarne on 31 Aug 2005, 08:23
Right now it's "Illinois", but each time I listen to the BSS album, I love it more and more.
And I'm not going to say anything until the new Fiery Furnaces album comes out. Plus, I've gotta listen to the new Jimmy Buffet.
So, the verdict is still out!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 31 Aug 2005, 10:05
Quote from: La Creme
I am still looking forward to giving "Gimme Fiction" a listen. Killer band. Saw them live. Fucking infinity good show.

Spoon are playing my area in a month or so. Even if I only know a few songs (though I like them), would you recommend going?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SeanBateman on 31 Aug 2005, 11:25
GO! They put on a kick ass show. I went and saw them only knowing a couple songs and it was well worth it.

Also, Ryan Adams-Cold Roses, and Bright Eyes-Digital Ash for a Digital Urn should both be on the list. So should John Prine-Fair and Square.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 31 Aug 2005, 12:08
Yes, see them so hard. They put on a loud and very rockin' show. Britt Daniels is a great showman.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Modernist on 31 Aug 2005, 12:35
Quote from: Bumface

Clor - Clor
Boy Least Likely To - Best Party Ever (wasn't overly keen at first but seeing them live seems to have changed my mind on them)

Man, Clor? I thought it was single heavy the front end and then petered into really boring at the end. Like they sort of gave up on being interesting.

Boy Least Likely To is definitely good, but I can't see myself listening to it in 5 years.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Bumface on 31 Aug 2005, 12:45
Quote from: Kid Modernist
Quote from: Bumface

Clor - Clor
Boy Least Likely To - Best Party Ever (wasn't overly keen at first but seeing them live seems to have changed my mind on them)

Man, Clor? I thought it was single heavy the front end and then petered into really boring at the end. Like they sort of gave up on being interesting.

Boy Least Likely To is definitely good, but I can't see myself listening to it in 5 years.

Ah Clor have some great tracks in the second half, Making You All Mine and Dangerzone being the best.

And to be honest I can't really see myself listening to any albums from 2005 all that regularly in 10 years.

Although I forgot to mention 13 & God's album as one of the best, not as good as some people will lead you to believe, but still a good record.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Garcin on 31 Aug 2005, 13:38
I should probably mention that if the question was best album I found out about this year rather than best album that actually came out this year my vote would go to the Picard Song (well, single, not album).  Only four years behind the curve on that one.

sort of
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ebullientsoul on 31 Aug 2005, 15:03
I'm casting my two cents in for

7 Seconds'-Take it Back, Take it On, Take it Over
A Wilhelm Scream-Ruiner
the Suicide File-Some Mistakes You Never Stop Paying For
Paint it Black-Paradise
Darkest Hour-Undoing Ruin
the Letters Organize-Dead Rythym Machine
Snuff-Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other
Modern Life is War-Witness
Motion City Soundtrack-Commit This to Memory

as for reissues:
Bedouin Soundclash-Sounding a Moasic
Screeching Weasel-My Brain Hurts
Rise Against-the Unraveling

Additionally, I think I can fairly shoo in the Bouncing Souls live CD that has yet to come out in that list, but technically, I can't.

But really, live Bouncing Souls? There isn't more of a lock than that.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 31 Aug 2005, 15:13
I say "OI!" for Screeching Weasel. I'm still pretty pissed about losing my first disk of "Thank You Very Little".
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: McTaggart on 01 Sep 2005, 05:18
Quote from: SeanBateman
Also, Ryan Adams-Cold Roses, and Bright Eyes-Digital Ash for a Digital Urn should both be on the list. So should John Prine-Fair and Square.

I'm gonna have to put in a vote for Digital Ash. I completely forgot that that was this year. I can't remember February or March at all, so I also forgot about Beck's Guero album. I still listen to that a couple times a week.

