Hey guys, new to the forum, but no where near new to QC ( think i started reading on 20th comic or so? and havent stopped since ) so first I'de thought I would give a hearty oi to Jeph and you all!
anyways... been pondering starting my own comic for quite awhile and looking for (as the thread states) ideas/encouragement. So here's what Ive got so far: ideas developing are something more story based, not day to day humor, although I think there could be room for it sometimes obviously.... so along the lines of QC structure, but maybe less comedic influence. Had a semi Mad Max-esk, post-apocolypse idea floating around, so did some concept sketching.
So maybe loaner with crotch rocket traveling round wasteland meeting characters and developing story from there? or someting along those lines
(ignore the oddly shaped wheels, still havent gotten used to drawing circles with my new tablet)
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b366/adamspn/bike.jpg" >
another render (i like the oversized helmet covering his eyes... makes him more mysterious ;-P )
so now looking for ideas for basic story premis and or plot lines? I'm about to graduate from college in 6 weeks and with the less than stellar job outlook for this electronics engineer, i may have alot of free time on my hands until i get something paying more than minimum wage....
any boo's or yay's are more than encouraged, dont want to jump into this if my drawing orstory ideas suck lol