I love my Mac and PC, I just perfer the Macintosh because I've been using it since birth, Windows is still a mature operation system, and it's still is impressive by today standard, I use Windows a lots at university when it come to animation, the Macintosh's software such as Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro, etc. are top notch, brilliantly easy to use and I'm a bit surprised that Adobe Photoshop is more integrated to FCP than to Premiere.
The Macintosh suit anyone, it's doesn't limited to the "creative" area as some people think, ok, perhaps CAD not the best option on a Macintosh, unless you got a nice fat G5 or the latest Intel.
Another thing about the Macintosh is that anyone can use it, they can easily stop worrying about putting up firewall, anti-virus and such and not worried about crashing (application-crash is still normal), it's perfect for college/university student too, I'd highly recommended them to get it, because as a student myself, there's nothing worse than losing all your work after you misused the computer.
I love my PC because of it's raw performance, OS X felt faster but raw performance, Windows is still better, gaming or not, that's still a myth, for professional user, a Mac or PC is redundant to them, they only get the fastest machine that can render/encode quickly as possible for their budget.
I used my 400Mhz (yes, 400MHz and it still run the lastest OS X - 10.4.5+) PowerBook for everyday stuff such as e-mailing, web browsing, music, Photoshop (amazingly still speedy), Illustrator etc, but I used my Dell Dimension E510 (3.40Ghz, RadeonTM X300 graphic card, and 4GB of RAM) for high end stuff like rendering movie, why? because it's so damn cheap, I even got a discount for the 20inch monitor.
what I'm saying is, both operation system are fantastic, OS X generally idea for anyone, and much robust like a Toyota, while XP, if you know how to handle it (like I did, all I have to do is set a firewall properly, no need for anti-virus software), it's perfect for you.