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Author Topic: Elder Scrolls : Oblivion  (Read 60902 times)


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« on: 17 Mar 2006, 14:02 »

Comes out in 4 days (Tuesday the 21st of March).

At least in the US.


My PC doesn't meet the min requirements which are:

    * Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows XP 64-bit
    * 512MB System RAM
    * 2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    * 128MB Direct3D compatible video card
    * and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver;
    * 8x DVD-ROM drive
    * 4.6 GB free hard disk space
    * DirectX 9.0c (included)
    * DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
    * Keyboard, Mouse

My processor is a 1.8 I think but need to check since I was excited about it.


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #1 on: 17 Mar 2006, 16:11 »

sweet, I can play that no problem

lowest thing is my 2.2ghz processor, but everything else rocks the shit

I will probably purchase it from BTMart.
also israel


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #2 on: 17 Mar 2006, 17:22 »

Score, I thought I would have to upgrade :)


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« Reply #3 on: 17 Mar 2006, 17:53 »

I'll probably check this out even though they've gone all EQ2-ish with the graphics.  I really enjoyed Morrowind, so hopefully the plasticness of the models won't bug me so much.


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« Reply #4 on: 17 Mar 2006, 19:35 »

I want to play it, but I've always had trouble with putting the time in to really finish their games.  I think my younger brother's going to pic it up for 360, so I'll probably just bum it off him once he's done


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Re: Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #5 on: 17 Mar 2006, 20:37 »

Quote from: JJMitchell
Windows XP 64-bit

Anyone know if there's actually going to be a native binary for x64?


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #6 on: 17 Mar 2006, 22:05 »

Oblivion has made me sexually aroused like no other game.
I can't wait to get this game.
Quote from: Trollstormur
that slogan is a good slogan. so good, in fact, I think it should be applied to other things. like, "there's no wrong way to hit your spouse." or "there's no wrong way to commit nonconsentual sodomy."

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« Reply #7 on: 17 Mar 2006, 22:15 »

Ive been with the series through Arena, Daggerfall ( <3 ), Morrowind and really wish I could play Oblivion.  But I dont have the cash for ram+vid card or an X Box 360 :(
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« Reply #8 on: 19 Mar 2006, 23:16 »

I never liked Morrowind.

Mind you, that didn't stop me from buying it. Twice.
Its a pretty gawdaweful paperweight too- that game had nothing going for it....


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« Reply #9 on: 20 Mar 2006, 02:09 »

Welcome to the forum!
Anymore non constructive conversation today? Or have you had your fill?
Quote from: Trollstormur
that slogan is a good slogan. so good, in fact, I think it should be applied to other things. like, "there's no wrong way to hit your spouse." or "there's no wrong way to commit nonconsentual sodomy."


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« Reply #10 on: 20 Mar 2006, 05:21 »

I'm happy that I was wrong, my processor will play this but I guess we'll have to wait and see how well.

Tomorrow can't get here early enough.  

After waiting for 4 years, one more day won't hurt I guess.


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« Reply #11 on: 20 Mar 2006, 06:47 »

Hehe, I played Morrowind with a frame counter that never read 5 now matter how few frames you were really getting (I started to think it meant 5 seconds per frame at one point), I don't see why I can't do it again.

Actually, I fit nicely into those specs so good bye social life.
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« Reply #12 on: 20 Mar 2006, 07:01 »

I'm even going to try and load it on my laptop, the laptop is below the specs but I might be able to turn a bunch of the graphics off and play as long as the install doesn't die.


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« Reply #13 on: 20 Mar 2006, 07:33 »

all of you should get a 360
I'm getting ES:O for mine, can't wait till I get the cash for it!
I'd rather be skiing.


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #14 on: 20 Mar 2006, 07:37 »

I'm not a console gamer, haven't been since the Nintendo 64.

I have a controller for my PC that I like a ton better than any platform controller I've used yet.


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« Reply #15 on: 20 Mar 2006, 08:14 »

Shit, it comes out tomorrow?

