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Author Topic: Single best video game you have ever played...  (Read 44525 times)


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Single best video game you have ever played...
« on: 28 Aug 2006, 23:53 »

What's the single best video game you have ever played without being able to drop the controller/keyboard and mouse? Or the handheld device or whatever. You get the point.

Single best game I have ever played was RE 4. Perfect game IMO. No flaws. Replay ability is excellent. And there's a lot to do in the game. Not too long, not too short. Has a good fright factor, though not as scary as games like Silent Hill. Lots of action, lots of interactivity. Always keeps you on your toes even in videos.
My Rating: 10/10
Also, try to include a review of the game (like I did).


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« Reply #1 on: 29 Aug 2006, 21:55 »

Final Fantasy 3 (US Title). It was the most innovative game of it's day (or at least I thought so.) To this day I hook up the SNES every once in a while and play through it. I love kickin' ass with Edward and the chain saw.


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« Reply #2 on: 29 Aug 2006, 22:02 »

This might not be the coolest game to have been in love with, but I absolutely loved Final Fantasy X...I thought that the visuals were beautiful, and the storyline was amazing...I also really loved the Max Payne series, especially 2, because of the whole film noir feel they had...for some reason, I'm less about button pushing and more about the imagery when it comes to video games
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In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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« Reply #3 on: 29 Aug 2006, 22:13 »

Yeah I hear ya. Something that I just [/b]love in video games is water graphics for some reason... they're just so cool to look at. And the Final Fantasy series is kick ass, no matter which one it is. xD


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« Reply #4 on: 30 Aug 2006, 02:47 »

I have to say Legend of the Dragoon. Best game ever, hands down. Kicks the whole final fantasy series in the face. It's the game I would love to see a next gen remake of.

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« Reply #5 on: 30 Aug 2006, 03:10 »

I really love me some Final Fantasy... ALL OF IT.

 But I have never thoroughly enjoyed a role-playing game as much as when I played Final Fantasy IX. Evrything about the game was flawless to me. There are quite a bit of haters, but I suppose I must just see something in it that others don't.

 Runners-up: Shadow of the Collosus, Soul Calibur III.
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« Reply #6 on: 30 Aug 2006, 09:06 »

Final Fantasy X was probably the most beautiful looking game I've ever played, but now that I think about it, I might have even more of a soft spot in my heart for FF-8...I had forgotten about that one
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In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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« Reply #7 on: 30 Aug 2006, 09:32 »

FF-X was beautiful, true, but out of 10 points, I only give it 6.5.

The voiceovers were neat, but I couldn't stop thinking of Bender every time Wakka talked. Not that that was a major issue. But them not synching with much was a major downer.

I never played blitzball - never got into it 'cause I didn't like it.

The story progression was EXTREMELY linear. You couldn't go anywhere except forward, for the most part. Until you got the airship, which by then it was way too late in the game for exploration. And even then, you could only go to set places, chosen from a list. Yeah, I got Omega Ruins and all the hidden stuff. I'm not talking about that. In all other FF games you had the overhead exploratory map. Not having that in FF-X was kinda strange. I want to explore! I want to go out and do other non-story related things! FF-X provided very little of that too late.

There were too many cut scenes that you couldn't make faster.

Not enough CGI scenes.

It was too damn easy. Seriously, only 120,000hp on Braska's Final Aeon? I was done with him in 20 seconds - Tidus' break limit did about 60k, Auron's break limit did another 30k, and a doublecast of Flare finished him off. Seriously, what the hell? Once you get the ultimate weapons for a few people, the game is essentially over.

Don't get me wrong, the story was great, the sphere grid was awesome, I really enjoyed the game... Just not nearly as much as I would have liked to. It was way too easy for a Final Fantasy game. 2gil worth.
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« Reply #8 on: 30 Aug 2006, 14:03 »

No possible way for me to have a single favourite.  There are games when they come out that are later replaced by new games.  I mean, I loved HL2, but it is in no way my favourite game now (replaced by BF2 and EVE).  Soldier of Fortune 2 probably took a good solid 2000+ hours of my life.


