I just realized I came in here to ream on people who have gushed about the FF series (which really isn't a series, anyway), but the game I'm going to mention bears the FF name. Sue me.
FF1? It's a nice time-waster, I suppose. It's not that it was innovative, though. Basically, they combined Dragon Quest with D&D and did neither of them as well as said games.
FF2 was only recently released in English and I'll be honest... I haven't got around to playing it. I heard that the leveling system is annoying, however.
FF3 still isn't in English. The DS port looks nice. Too bad I lost my DS.

FF4 was pretty damn good. I enjoyed it at any rate. I can think of a lot of serious, glaring flaws, though.
FF5 was freakin' awesome. I love job systems in games. Customization ftw.
FF6 was like FF5 except that instead of having 5 guys that did everything you could ever want, you just had 12 people that were specialized. A plot with no main character is also INCREDIBLY unique and I loved it. Best FF with a number.
FF7? I thought it sucked. It was FF6, rehashed in a more modern world with boring characters and "OMG 3D GRAPHICS" (and the graphics, I might add, have not withstood the test of time). In battle, characters were pretty bland because all you had to do was switch their materia around and they instantly filled another character's role. The story, to this day, makes little to no sense, even once someone explains the whole thing to me. Boring emo main character, completely unoriginal antagonist. It is on my top of "most overrated game of all time" list.
FF8? UGH. FF8 was a travesty. I honestly couldn't bring myself to get past the first disc because of how horribly BLAND combat was. Your characters didn't matter: your GUARDIAN FORCES™ did. The difference between Zell and Squall was, wait, THERE WASN'T ONE. Just switch their GFs around and they swapped identities in battle. The whole dual-lives things is also a really big cliché in Japanese culture, and it was done much better in Xenogears, which I might add got it's budget slashed to make room for developers on FF8, ruining the second disc of an otherwise fantastic game. The main enemy you don't discover until the actual encounter to kill her, and that bothers me because you SHOULD know the antagonist else whether it wins or loses makes no difference to the readers/players/audience of a book/game/play.
FF9 was pretty fun. It went back to FF roots and worked pretty well.
FF10 was enjoyable, but altogether too easy with a forgettable plot. Graphics were good for it's time but even a year later, it's nothing that makes me ooh or aah.
FF11 is an MMO for Final Fantasy Fanboys only, because there are many better MMOs out there, and many better ones to come out in the near future.
ANYWAY, my favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy Tactics. Strategy RPGs are easily my favorite genre and I have yet to play another one that offered customization to the same extent that FFT had. As soon as someone releases a strategy RPG that is based off the d20 combat system (I mean, the D&D books even discuss battles as occuring on grids, ffs), I will be in heaven.