I've come to accept that i ain't gunna wow anyone with my skillz, so you ain't gunna hurt me with the truth.
I'd need that thing call......uhhhh......practise! practise to get good.
And somehow, everytime i try flash, the basic concept behind it escapes me, and i can only manage to get the drawing portion working(which i find works better than MS Paint, for some reason.....)
One thing i love- the middle bottom frame is somehow extremely more detailed than everything else- oh yea- thats continity right there......
Basically, my intention with my ninja is slowly going around killing pirates silently on the ship- by the thrid or so, the pirates start to catch on, and i'd use some matrix style shit on them. Then the pirate captain would come out, and it would take a couple more comics for them to fight it out. In the end, the ninja would win.
But then i bought Burnout III, and suddenly i stopped caring.....
As for the FBI Crab, its just one of those ideas that came up while binging on sugar. I never intended it to be much more than that, except maybe another frame inbetween the two- but then i realised its not nessary.