Haha! Awesome! Now we get to tell you that you're wrong.
But seriously, that's silly. For one, Here Comes the Warm Jets has got some amazing glam rock tunes, Another Green World is a masterful mix of arty rock, little electronic experiments and some proto-ambient segments, Before and After Science is great...Really the greatest disservice one could do one's self when it comes to Eno is to listen to Ambient 1 and assume that's all Brian Eno is about, because it's okay, but really a pretty boring record. Ambient 2/The Plateaux of Mirror, Eno's first record with Harold Budd is a lot better. It's less programmed and detached; there's a stronger sense of melody across all of it, and although it's got a similar sense of gentle elegance, Ambient 1 is almost flimsy.
But really what you want to do is listen to Evening Star.