Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: riccostar on 22 Nov 2012, 21:33

Title: holiday wishlist
Post by: riccostar on 22 Nov 2012, 21:33
Now that Thanksgiving is over it seems safe to start this... A list of that which we desire for the holiday season!

Tangible as well as intangible items acceptable, humans love presents!

I will start off by wishing for safe travel for friends and family this winter, it would also be kinda neat if I could get the Leatherman pocket Skeletool CX...
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Nikolai on 22 Nov 2012, 22:43
This. ( Because it's cool, and I'm an American now, and thus appropriately patriotic. Or something.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: fivegallery on 23 Nov 2012, 16:27
A new stool for my drums would be cool. Something with a real squishy seat, as I get butthurt from my current one.
Striped sweaters are always cool too.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Zingoleb on 23 Nov 2012, 16:29
Money would be pretty great, actually. Yeah.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: bainidhe_dub on 23 Nov 2012, 17:30
I kind of want a drawing tablet. I was looking at the Cintiq Bamboo a month or so ago and it's one of those things that's too much to justify buying myself but my husband might get it if he remembers. It's like, I don't do digital art because it's too hard with a mouse, so if I had a tablet I might, but would I do enough drawing to justify getting a tablet? I agonize over expensive things, Robert just goes for it. And THAT'S why I don't have nice things.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: riccostar on 23 Nov 2012, 20:11
A new stool for my drums would be cool. Something with a real squishy seat, as I get butthurt from my current one.
Striped sweaters are always cool too.

I don't play drums but this one ( is good for sittin' and playin' guitar.  It's way comfy (and stylish)
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Papersatan on 23 Nov 2012, 20:28
Dear loved ones,
This year for Christmas I would like a Gift card to Etsy to help me buy the business cards I want, or some of the clothing on my Amazon wishlist.  Not just any clothing please. I am trying to dress for the job I want, and so I would like well made, professional clothing that fits me well.  Also I could use some new sauce pans, something with a heavy bottom and no teflon.

I know the things I want are more expensive, and I appreciate receiving gifts, and would not like to suggest one extend themselves beyond their budget, but the sweatshirts from discount stores are the sort of thing I am trying to cull from my wardrobe, and I am sick of getting rid of cheap kitchenware; I am ready for things that will last.  If you are looking for something under $25, which is cool cause that is my budget for you guys, how about some nice chocolate, or good vanilla, or a bottle of good nail polish, or something yummy you made.  It is the thought that counts, but it is the quality of the thought, not the quantity. 

Looking forward to seeing you all,

Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Blue Kitty on 23 Nov 2012, 20:28
I really want that MODOK mug
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 23 Nov 2012, 20:33
Another trip to Iceland.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: fivegallery on 23 Nov 2012, 20:40
Another trip to Iceland.
Oh man, what a lovely country. Ever since watching Sigur Ros' Heima, I've wanted to go.

I don't play drums but this one ( is good for sittin' and playin' guitar.  It's way comfy (and stylish)
That is pretty rad. Would definitely be good for guitar! Really needs to be adjustable in height for drummins though, and the rungs on the legs might be problematic.

Also a loop station for guitar would be fun.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Elysiana on 23 Nov 2012, 20:42
I have one thing on my wishlist: the Canon "Nifty Fifty" 50mm 1.8 lens.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 24 Nov 2012, 02:46
Christmas will be small this year.  Still underemployed. 

One thing I want to do this holiday is redo the "Peace on Earth" banner over the entrance.  In January of '01, I hadn't taken it down when dubya started making noises about invading Iraq.  I vowed to leave it up until cooler heads prevailed. 

I've changed it three times in the last 12 years, and we're still at war.  The fourth ones too faded now. 

Maybe it's time to just paint it on. 
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: jwhouk on 24 Nov 2012, 05:43
I'd like a new boss this year. Santa apparently didn't hear me last year.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: riccostar on 24 Nov 2012, 07:21
I haven't heard great things about Santa's elf hitman squad's success rates.  Maybe they'll get it right this year.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Barmymoo on 24 Nov 2012, 10:19
I read a really nice idea for presents when the budget is extremely tight - a pictoral representation of all the things you would get for the other person, if money were no object. For me it would be a house, some kittens and ALL the kitchen implements ever. And maybe a hot air balloon ride. You draw or collage or in some other way visually represent all the things you know your recipient would like. All the thought side of it is there, without any of the disappointment of a tacky gift that suggests the buyer doesn't know you at all.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 24 Nov 2012, 13:07
That's magnificent.

