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Author Topic: The Wii Thread  (Read 50321 times)

Storm Rider

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #100 on: 26 Nov 2006, 12:14 »

Oh, those numbers.

I haven't hooked up my Wii to the online yet, but as soon as I get around to that (next week, maybe?), I'll make sure to post it.
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #101 on: 27 Nov 2006, 03:47 »

Mine actually kinda bricked...I can't do any online stuff until I give it back to Nintendo.  Which I ain't doing until I get an SD card to put my zelda save on.
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #102 on: 27 Nov 2006, 06:58 »

Of all the next-gen consoles, I want Wii the most. However, I do not yet feel that "MUST HAVE IT" tug at my wallet. Yeah, I know, Zelda. But still...if I wait long enough, there will be more games I want, and Zelda will be a whatever-they're-going-to-call-the-reduced-price-game-line-for-Wii.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #103 on: 29 Nov 2006, 23:17 »

Is it overly girly to say that my Wii is absolutely adorable?

It's just so cute! And so much fun!



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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #104 on: 30 Nov 2006, 03:28 »

I went to Lakeside (a shopping centre in england, about thirty minutes from london) on Saturday gone (25th) and I got to play the Wii! T'was awesome, to be sure. I just hate being English because we get everything last. Even the Aussies get it the day before us!
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #105 on: 30 Nov 2006, 03:33 »

I went to Lakeside (a shopping centre in england, about thirty minutes from london) on Saturday gone (25th) and I got to play the Wii! T'was awesome, to be sure. I just hate being English because we get everything last. Even the Aussies get it the day before us!

That's your punishment for sending them all your criminals.

Also, on an unrelated note:

My parents were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants. What am I, the pope?!


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #106 on: 30 Nov 2006, 03:36 »

I think that's nin-tended
Wow, I made a pun!
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #107 on: 30 Nov 2006, 18:01 »

Oh thank god for that controller, I very much doubt I could handle the wiimote during late night gaming sessions
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #108 on: 01 Dec 2006, 01:31 »

That's your punishment for sending them all your criminals.

Also, on an unrelated note:

Now, you're just making me want a Wii more. Stop it!! I can't resist the idea that Nintendo would make the 'classic' controller for the Wii in the same shape and dimensions as the SNES controller, only with more buttons and gizmos on it. IMO the SNES controller is still the ideal controller, though the PS2 controller comes close.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #109 on: 01 Dec 2006, 15:26 »
i hope everybody's seen this already

multiport compatable *shudders*
and my ears are wearing head phones
they do play my favorite songs
not music i'm told to like
but the songs that make me dance along


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #110 on: 01 Dec 2006, 19:04 »

You know you don't have to use the sensor bar, right?  Any infrared signal can work, which means you could just use two candles of the same height.  Plenty of youtube videos about it.
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #111 on: 01 Dec 2006, 22:27 »

Ooh, the Wii. =D I have been waiting for this console forevah. But now I'm broke. ._.

I played it some at my friends house, he got one. I'm probably not going to buy it for a few months, but I'm absolutely getting Zelda: TP for the Gamecube when it comes out on the eleventh.

Also, for those who have gotten a Wii, which games did you buy? And out of those, which ones were the best? For future reference purposes. =D


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #112 on: 03 Dec 2006, 06:10 »

Oh man, I've been playing with my friend's Wii (DAMMIT) and it's pretty awesome.  He only has Wii sports right now, but it's a lot of fun to play with other people.  Bowling and boxing are the most fun, I think.  I made a gigantic, lanky skull-faced monster character, and we tear dudes up in the ring.

Golf is really hard; doing a small swing can be really frustrating since it won't always notice when you do it.

Overall, though, it's really fun and very promising; the control scheme doesn't feel gimicky at all.  Are you excited I'm excited.
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Storm Rider

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #113 on: 03 Dec 2006, 07:59 »

Boxing is by far my favorite of the Wii Sports.

I have Zelda and Trauma Center right now, I may pick up Rayman, Monkey Ball, or Madden at a later date.

I am really looking forward to Metal Slug Anthology, though. If it works correctly, that could be an AWESOME multiplayer game.
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[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #114 on: 03 Dec 2006, 08:55 »

Ive got a wii, with zelda, classic controller, extra wiimote and nunchuck, and super monkey ball

picking up rayman/trauma center (not sure which) with metal slug when metal slug actually comes out.

anyone beat trauma center and can tell me how long the game actually is?  id ont want a 4 hours 50 dollar game.