I'd need to buy a new video card for my computer (mine is shit) to play it. Which just won't fly. So I'll go back and replay Daggerfall or something.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

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« Reply #16 on: 20 Mar 2006, 10:53 »

Daggerfall doesn't work on XP :(
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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #17 on: 20 Mar 2006, 11:00 »

Hrm. I'll play the game, and if it is worthy, I'll spend my hard earned money on it.

Screenshots looked pretty decent; just need to make sure there is some gameplay.


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #18 on: 20 Mar 2006, 11:02 »

From everything I've been reading the game is freaking huge.  We are talking huge huge huge huge.  Not just huge huge.  Or even huge huge huge.  

I've read some first impressions that the combat is much more streamlined and magic is easier to use.  Another review said that the game crashed only twice on him in 8 hours.  Thats a good step up from Morrowcrash (at release).

I have to wait until Friday (damned sensible wife) to buy it.



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« Reply #19 on: 20 Mar 2006, 11:16 »

I got an e-mail saying that my copy shipped today. I'll have to wait until Thursday to play, 'cause I'm a cheap bastard and went standard 3-day UPS shipping, rather than paying like $30 for one-day air... I want it, but not that badly.
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« Reply #20 on: 20 Mar 2006, 11:46 »

Well, EB games is on the way home...  Guess I'll be stopping by.

Edit:  Except that the game hasn't arrived yet.


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« Reply #21 on: 21 Mar 2006, 05:48 »


Did you get it?
How is it?


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« Reply #22 on: 21 Mar 2006, 07:19 »

Wankers didn't have it in stock.  Trying again today.

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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #23 on: 21 Mar 2006, 07:55 »

Quote from: JJMitchell

HAH!  Even at its worst, Morrowind was more stable than Arena or Daggerfall at the best of times.
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« Reply #24 on: 22 Mar 2006, 05:45 »

Damnit Nihilist I want a full blown review to hold me over until Friday.

Don't you understand man, you are my salvation ... what with being God and all.


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« Reply #25 on: 22 Mar 2006, 23:19 »

I have my copy.

First impressions in a couple of hours.


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« Reply #26 on: 23 Mar 2006, 02:58 »

pasted from from my blog:

I downloaded The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion last night. Unpacked it this morning while I showered, then installed it while I had a cup of tea & got ready for work. I could only play about 5mins of it before heading off to work this morning, as it was raining and I wanted to leave early because for some reason the trains are always late whenever there's even the hint of a speck of water on the tracks. However, I can definitely say that I am officially excited about this game. Unless I find something drastically wrong with the game that can't be fixed by a patch I'm going to be buying it when it's released out here.

The first thing I noticed when I started installing the game is that it doesn't require a cdkey or serial number. This is pretty rare these days, so I fully appreciate this. I don't know how long it took to install, because I was off doing other things. The first thing I noticed when I fired the game up was there was no bullshit cd protection (ie: no SecureROM etc to muck about with), so I didn't need to waste time searching for a cracked exe. I know that this might sound strange to you, but this only serves to make me respect the game creator more, and plays a part in my decision to buy the game. Kooky, huh?

So ok, past all that, the first thing I noticed when I actually started to play the game is that despite all the hype to the contrary, I can run this awesome game on my 3-year old machine. Granted I'm running it at 800x600 with most of the visual enhancements turned off, but I don't care, I can run it. Next thing I noticed was that the opening cinematic (complete with voiceover by Patrick "Jean-Luc Pi-fucking-card" Stewart) is one of the simplest and most effective opening cinematics I've seen. I mean, the opening to The Warriors game is probably the best I've seen for a while, but that's probably because I'm a sucker for nostalgia. While simple, I could see a live-action version of Oblivion's opening being shown as either the trailer or the opening scenes of a movie.

So anyway, enough gushing about that. I quickly made a character (Bretonian dude) and jumped into the game. They start you out in a cell, as per usual. You run through a tutorial, but this time it doesn't really feel so contrived as it did in Morrowind (henceforth referred to as "MW"). Also, this time it seems that running about doesn't drain your stamina, or at least not as much as it did in MW, so maybe now I can play the game without resorting to cheats to increase the absolutely ludicrous "I am a baby with two broken legs crawling through treacle with a sack of potatoes on my back" speed MW started you out on. I'm not gonna spoil any of the storyline for those of you who are gonna play it (I know that Nihilist has already picked it up, and I'm pretty sure Zofia will grab it) but you quickly find yourself in a dungeon below a castle, picking up things and working out the new interface.

