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Author Topic: Vegetarians be forewarned.  (Read 7337 times)

The True Lenin

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Vegetarians be forewarned.
« on: 28 Jun 2006, 17:04 »

In responce to the knowledge that one of my co-workers is a vegetarian, I came up with this design. It still needs some work, but I hope to make a t-shirt out of it in the end.


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« Reply #1 on: 29 Jun 2006, 22:03 »



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« Reply #2 on: 29 Jun 2006, 22:53 »

Is this person being overly self-righteous? If so then fine but otherwise, don't be a dick. Vegetarians get enough shit from people as it is, they don't need you adding to it.
Quote from: Jimmy the Squid
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« Reply #3 on: 30 Jun 2006, 01:10 »

Haha, pretty funny.  I'd wear it.
This is my signature! Isn't it so awesome?


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« Reply #4 on: 30 Jun 2006, 17:42 »

ive met a WHOLE lot of vegetarians...and not once have i had a problem with them/being converted...while the shirt IS is not entirely approrpiate...and would be better if you used something OTHER than 'meatataria"...


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« Reply #5 on: 30 Jun 2006, 17:48 »

Quote from: Rizzo
Is this person being overly self-righteous? If so then fine but otherwise, don't be a dick. Vegetarians get enough shit from people as it is, they don't need you adding to it.

Quoted for truth.

The True Lenin

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« Reply #6 on: 30 Jun 2006, 23:13 »

Mixed reactions... we are amused.

I have nothing in particular against vegetarians, I am just generally of the opinion that it's a dumb idea. I like protein, whether it's from beef, pork, chicken, fish, sheep/lamb, crustation, or any other meat based format.

Kid Modernist

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« Reply #7 on: 30 Jun 2006, 23:32 »


I'm going to make a shirt about how women get cranky at least once a month!


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« Reply #8 on: 01 Jul 2006, 09:09 »

I agree with the poster above me.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #9 on: 01 Jul 2006, 23:15 »

As much as I think PETA is a useless corporate machine I also think they have some good messages.
I'm not here to argue vegetarianism with you, Lenin, but your comment strikes me as seriously uniformed. Do yourself a favour and read up on it a little more before you go badmouthing it.
Quote from: Jimmy the Squid
Sometimes I feel like everyone around me is some sort of statistical/mathematical genuis and I'm hitting a gazelle in the head with a rock and screaming at the sky when there's a storm.


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« Reply #10 on: 02 Jul 2006, 03:54 »

I hate it when people give me crap about being vegetarian, because it's not by personal choice (my whole family was raised vegetarian).
People are too quick to assume it's some "save the fluffy bunnies" conversion deal, there are a lot of reasons why people might make that diet choice. Given that, focus on the fact that it is a CHOICE, they have made theirs, and you've made yours, so please leave it at that. Unless they're a bitchy self-rightous one, lay off vegetarians, its annoying and just makes you look like a jerk.
Denn Du Bist, Was Du Isst   (you are what you eat)
also, related to burning stuff: a friend threw up on a hot water heater once, the vomit steam burned her face. awesome!


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« Reply #11 on: 02 Jul 2006, 07:54 »

Quote from: The True Lenin
I like protein, whether it's from beef, pork, chicken, fish, sheep/lamb, crustation, or any other meat based format.

So really what you're saying is that you like meat. There are plenty of foods besides meat that have protein.
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Whatever you give up for Lent, it better not be your day job.

The Cosmic Fool

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« Reply #12 on: 02 Jul 2006, 12:24 »

You have the best avatar ever.

Lenin rocked hard in Russia.

Kid Modernist

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« Reply #13 on: 02 Jul 2006, 13:05 »

Quote from: Rizzo
As much as I think PETA is a useless corporate machine I also think they have some good messages.
I'm not here to argue vegetarianism with you, Lenin, but your comment strikes me as seriously uniformed. Do yourself a favour and read up on it a little more before you go badmouthing it.

I think it is unfair to assume he is uninformed, even though he might be. Besides making a lame shirt, he might have thought out his opinion.

I got into a debate with a vegetarian where I was mostly (but not completely) playing devil's advocate and said, "Yes, I've heard all the bad stuff and I don't care, I like meat." That may be his informed opinion, and however much you disagree with him doesn't make his opinion uninformed.

Edit: Re-read his second post and figure you're probably right.

Plus, Rise Against su-ucks.