Also, Four Tet's Everything Ecstatic came out this year and, though I haven't heard most of it, I liked his previous stuff and reckon it might well be up there.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 01 Sep 2005, 19:05
Here are a few albums I've enjoyed this year:

Trail of Dead - Worlds Apart
M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
Hood - Outside Closer
LCD Soundsystem - s/t
Eluvium - Talk Amongst the Trees
Mogwai - Government Comissions
The Books - Lost and Safe
The Decemberists - Picaresque
Doves - Some Cities
Of Montreal - Sunlandic Twins
The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Archer Prewitt - Wildnerness
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band - Horses In the Sky
Esmerine - Aurora
Four Tet - Everything Ecstatic
Iron & Wine - Woman King EP
Great Lake Swimmers - Bodies and Minds
The Juan Maclean - Less Than Human
Vitalic - OK Cowboy
Magnolia Electric Company - What Comes After the Blues
Magnolia Electric Company - Hard to Love a Man EP
Caribou - The Milk of Human Kindness
MIA - Arular
Okay - High Road
Okay - Low Road
NiN - With Teeth
Out Hud - Let Us Never Speak of this Again
Piano Magic - Disaffected
Bonnie Prince Billy - Superwolf
Xiu Xiu - La Foret
Xiu Xiu/Devendra Banhart split 7"
Architecture in Helsinki - In Case We Die
Giuseppe Ielasi - Gesine
Jane - Berserker
Mount Eerie - No Flashlight
Mount Eerie - Singers LP
Keith Fullerton Whitman - Multiples
Sigur Ros - Takk
Deerhoof - Runners Four
Iron & Wine and Calexico - In the Reigns
Aereogramme - Seclusion EP
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Pelican - The Fire in our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw
Shipping News - Flies the Field
Jesu - Jesu
Epic45 - England Fallen Over EP
Bibio - Fi
American Analog Set - Set Free
Architecture in Helsinki - In Case We Die
Album Leaf - Seal Beach EP
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - According to Plan 12"
Jim Yoshii Pile-Up - Picks Us Apart
Prefuse 73 and The Books - Reads the Books
Rachel's - Technology is Killing Music
Royskopp - The Understanding
Devendra Banhart - Cripple Crow
Dirty Three - Cinder
Bear vs. Shark - Terrorhawk
A Day in Black in White - Notes
Christian Fennesz and Ryuichi Sakamoto - Sala Santa Cecilia
Bell Orchestre - Recording a Tape the Colour of the Light
Akron/Family - Akron/Family
F.S. Blumm - Zweite Meer
By The End Of Tonight - A Tribute to Tigers
!!! - Take Ecstacy With Me/Get Up EP
Emperor X - Central Hug / Friendarmy / Fractal Dunes
Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
Howard Hello - EP
Hrvatski - Irrevocably Overdriven Break Freakout Megamix
Isis - Oceanic Remixes and Reinterpretations
Larsen - Play
Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy
Quasimoto - The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas
Six Organs of Admittance - School of the Flower
Smog - A River Ain't Too Much to Love
Tarentel - Paper White
Tarentel - Big Black Square
Thee More Shallows - More Deep Cuts
13 & God - 13 & God
Various Artists: Temporary Residence - Everything Comes and Goes: A Tribute to Black Sabbath
M. Ward - Transistor Radio
Nice Nice - Spring
Nice Nice - Summer
August Born - August Born
Alias & Ehren - Lillian
Beequeen - The Bodyshop
Blow - Everyday Examples of Humans Facing Straight into the Blow
F.S. Blumm - Zweite Meer
Fifths of Seven - Spry From Bitter Anise Folds
finn. - the ayes will have it
Hauschka - Substantial
Holopaw - Quit Or Fight
Jaga Jazzist - What We Must
Library Tapes - Alone in the Bright Lights of a Shattered Life
Lichens -The Psychic Nature of Being
No Birds - Flowers
Part Chimp - I Am Come
Salim Nourallah - Beautiful Noise
Semuin - Province
Thanksgiving - Cave Days & Moments
White Rainbow - Zome
Wooden Wand & The Vanishing Voice - L'un Marquer Contre La Moissonneuse
Wooden Wand & The Vanishing Voice - Xiao
Wooden Wand & The Vanishing Voice - Earth & Turf
Wooden Wand - Harem Of The Sundrum And The Witness Figg
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 02 Sep 2005, 07:52
Dear...GOD man.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: mediocrity_wire on 02 Sep 2005, 07:57
I like
Sleater Kinney - The Woods
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
MIA - Arular
Xiu Xiu - La Foret

I don't know if I love them though.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: mediocrity_wire on 02 Sep 2005, 07:59
Oh yeah,
Pelican - The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw
Kayne West - Late registration will probably be up there when I get it.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 02 Sep 2005, 08:19
Quote from: Merkava
Dear...GOD man.