Storm Rider

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #115 on: 03 Dec 2006, 11:45 »

I've played it for four hours and I'm not even close to finished. I kind of suck at it though, I'm not very far at all.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there

Gutter Monkey

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #116 on: 03 Dec 2006, 13:27 »

I have long been a PC loyalist. Don't give me your pussy, dumbed-downed, "streamlined" (read: simplified and dumbed down for the keyboard-impaired) gameplay with fuzzy textures and awkward button re-using schemes. No, real gamers do it with a mouse and QWERTY. If you're not willing to work for months so that you can drop at least 1,500 on a machine with which to run programs that come on $50 slices of silicon, you're not a real gamer. You're just a person who plays games. To say playing consoles makes you a gamer is as to say buying to seat-liners makes you a customizing hot rodder. Playstations are for posers and X-Boxes don't lend themselves to catchy wordplay, but they suck too.

Any real gamer knows this better than they know the alphabet. It's a law of nature.

But man...that Wii...shit...I'm ashamed to admit it, but I want one. I really, really wants me one. When I saw that little nunchuk thing, I laughed. Nintendo was sticking their dick in the grinder and just cranking the handle as fast as they could. Who the hell wants to play a game with a fucking TV remote? I pressed it from my mind, content in my inherently superior pedigree. The PC had never failed me, and it never would. And honestly, it never has.

But the buzz about the Wii...I've never heard anything like it. Never. I've been paying attention to games for a decade now, and nothing has even come near the buzz the Wii is getting. EVERYBODY likes it. I've seen videos of people playing, and that shit looks fun.

But I can't want to buy a console. I just can't. I turned my back on those dark lands years ago. I've never bought a single console item that wasn't a gift for an unenlightened friend since I got rid of my SEGA Genesis. I am the hardest of the hardcore PC loyalists. If it doesn't come with a mouse, I ain't interested.

But that Wii! Oh, the Wii! How you vex and confuse me! Am I doomed to lose my North Star? Has the sky come unfixed, spinning wildly around me in an orgy of pixelated relativism? How can I maintain my confidence in my PC brothers and my disdain for the console scum if this damnable Wii strikes at the very core of what I am?

I think...I think there may only be one way for me to address this. I must confront the Wii, stare it in the eye, and see if the bastard blinks. But how can I do this? If I b- buy one, I will have lost that moral high ground I have spent so many years building: I don't give money to the console pushers!

It appears that I have but one hope. Somebody else must buy me one. If you need to know my shipping address, drop me a line.

Storm Rider

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #117 on: 03 Dec 2006, 13:47 »

Dude, don't be a PC elitist. Not everyone wants to drop over a thousand dollars on a machine that you have to revamp all over again 2 years later. Plus, the game library for consoles is just bigger.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #118 on: 03 Dec 2006, 15:53 »

Mine actually kinda bricked...I can't do any online stuff until I give it back to Nintendo.  Which I ain't doing until I get an SD card to put my zelda save on.
lol saves cannot be transferred
Nice move, Nintendo
Trust me
My Wii had to be replaced. The Nintendo person told me my saves are gone. I didn't believe her. Oh well. Life goes on. I need to send back my old Wii now. Uh oh.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #119 on: 03 Dec 2006, 18:17 »

Well, you can't transfer your saves until you do the firmware update, which requires going online.  Frustrating!
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #120 on: 03 Dec 2006, 22:05 »

I have long been a PC loyalist. Don't give me your pussy, dumbed-downed, "streamlined" (read: simplified and dumbed down for the keyboard-impaired) gameplay with fuzzy textures and awkward button re-using schemes. No, real gamers do it with a mouse and QWERTY. If you're not willing to work for months so that you can drop at least 1,500 on a machine with which to run programs that come on $50 slices of silicon, you're not a real gamer. You're just a person who plays games. To say playing consoles makes you a gamer is as to say buying to seat-liners makes you a customizing hot rodder. Playstations are for posers and X-Boxes don't lend themselves to catchy wordplay, but they suck too.

Any real gamer knows this better than they know the alphabet. It's a law of nature.