I say "the new interface" and I do mean "New". I was momentarily put off by the simplicity of the new interface, but after a short time mucking about with it I could see that while it was probably created in order to make the console version more playable there's not really any functionality missing from MW that I can see. Maybe a bigger MW fan will correct me on this, but on the whole it looks like it gets the same sort of things done with a minimum of fuss. Oh, actually I just figured out something I don't like about it. From what I saw this morning (I'll do more investigation later tonight/tomorrow) the equipment page does not have an armour doll to show you what can be equipped where. I am sure that this will annoy me later on if true.

In the quick game I got to play this morning I shot off a couple of fireballs, hacked at some rats with a katana, shot at a bucket with a bow & arrow (which flopped about satisfactorily) then retrieved my arrow (a feature I love), and rummaged about on several corpses. This was all within the first few rooms, with prompting from the game tutorial. By the time I looked at the watch on my phone and figured I best be leaving I had accumulated a small swag full of items that I'll be wanting to sell once I get out of the dungeon. A healthy collection of starter armour and weapons, as well as a handful of scrolls that I'm sure the tutorial will teach me how to use in good time. I left for the train station impressed by the new Elder Scrolls installment.

Since then I've been checking out a few pages and remembering a bunch of stuff that got me interested in the first game. Those being the spell crafting system, alchemy, enchanting, etc. I've been wondering just how different those systems are in this new game. So far I haven't found a definitive answer to that question. Hopefully once I get time to play through a bit more of the game I'll get to see just how they changed things. In my mind even if they have left things pretty much exactly the same as before I'm totally happy. Any kind of tweaks to make it harder to cheat is very welcome, because if it is too simple then I will wind up exploiting the game's mechanics if given the chance, and I normally regret it later.

One last thing I've just read about that definitely interests me after enjoying playing a rogue in WoW is that they have improved the sneaking system. Apparently backstabbing and attacking with a bow from stealth is now a much more effective tactic than it used to be. This is something that I'm going to have to check into, because a Rogue/Mage combo sounds rather appealing. The article I was reading also says that the magic system has been expanded, and seems to have more depth this time around. I hope that they are correct, because the magic system started to get kind of boring in Morrowind. I pretty much only liked levitating, healing myself and throwing fireballs. I can't remember much else that was useful.

Anyways, I'll update later when I've played a bit more.

If you couldn't be bothered reading all that & have skipped down here then I'll sum up by saying that it seems like a really good game.  So far I can say that they've taken Morrowind, tweaked the graphics, added the Havok physics engine and decent voice acting.  So if you liked Morrowind then you'll definitely like this one.  I'll know more once I've played some more tonight.


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #27 on: 23 Mar 2006, 05:13 »

Okay. After playing for about 4 hours, I can safely agree that anyone who like Morrowind will definately like this. Everything seems a lot smoother in terms of the combat mechanics and such. Which is always nice.

I can confirm that attacking with from stealth is indeed a much more viable strategy than it was previously. An arrow to the back of an unsuspecting target's head has a good chance of giving you the satisfaction of seeing someone slump to the ground before they're even aqare of your presence.

There are a few minor niggles I'd like to see fixed however.

1. I had the settings default to Ultra-High, so my pc is by no means crap. Running about outside yields the very unpleasant effect of constantly seeing the landscape draw, with the difference between the drawn and undrawn landscape being quite distinct. This seems like a side effect of Oblivion being co-developed for the 360.

2. The engine doesn't allow HDR lighting and Anti-Aliasing to be enabled at the same time. Resulting in some very unpleasant jaggies if you choose the HDR option.

3. The AI is indeed better than it was in Morrowind. It is by no means as good as they would like you to believe. In the space of 10 minutes, I saw two different NPC's (one friendly and one unfriendly) walk off the spiral ramp around the edge of an inside tower to their deaths on the cold hard stone floor several stories below.

