Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: tania on 09 Nov 2005, 08:35

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: tania on 09 Nov 2005, 08:35
It took a lot of thought, but personally I think I'm-a go with:


What you guys think was the best game?
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: catflea on 09 Nov 2005, 08:36
That or Mario Kart
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Fabio on 09 Nov 2005, 08:52
...FINAL FANTASY 6!!! come on it's so good!

 I'm sure Asturge will back me up.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Something Witty on 09 Nov 2005, 08:54
Oi! Hard one. DK is awesome, but it's no Super Mario. Which is no Metroid/Castlevania. I'd have to go with Super Mario All-Stars, because really, it's just too awesome to have all that much mario all at once.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 09 Nov 2005, 08:57
It's hard to argue against Final Fantasy III/VI.  Super Metroid would be a very strong candidate too.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: jhocking on 09 Nov 2005, 09:00
Zelda 3.

Also, this thread is in the wrong place.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Fabio on 09 Nov 2005, 09:14
I'm unhappy because it's very hard to play super metroid on a laptop, i just managed to beat Kraid...
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: nickyandthefuture on 09 Nov 2005, 09:48
Hitting hippies with baseball bats!  Dungeon man!  Turning into robots!  GEEZ
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 09 Nov 2005, 10:04
Quote from: Fabio
I'm unhappy because it's very hard to play super metroid on a laptop, i just managed to beat Kraid...
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Sideways on 09 Nov 2005, 10:10
Video game thread + video game forum = bliss.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: visceralviscous on 09 Nov 2005, 11:00
m a r i o p a i n t !

i used to love to remix the music on there. and the weird fly game thing. was totally one of the most creative games nintendo has ever had.

sure, platforms and rpgs and fighting games are fun, too. especially the donkey kong series. but meh, i suppose i just liked having a less complicated version of photoshop (sorta/kinda) at the time.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Sideways on 09 Nov 2005, 11:34
A less complicated version of photoshop?!?!?

That has to be the understatement of the year!
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 09 Nov 2005, 11:51
Gradius is a less complicated version of NASA flight simulators.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Trollstormur on 09 Nov 2005, 12:12
+1 mario paint.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: SeanBateman on 09 Nov 2005, 12:26
I mean, come on guys.
Also, it's totally starfox.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Sideways on 09 Nov 2005, 12:44
Starfox?  I'll spell this one out for you: P..F..F..F..T..!

Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 3 (6).  Any of those three, for the win.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: est on 09 Nov 2005, 13:13
i think that one with mario in it was pretty good
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: jhocking on 09 Nov 2005, 13:26
What is the matter with you people?


I mean seriously.


The choice is pretty obvious.

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Catfish_Man on 09 Nov 2005, 13:37
FF6 has the greatest first 5 minutes or so of any game ever, but I'm gonna have to go with Lufia 2 or Zelda for best SNES game.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: ASturge on 09 Nov 2005, 13:50
Quote from: Fabio
...FINAL FANTASY 6!!! come on it's so good!

 I'm sure Asturge will back me up.

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: RUMBLEMOOSE on 09 Nov 2005, 13:58
You are inspiring me to play the copy of FF6 I bought like a year ago and never played.
Anyway, Chrono Trigger. Zelda maybe could've beat it maybe if my game didn't keep helpfully erasing itself while I played.

And for the record, pretty much everything I have on SNES is an RPG because I am a nerd, and am attempthing to branch out into multiple areas of nerdery.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: jarofflies on 09 Nov 2005, 14:05
I'ma have to go with Super Mario World. Then again, I havn't played alot of these games, unfortunatly.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Inanimate Object on 09 Nov 2005, 14:07
I think in my book Donkey Kong Country barely edges out Zelda: LttP for first place. There are way too many classics on that systems to just pick one though.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Gryff on 09 Nov 2005, 14:37
You've all missed a very important game.

Yoshi's Island.

One of the few games that I never played at the time but played obsessively years later. I mean, hallucinogenic clouds? FTW!

Honorable mentions to Chrono Trigger and FF6, also.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Fabio on 09 Nov 2005, 14:49
USB gampad pro!!!!!! I'm saved, i'll get yee yet Ridley!
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Trollstormur on 09 Nov 2005, 14:56
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Willem on 09 Nov 2005, 15:17
Yoshi's island was cool indeed but I prefer Mario Kart by far. Liked Mystic Quest too actually but I believe that's a prequel for the FF games, right? (so i guess that there must have been some improvements there)
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: est on 09 Nov 2005, 15:38
ok fine, i'll play your game, rogues.

my fave Nintendo game as of right now is probably Final Fanstasy Tactics Advance.  i must have put over 150 hours into one campaign over the course of a year or so of train rides to and from work.  i maintain that that game kept me sane.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: heather on 09 Nov 2005, 15:52
Secret of Mana. Hands down.

