Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: Maximo Bean on 17 Jan 2006, 12:50

Title: Peep Show
Post by: Maximo Bean on 17 Jan 2006, 12:50
I think I have an obsession with this show.
I hope at least one person has seen it and loves it like I do.
Mark's so sweet and weird.
And Jez is just...Jez.
Both bloody great!
What do you guys think?
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Paper Beats Rock on 17 Jan 2006, 12:55
I love it.  LOVE IT!

Man it does cringe humour so much better than that office show, and it has other kinds of humour mixed in so it's not just a one-trick pony.

I got my DVDs back today, crazy ex-girlfriend/ex-friend got round to sending them back.  

I love the one where they're bowling-

'I'm in a lazerbowl toilet smoking pot.  This is it!  This is what people do when they're having fun!'

'For the worst thing that could possibly happen, this is actually turning out to be quite good.'
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Maximo Bean on 17 Jan 2006, 13:22
Ah yes!
Someone else loves it!
What, she must be crazy, attempting to steal a fans peep show DVD'S!

OMG I REMEMBER. When he had sex with the goth girl.
She was cool.
One of my favourite quotes is
'Public humiliation. Welcome to my world Jeff!'

I have season 1 and 2 on DVD =D
Ah, pure brilliance.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Maximo Bean on 17 Jan 2006, 13:24
Ah yes!
Someone else loves it!
What, she must be crazy, attempting to steal a fans peep show DVD'S!

OMG I REMEMBER. When he had sex with the goth girl.
She was cool.
One of my favourite quotes is
'Public humiliation. Welcome to my world Jeff!'

I have season 1 and 2 on DVD =D
Ah, pure brilliance.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: ayePod on 18 Jan 2006, 04:07
Probably my favourite British comedy along side The Mighty Boosh. If The Office was good and less about a one complete twat,it still wouldn't be a s good as Peep Show.

"I'm a dirty hobbit and she's a sexy elf so she might be... "Oh! You dirty hobbit. Take off my bodkin and my jerkin." "Oh, yeah... pixie ears. But that sword." What if she was a hobbit slayer? I'd just use my enchanted amulet. "Yeah. Yield to me, hobbit-slayer. You will touch my magic cock." "
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Maximo Bean on 18 Jan 2006, 07:27
Gah, double post.
I've never seen the mighty boosh but I've heard it's great.
Hahaha omggg I love that episode.
And then when he goes for the interview he says something to Mark like 'At least I don't wank off to elves and pixies!' infront of the boss.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Luke C on 18 Jan 2006, 10:13
Peep Show is awesome.

Jeremy and Mark are tottaly like my friend and me.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Maximo Bean on 19 Jan 2006, 09:19
Haha me and my friend Phoebe always say she's Mark and I'm Jez.
I think everyone has a part of both in them.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Kai on 19 Jan 2006, 15:01
I've never seen it but these quotes make it sound super awesome.

Man, why does Britain get all the good shows? We have "Skating with Celebrities," the show where celebrities... ice.. skate.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Paper Beats Rock on 19 Jan 2006, 15:10
We get that kind of shit too, but we get some decent stuff because the people who schedule our TV aren't "Retarded Asshats" (to use the technical term).

There they get a new show and they think it's pretty good so they stick it up against NYPD Blue or ER or whatever, then cancel it after a few episodes when it doesn't steal all the ratings.  Here they put their TV in slots when there's nothing else for the target audience to watch, then if it doesn't do well then repeat it at other times.  I'm fairly sure that Peep Show became popular because they repeated every episode of the first series over the course of a week after the show didn't do so well in it's late Friday night slot.

I was just reminded of another classic moment, when Jez is having a party so he looks a very ill Mark in his room and gives him a paper bag to shit it.

"I could shit in the paper bag...but then I would have keep it in the same room as me all night.  I could through it out of the window?  NO, that's what they want us to do!  They want us to start hurling our feces at each other, I won't do it!  I won't be the downfall of society!  Not in my name!"
Title: Peep Show
Post by: 5thWheel on 20 Jan 2006, 05:45
Peep show is awesome.  The Johnson is fantastic!  My wifeunit & I are still grossed by "The Bad Thing!" :) & I just love Mark, "She's not comfortable in her own skin; she's one of me!".  I agree about The Office too, I think the writers are better with general dialogue than obviousish cringe-moments.
Boosh fans might like to check out Catterick ( or if you can find it (AFAIK it was never released for sale, so filesharing?) The Weekenders (
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Tinjessla on 21 Jan 2006, 14:51
Ah, Peep Show rules. I only really got into it when the previous series was being shown. The only problem was it being shown the same time as the equally awesome Q.I on the Beeb, so i didn't get to catch all the episodes of Peep Show.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Luke C on 22 Jan 2006, 03:37
Quote from: Tinjessla
Ah, Peep Show rules. I only really got into it when the previous series was being shown. The only problem was it being shown the same time as the equally awesome Q.I on the Beeb, so i didn't get to catch all the episodes of Peep Show.

Ah the joy that is Sky + allowed me to see both. :)
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Tinjessla on 22 Jan 2006, 09:56
Aw, man :p. I'll just have to sit tight and wait until the DVD of Peep Show is released.
Title: Peep Show
Post by: trolley on 22 Jan 2006, 12:01
Peep show is awesome. i loved when he got mugged this series, as I know that's exactly how I'd react, during and after.

Also, did anyone else really hate sophie this series? She seemed so out of character and irritating.

Roll on series 4!
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Kai on 22 Jan 2006, 18:04
I think I'm going to download a couple episodes of this and see how it is. Are there any DVDs available, by the way?
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Maximo Bean on 23 Jan 2006, 09:40
Series 1 and 2 are avaliable on DVD
Title: Peep Show
Post by: Paper Beats Rock on 24 Jan 2006, 00:13
Quote from: Kai
I think I'm going to download a couple episodes of this and see how it is. Are there any DVDs available, by the way?

HA!  Good luck, with a name like 'Peep Show' you'll only ever get a different kind of video.