Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: mberan42 on 28 Feb 2006, 10:05

Title: Animal Collective
Post by: mberan42 on 28 Feb 2006, 10:05
So I recently got into Animal Collective. They're pretty good. Quirky and odd, but enjoyable. I own Here Comes the Indian, Sung Tongs and Feels. They're all fun to listen to.

I went to see them live this past Saturday in Chicago, and was utterly, utterly disappointed. While I own three of their albums and consider myself familiar with all three, I recognized four songs they played. Seemed to me that it was 15 minutes of noise and shouting, 4 minutes of a song I knew, 15 minutes of noise and shouting, 4 minutes of a song I knew... The whole show was like that. I left before they were finished playing, I was so disappointed.

Anyone else experienced this? (Anyone else go to the show in Chicago? The 10.30p show.) I just want to hear (read) others' thoughts and opinions.

Title: Animal Collective
Post by: sjbrot on 28 Feb 2006, 12:47
I think their live show fits in with the whole tribal nature of some of their music. What I was really disapointed by was one of the opening acts, BARR, who will always be the saddest spoken word act in the world. When he tried to start fights with the audience, it was just too much.
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: Mikendher on 28 Feb 2006, 14:04
It's very hard to reproduce that kind of sound, I would think. I haven't seen them though, so I can't comment really.
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: jcknbl on 28 Feb 2006, 15:55
I'm planning to go when they come here in a month or so. Maybe I should reconsider...
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: Felix on 28 Feb 2006, 16:03
I don't know them that much, but I own Feels, and it is really great. I saw them live last week (BARR should turn his name into BADD) and it was cool. I didn't recognize any of their song though. I left before the end, because I was fucking tired from my day and from standing up all along. Getting out of an indie crowd is one of the hardest thing I've done. At least, you can push punks in the pit to make your way. Indies are glued and nailed and drown in concrete.

In overall, I really enjoy Animal Collective. I like weirdos.
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 28 Feb 2006, 16:55
I don't really think of Animal Collective as being a band I'd go see to listen to their "songs."  I don't think they have very many discrete "songs" that you could easily recognize at a live show (especially if their live shows contain lots of improvization, which I somewhat expect).  They just seem to me like the sort of band who doesn't so much write songs as play what they think of.  (Also, they've released several other albums, each of which is somewhat less accessible than the Sung Tongs, Feels, and Here Comes the Indian, so there might have been some material from those.)

I haven't seen them live (though I plan to in a few weeks when they come around Philly) but given what their recorded material is like, I'd absoluitely expect a show along the lines of what you've described.  But Animal Collective is weird enough that I can almost enjoy the music more when I'm really not familiar with it.  Those 15-minute intervals of not knowing what the hell they're doing would be the best part for me.
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: BrittanyMarie on 28 Feb 2006, 18:08
I went to the show the next night in Minneapolis- and maybe I'm the only person ever who likes Barr? The Minneapolis crowd seemed to think he was alright...  anyway!

Animal Collective are WEIRD, in those four songs you recognized, I'm willing to bet that there is some noise and shouting in all of them. I thought it was amazing though, personally.
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: mberan42 on 01 Mar 2006, 08:09
Yeah, it was a weird show. I guess I didn't really expect to experience what I experienced.

But now I know.
Title: Animal Collective
Post by: rov on 01 Mar 2006, 14:28
I think the majority of their sets live are new songs and nothing off the album they released previously. I saw them in late 2004 and they only played stuff from Feels. I didn't know what the fuck. I liked it though.