I wish for a non-allergenic kitten. A private jet with a pilot would also be great for all those places that aren't convenient by train.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: BeoPuppy on 24 Nov 2012, 13:13, no train station but there's an airport.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: LeeC on 24 Nov 2012, 13:41
I want to meet new people.

as far as material items:
assasin's creed 3
over sheets for my couch and love seat
end tables for the bedroom
matching lamps
a 10 speed bike
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: jwhouk on 24 Nov 2012, 17:09
I should say this: I do want to meet one of the artists/creators of my top 20 webcomics in person this year.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Redball on 24 Nov 2012, 18:36
I'd be delighted to develop a new female friend, close to my age but not older, somewhat liberal in politics, an NPR listener, with some knowledge of the rest of the world, a taste for classical music and possibly opera, perhaps a choral singer, financially independent, enjoying car trips and light hiking. And she'd better be able to tolerate me and my humor, god help her.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 24 Nov 2012, 22:26
Could you narrow it down a bit? 

Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Patrick on 25 Nov 2012, 00:34
I would like for all customers to leave me the fuck alone, because I have shit to do that is more important to me than they are. Fuck no I work stock for a reason.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Redball on 25 Nov 2012, 06:23
Could you narrow it down a bit? 

Willing to negotiate with myself. Really expecting to.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Lupercal on 25 Nov 2012, 15:22
I kind of want a drawing tablet. I was looking at the Cintiq Bamboo a month or so ago and it's one of those things that's too much to justify buying myself but my husband might get it if he remembers. It's like, I don't do digital art because it's too hard with a mouse, so if I had a tablet I might, but would I do enough drawing to justify getting a tablet? I agonize over expensive things, Robert just goes for it. And THAT'S why I don't have nice things.

The Wacom Bamboo is £39 and seemingly totally worth the money. I use an older version of the Intuos ( every day at work and it is a breeze to use. I use it for designing books, so very little artistry is involved (which is good, because I suck at drawing). It will, within about a week, totally replace the need for a mouse and is almost easier to draw with than an actual pen.

Downside for the better ones is the money, obviously, but Wacom are pretty much the top of the market tablets and if a small one is a good price, I'd say go for it (or at least encourage your other half to go for it for you!).
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: mellowtune on 25 Nov 2012, 22:31
I seriously need an analog watch.  I can never tell time anymore.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Jace on 26 Nov 2012, 01:20
So I sort of know some of the gifts I'm getting.
One is a sewing machine (!!!) which I am crazy excited about since it means I get to make all of the goddamn garb.
I have also requested a gift card to the local hobby shop so I can buy paints for my minis.

I am very glad to have a girlfriend who's family represents love in the form of giving gifts.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Barmymoo on 26 Nov 2012, 05:16
OH sewing machine, I would like one of those. My mum actually has one she's said I can have, so it'd be nice if it were actually definitively given to me. Although at the moment I have access to three sewing machines (once I've been "art room trained") and no time to use them.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: LTK on 26 Nov 2012, 09:28
I wish whichever asshole took my bike gave it back.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: riccostar on 26 Nov 2012, 11:35
I'm hoping for a gift card to the Goldfish Tea place downtown, I went there the other day and it was one of the best restaurant experiences I've ever had.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: idontunderstand on 26 Nov 2012, 12:15
I still wanna typewriter. Then it's all records.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: mellowtune on 26 Nov 2012, 13:17
I would like for all customers to leave me the fuck alone, because I have shit to do that is more important to me than they are. Fuck no I work stock for a reason.

lol, I get questions all the time from customers about where stuff is, and I think to myself "I dunno, maybe if you asked somebody in STOCK they could tell you."

but then again, like you point out, someone in stock has other things that are more priority: stocking items, organizing the store, getting stuff out of the shipping trucks, etc.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Papersatan on 26 Nov 2012, 13:43
The division of labor in most retail stores is not designed for good customer service. As someone who likes giving good customer service, it drives me crazy.  It is one of those things I have trouble articulating without everyone hating me; like some sort of suck up to other peons, and like a troublemaker to management. 

Hourly retail workers feel like they are entitled loath their customers, right? We are paid shit, and they just bother us and make it harder to do our jobs.  That is so backwards, the customers should be your job.  They are why you are there (see what a tool I sound like). The problem is the MBA's who work in corporate don't have any understanding of how to actually motivate employees or why they are there.  We are not here because we have some deep desire to help people buy pants.  We work this dumb job for a paycheck. Our goal is to not get fired until we have a new job.  Or to get that 15 cent raise next quarter.  You can't expect us to cheerfully help all our customers if we can do better at our measured performance by NOT doing so.  Only tools like me will fight against the measurements and do extra work to help customers in meaningful ways.  And tools like me? We have a high turnover rate, because you don't pay us enough for our trouble.

