• 13 Mar 2025, 10:52
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Where is Dora right now?

Waiting for Cossette to be released from the ER
Pacing her apartment, worrying about CoD
Having Quality Personal Time with Tai
Sipping herbal tea at The Secret Bakery (Traitor!)
Passed out on her bed from exhaustion
Wandering the forest crying out: "Faye, Faye! Why hast thou forsaken me?"
Watching porn on her laptop
Fantasising about [Enter Character Name Here]

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Author Topic: WCDT Strips 3101 to 3105 (30th November to 4th December 2015)  (Read 31555 times)


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Like I said, Tai's the right person for Dora.

She will support Dora, but she will also call her on her bullshit when needed in a way I don't think Marten could.  I really hope Dora does go back to her therapist, she sounds like she needs more help than even Tai can give her at this point.
James The Kugai 

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So Dora has a referral to a therapist. Whom we IIRC have not seen.

meta/ So why should Jeph go to the effort of creating a new character in order to show us Dora in therapy when it would have been more economical to use Corinne? This suggests that if Dora does go to therapy at all, it will be off stage. /meta

Drat. I wanted to see more of Dr. Corinne.
What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.


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So Dora has a referral to a therapist. Whom we IIRC have not seen.

meta/ So why should Jeph go to the effort of creating a new character in order to show us Dora in therapy when it would have been more economical to use Corinne? This suggests that if Dora does go to therapy at all, it will be off stage. /meta

Drat. I wanted to see more of Dr. Corinne.
He shows up in 2170 and the one after that. (I have him in my character list thingy as "therapist")
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Is it cold in here?

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I too want to see more of Dr. Buenvenida.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Wow, I forgot how badly that session ended.

mad hands murphy

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tai has graduated from being overbearingly pushy to passive-aggressively manipulative

Is it cold in here?

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Why do you think so? I mean, I can imagine somebody manipulative acting like that, but so could an honest person on the verge of giving up or (gasp) respecting a boundary.

Oh, and welcome!
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Q.) if a Dora falls in the forest and no one is around to hear, is it still all totally her fault

a.) Well, it's not her fault per se, it's the "fault" of her issues, but you have to admit, she doesn't face up to them properly and also (cont. for three paragraphs)
b.) Of course it is, it's Dora
d.) No, it's Tai's fault.
e.) (Insert a non sequitur/pop culture reference/wandering anecdote)
Fuckin' pain in the ass.


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However, my point wasn't about me, but about Dora. She's stressed from work, doesn't know who to promote etc, talks to her girlfriend about it and the response is: drugs or psychologist (ok, fair difference on the word).

It's not a common (yep, a better word) response in the UK IMO for what are very minor issues really.

I think that you would benefit from reading more about Dora in the archives. This isn't an isolated incident. She has a history of paranoid ideation and delusions of betrayal that poisoned her first on-screen relationship - With Marten. She also has a similar difficulty dealing with her (admittedly long-time douchebag) older brother because she constantly sees betrayal where it isn't.

Under no circumstances is this about workplace stress or indecisiveness about who to promote. These are merely the most recent symptoms.

I've read the entire comic, more than once.

She's definitely got trust issues, but in the UK in my experience they wouldn't be considered bad enough for someone to go to a therapist.

In the US, fairly obviously it's considered unusual if she *doesn't* go to a therapist, or doesn't go on drugs.

It's a flip of normality (not saying which view is the correct one).


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Personally I'd say Dora's problem goes well beyond "trust issues". Her behavior suggets full on paranoia, possibly coupled with mild anxiety.

Severity of one's mental illness is largely subjective. What makes the determination of whether or not a condition requires therapy or medication is the level of its impact on the individual's health and quality of life. Dora's paranoia is beginning to have a serious impact on both.
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She's definitely got trust issues, but in the UK in my experience they wouldn't be considered bad enough for someone to go to a therapist.
Considered by whom?

My point being, if some behavioral pattern becomes detrimental to your happiness, and you encounter it in the long term, that is indicative that you cannot work through it on your own, thus you should seek outside help. Makes sense, no?
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I'm assuming they mean by the NHS.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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It really does go beyond simple trust issues for Dora. She actively sabotages romantic relationships when she goes looking for the betrayal she thinks is coming. It's markedly unusual that we haven't seen that behavior in her relationship with Tai yet. We saw it with Marten (even after moving in with them, she would still get upset if Faye and Marten spent time together. And the Marten's porn incident, among others.) Talking about her past relationships this was the rule, rather than the exception. And it is something that bothers her as she has expressed in the past. Then there's the difficult, sometimes bordering on toxic relationship with her brother and to a lesser degree her parents. She tends to shift a lot of the blame of her problems on Sven, when they seem more due to her feelings of inadequacy and jealousy next to him. Not that Sven is blameless, but Dora's problems have more do do with her than with him.

Does she need therapy? Could she improve without professional help? It's possible, certainly. But experience has shown that it doesn't help. She would rather avoid the problem than deal with it. Handling it herself or with the help of friends hasn't worked in the past. Going to her therapist didn't really help either. She was bullied into going by Faye. Then she got defensive and resistant when talking with the therapist. Dora knows she has a problem, and on some levels wants to get past them. But until she is willing to accept the help and do the work she needs to do to improve... Nothing is going to change for her. It might even require an incident like with Faye's trip to the hospital for her to realize how bad it is. Getting hurt on the job or something because she's to tired or distracted. Having half the staff walk off because she freaks out on them because of her issues. Something major happening, basically to shock her out of the rut she's worked herself into.

mad hands murphy

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Why do you think so? I mean, I can imagine somebody manipulative acting like that, but so could an honest person on the verge of giving up or (gasp) respecting a boundary.

From the way she's all "Oh well I GUESS i'll stop being incredibly overbearing and pushing, cause when i do that you don' do what i WANT, and instead get all MAD n shit about it, so i GUESS i'll stop"

If she were respecting a boundary she wouldn't make a big pronouncement of how she's respecting it and why, she'd just stop being pushy, or even apologize for having been pushy and not respecting dora's boundaries.


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Except this is fiction, where people often verbalize what they are thinking so that the audience is aware of it. Also it is a comedy and the line was used to set up the final panel joke. Nothing more needs to be written in the. A point of order is that she had already gotten Dora to agree to call her therapist. She could have just left it where it was. Verbalizing that she was backing down because she didn't want to cause a fight between them was snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Also Tai is about as deceptive as a bag of cement, and almost as subtle. The joke is Dora overanalyzing everything people do around her, again.


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Yes, because voicing concern for your girlfriend's physical and mental health is SO overbearing. Who does that?
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Why do you think so? I mean, I can imagine somebody manipulative acting like that, but so could an honest person on the verge of giving up or (gasp) respecting a boundary.

From the way she's all "Oh well I GUESS i'll stop being incredibly overbearing and pushing, cause when i do that you don' do what i WANT, and instead get all MAD n shit about it, so i GUESS i'll stop"

If she were respecting a boundary she wouldn't make a big pronouncement of how she's respecting it and why, she'd just stop being pushy, or even apologize for having been pushy and not respecting dora's boundaries.

Well, voicing stuff is sometimes better than not to, even though it might sound annoying. How else is your partner going to find out what's what? Telepathy? And Tai is reacting well - she pushes, and when she sees that Dora is annoyed, she remembers what happened last time and backs off. She's not very subtle, and she's not using reverse psychology. In this instance, she reminds me a lot of a friend - if he asks 'is it OK if I go out tonight?' and the partner says in that passive-aggressive tone 'Well go then, have fun' He'll just say 'Thanks, see ya later!' and will not notice that anything is amiss.
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