Psst. He copied it from Pitchfork.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 02 Sep 2005, 11:29
addition to my list:

Bikstok Rřgsystem - Over Stok og Sten

beats all jamaican dancehall hands down.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 02 Sep 2005, 14:52
Quote from: KharBevNor
Quote from: Merkava
Dear...GOD man.

Psst. He copied it from Pitchfork.

Oh. XP
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 02 Sep 2005, 15:16
Quote from: KharBevNor
Quote from: Merkava
Dear...GOD man.

Psst. He copied it from Pitchfork.

Haha, sure man. I dare you to find some of that stuff on there.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 02 Sep 2005, 15:23
Double dog dare?

I add The Sugarplastic - Will to my list. I totally forgot that came out this year. Great CD, every indie fan on here should totally check it out. Actaully, fuck that. Everyone should check it out.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 02 Sep 2005, 16:22
Given that I can't be arsed to search through your entire oh-so-hip list, I would estimate a good seventy to eighty percent of it to be reviewed on Pitchfork, and almost the entirety of the rest can be found at Tinymixtapes. Oh so indie. Maybe four or five out of the whole list aren't at either. Maybe more, I can't be bothered to go through the whole thing, as the mere fact that you have fetishistically listed every release by any band with the remotest shred of indie cred this year, obviously out of a seething, crawling fear of anyone possibly thinking you are less hip than they are, rather than any remotely sensible shortlisting of your favourite releases, is I think a fact more telling than any comment I could care to make.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 02 Sep 2005, 16:30
Oh man, I forgot to add to my list that I didn't properly listen to The Locust's new album yet. That might very well end up on my list as well.
And I don't care what everyone else says - I listen to them because I actually like the music, not because of weird song titles or insect costumes or whatever.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SeanBateman on 02 Sep 2005, 16:50
The Locust Suck
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: SpacemanSpiff on 02 Sep 2005, 16:54
So does my taste in music. They complement each other very well.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: VforVendetta00 on 02 Sep 2005, 16:59
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked, i know most people here won't like it, but this cd rocks my world soo much i just have to mention it all the time. :)
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 02 Sep 2005, 17:59
Quote from: KharBevNor
Given that I can't be arsed to search through your entire oh-so-hip list, I would estimate a good seventy to eighty percent of it to be reviewed on Pitchfork, and almost the entirety of the rest can be found at Tinymixtapes. Oh so indie. Maybe four or five out of the whole list aren't at either. Maybe more, I can't be bothered to go through the whole thing, as the mere fact that you have fetishistically listed every release by any band with the remotest shred of indie cred this year, obviously out of a seething, crawling fear of anyone possibly thinking you are less hip than they are, rather than any remotely sensible shortlisting of your favourite releases, is I think a fact more telling than any comment I could care to make.

Yes, I listen to bands because they are indie, it's not because I really enjoy the music. No, that would be stupid. The way I do things is when I hear an album I like this year I simply put it down in a list I have for when people ask me to recommend them something, I won't be hard pressed to look for something I think they'd like. I don't need your approval for any of my posts or for the music I listen to, seeing as how you have a tendency to listen to some horrible, horrible shit. I was merely replying to the topic in question. Whether they're on Pitchfork or any other online publication doesn't negate the fact that I actually enjoyed each and every album I mentioned.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Modernist on 02 Sep 2005, 18:09
Although I'm not trying to start a fight so much, I think that you should back off a bit Khar. I'm willing to bet that some people would say the same about your taste in music, as long as it was about death or black or had a german name you are into it, we get it.