My biggest problem working at Macy's was that as much as they emphasize great customer service in their literature, the way they divided departments and measured employee performance made it impossible to do well while also giving great customer service.  And I think it is the case in many retail jobs. "customer service" is listed as a job function for all employees, but no one employee is given the time or knowledge to actually do it.  It leaves most employees feeling like "well it is not my job!" or "how should I know, that is not my department" and not helping the poor customers, who have no way of knowing which of the uniformed people are able to help them. Everyone loses.  Customers are frustrated, employees hate their jobs, and the company loses money.

Someone hire me as a corporate strategist please?

Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: mellowtune on 26 Nov 2012, 14:23
lol, I like your post Papersatan.

I'd hate to sound like a greedy bitch or something, but what would motivate a LOT of people in retail is if they were actually paid a decent amount of work for what we do.

We also feel helpless in the fact that we don't have a lot of control over how things are run.  I had a customer asking me why he couldn't find chestnuts or licorice prices on the self-checkout machine, and I just said to him "unfortunately, they have it work another way" and he couldn't understand why.  Yeah, that'd be a great idea, so they didn't have to memorize the bin number for every item they picked up in the snack aisle that goes by weight, but do I have a say in how the corporation does things?  No.

If I have a void $5.00 or more, I have to call up someone to override it for me so that the customer can finish their order.  I can't just override it myself.  Why?  Because I'm not high enough on the corporate hierarchy.

Basically, I think most of us have enough motivation to do our job.  We get paid, not a large amount but we do get paid.  What would motivate us more is if we actually had the ability to do more.  And not just have to wave our hands up in the air and scream "help!" whenever a customer makes a boo-boo.


and to help myself stay on topic,

these gloves look pretty spiffy! (
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: riccostar on 29 Nov 2012, 14:56
How about all this?
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: mellowtune on 29 Nov 2012, 18:59
my favorite on there is probably the YOLO t-shirt. :D
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Bluesummers on 29 Nov 2012, 19:15
I'd like buttloads of Magic: The Gathering cards, but I think I'd settle for my car's registration being paid.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: dr. nervioso on 29 Nov 2012, 19:35
I want like 40$ to style my hair

And Scott Pilgrim and/or QC comic books
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: VonKleist on 30 Nov 2012, 01:02
I´d like to meet some new people.
And I want a kitty-cat.

And those singing-lessons.
I don't want any gifts at all except those.

Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: lepetitfromage on 30 Nov 2012, 07:57

I reaaally want fitness stuff- workout gloves, a couple pairs of new yoga pants, a replacement 30 Day Shred DVD since mine bit the dust.

Aside from that.....
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
The Big Ass Book of Crafts by Mark Montano
Knee socks
This shirt (

One completely intangible thing I want? Enough money to go to Lollapalooza next year. I went in 2007 and haven't been able to afford it since. Oh, and enough money to go on a real honeymoon would be nice too. I guess that's two things. Or maybe one since they're both money.  :-P
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Nov 2012, 10:02
You may never see or touch it, but I'm pretty sure money's considered tangible.   :-P
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Pilchard123 on 30 Nov 2012, 10:06
I wish I had enough money to buy an elephant. I don't want the elephant, though. Just enough money to buy one.

I suppose the intangibility comes from the "enough". What is enough? Enough to get there? Enough to enjoy it? Enough to get home again? Enough to stop me picking that sentence apart?
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: lepetitfromage on 30 Nov 2012, 10:36
You may never see or touch it, but I'm pretty sure money's considered tangible.   :-P

Lies!!!  :-P

Gotta love forgetting the real meaning of a word lol. I suppose the correct word would have been...feasible? I'm not entirely brain hurts today and I think it's having a negative effect on my ability to form coherent sentences.

Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Zingoleb on 30 Nov 2012, 16:47
All of this (, actually (I need to reinforce my family's idea that their little boy is a fag, after all).
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Bluesummers on 30 Nov 2012, 19:45
All of this (, actually (I need to reinforce my family's idea that their little boy is a fag, after all).

$10 for the ones with the Ace of Spades on them? Not bad, and quite Harley Quinn-esque.

Hah. I got what I wanted...The cards. Not the car registration. Still workin' on that one.

EDIT: BWAHAHAHAHA I pulled two planeswalkers XD
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Nov 2012, 20:15
A key case with hard sides that will actually hold my keys.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 01 Dec 2012, 01:07
All of this (, actually (I need to reinforce my family's idea that their little boy is a fag, after all).

Whoah!  I've always been a sucker for interesting stockings on a shapely leg... which makes that site just to the left of softcore porn...