Oh... and some goddamn wolves chased off my horse. Bastards!


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #28 on: 23 Mar 2006, 05:15 »

Good review actually.  I'm currently downloading it but was at 25% when I had to come to work so I'll probably have the retail version before I get it done.

I've been reading alot of reviews online hoping to find someone who will tell me this game sucks so I won't want to play it.  So far the only few complaints I've heard is the distant it draws the grass and undergrowth at and something about the interface.

I can live with either of those if the RP element of the game is as good as many have said.  Also I'm excited about seeing the RAI in action since one of the previews I watched showed how if you overheard two characters talking you can speak to one of them and get a quest.  That seems much more natural than running around and clicking on everyone in the hopes of maybe getting a quest that sounds insteresting.

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« Reply #29 on: 23 Mar 2006, 05:43 »

Man, this makes me want to buy this game.  I played and beat Morrowind a few times and I really liked it.  But I only work off of a laptop and have no video game systems, let alone a X-Box 360.  I wish i could afford one.


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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #30 on: 23 Mar 2006, 06:25 »

I havne't actually had much time to play the game (installed it, then had to take the dog for a walk), but I must say: the HDR graphics are top-notch.  I was liking muchly.


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« Reply #31 on: 23 Mar 2006, 08:21 »


I tossed the DVD in my drive this morning and started installing it. I don't know how long it would take to install, so I figured I'd do it this morning (couldn't do it last night - had a date) to maximize playing time tonight.

These reviews are making me wish I called in sick today. Stupid work.
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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #32 on: 23 Mar 2006, 13:18 »

A couple of things I've got a problem with:

1. Sure, they've updated the stealing code so that it's harder to steal.  However, with the updated physics engine they neglected to tell the shopkeepers that if someone is hitting their merchandise around the corner into a dark place then they are probably trying to steal it.  Stole a bunch of stuff this way last night & it's all kinds of annoying that they let me get away with it.

2. The AI isn't as good as they say it is.  Sure, people walk around.  That's about it though.  I've heard people talking to one another, but their conversations are so disjointed and fake that it actually detracts from the game.

Other than that, I'm having fun.

Oh!  One last thing I'm waiting for is how the better spells are handled.  My main "fire" spell is "Flare" at the moment, and it doesn't obey the physics engine.  That is to say that it doesn't arc like an arrow does, it just keeps going.  I really want some spells I can lob, because I think that they would look awesome.  If the game doesn't have them then I'll be annoyed for a bit, then I'll download the editor and see if I can't figure out a way to make physics-obeying versions of "Fireball" and some others.

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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #33 on: 23 Mar 2006, 13:36 »

. . . .wish i could afford a 360 or a decent computer. . . .

i will play this game someday. most likely it will be "retro" or "classic" by the time i get to it.
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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #34 on: 23 Mar 2006, 15:44 »

I played a bit more in some random dungeon this morning.  They say they have about 200 random dungeons that get populated with stuff that is a challenge to you, and with a boss that will drop something that would be useful or valuable to someone at your level.  If so then that is pretty neat!  I wandered about a catacomb this morning throwing fireballs and occasionally swording things, and have picked up a bunch of semi-valuable stuff.  It was entertaining, surely.  It felt kind of like a better-looking Morrowind dungeon with physics-based traps added (I won't spoil what the traps were, use your imagination or wait until you experience one, they are kind of cool) and that it generally a fairly good thing.

One thing that I am finding useful is hitting things with arrows to knock them off ledges and so forth so that I can get them.  I'm pretty sure that this will be un-necessary once I find someone to teach me a decent telekinesis spell, but until then the arrowing thing is kind of fun.  Realistic?  Not so much!  But fun, definitely.  I think that if I want more realism in archery I'll have to try to make a mod that adds a certain amount of randomness to where the arrow goes dependent upon your Marksmanship, instead of it only affecting the damage your arrow does (I think).

So far the weapons I've been picking up from fallen mobs have been ok for my level.  That's not saying all that much though, as I'm level 1.  I remember Morrowind being awesome for the first dozen levels too.  I'm hoping that I can control myself a bit better with this one and not cheat at all.  A little creative dodginess here and there when it comes to stealing is all in good fun, but straight out cheating is out this time round (hopefully).