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« Reply #9 on: 30 Aug 2006, 14:39 »

If you want to talk about an easy FF boss, I beat the last guy on FF9 with melee attacks only. Amarant is damn good at that though.

FF9 was an awesome game.


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« Reply #10 on: 30 Aug 2006, 15:03 »

It's a tie between Goldeneye 64, 007: The World's Not Enough, and Super Mario Bros. 3 (SNES). A friend and I would play those three games every day after school, for 4 years.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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« Reply #11 on: 30 Aug 2006, 15:15 »

Ahh the Mario series... I love those games. So fun! Goldeneye was probably the only good James Bond game out there. Rogue Agent and all the rest are just terrible. Not worth of being called games. :(


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« Reply #12 on: 30 Aug 2006, 15:15 »

Oh shit, Super Mario 3 is perhaps my favourite, now that you mention it,
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« Reply #13 on: 30 Aug 2006, 15:54 »



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« Reply #14 on: 30 Aug 2006, 15:55 »


hands down best rpg video game ever. having the best and most immersive rpg story ever probably helped. its a shame it didn't do so well commercially.


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« Reply #15 on: 30 Aug 2006, 17:03 »



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« Reply #16 on: 30 Aug 2006, 19:12 »

What is this Planescape game? I've never heard of it. What system is it for?

Also, Half-life 2 is fun, but the mods are better. =)


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« Reply #17 on: 30 Aug 2006, 19:30 »

Silent Hill 2

I am obsessed and deeply involved in (not in that way) the storyline of the entire series, and 2 is just the best. It has the best atmosphere, best music, best monshtars, it rocks.

Buuutt... Maybe Sonic The Hedgehog 2

It was the first game I owned, and I was amazed by it.
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« Reply #18 on: 30 Aug 2006, 20:49 »

Doom 2, guys. The level design in that game was fiendish, there were plenty of frights, and the sheer number of enemies is something that today's games sadly lack. Seriously, I played Doom 2 a lot, and basically never got sick of it.


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« Reply #19 on: 30 Aug 2006, 21:21 »

diablo, i got a hold of that game when i was 8 and i was hooked.

diablo II rocks as well.


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« Reply #20 on: 30 Aug 2006, 21:25 »

Gryff - Doom 2 may have had a lot of enemies, but so did RE4. Doom 2 was sick though. Also, side note: if you want a game where all you do is kill enemies, get Dead Rising. :)

FreshJive - I wouldn't play D2 for too long. That game took away years of my life and I so regret it. :/


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« Reply #21 on: 30 Aug 2006, 22:17 »

Quote from: RawR?
Gryff - Doom 2 may have had a lot of enemies, but so did RE4. Doom 2 was sick though. Also, side note: if you want a game where all you do is kill enemies, get Dead Rising. :)

Huh. All I do in that game is get killed and start over because I forgot to save. I mean, after I kill zombies, but still.

For me, it's torture to decide. Maybe WarCraft III. That game owned me for months. I spent my work days researching strategies. I'm never got very good at it online, though.

Big fan of Final Fantasies VI and X, too.

MechWarrior 2 will always have its place in my icy black heart.

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« Reply #22 on: 31 Aug 2006, 04:29 »

Quote from: hey_there_fatty
I have never thoroughly enjoyed a role-playing game as much as when I played Final Fantasy IX. Evrything about the game was flawless to me. There are quite a bit of haters, but I suppose I must just see something in it that others don't.

I totally agree. I think FFIX is probably my second favourite FF game (FFVII wins on nostalgia value alone, of course) - I was very surprised to learn how few people liked it. I think it was due to those younger players like myself that had been introduced to the series by FFVII, and had gotten used to the darker, cyberpunk design that characterised VII and VIII. FFIX, with its fantasy setting, character classes, and happy-go-lucky main character drove them away. Personally, despite starting with FFVII and so no doubt missing out on many of the in-jokes and homages that were present in FFIX, I appreciate craftsmanship and loved it! It was such a breath of fresh air to play a main character that was happy and confident, for one thing. I loved the complexities of Cloud's character, but when FFVIII continued the trend with that sullen douchebag Squall (As you may gather, I despise FFVIII) I was worried that all future Final Fantasy games would conform. Luckily, Zidane seems to have shaken things up, and Tidus was considerable more loose-wound, if a tad immature. :)

As for the best games I've played, here are a few in no particular order:

1) The Escape Velocity series, especially Nova.
2) Operation Flashpoint.
3) Morrowind and Oblivion.
4) The Total War series.
5) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
6) World of Warcraft (I went cold turkey though!).
7) Battlefield 1942 + Desert Combat mod. (I haven't got round to getting BF2 yet).