...and now I've said too much...
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Zingoleb on 01 Dec 2012, 01:12
I have excellent legs. Customers always came back for my legs.  :evil:
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 01 Dec 2012, 09:59
The return of my car from the shop.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 01 Dec 2012, 19:31
New transmission?  Or an engine? 
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: lepetitfromage on 02 Dec 2012, 10:00
Oh my goodness. Unicorn, you have a fabulous sense of style. And those chevron sleeves- SO flippin' cute.  :-D
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Welu on 03 Dec 2012, 06:29
All of this (, actually (I need to reinforce my family's idea that their little boy is a fag, after all).

Whoah!  I've always been a sucker for interesting stockings on a shapely leg... which makes that site just to the left of softcore porn...

...and now I've said too much...

Well my college internet is actually blocking it for "Pornography and Adult materials".

~ ~

I wish for a corset. Even just a fashion one.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Zingoleb on 03 Dec 2012, 13:48
I would love to have a proper corset again. God. They're so comfortable.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: jwhouk on 03 Dec 2012, 14:22
I need a new coffee thermos.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Bluesummers on 03 Dec 2012, 16:46
I would love to have a proper corset again. God. They're so comfortable.

>.< I cannot imagine how my gut would EVER fit into a corset.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Patrick on 03 Dec 2012, 17:18

That is all. Only $5k, what a bargain.

But seriously, fuck flame maple, it's all about plain ol' sexy woodgrain.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Lines on 03 Dec 2012, 17:35
I would love to have a proper corset again. God. They're so comfortable.

Not when you're sitting in a modern chair, no you're not. Especially not in a car, ugh. Standing they don't bother me, but sitting on anything other than a bench is a pain in the ass.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: valley_parade on 03 Dec 2012, 21:01
Linds is saying she wants benches for christmas.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 04 Dec 2012, 02:17
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: BeoPuppy on 04 Dec 2012, 03:02
... in the ass? What the hell kind of corset is this?
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Blue Kitty on 10 Dec 2012, 19:45
All I want for Christmas
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Papersatan on 10 Dec 2012, 19:55
I would love to have a proper corset again. God. They're so comfortable.

Not when you're sitting in a modern chair, no you're not. Especially not in a car, ugh. Standing they don't bother me, but sitting on anything other than a bench is a pain in the ass.

I cannot drive with a corset laced properly or my breasts restrict the movement of my arms. 

I would love to have a proper corset again. God. They're so comfortable.

>.< I cannot imagine how my gut would EVER fit into a corset.

Corsets come in sizes.  I am not a small lady, and I have two that fit me quite well.  There is a pic of one in the socks and undies thread, I don't know if I ever linked a pic of the other one though.  Oh, I am wearing it in my Ursula costume from Halloween, wherever that picture ended up.

I want a custom made suit and a custom dress shirt.  I have decided this is the only way I will find one that fits me and is even half way stylish.  The price tag of such a thing makes it a fantasy though.

Also, Matt save that shit till I have driven home.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Lines on 10 Dec 2012, 19:55
... in the ass? What the hell kind of corset is this?

Pain in the mid-section just does not have the same ring to it...

Also, I too really want some snow. Not stuff that looks like snow and then disappears 5 seconds later, a real, honest to god snow. I want to look out my window one morning and everything is white and sparkly. (Do not make Twilight references.) I don't even care if I have to get snowed in, I want snow!

Edit: Hehe, boobs getting in the way of driving.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 10 Dec 2012, 20:31
I've had boobs get in the way of my driving before. 

Well, it was distracted driving, at best. 
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Jace on 10 Dec 2012, 23:17
All of this (, actually (I need to reinforce my family's idea that their little boy is a fag, after all).

Whoah!  I've always been a sucker for interesting stockings on a shapely leg... which makes that site just to the left of softcore porn...

...and now I've said too much...

This is a feeling I know all too well.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 11 Dec 2012, 01:09
I want my Prius back from the shop.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: jwhouk on 11 Dec 2012, 06:25
All I want for Christmas
(Shovels some your way)

"Would you like the semi-slushy or the dirt-and-various-roadspray-combo?"
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: dr. nervioso on 11 Dec 2012, 07:24
Well now that I know I'm not going to have to spend THAT much money on books for next semester, I want more stuff

1. Money to do my hair
2. Money to buy ear piercings of some sort (I haven't decided yet)
3. Crocheting lessons so I can learn how to make a rainbow scarf (Or maybe just a rainbow scarf)
4. Split what money I have left over into savings and new clothes
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Lines on 11 Dec 2012, 07:48
You could learn how to crochet for free (minus cost of supplies)! There's books and videos online that pretty much walk you through everything.
Title: Re: holiday wishlist
Post by: Carl-E on 12 Dec 2012, 01:58
And there's rainbow yarn that shifts from one color to the next, rather than having to do the scarf in sections. 
