Assembly went fine, installation without a hiccup, and everything runs smooth as silk. However, I'm beginning to notice some of the drawbacks of the less expensive hardware. The power supply and hard drives, to be specific: Both are considerably noisy, the PSU producing a constant humming and the hard drives audibly clicking under load. It's not something that makes the whole thing unusable, but I'll consider upgrading.
Another thing, and this is a bit weird, is static coming from inside the casing. What's weird about it, is that it's only there when loading a page with Flash, and continues after the tab is closed. It pauses for the time a webpage is loading, or when scrolling/typing, but it's there when idling. It goes away when closing the browser. I recognize this sound, though, it's there on my dad's computer as well, only in that case it's coming from his two speaker towers. Does anyone have a clue what this might be?