Take the speed of Capcom fighters and combine them with button inputs of King of Fighter games, then throw in as many rock references as humanly possible, and the outcome is Guilty Gear.
The music is pretty awesome rock stuff. (I have the soundtrack, no bull.) And the majority of that? More rock references. For example, the "main" character of the game, this dude here:
http://www.guiltygearx2reload.com/sol.htmis like, the Queen reference of all Queen references. His stage music is called "Keep Yourself Alive II" (there's a queen song called Keep Yourself Alive). His real name is Frederick, after Freddy Mercury. His psudonym he goes by is a reference to the Queen song, Mr. Badguy. I believe lots of his attacks deal with songs of other artists. (The vampire guy, Slayer [reference to the band Slayer] has lots of attacks taken from Queen lyrics.)
One of the stages is like the entire discography to Led Zeppelin (stage is called Zepp). Ky, the Ken to Sol's Ryu, has a final move called Ride the Lightning ahile another guy, Testament, has a move called Master of Puppets.
I could go on, but I think you get the drift.
I suggest that if you like fighters, check out Guilty Gear X2. (Isuka is mostly for fans of the series, to be honest. It's not that great.)