I've been thinking about what character class was suggested to me when I first started the game.  When it comes time to select a class the dude you're talking to says "from what I've seen, you're a fairly capable X".  My "X" was "Bard".  I kind of said "screw that" and went all-out Mage, but I do find myself doing a lot of swording and arrowing, with a bit of magic thrown in also.  Perhaps a Bard may have been worthwhile, I don't know.  I may have to go back and restart as a Bard to see what's up.

Oh, and one last thing: I really hope that they improve on the "AA and HDR don't mix" situation via a patch by the time I get a decent enough card to handle it.  I would love to see this game in gorgeous 1600x1200 HDR-lit, FSAA splendour.  Even without all that the graphics are very decent.  If I could run everything at full-tilt I'd be rather happy.


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« Reply #35 on: 24 Mar 2006, 03:11 »

Now I am drooling. Unfortunately I will have to get a new comp to play it (mine is 5 years old) which isn't going to happen this year due to other monetary obligations. *sighs*
Oh well ... perhaps I will re-play Morrowind until then...


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« Reply #36 on: 24 Mar 2006, 05:22 »

I finally got this yesterday, which was one day earlier than I thought.
I had some problems since I didn't have a 8x DVD Player in my main PC.  The DVD player in my 2nd PC is 4x appararently and it wouldn't read the disk.  Lucky for me my laptop has a 12x DVD so I ended up using ftp to copy the whole disk to my PC from my laptop. The game only took maybe 10 minutes to install off the DVD and much less if you have all the source on your HD. Once that was done I was good to go.(As a side note for est, the game does prompt you for the CD so you must have the cracked version.)

My next problem was that even though my video card met the min requirements, I didn't check the supported cards list so I had to swap mine with the other PCs which happened to be on the support list.  That didn't make me too happy but the other PCs video card is newer with the same amount of RAM.  Guess the processor on those things really does make a difference.

By now I've spent almost 2 hours getting the game running but all of that was my own fault.  Lesson learned: meet the requirements exactly.

I load the game up, the intro is very well done, Patrick Stewart does the voice well enough that most of the time I don't think of him as Professor X.  I've only made it a little ways into the first dungeon but I'm really impressed by the game overall.  The graphics are very nice even though I'm running at 640x480 and most of the special stuff is turned off.  

The gameplay really is incredible.  One of the coolest things I saw was when a rat jumped at me I cast Flare which blasted the damned thing out of the air and killed it.  Very cool effects.

The RP aspect of the game seems to be excellent, I'd even say its the best RP game so far that I've ever played.  I actually listened to what the NPCs were saying instead of randomly clicking through the text until I got a quest.  

More to come as I think of it and get more playing time.


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« Reply #37 on: 24 Mar 2006, 08:02 »

I've been trying for the past hour to get this working, I've solved the issue with the printer, I've solved the issue with the old file, I think I even fixed the annoying sound suddenly goes through one channel thing. Looks like I might have to go back to the official ATi drivers. *shudder*.

(Everything is over the minimum specs and is supported. Mostly into the recommended category)

But from what I've see it's awesome. Kinda simplified on first impression, but still awesome.
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« Reply #38 on: 24 Mar 2006, 08:33 »

Wow, I cannot say I had any problem with it.  Installed, ran, wahlah.  This cannot be true; my luck with computers has been shite for a few months now.


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« Reply #39 on: 24 Mar 2006, 08:43 »

I didn't mean for my post to sound like I had problems with the installation since really the installation ran fine once I had access to the installation files.  I'd say they did a good job of making the installation work IF you have the right hardware.

Also of note is that when I tried to run the game with an upsupported video card it didn't crash but all the game elements were white so you couldn't play.  The intro ran fine since its a recorded video but when making my first character, the interface items were fine but you could only see pieces of the character face.  The rest of the background was compeletely white.  There is a KB item on their support page that says this is cause by using an upsupported video card.  I almost with it just wouldn't let you play but I'm guessing some upsupported video cards may still work.