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« Reply #14 on: 02 Jul 2006, 14:34 »

Dude, I like the design or whatever. But you should have known some people wouldn't find it funny. It's cool to make fun of emos for being emo, but you can't mock vegetarians for their beliefs!!!11 That's descrimination!!!


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« Reply #15 on: 02 Jul 2006, 14:50 »

That's because emo kids are retarded and spend more money on pants than I do my entire wardrobe.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #16 on: 02 Jul 2006, 16:27 »

i think it's mostly because emo kids look ridiculous, and vegetarians mostly have a point

edit: in that a lot of us aren't about campaigning for animal rights, or throwing pies at people, but that we don't want to eat dead things

(though animal rights are good, but PETA are just dicks about it)
Oh no, he was fine... and now he's poorly from too much electric

Kid Modernist

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« Reply #17 on: 02 Jul 2006, 16:58 »

Salads are made with dead things.


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« Reply #18 on: 02 Jul 2006, 16:58 »

Quote from: Kid Modernist

Edit: Re-read his second post and figure you're probably right.

Plus, Rise Against su-ucks.

Thank you, I don't usually slag people off unless I'm reasonably sure I'm in the right.

P.s. Rise Against are alright and they have a good message.

p.p.s PETA made an estimated 350 million US last year. 7 million went to animal rights charities and the rest were spent on internal costs (advertising, a new office, vehicles, saleries).
Effective use of money no?
Quote from: Jimmy the Squid
Sometimes I feel like everyone around me is some sort of statistical/mathematical genuis and I'm hitting a gazelle in the head with a rock and screaming at the sky when there's a storm.


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« Reply #19 on: 02 Jul 2006, 17:27 »

i'm not a vegetarian, nor do i have anything against their beleifs.  But i live on a farm that the amish use to raise beef cattle, so I witness their bovine lives every day.  I dont know about big beef companies, but the cows here have pretty good lives.  What most people don't realize is that if humans didn't use cows for their milk/meat, they literally would not exist.  Their lives aren't being cut short. becoming a meat product is thier life.  So even though we kill them, they do get to live, and that's a lot better than never living at all, right?

the bottom line, i guess,  is that stuff needs to eat other stuff for nature to work.  we would all die if everyone was a vegeterian.  as long as you don't have a "total conversion" mentality, then everything's cool.  

as for me, i dont eat asparagus.  i beleive strongly in the rights of disgusting little plants that smell bad.

as for the shirt, being a "meatatarian" would suggest that you eat no vegetables at all.  I'm not entirely sure, but that may not be possible to live on


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« Reply #20 on: 02 Jul 2006, 17:38 »

So what you're saying Jibjib is that if it weren't for people cattle would be extinct? Cause they're from Persia and there isn't actually anywhere for them to live anymore. They have a much better life because they get to live in farms all over the world right?
I guess that's kind of like how black people in the US have a much better lifestyle than those in say Ethiopia? So I guess that makes slavery ok cause those black people in the US have a much better life now...
See what I mean? It's not the best analogy but it conveys the point.

And I'm sure cattle on small farms are much better treated than those in large corporate ones. It still doesn't make the corporate treatment of cattle right.

(And before people start berrating me, I eat meat. I also believe in ethical treatment rather than cruelty. I'm not implying that we shouldn't eat meat just that we should be concious of where it comes from and not consume more meat than we need)
Quote from: Jimmy the Squid
Sometimes I feel like everyone around me is some sort of statistical/mathematical genuis and I'm hitting a gazelle in the head with a rock and screaming at the sky when there's a storm.


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« Reply #21 on: 03 Jul 2006, 06:58 »

hmm, that black person analogy is a good point, i didn't think of that. You could also say the the Irish potato famine was a good thing because it caused my family to move to america in poverty.  I guess it really puts the "means to an end" thing in perspective.  

all i meant was that the cattle we have here today are bred for the sole pupose of eating them.  a rather grim notion, no? i dont either advocate or oppose to that, i'm just putting out some ideas for people, trying to support the whole "being informed" thing.

(the ones we eat would kill us me, they've tried o_o)


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« Reply #22 on: 03 Jul 2006, 07:57 »

I'm a vegan, and I don't see why I would be bothered with the shirt.  So he's proud of his choice of lifestyle; why does that affect me?  It's not like I expect everyone who isn't like me to be ashamed of himself.

I don't watch Nascar, but I don't get personally offended when I see a pickup truck with a "3" on it.  If I think anything about it, it's just, "there's a dude I don't feel like hanging out with."
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