Or does it not feel so good to be so narrowly labled?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kai on 02 Sep 2005, 18:13
Quote from: Kid Amnesiac
seeing as how you have a tendency to listen to some horrible, horrible shit.

Psh. You know that Crotchduster (Who's Big Fat Box of Shit album is now in my possesion; yay!) is way cooler than Architecture in Helsinki.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 02 Sep 2005, 18:22

Australian Recorder Pop > Joke Metal
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 02 Sep 2005, 18:31
Quote from: Kid Modernist

Or does it not feel so good to be so narrowly labled?

Not considering your astoundingly skew-whiff idea of my musical tastes, no.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Luke on 02 Sep 2005, 18:34
Most of you can probably guess my nomination for best album of 2005, so I will remain silent.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 02 Sep 2005, 19:23
Quote from: La Creme
Double dog dare?

I add The Sugarplastic - Will to my list. I totally forgot that came out this year. Great CD, every indie fan on here should totally check it out. Actaully, fuck that. Everyone should check it out.

I love the two songs that I've heard by them, but I keep forgetting to get any of their albums. Hopefully Rhapsody has it. -__-
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Modernist on 03 Sep 2005, 00:42
Quote from: KharBevNor
Quote from: Kid Modernist

Or does it not feel so good to be so narrowly labled?

Not considering your astoundingly skew-whiff idea of my musical tastes, no.

Of course it was, I meant it to be. It was what you did to him.

I don't mean any disrespect, and I don't even feel that way about your music taste, just trying to make a point.

(Although to be fair, he put NIN's With Teeth in that list, which has to be the biggest piece of crap Trent Reznor's ever been associated with)
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: La Creme on 03 Sep 2005, 01:07
Quote from: Merkava
I love the two songs that I've heard by them, but I keep forgetting to get any of their albums. Hopefully Rhapsody has it. -__-

If I were you, I'd buy the CD's on amazon. Since they're so unheard of, copies of their older CD's go for like, $1. Seriously. I think Will might be more since it's newer, but I saw a copy of Bang, The Earth Is Round on amazon for 35 cents once.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 03 Sep 2005, 01:07
(Although to be fair, he put NIN's With Teeth in that list, which has to be the biggest piece of crap Trent Reznor's ever been associated with)

No need to kiss and make up. And yeah, With Teeth isn't anything great or anything, but it's decent. NiN fans are way too fucking critical.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Modernist on 03 Sep 2005, 01:27
Nah, I'm not kissing and making up. I never meant to be mean in the first place.

Yeah, maybe I am a bit critical. I'm giving it another listen to see if it's set in stone though.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kai on 03 Sep 2005, 09:59
Woo for space prog rock album titles!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Snapman on 03 Sep 2005, 16:50
I'm kind of sad to see that nobody has mentioned 'Love Kraft' by Super Furry Animals,  who are on of the best and most consistant bands to have come out of the UK in the past 10 years. It's just a brilliant indie-pop album, with so many details in the background of the music, taht even after weeks of listening to it, I'm still picking new things out in the music. Superb album, and definitely my favourite of the year so far. Shockingly, though, this isn't even their best album either.

The other four in my top 5 at the moment are:

Animal Collective  -  Feels
The New Pornographers  -  Twin Cinema
British Sea Power  -  Open Season
Sigur Ros  -  Takk
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 03 Sep 2005, 18:20
Quote from: Awkward Silence
I'm 100% positive Coheed And Cambria's new album will be my top pick of the year. With a name like Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness, how can you possibly go wrong?

Damn. I didn't think there were any more pretentious names in the modern rock world than Juno.

I was wrong.

Coheed and Cambria are the most pretentious themecore band I know of. XP
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kai on 03 Sep 2005, 20:09
And the lead singer desperately wishes that he was Geddy Lee.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 03 Sep 2005, 20:12
"What happened to the voice of Geddy Lee
How did it get so high?
I wonder if he talks like an ordinary guy..."