And of course: Final Fantasy VII, IX and X.

FFVIII can just implode in a flurry of sewage and used condoms.

Quote from: mberan42
It was too damn easy.

I agree, I believe I killed aeon-Jecht with one or two hits and a single limit break by Tidus. Each of my characters had completed their sphere grid section and at least two of the other sections, and Tidus, Auron and Yuna had 4 characters grids completed, along with their ultimate weapons.

I found myself thinking whistfully of Ozma from FFIX. I never defeated that bastard.


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« Reply #23 on: 31 Aug 2006, 08:26 »

Super Mario Bros. 2 was probably the best one of all time.  I mean, it had Luigi!  He was the man.


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« Reply #24 on: 31 Aug 2006, 08:32 »

Gryff, I never owned Doom 2.

But Doom 64 upon it's release owned me like no other game before it.



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« Reply #25 on: 31 Aug 2006, 08:42 »

Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny were far better then Doom/Quake.


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« Reply #26 on: 31 Aug 2006, 09:00 »

Haha...I remember Duke and a buddy of mine installed it on one of our teacher's computers when we were in 8th grade, and we'd spend free time in class trying to get the strippers to flash us without getting busted by the teacher...

those were the days.
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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« Reply #27 on: 31 Aug 2006, 09:29 »

I forgot about Star Control 2.

Seriously, I loved that game.

There's a free downloadable version of it floating around somewhere. Go to to find it.
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« Reply #28 on: 31 Aug 2006, 09:34 »

Homeworld 2?


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« Reply #29 on: 31 Aug 2006, 12:43 »

I just realized I came in here to ream on people who have gushed about the FF series (which really isn't a series, anyway), but the game I'm going to mention bears the FF name.  Sue me.

FF1?  It's a nice time-waster, I suppose.  It's not that it was innovative, though.  Basically, they combined Dragon Quest with D&D and did neither of them as well as said games.

FF2 was only recently released in English and I'll be honest... I haven't got around to playing it.  I heard that the leveling system is annoying, however.

FF3 still isn't in English.  The DS port looks nice.  Too bad I lost my DS. :(

FF4 was pretty damn good.  I enjoyed it at any rate.  I can think of a lot of serious, glaring flaws, though.

FF5 was freakin' awesome.  I love job systems in games.  Customization ftw.

FF6 was like FF5 except that instead of having 5 guys that did everything you could ever want, you just had 12 people that were specialized.  A plot with no main character is also INCREDIBLY unique and I loved it.  Best FF with a number.

FF7?  I thought it sucked.  It was FF6, rehashed in a more modern world with boring characters and "OMG 3D GRAPHICS" (and the graphics, I might add, have not withstood the test of time).  In battle, characters were pretty bland because all you had to do was switch their materia around and they instantly filled another character's role.  The story, to this day, makes little to no sense, even once someone explains the whole thing to me.  Boring emo main character, completely unoriginal antagonist.  It is on my top of "most overrated game of all time" list.

FF8?  UGH.  FF8 was a travesty.  I honestly couldn't bring myself to get past the first disc because of how horribly BLAND combat was.  Your characters didn't matter: your GUARDIAN FORCES™ did.  The difference between Zell and Squall was, wait, THERE WASN'T ONE.  Just switch their GFs around and they swapped identities in battle.  The whole dual-lives things is also a really big cliché in Japanese culture, and it was done much better in Xenogears, which I might add got it's budget slashed to make room for developers on FF8, ruining the second disc of an otherwise fantastic game.  The main enemy you don't discover until the actual encounter to kill her, and that bothers me because you SHOULD know the antagonist else whether it wins or loses makes no difference to the readers/players/audience of a book/game/play.

