@Nightson: Offensive is offensive, of course; but I was speaking in the context of the case in hand.
@Jens: I agree with the principle of what you write, but still find it hard to find anything here to apply it to. So I thought that I would go back and remind myself what Jeph actually wrote (in Tai's voice, in 1595) that started all this. I presume this is the text at issue:
[Polyamory] is FUN, sure, but it's not something I wanna do for the rest of my life. I'd much rather settle down with one person.
That is an opinion, and not about anyone else, just herself - it is already a stretch to interpret it as more than that. And in any case, the quote includes a
positive comment about polyamory, so viewing it as offensive is simply not logical. If Tai had been made to say: "I now see that polyamory is a really bad idea", then I could (just about) see where the complainers were coming from - but she wasn't. Seriously, what is there in the text I quoted that people into polyamory would have to "just take"? Or have I really missed something?
That said, there are people who simply have gigantic chips on the shoulder about relationships and will exhibit them for no obvious cause if they feel like it; the worst I happen to have met were a group of aggressive lesbians whose default position was that straight people were offensive simply for existing, even without any consideration of anything they might think. It was extremely uncomfortable talking to them (they might have been like that anyway, but they chose to openly hang it on their lesbianism). This was not a chance encounter - I was the only man, and my wife the only straight woman at a party given by friends who are a lesbian couple, now married (at which I was "best man"). What I am saying here is that sometimes you can't prevent people being offended over sexual orientation, because they just are; but that doesn't mean that I have to think they are sensible, or justified in it (nor of course does one need to be offensive back, which I hope I have not been - beyond disagreeing!).