Thank you for your critics.
I have some answers for some of your questions:
Sean C, this is a program, not a web application, it has nothing to do with spiders, and the application doesn't go thru the pages and searches for links or anything... the paths are generated with the help of variables. You tell the program exactly what you want to get and he gets it. After each download, the index or the date is incremented, and the new data saved into the configuration file of each comic, so no image is downloaded twice. It even generates less trafic, because none of the rest of the elements from the page need to be downloaded

. You can download the program and if you don't trust it, use whatever programs necessary to see the exchage of information. It only connects to the sites of the comics, and only gets images, nothing more. And another thing... it's not that difficult to download one zip file (which is not even very big... under 1 mb) and unpack. The program takes care of all the folders... you don't have to create folder for each comics...
Alegis, I have studied the comic site that you exemplified. There was one little mistake in your judgement... it's not 1.gif, but 001.gif. So the correct variable would be %3i%. That way, it will be a 3 characters long index, starting from 1: 001, ..., 009, 010, ..., 099, 100, ... and so on. On your side, you can use any index variable you like... I prefere to use %5i%, so I'd get filenames that have 5 character names, filled with zeroes. That way, if I sort the images in Windows explorer after name, they'll be in the correct order. So if the program gets the file 001.gif, on my computer it will be saved as 00001.gif, and so on...
So, if you want to create rules for that comic, use for the url:
and for the save path you can use something like:
On this forum I don't think I can attach files, but if you want the content of the Wondermark comic file, create a new text file, write the following content in it:
start year=2006
start month=4
start day=26
start index=1
first year=0
first month=0
first day=0
first index=1
save dir=%gp%%name%\%5I%.gif
last comic=
last comic's date=0
and then rename your file to Wondermark.cmc and either manually copy it in the engines folder, or use the
Comic -> Import comic command if the file is in another directory. If you copy the file manually in the engines folder, restart the program in order for the comic settings to load.
Hope it helpes.