I used to find PVP mildly entertaining. I can't now think of the last time it was even that (maybe the whole Joss Whedon is our master now thing?) I understand that Kurtz is successful at what he does, and apparently he just picked up some more awards, so someone out there in this grand internet of our must enjoy it. I'm fairly confident that their senses of humor aren't synched with mine though. And the medieval bits with the bard . . .
dear me are those ever bad. I don't even get what the comedic intent is. I find it on a par with newspaper comics in terms of non-funniness.
But more importantly, I find Kurtz's take on female/male relationships and gender roles anti-deluvian. I went over the last 20 or so over the weekend, and this latest plot arc is out of a bad 80's sitcom (redundant, yes I know). I'm all for a good fart joke, but
good is the operative word. "I don't think it's the horse" does not a punch line make for the above 12 crowd.
Now fruit-fucker juicing zombies, The Boy's IQ dropping, librarian chicks quipping in iambic pentameter, Snake slitting Mario's throat, dinosaurs talking about Kant, Roast Beef driving a man to a heart attack by commenting on his thighs <stops>, a small girl being made to cry to test the durability of tissue, a gay black robot bent on world domination, a pink boneless cat being used as a scarf -- these things are
funny. And if you don't think so you're clearly wrong.
If no one bought newspapers, they would have disappeared a LONG time ago. And most of the people who buy papers turn to the comics section too.
Didn't mean to suggest that paper newspapers are irrelevant, just that the newspaper funny sections are. And by irrelevant I don't mean unpopular -- I mean irrelevant to
us, the people who enjoyed QC enough to bother posting in the forum. I honestly don't know anyone in my generation who reads that shit. What with the standards of most family newspapers and the desire to reach all niches and all generations that characterize most newspapers, you're pretty much always going to have shit. I mean, if they published Achewood in the New York Times, that would be awesome, I'd look forward to it every morning -- but they never
will. I don't think 99% of the NYT readership would appreciate Pat's Id's cock hanging out of a pair of chaps. It's like that old latin maxim "vox populi, vox poopie."