Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: JLM on 07 Nov 2005, 11:42

Title: The Boondocks
Post by: JLM on 07 Nov 2005, 11:42
is now the best reason to watch Adult Swim least until the new Venture Bros. season starts.  Last nights episode made me laugh in a way that the Simpsons used to make me laugh...which is knda sad since the simpsons this week did nothing for me.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 07 Nov 2005, 12:29
This is a true statement.
Title: Re: The Boondocks
Post by: Trollstormur on 07 Nov 2005, 12:42
Quote from: JLM
at least until the new Venture Bros. season starts.

has that been confirmed? oh, please say it has! I feel like I got bugs crawling all over me, and VB got exactly what I need!

I rather liked boondocks, however Minoriteam wasn't very good.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: JLM on 07 Nov 2005, 16:43
It was confirmed some time can read Jackson Publick's (the series creator) livejournal with scripting updates and insight into the process here (  Nevertheless...I don't want this to turn into a Venture Bros. discussion (despite my passion for that show).  

On Topic: Anyone spot the Dr. Seuss reference? and Charlie Murphy's noteable guest appearance was hilarious.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: chupones on 07 Nov 2005, 17:11
For those that do not have cable, you can usually catch the newest episode of Boondocks on the AS Friday Night Fix.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: LiterSize on 07 Nov 2005, 20:12
I caught it.

I <3 boondocks.  Unforgiving, unrepentant, totally out there.  When I first started reading the Boondocks I thought it was a little too serious, a la "Non Sequitur" but as I got older and realized how true a lot of the humor was, it totally made sense to me and I found myself laughing more and more.  

The cartoon last night was friggin' priceless.  And I was glad to see Adult Swim back it as well as they did during the bumpers (If you remember the Republican that asked if Boondocks was necessary and AS bumper said "...the least you can do is give us a 22 min. show."
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: ForteBass on 07 Nov 2005, 20:22
Boondocks is definitely a great show that I will be watching a lot of. Aaron McGruder's style of humor is totally on the mark with this, and now so much more can be gotten away with. Now if only AS would do away with the more recent crap they've hammered out, such as Squidbillies and 12 oz mouse...
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: Blue Kitty on 07 Nov 2005, 20:37
I love the boondocks ever since I first say it in the sunday paper.

Hey, don't they have the squidbillies on right after the boondocks?
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: ForteBass on 07 Nov 2005, 21:49
Unfortunately... yes. And I hate it. So I change the channel right after Boondocks is over. Squidbillies is a horrid show. They were pimping its creation for like two years, and it totally sucks.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 08 Nov 2005, 05:09
It's pretty bad, but nothing could possibly be as bad as 12oz. Mouse.  Nothing.  EVER.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: LiterSize on 08 Nov 2005, 10:06
is it wrong that I can't wait for the DVDs to come out for Boondocks?
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: ForteBass on 08 Nov 2005, 11:07
Hell no it is not, but lets at least let the first season go by before we bring it to DVD.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: RedLeather on 09 Nov 2005, 19:54
I saw this sunday, i, surprised, but i loved the show upon hearing this qoute

But grandpa! You cannot bring the white supremsist movement down with cheese! *Grandpa* Hell yes i can! Im going to give a white person some cheese right now!
..Best ever...(Sorry mod's if this is political or racy, but this is the boondocks..and now i'm going to read a feast for crows...*Todders off*
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: Esotastic on 11 Nov 2005, 08:31
I really liked The Boondocks, the humour was delivered perfectly, and other than Huey and Reily's voices, I liked the cast. All in all a great show.

And yes, 12 oz. mouse is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. It's worse than Squidbillies. I don't think the people over at AS realize that intentionally crappy art and jerky, muttering dialogue really isn't all that funny.

Oh well.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: ForteBass on 11 Nov 2005, 19:40
I put Squidbillies and 12 oz. Mouse in the same boat. Equally sucky. Showing them back to back just creates a huge vaccuous ball of suck.

Boondocks is currently the new shining beacon to bring viewers back.
I'm thinking I need to watch it tonight on Friday Night Fix.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: cacahuate on 13 Nov 2005, 09:37
I thoroughly enjoyed Boondocks.

"Boy, you having the dream where you cause the white people to riot?"

Title: The Boondocks
Post by: LiterSize on 13 Nov 2005, 23:17
hah... tonight's episode was... really good.  I loved the BET part.  And just about the rest of the episode.  DIdn't think I'd see that fight break out, though.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: JLM on 14 Nov 2005, 02:08
Yeah tonight was great.  Glad they introduced the DuBois family.  Hopefully Jazmine will have a speaking part this season.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: Blue Kitty on 14 Nov 2005, 14:42
who knew that African American lawyers can go all kung fu like that
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: Digs on 14 Nov 2005, 15:08
I'm pleased to see the Boondocks getting some love. They got pulled from the Gazette, as it was swamped with complaints regarding the series. Bless you, cable companies, with your indifference to show content and whimpering complaints of the locals.
Title: The Boondocks
Post by: Larkke on 14 Nov 2005, 17:55
Unfortunately, my local paper have never run Boondocks, but I've caught a glimpse of them in the paper when I go see relatives up in Michigan every once and again, so I knew of it. It was indeed quite funny, but I'd never bothered to search out a steady source of it. Now that the show has caught my attention, I've been looking at the Boondocks collections over at Barnes and Noble...