Anything else would be blasphemous.

*(Link to the past is a close second, of course)
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: will: wanton sex god on 09 Nov 2005, 19:21
Quote from: est
ok fine, i'll play your game, rogues.

my fave Nintendo game as of right now is probably Final Fanstasy Tactics Advance.  i must have put over 150 hours into one campaign over the course of a year or so of train rides to and from work.  i maintain that that game kept me sane.

not to be a nitpicky asshole, but thats made by square/enix

anywho: Best on SNES id have to say goes to...Zelda 3, castelevania IV, Chrono Trigger, Megaman X.  in that order.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: DavidGrohl on 09 Nov 2005, 19:27
Quote from: will: wanton sex god
Quote from: est
ok fine, i'll play your game, rogues.

my fave Nintendo game as of right now is probably Final Fanstasy Tactics Advance.  i must have put over 150 hours into one campaign over the course of a year or so of train rides to and from work.  i maintain that that game kept me sane.

not to be a nitpicky asshole, but thats made by square/enix

  He wasn't refering the Nintendo systems, not producers of the games.  FFTA was on Gameboy Advanced, making it a Nintendo game.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: normz on 09 Nov 2005, 19:30
I'd have to go with Donkey Kong.... I had Donkey Kong I, II & III and I loved em to death, mario was never as cool .... I also loved that game I had with Dr Mario and Tetris and you could do like battle royale thingys against your mates... man that was ace i was like tetris queen
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 09 Nov 2005, 20:02
For puzzle games, Tetris and Dr. Mario get all the hype, but I'd have to go with Kirby's Avalanche (aka yet another rebranding of Puyo Puyo, aka Puyo Pop - see also Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine).
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: est on 09 Nov 2005, 20:42
Quote from: DavidGrohl
He wasn't refering the Nintendo systems, not producers of the games.  FFTA was on Gameboy Advanced, making it a Nintendo game.

this is true.  i never had a SNES, so i couldn't play otherwise, and i relly thought that FFTA needed the mention for the sheer amount of love it gave.  i am ultra hanging out for a DS version.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Blue Kitty on 09 Nov 2005, 20:58
duck hunt
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Joshua on 09 Nov 2005, 21:23
Quote from: jhocking
What is the matter with you people?


I mean seriously.


The choice is pretty obvious.


Damn straight! I grew up on this game... I'm still growing up on this game.

Got myself a SNES emulator for my laptop - HOURS of entertainment.


Zelda WINS!!!
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: FaultyGluestick on 09 Nov 2005, 22:17
Definitely NHL 94 and Contra 3.

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: SeanBateman on 09 Nov 2005, 22:42
Oh and Booga I guess.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Storm Rider on 10 Nov 2005, 00:08
Quote from: est
my fave Nintendo game as of right now is probably Final Fanstasy Tactics Advance.  i must have put over 150 hours into one campaign over the course of a year or so of train rides to and from work.  i maintain that that game kept me sane.

High fuckin' five, man. You have no idea how sick I got of all the FFT fanboys bitching nonstop about this game. It's just like the first one, except that it doesn't pretend to have a plot, and thus doesn't end up being mind-numbingly pretentious. There. I said it. I HATE FFT's plot.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: McTaggart on 10 Nov 2005, 02:25
jhocking and Joshua know what they're on about.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Valrus on 10 Nov 2005, 04:52
Quote from: Storm Rider
[FFT is] just like the first one, except that it doesn't pretend to have a plot

Also it's way easier.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: jhocking on 10 Nov 2005, 07:05
Quote from: Trollstormur

If I did the quotes in sig thing, this would be my new sig.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: jhocking on 10 Nov 2005, 07:49
omg I forgot Super Mario RPG.  I'm still voting for Zelda, but I forgot Super Mario RPG.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: tania on 10 Nov 2005, 12:36
I totally forgot there was a video game section. Sorry guys.
I want to switch my vote.
Damnit I made the thread I am totally allowed to do that okay.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Storm Rider on 10 Nov 2005, 12:50
Quote from: Valrus
Also it's way easier.

True, but one of my chief problems with the original, (aside from the contrived and extremely overrated storyline) was the bizarre difficulty curve. Some levels would be ridiculously easy, and some would be break-the-controller-in-frustration hard. I don't mind a challenge, in fact in some games (Fire Emblem), I welcome it, but some of those missions were just ridiculous.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: TheLoweringTide on 10 Nov 2005, 12:54
I'm sorry.  I fully realize that I will be flamed to death over this, but I have to say it:

Zelda is overrated.

