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Author Topic: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!  (Read 6241 times)


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Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« on: 19 Apr 2008, 00:45 »

So I was reading the comic... FROM THE START... for the first time. I'm about roughly half-way to the present right now, around comic 570-something, and the whole time I couldn't SHAKE this feeling that "geez... this is so... so... familliar!"

I got THAT FAR before I realized there were sidebar comments left by the author on the right side of the screen. UH-DUHHHHHHRRRRRRR..!! And that's when it hit me. THIS IS FREAKING MASSACHUSETTS!! You are SERIOUSLY making a comic about Massachusetts--Aren't you!! Holy hell! Holy brainblister-inducing expletives hell this is REALLY MA you're talking about! and it's not even BOSTONIAN MASS, is it! That's right. I know what you're talking about. Cultural center of new england ring a bell? Dude. I was Born in Northampton. do the commonwealth of massachusetts credit. Too much credit. I moved away to Virginia where the air doesn't smell like rust, smoke, and dead leaves, and the grass is *actually* green. seriously. You won't believe how green the grass is. I moved away from MA in may 2006 when I decided I wasn't going to wait to find out if i'd grow up to be that creep that lives in his mother's basement. I lived in chicopee for the first twenty years of my life--A.K.A. "where?" A.K.A. "no, not ware--i'm seriously asking you WHERE." A.K.A. "oh yeah, the one put on the map by Westover Air Reserve Base". My friend Megan sends me pictures all the time trying to coax me to move back, but I haven't even felt the slightest twinge of nostalgia...
...until I started to really get into QC. The nostalgia was hitting me before the realization did.

People, please TELL ME that if you live anywhere within a fifty mile radius of northampton that you've eaten at harrel's off of Thorne's Market! for the love of god PLEASE, you don't know what you're cheating yourself out of, that is the most delicious #@%&ING ICE CREAM in the GOD DAMNED WORLD!! ;_; oh gods. Your comic is making me cry. I hope you're happy. I miss NoHo so much... it was practically the only place still worth visiting in Massachuesetts. the only reason I even wanted a job when I still lived in MA was so I could go to Northampton on my days off, just make an outing of it... walk around, soak up the sights, listen to that pretty boy in a skirt strumming his acoustic guitar from his stoop and toss him a fiver...

Tell me you've eaten at The Teapot. Get a bento box, ESPECIALLY the chicken tempura. Your stomach will proclaim you a God and your tongue will throw spontaneous orgies of ecstasy in your honor. And failing that, go to Taipei and Tokyo--that was some of the best japanese food i've ever had for so cheap.

OH OH and do you remember the pizza place?? The one ... the one just over from main street on the same block as The Guild art studio and that candy store on the corner. BIGGEST SLICES OF PIZZA EVAR. I used to take a pottery class at The Guild and afterwards, my hands still smelling of fresh potter's clay no matter HOW hard I scrubbed, I'd get a pizza slice with mushrooms and sausage and onions and peppers and pepperoni...

You have essentially exploded the tidy little box of happy memories I kept of Massachusetts ALL OVER my mind.

Have any of you been to holyoke community college? Pain in the ass place that, ruined my life... I wish I went to STCC, I might have actually gotten a job in the field I was trained for in Chicopee Comprehensive High School.

Seriously--Is there anybody here who knows what I'm talking about?
Is there anybody here who shares my native geography?
I feel the need to reminisce burning a hole in the back of my skull...


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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #1 on: 19 Apr 2008, 23:07 »

woah dude, easy now...



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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #2 on: 20 Apr 2008, 00:04 »

...sorry... just a tad of recursive culture-shock. I nearly had a seizure when I saw the background renderings of unmistakable downtown Northampton. I could nearly identify the buildings. The comic where they're talking about "these pizza slices are as big as your head!" almost had me in tears. I haven't been home in nearly two years now, and this is the first time I've missed it.

Just read #1063, and it is 100% true: There is an old, closed-down asylum in Northampton... but I never went to see it. My friends in high school used to joke about breaking in at night.

Again, I'm sorry for first reaction, but this is deep for me.



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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #3 on: 20 Apr 2008, 00:28 »

ahh, dont worry i was just taking the piss a little there.
ive never had this specific comic effect me that much, but i know the feeling.

well known song or smell
suddenly home rushes in

edit: haikiu!


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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #4 on: 20 Apr 2008, 01:45 »

Hundreds of Pages.
Vivid Hallucinations.
Insomnia Strikes.



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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #5 on: 21 Apr 2008, 21:24 »

Can this be changed into a haiku topic?


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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #6 on: 24 Apr 2008, 18:13 »

I figured out where this QC was set in the same way--by reading through the archives, and being struck suddenly by the realization.  I live in Northampton!  It was a very cool thing to discover.


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Re: Wait--what's happening WHERE!?!
« Reply #7 on: 24 Apr 2008, 22:07 »

I have eaten at teapot!  It was pretty good!

Also: you should probably maybe settle down a little.  Aneurysms can occur at any age.  Just sayin!
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