Yay for Pavement lyrics having some sort of meaning. The world must be ending.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 04 Sep 2005, 04:46
Quote from: Luke
Most of you can probably guess my nomination for best album of 2005, so I will remain silent.


The latest jammin cd from Rob Thomas ?

[Khar, his taste in music is better then yours, step off homie]
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 04 Sep 2005, 05:49
I think he means X&Y = *shudder* or good for you, use earphones okay...
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 04 Sep 2005, 06:38
Coldplay is, like, the most inoffensive stuff you can blare from your stereo. It's very easy to block out if you don't like it.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 04 Sep 2005, 06:43
Quote from: ASturge

[Khar, his taste in music is better then yours, step off homie]

Fuck off.

Even if you were joking.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 04 Sep 2005, 06:56
Merkava - I find it fairly difficult, but that's only because my little brother can switch between The Blood Brothers and Coldplay seamlessly. Imagine psychotic screams swiftly transforming into Martin's unconvincing whimper, it screws with your head man!
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 04 Sep 2005, 06:58
I tend not to listen to The Blood Brothers on my speakers. I feel guilt for some reason, but I can listen to everything twice over with headphones. Wierd.

But yeah, that is a mind-fuck right there. XP
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Reno on 04 Sep 2005, 09:11
New Pornographers - Twin Cinema is my personal favourite for the year.  Arcade Fire's debut EP isnt bad either though...
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 04 Sep 2005, 11:23
Quote from: Awkward Silence
With a name like Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness, how can you possibly go wrong?

You can't, unless you get too wrapped up in pretension and stupid-ass album titles to write good music. I like Co&Ca, but God DAMN does that title piss me off.

Anyways, so keeping you updated, the list of my favourite albums of the year, so far (keeping in mind I haven't heard Takk or BSS' self-titled), in no particular order:

Beck - Guero
...Trail Of Dead - Worlds Apart
Buck 65 - Secret House Against The World
Pelican - The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw
John Doe - Forever Hasn't Happened Yet
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Architecture In Helsinki - In Case We Die
Sleater-Kinney - The Woods
Ivy - In The Clear
The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
Spoon - Gimme Fiction
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm (may be replaced by Silent Alarm Remixed by year's end)
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
Early Day Miners - All Harm Ends Here

Narrowing that list down is going to be a bitch.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: sp2 on 04 Sep 2005, 12:28
Quote from: Johnny C
...Trail Of Dead - Worlds Apart

You're kidding, right?
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 04 Sep 2005, 12:30
Coldplay - X & Y

Seriously, everytime i hear that album.... it moves me y'know.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Modernist on 04 Sep 2005, 12:31
Shh... you're summoning sp2 with all your talk of Coldplay.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: ASturge on 04 Sep 2005, 12:33
But come on!

Heartfelt lyrics, jangly guitars.

That jangle.

Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 04 Sep 2005, 12:34
Quote from: sp2
You're kidding, right?

No, I found it to be good, well-written music. Sorry if you disagree.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: sp2 on 04 Sep 2005, 12:56
I'll agree it was well-written, but it was definitely weaker than most of their other stuff.  There were definitely also better albums released in 2005.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 04 Sep 2005, 14:04
Quote from: sp2
I'll agree it was well-written, but it was definitely weaker than most of their other stuff.

Not relevant, and I prefer it to Source Tags & Codes anyways. Yeah, blasphemy, whatever, who cares.

Quote from: sp2
There were definitely also better albums released in 2005.

Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 04 Sep 2005, 14:24
I think that Trail of Dead refer to the album as their way of getting across their message to the most people possible. That message? Bland music sucks. How are they getting it across? Making bland music.

It's actually brilliant in a way.

Source Tags and Codes is teh sex, as well as everything else they've done before. It's on my top albums list.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: MysteriumTremendum on 04 Sep 2005, 16:12
Quote from: Johnny C
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm (may be replaced by Silent Alarm Remixed by year's end)

I like it so far, it needs a few more listens though. Ladytron Zapatista mix of Like eating Glass is truly amazing, however that is my favourite song on the album so I may be biased.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 04 Sep 2005, 16:26
I haven't heard the album yet yet but the mere concept of Death From Above 1979 doing a remix of Bloc Party makes me salivate. I long for it. It's not healthy.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Cpt.Fantastic on 04 Sep 2005, 16:28
EDIT: Heard the DFA1979 .v. Bloc Party - 'Luno' the other day, tis pretty awesome.