Not bad mind you, just overrated.  There's zero plot/character development (Save the princess from some evil dude?  Why did the evil dude kidnap her?  Oh, right because he's evil.)  The dungeons have some interesting puzzles, but by and large they're fairly tedious.  The gameplay is solid and it's a perfectly entertaining game, but I have a hard time coming up with reasons why it belongs at the top of any "best ever" lists.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Valrus on 10 Nov 2005, 13:41
Quote from: jhocking
If I did the quotes in sig thing, this would be my new sig.

I can help you out and just write a post containing that phrase immediately after every one of your posts. You know, like the BOOGA BOOGA thing except... um, wait, they're both retarded.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Merkava on 11 Nov 2005, 19:26
Quote from: TheLoweringTide
It's hard to argue against Final Fantasy III/VI.  Super Metroid would be a very strong candidate too.

Unless you have games that are actually GOOD, like...

Chrono Trigger
Seiken Densetsu III (Secret of Mana 2)
Tales of Phantasia
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Valrus on 11 Nov 2005, 20:02
Don't be frontin' on FFVI, Doesn't-Even-Have-A-Working-Avatar.

Seriously, it's obvious that it's impossible to pick just one best SNES game. That would be like picking a best... I don't know, song. There's too many, and too many that can't be directly compared to each other.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Storm Rider on 11 Nov 2005, 20:51
How the fuck did I forget Tales of Phantasia? That game rocked.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: La Creme on 11 Nov 2005, 22:34






I never figured it out, what the fuck is up with the HadesGigas'? Why do they suck so much? They look like they should be kicking my ass, but it's just all "CHAINSAW" and they die...

Fuck HadesGigas. Fuck them in their fucking asses.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: tragic on 13 Nov 2005, 06:25
i still have and play on my snes?
but the best game has to be: street-fighter-two-turbo!
closely followed by zelda: link to the past.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: mowi on 13 Nov 2005, 18:31
Woo. I just registered to reply on this topic.

Tales of Phantasia. :)

But i grew up on Zelda: Link To The Past too. So that's the other one. And Terranigma, dear God, Terranigma.


And many others, SNES rocked big time.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: emmie on 18 Nov 2005, 05:52
The Lion King FTW.
Also Super Mario World, Zelda: Link To The Past and, hem, Harvest Moon. I was such a Harvest Moon nerd.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 19 Nov 2005, 15:39
Uh, guys?

I'd apologize for the too-big image if it didn't OWN EVERYONE HERE.

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: battyone on 19 Nov 2005, 18:58
Terragamana [or h/e it was spelled] was a pretty good game, sadly never made US release; but emulation brings us this strong enyx title.  Also good was the first Star Ocean, Chrono Trigger, Street Fighter II, MegaMan X-3, The lord of the rings game, and a slew of other titles.  Some lesser known, some more known.  Also FF V was great!
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: IronOxide on 20 Nov 2005, 06:16
I'ma love me some Link to the Past.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: drpepper_phd on 27 Nov 2005, 18:05
I have thought about this, but there are far too many. So...

Best Puzzle game: Tetris Attack, of course.
Best Fighting: Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems
Best Racing: Mario Kart- C'mon. That's a given.
Best Adventure: Zelda: Link to the Past
Best RPG: Erm... Three way tie?? Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Chrono Trigger.
Best Educational: Mario Is Missing!!! =P
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: no one special on 29 Nov 2005, 02:37
One word:

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Mikintosh on 29 Nov 2005, 09:46
Super Mario World, which is hilarious because I've never owned an SNES. Game Boy port w00t!
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Oli on 29 Nov 2005, 11:03
When I was a kid I was all about the NES! and I have to admit the zelda game for that PWND! (lolz)

But for the SNES I'd have to go for Zelda aswell...

And for the N64 I'd go for the ocarina of time. I'd actually say thats one of the best games ever. End of. (Not majoras mask though...that was poor)

The Gamecube had the windwaker which was so-so, but it's got the new zelda game coming out soon and it looks ZOMG so awesome!

So yeah, sorry for turning this post into a "OMG How awesome is zelda/nintendo in general" post rather than a "Zelda for the Snes was cool" post.

Also as this is the nerdiest of nerdy section of this forum is it aceptable to talk L337?!?
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Joshua on 30 Nov 2005, 00:05
Quote from: Nolaw_Nocrime
When I was a kid I was all about the NES! and I have to admit the zelda game for that PWND! (lolz)

But for the SNES I'd have to go for Zelda aswell...