FF9 was pretty fun.  It went back to FF roots and worked pretty well.

FF10 was enjoyable, but altogether too easy with a forgettable plot.  Graphics were good for it's time but even a year later, it's nothing that makes me ooh or aah.

FF11 is an MMO for Final Fantasy Fanboys only, because there are many better MMOs out there, and many better ones to come out in the near future.

ANYWAY, my favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy Tactics.  Strategy RPGs are easily my favorite genre and I have yet to play another one that offered customization to the same extent that FFT had.  As soon as someone releases a strategy RPG that is based off the d20 combat system (I mean, the D&D books even discuss battles as occuring on grids, ffs), I will be in heaven.


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« Reply #30 on: 31 Aug 2006, 13:13 »

Narr, FFT was a terrible game... I mean, when you died you turned into a treasure chest! (Or so I heard). Anyway, FFTA kills FFT about a million ways to one. You sure try FFTA. It's much better in every possible way.


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« Reply #31 on: 31 Aug 2006, 14:37 »

Quote from: mnimmny

hands down best rpg video game ever. having the best and most immersive rpg story ever probably helped. its a shame it didn't do so well commercially.

Planescape was a DAMN good game. PC game, for the person that asked. I picked it up as one of those $9.99 games at Fred Meyers. Good buy.

My all time favorite:

River City Ransom

That's side-scrolling, beat-em-up, knock-an-enemy-down-and-then-use-the-body-as-a-weapon goodness at its best! VGCats is teh funny

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« Reply #32 on: 31 Aug 2006, 15:04 »

off the top of my head i would have to say that Final Fantasy IX is my favorite game of all time. i may think of something later that blows this out of the water but as it stands now, thats my favorite.

edit: (hey, socialpoison! you are from bellingham, and i am from burlington, that is neat.)
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« Reply #33 on: 31 Aug 2006, 15:26 »

Quote from: RawR?
Gryff - Doom 2 may have had a lot of enemies, but so did RE4. Doom 2 was sick though. Also, side note: if you want a game where all you do is kill enemies, get Dead Rising. :)

RE4 is a good game, but it's not even in the same league as Doom in terms of enemy numbers. RE4 generally only had a few enemies on screen at any one time. Doom had hundreds!

And Spinless, you should grab a cheap copy from somewhere. Play old videogames!


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« Reply #34 on: 31 Aug 2006, 19:23 »

World of Warcraft. Man the raiding experience, awesome.

Otherwise, No One Lives Forever. Was my first MP game as well.


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« Reply #35 on: 31 Aug 2006, 19:56 »

Quote from: Narr
I just realized I came in here to ream on people who have gushed about the FF series (which really isn't a series, anyway) ...

Nonsense. It's as much a series as TV shows like Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits. What it is NOT is a serial — installments of a larger work — which is what most series are even if they don't start that way.


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« Reply #36 on: 31 Aug 2006, 22:26 »

Valkyrie Profile or Suikoden II

I enjoyed the Suikoden 'series' much more than FF


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« Reply #37 on: 31 Aug 2006, 23:24 »

I had a lot of hours logged on FFTA, mainly because I was traveling a bit back then, and it was definitely a great game. But it annoyed me that, starting about halfway through the main quest, I just couldn't lose. Every character on my team was an overpowered insta-killer that never failed. It got far too easy, far too early, and I lost interest when side-missions took around 45 minutes to complete, even though my team overpowered the others by so much.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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« Reply #38 on: 01 Sep 2006, 00:58 »

Fallout and Fallout 2.

The great thing about Fallout 2 was that in the beginning, you knew you were weak.  You knew you couldn't go to this part of the map because you'd be insta-owned by a guy wielding a gauss pistol. After a while, after you've leveled up, you knew you leveled up.  Set up your character right and almost nothing could stand in your way.  I mean almost nothing, sure every now and then they may score a critical that would take you down or there would be one too many.  