Quote from: ASturge
It was a hell of a lot better then the new 'Babyshambles' album...

Care to explain exactly why you bought that?

They haven't released an album.

It was the 'Fuck Forever' single. I'm allowed to buy it. I like the song. So I bought it. My musical taste. Not yours.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 04 Sep 2005, 16:54
Quote from: Johnny C
I haven't heard the album yet yet but the mere concept of Death From Above 1979 doing a remix of Bloc Party makes me salivate. I long for it. It's not healthy.

I'm more interested in the concept of DFA79 doing 3 fucking versions of their next album. Especially the full-band one.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 04 Sep 2005, 16:59
The full band one I'm looking forward to the least. Part of what made YWIM so immediate and gripping was the fact that they were making this incredible, face-crushingly heavy music with such sparseness.

The one with the female singer, now, that should be interesting.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Merkava on 04 Sep 2005, 17:07
I'm not a huge fan of DFA, to tell you the truth. The bass and drums combo ended up getting stale and boring for me. I don't listen to them anymore.

All of their songs sounded the same.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: offcitylimits on 04 Sep 2005, 17:55
bloc party - silent alarm
stars - set yourself on fire
the national - alligator
m. ward - transistor radio
eels - blinking lights
beck - guero

compilation: belle and sebastian - push barman to open old wounds
reissue: dj shadow - endtroducing
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 04 Sep 2005, 18:05
^ The Stars album was released last year.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: sp2 on 04 Sep 2005, 18:09
Quote from: Merkava
I think that Trail of Dead refer to the album as their way of getting across their message to the most people possible. That message? Bland music sucks. How are they getting it across? Making bland music.

It's actually brilliant in a way.

Source Tags and Codes is teh sex, as well as everything else they've done before. It's on my top albums list.

Even the EP they put out between Source Tags and Worlds Apart was really good.  But Worlds Apart was just....uninspired.  There were some good songs on there, to be sure, but what was gained in production quality was lost in musical quality.  Another reason I hate the shit out of producers.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 04 Sep 2005, 18:10
I never got DFA1979. People keep telling me they are a) heavy and b) sexy. Both of these are such stupendously blatant untruths, Okay, I can see why they might seem 'face-crushingly heavy' if you'd never heard Electric Wizard, or seen Crowbar or Overlord* live, but I really, really, really do not get the sexy part.

I definitely agree with the 'all their songs sound the same' bit though.

*Both guitarists drop tune till they essentially play six string basses. I've seen 'em three times and never heard a single note. Brilliance.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Kid Amnesiac on 04 Sep 2005, 18:21
^ Whoever told you that doesn't know what heavy is, or they're heavy for the music they get categorized with. Either way they're not incredible musicians or anything, but they make some catchy noise.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 04 Sep 2005, 18:56
Live DFA1979 = Heavy. Yes, I know what heavy is. Do not make me pull out my Oxford dictionary, or as I call him, "Ol' Oxy."

And I stick by DFA1979 being sexy. I'm not sure what you'd classify as "sexy," Khar, but DFA1979 fits the bill for me.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: KharBevNor on 04 Sep 2005, 19:56
Sexy is stuff like:

Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
Danzig - Wicked Pussycat
Killing Miranda - I Know What You Want

Admittedly I have only one DFA track saved on my hard-drive to reference, but the guy who sent it to me distinctly remarked on it being 'Sexy' as far as I remember. The song is 'Turn It Out'.

To paraphrase Nelson, 'I see no sex'.
Title: Albums of the Year
Post by: Johnny C on 07 Sep 2005, 15:16
Sexier songs by DFA1979:

"Romantic Rights"
"Black History Month"
"Sexy Results" (feat. bongos)