So a big company deliberately flouts the copyright that they mercilessly chase small guys for; is there a surprise there?
The most recent surprise for me in this field was the
report that was written last year by a think tank for the Republican Party, no less - which recommended that moves should be made to reduce the term of copyright back to 12 years (two years shorter than when it was created under Queen Anne), extendible on payment of serious money to a maximum of 46 years. This so enraged the RIAA and others that it was taken off the party's website within hours (the linked copy is on my own server). The current scheme of continuing extensions of copyright terms is basically aimed at keeping the original Mickey Mouse movies in copyright in perpetuity, and the upcoming extension of recording copyright in the EU from 50 to 70 years I guess is to do the same for the Beatles discography. It's nothing to do with aiding actual authors or composers - just follow the money!