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« Reply #40 on: 24 Mar 2006, 09:06 »

Issue solved (or, more accurately, compromise made). I've installed the newest damn catalysts with that god awful control panel that never worked in the first place. Older dna drivers (from before they too turned to the damn control panel) do not work.

From the 10 minutes I've played it's verry shiny, I'm not sure about the lock picking but whatever, that's what Alteration is for.
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« Reply #41 on: 24 Mar 2006, 09:38 »

If you do a custom install you can choose to not install that crappy ass control panel thing for the catalyst drivers.

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« Reply #42 on: 24 Mar 2006, 18:21 »

JJMitchel, the issue is not with the amount of ram the video card has.  They just use that as a layman way of saying your video card must have Pixel Shaders which most high end games for hte last few years have had.  Pixels shaders all shadows to be cast on partial polygons instead of the whole thing.  Alowing for much MUCH smoother gradients on shadows and better water/fire/special effects.

It sucks, I have a GeForce 4 MX Card which is really just a super powered GeForce 2, where as a GeForece 3 Card *does* have shaders.  If I actually payed for this video card I would feel way more jewed.  But I just traded up my Voodoo 3 for the GeForce 4 MX that was sitting on my buddies shelf collecting dust.
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Strike Reyhi

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« Reply #43 on: 24 Mar 2006, 21:56 »

CURSE BILL GATES AND HIS SEXUAL ABUSE OF WALLETS (and purses for the lady types...... and possibly some guys i suppose O.o)and the fact that given the money i would buy a x360 and oblivion as fast as i could run to a store.

Seriously it doesn't even have to be legal just send the money my way.


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« Reply #44 on: 24 Mar 2006, 22:17 »

Quote from: JJMitchell
As a side note for est, the game does prompt you for the CD so you must have the cracked version.

I do have the dvd image mounted in a virtual drive, so I guess I meant that even though it might be doing cd checking it doesn't look like it is doing evil cd checking using SecureRom or the like.

Also, I've played this some more, gotten through the first step of the storyline (I guess) and am now kind of just mucking about.  I'm still only level 2, so I am thinking that maybe it's time to go into another dungeon, or perhaps travel about from town to town doing odd jobs for people.  That would be pretty neat.

One more complaint: the whole "stolen goods" issue annoys me.  I mean, how do people know they are stolen?  I dropped one of my stolen items in a friendly area where everything is free for me to pick up, and it's the only red item there.  I'm going to do an experiment later tonight to see if my fellow Blades attack me for picking up the item I just dropped due to it being tagged as "stealing".  If so then that is way lame.

Strike Reyhi

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« Reply #45 on: 24 Mar 2006, 23:14 »

est what kinda machine you got there?

(i'm almost sure it won't run on my comp but i can dream can't i?)


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« Reply #46 on: 25 Mar 2006, 05:46 »

The Dark Brotherhood (Assassin) quests are awesome.

That is all.


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« Reply #47 on: 25 Mar 2006, 09:51 »

Quote from: Jenno
The Dark Brotherhood (Assassin) quests are awesome.

That is all.

Quoted for truth.

Indeed, all the guild quests I've done so far (only dark brotherhood and some fighters) are really deep. No more of the "Talk to A, go do B, report back to A" things. The missions evolve.

Gonna try to become head of the thieves guild, now.


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« Reply #48 on: 25 Mar 2006, 10:11 »

I finally got this game for my 360.

The graphics are amazing and the gameplay shocked me; I hadn't played elder scrolls before. The first surprise was the character customization. I tried to make my Dark Elf look like me, and I succeeded but it freaked me out... so I clicked randomize haha..
I love the first person view, and the third person is useful sometimes aswell, so the ability to switch between is awesome.  The combat is very fun and I really like how the way you behave effects the A.I's opinion of your character.
I'm only about 5 hours into the game and I'm already addicted- in Kvash on the count part... won't spoil anything though.

Here's a question, though:
 Are horses very useful, or should I put my money towards something else?
I'd rather be skiing.

Chesire Cat

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Elder Scrolls : Oblivion
« Reply #49 on: 25 Mar 2006, 11:11 »

I am just going to stop reading this topic since I am going to cry if I dont play it.
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