after a little praying and a little battling with the arcane instructions, i got everything correctly connected and tested it. worked perfectly.
no windows yet, but the disc is in the mail.
honestly, it wasn't as complicated as i thought it would be. slide this in, plug that in, screw that to this, and boom! you're done. amazing. i think i spent more time just trying to get the motherboard in place than anything else. i ended up taking out the case fan to give my fingers a little bit more room during that part and it was easy after that.
thanks again for all your help, everybody. i am so stoked right now. i actually went and dug out my old pc games from my parents' house the other day, and i had some good stuff in there! thief: the dark project, carmageddon, civilization 4, the first STALKER game, a few other random ones, and....well, and then there's Spore, which i have sort of a love/hate relationship with. mostly hate.