This world needs more post-apocalyptic rpg's.
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« Reply #39 on: 01 Sep 2006, 04:20 »

FF7, Quest for Glory 4, Starcraft, Zelda LTTP or OT, some others... really hard to say. Despite the somewhat disappointing overall state of the game industry, there are a lot of truly wonderful games out there.


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« Reply #40 on: 01 Sep 2006, 17:41 »

Quote from: öde
If you want to talk about an easy FF boss, I beat the last guy on FF9 with melee attacks only. Amarant is damn good at that though.

FF9 was an awesome game.

Speaking of, that IS my favorite game.

Final Fantasy IX


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« Reply #41 on: 01 Sep 2006, 17:49 »

Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis, Super Smash Brothers or Perfect Dark. Multiplayer N64 games are where it's at.

If I absolutely had to pick one, it'd probably be Perfect Dark.
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« Reply #42 on: 02 Sep 2006, 22:14 »

Quote from: mberan42
I forgot about Star Control 2.

Seriously, I loved that game.

There's a free downloadable version of it floating around somewhere. Go to to find it.

YES.  <-- Fan-made remake.  Awesome game.

I'm suprised that there isn't any love for these games:
- Deus Ex
- Secret of Mana
- Super Metroid  (Metroid prime is preety awesome too)
- Alpha Centuari  <--Best TBS ever, IMHO.
- Command and Conquer: Red Alert.


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« Reply #43 on: 02 Sep 2006, 23:39 »

My go-to game is Super Metroid. But, honestly, I can never definitively choose, because there's so many variables and games that do awesome things in different ways and no game is perfect.
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« Reply #44 on: 03 Sep 2006, 06:02 »

Quote from: Splunkle
- Deus Ex

Deus Ex invisible war I enjoyed immensley, mainly because of the atmosphere.

- Alpha Centuari  <--Best TBS ever, IMHO.

Probably. I played it after playing Age of Empires 2 so it didn't capture me as much as it might have done. After getting used to it I wasted many many hours on it.

- Command and Conquer: Red Alert.

What about RA2? Tiberium Sun? All awesome games.


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« Reply #45 on: 03 Sep 2006, 09:45 »

Anyone else remember Nintendo's VirtualBoy?  I used to love the Mario Tennis on that machine....
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« Reply #46 on: 03 Sep 2006, 11:40 »

I only got to see the Virtual Boy at a demo kiosk at Blockbuster, and even then I could tell, "this is neat, but i like my eyesight better."

My votes: Pokemon Red & Blue for Game Boy, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Sega Dreamcast, and Super Smash Bros. Melee for Gamecube.

Honorable mention for Dr. Mario 'cause it was able to draw me in by music alone, and considering the music consisted of two MIDI files, that's pretty good.


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« Reply #47 on: 05 Sep 2006, 05:55 »

Quote from: öde
- Command and Conquer: Red Alert.

What about RA2? Tiberium Sun? All awesome games.

True, but if I had to pick a best one of the series, I would pick Red Alert 1.  But they are all excellent games, and more people should play them.  

But I'm realy suprised not to see at least one person say Deus Ex is the best game ever - usually at least one person puts it above all the rest.  I didn't put it up there myself, becuase while it is a mighty awesome game, its not quite as good as Alpha Centauri.  And I'm still debating whether Alpha Centauri or Star Control 2 is better.  

And Mikintosh, just to be an pedantic ass, Dr. Mario didn't use no gorram MIDI files.  It was a SNES game if I remember right, so it probably used tracking - which is kinda like MIDI, but not really at all.  =P


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« Reply #48 on: 05 Sep 2006, 07:14 »

RE4 is my favorite, for sure.  I liked it so much that I played through it 4+ times, as well as unlocked all the secret items and stuff (that's not easy to do).

Metroid Prime is a serious contender, though.  What a great game.


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Single best video game you have ever played...
« Reply #49 on: 05 Sep 2006, 11:37 »

I have probably finished Sam And Max about a hundred times by now. I just never get bored of it. Civ 2 probably has my record for the longest individual sitting though. I played it for about 36 hours and promptly collapsed.
Quote from: Emilio
power metal set in the present is basically crunk
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