And for the N64 I'd go for the ocarina of time. I'd actually say thats one of the best games ever. End of. (Not majoras mask though...that was poor)

The Gamecube had the windwaker which was so-so, but it's got the new zelda game coming out soon and it looks ZOMG so awesome!

So yeah, sorry for turning this post into a "OMG How awesome is zelda/nintendo in general" post rather than a "Zelda for the Snes was cool" post.

Also as this is the nerdiest of nerdy section of this forum is it aceptable to talk L337?!?

Man there is a lot of loyal Zelda fans in this forum and I LOVE IT.

Zelda ftw!

Anyone know when the release date is for the new one anyway?
Title: SNES Games
Post by: GenoForPrez on 14 Dec 2005, 20:11
Ach! I am a huge fan of SNES and play it pretty much all the time.
It's hard to say the best SNES game of all time, so I'm going to say a few
since it's difficult to choose just one:

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Chrono Trigger
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Kirby Super Star
Fire Emblem
Super Punch Out
Yoshi's Island

7/115 games! ^_^
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: surgerydrugsnrocknroll on 14 Dec 2005, 20:27
Fire Emblem(any)
Secret of Mana/Evermore(either one)
Yoshi's Island
Chrono Trigger

these are seriously better than any newer games.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: lofin on 14 Dec 2005, 20:35
Out of this world is a great snes game.  Especially the first time you play it and get your ass drown by the seaweed shit that grabs ya.

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: JodyAnthony on 18 Dec 2005, 00:24
glad to see some Terranigma love.

Also, Illusion of Gaia was outstanding.  I still have the tshirt
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: zoidbergslo on 19 Dec 2005, 13:16
My vote goes to

Super Mario World
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: nescience on 19 Dec 2005, 13:41
My vote goes to: Super Metroid

Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Tenge on 19 Dec 2005, 13:51
Evo was highly entertaining. And educational. Did you know a super intelligent race of bird people lived on earth well before us? Yeah. Think about it.

But I agree with the majority. Chrono Trigger rocks.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: öde on 19 Dec 2005, 15:01
Yes, FFVI is the best.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Fabio on 20 Dec 2005, 07:12
Harvest moon rocks the socks though ;)
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: The Cosmic Fool on 21 Dec 2005, 20:38
1) Final Fantasy VI: Best story. Best graphics. Took me 30 hours to beat.
2) Chrono Trigger: A sheer explosion of awesomeness. There is nothing to hate about this game.
3) Super Mario RPG: I grew up on this. It eats face.
4) DKC 1, 2 and 3: Too kickass. The secret worlds were pimp.
5) Kirby Superstar: My's addicting as fuck.

And I'm done.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: DarthCat on 02 Jan 2006, 17:11
Quote from: heather
Secret of Mana. Hands down.

Anything else would be blasphemous.

Hells yeah- which is why Secret of Mana 2 also wins- because it IS Secret of Mana, only better.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Hat on 02 Jan 2006, 17:36
Quote from: nescience
My vote goes to: Super Metroid


And Evo, evo was just TERRIFYING.  I guess I should also make with the FF Tactics love as well, but Super Metroid just wins so outrightly that it would just be cruel.
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Joshua on 03 Jan 2006, 04:09
Quote from: Hat
Quote from: nescience
My vote goes to: Super Metroid


And Evo, evo was just TERRIFYING.  I guess I should also make with the FF Tactics love as well, but Super Metroid just wins so outrightly that it would just be cruel.

Alright I´ll agree with super metroid, that rocks and still does. Doesnt beat link to the past though!

Ive actually got both roms on my lappy - using thesnes emulator and having to choose between them sometimes makes my head asplode
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Qui Gon Zel on 03 Jan 2006, 10:06
Quote from: drpepper_phd
I have thought about this, but there are far too many. So...

Best Puzzle game: Tetris Attack, of course.
Best Fighting: Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems
Best Racing: Mario Kart- C'mon. That's a given.
Best Adventure: Zelda: Link to the Past
Best RPG: Erm... Three way tie?? Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Chrono Trigger.
Best Educational: Mario Is Missing!!! =P

Shit, if we're going to do this format then:

Best Puzzle Game: Tetris Attack

Best Fighting Game: Super Street Fighter II

Best Racing: Mario Kart

Best Adventure: Castlevania IV or Actraiser

Best RPG: Final Fantasy VI with Chrono Trigger a close second.

Best Educational: ......*snickers* kids didn't play games to learn! /pwned
Title: Please to be deciding on best SNES game of all time
Post by: Grumpus on 03 Jan 2006, 16:11

Seriously that game had it all. I wish modern Final fantasy games used it's battle system and replaced the random encounters with the visabile enemys from Chrono Trigger.