Step 1: make a page in html & update it when you update the comic
Step 2: see if your webhost supports php & and has a *sql (mysql, postgresql, or even MS SQL) database
Step 3: if it does, see if you can learn php. if not, keep updating in straight html.
The content is more important than the format. Way more important. So long as you can get a page up that people can read you are taking a step ahead.
As someone has already said, php is a programming language. In order to get the most out of it in the way that you probably want you will more than likely need to pair it with a database that will store things like your newspost, comic descriptions, titles, etc. All of that takes a while to learn.
As an alternative, there are a few content management suites around that are built with comics in mind. The only one I can give you any kkind of info on is called">ATP Autosite. It is the one that Scary Go Round uses. I am not sure if it is any good. Have a look around at other webcomics and see if you see any "powered by" or "managed by" links & follow them. You might find something you can use yourself.
Hope at least some of that helps.