Rather than start a new thread, I guess this sorta belongs here
While I was hanging around at a friend's house, I made him dig out a bunch of his old VHS tapes for us to watch, namely the rare Frank Zappa stuff that he has collected and traded for over the years, as he his the oldest and biggest FZ fan that I know. You can't see an inch of the wall in his room, it's all just Mothers tour posters and Zappa photographs. Anyway, there were two gems that we found: one was this preformance where Frank let John Lennon and Yoko Ono sit in, which is absolutely painfaul yet hillarious to watch because Ono rudely does her bizarre Ono warbling through the whole thing seemingly without a care for what's acutally playing.
The second was a somewhat timid (or star/Steve-struck) 23 year old Frank, who looks exactly like that one picture that's used in
Ruben and the Jets, on the Steve Allen show showing Steve how to play the "bicycle" as well borrow the band to conduct his own non-tonal bicycle driven concerto.
I found some of the former on youtube, though I really wished I could have shared the latter instead.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR9vLT_KsxIhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdvKgQ0ZxvIThough sadly it doesn't include a cute part where Lennon is delighted to find out that Zappa lets him use his unique conducting motions (ie. flipping the band off to signal for them all to make a high pitched sound) to mess with the band, and Lennon totally goes nuts with it.