Okay, Bubbles and Faye have done suturing of a sort before. Can they now throw together the necessary materials and skills to let out Millifeulle's pants? Consider it an 'optional extra'!
Meanwhile, I love Bubbles and Sam in panel 1. Bubbles is just so instinctively maternal there, reassuring Sam that they were only kidding about the finger and helping her not over-react to Millie's new look. Oddly enough, the first thing that came into my mind was: "She'll make a great mother one day!"
Also, I suspect that Faye knows exactly why Milli wanted this mod. Just pick apart what she said in panel 1 and you'll know what I mean! For whose benefit, though?
Sam has learned an important lesson today: When it comes to personal aesthetics, all people are essentially ridiculous because it's all in the eye of the beholder!