Recently, I've been putting a lot of effort and practice into my drawing.
Sketching has not traditionally been something I've ever done. I always gave up early on when it didn't just flow down the arm and onto the page.
Two things have caused this to change. 1: loads of my friends sketch, and their talent has somewhat galvanised me into making more of an effort.
2: I play a lot of EVE Online, and spend most of that time mining, which is quite a slow process with a lot of blank time in the middle. I've taken to keeping a sketch pad and pencil by my PC and just scribbling away waiting for the ore to flow into my ship's cargo hold.
All of which cumulated today in
THIS SKETCH of my Shadowrun character.
It's not perfect, I know, but you have to understand - compared to where I was a few weeks ago, by my standards, this is fucking
So, constructive criticism and so on, please. I know his head's proportionately too small for his body, and I'd like to say that the sketch looks far better on the page than it does in the photo (he's been stretched and is a lot taller in the picture) but any pointers you can give me would be appreciated.