Uhm, no?? This is entirely your opinion. It is not a fact at all. Personally I find that hardcore PC gamers are arrogant elitists, as you've just proven.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #121 on: 04 Dec 2006, 01:01 »

5 days.. 5 days... zelda...zelda...i missed you 0_O


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #122 on: 04 Dec 2006, 04:27 »

I have long been a PC loyalist. Don't give me your pussy, dumbed-downed, "streamlined" (read: simplified and dumbed down for the keyboard-impaired) gameplay with fuzzy textures and awkward button re-using schemes. No, real gamers do it with a mouse and QWERTY. If you're not willing to work for months so that you can drop at least 1,500 on a machine with which to run programs that come on $50 slices of silicon, you're not a real gamer. You're just a person who plays games. To say playing consoles makes you a gamer is as to say buying to seat-liners makes you a customizing hot rodder. Playstations are for posers and X-Boxes don't lend themselves to catchy wordplay, but they suck too.

Any real gamer knows this better than they know the alphabet. It's a law of nature.

I've been a PC and a Console gamer for a little over 20 years and i dare say being a PC Elitists just makes you an asshole.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #123 on: 04 Dec 2006, 13:51 »

I have long been a PC loyalist. Don't give me your pussy, dumbed-downed, "streamlined" (read: simplified and dumbed down for the keyboard-impaired) gameplay with fuzzy textures and awkward button re-using schemes. No, real gamers do it with a mouse and QWERTY. If you're not willing to work for months so that you can drop at least 1,500 on a machine with which to run programs that come on $50 slices of silicon, you're not a real gamer. You're just a person who plays games. To say playing consoles makes you a gamer is as to say buying to seat-liners makes you a customizing hot rodder. Playstations are for posers and X-Boxes don't lend themselves to catchy wordplay, but they suck too.

Any real gamer knows this better than they know the alphabet. It's a law of nature.

I'm a PC gamer, but I use a gaming (read: small and streamlined) keyboard, does that make me a pussy/poser/whatever? If it does, I'd rather be a pussy with friends, than a L33T prick with only a PC for company.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #124 on: 08 Dec 2006, 08:24 »

i got my wii yesterday.

i love it.
unfortunately now im real low on cash. so it looks like zelda will have to last me the long time until trauma center is released over here.

i love the cow racing on wiiplay.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #125 on: 08 Dec 2006, 16:14 »

Behold, my digital crackrock. The sheer ecstasy is quite magnificent. (Although Red Steel was kinda "meh" -ish):

I got there the day after it came out, and apparently the midnight release was crazy.

godinpants: Zelda will last you a long-ass time, trust me.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #126 on: 09 Dec 2006, 14:51 »

haha, imagine how long it would take a regular person to finish zelda.

Multiply it by 8 because ill more than likely just end up fishing, rather than completing the temples immediately.
Then multiply it by another 20 which is the time i have to wait for my brother to finish playing before I can take control of the wii.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #127 on: 09 Dec 2006, 15:27 »

I just played Wii Sports (Bowling) against my 10-year-old cousin. He won 4 out of 5.

But I guess we're even because he said Zelda was boring and difficult.

Still, I hate how you can master the most complex stuff, but get your ass kicked in a one-button game.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #128 on: 09 Dec 2006, 15:32 »

i hate more, when you have clearly mastered the art of a game, but get shut down by someone whos just button mashing.

i also got killed at bowling this afternoon by a younger cousin. Although, 12 rather than 10. Making my defeat somewhat less?


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #129 on: 09 Dec 2006, 17:08 »

guys. my mother beat me at every wii sports game. every. single. one.

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #130 on: 09 Dec 2006, 17:09 »

you can still retain some sort of dignity by having a younger fitness age.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #131 on: 09 Dec 2006, 23:22 »

I fully expect that the Wii is probably going to disrupt the social order of high schools, because to be any good at some of these games, gamers are going to have to become a little fit.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #132 on: 10 Dec 2006, 05:08 »

And once again I am reminded that irony doesn't transmit well over the Internets. Even to QC readers, apparantly. I did not mean to insult anyone, and if anyone was offended, I'm sorry.

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #133 on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:31 »

It's cool, but total PC-elitist jackasses do exist, and so I just assumed you were being serious. I wasn't trying to make a big fight out of it, I just think that console gaming is more economical for me and I have a wider game library available.
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #134 on: 10 Dec 2006, 20:57 »

I really hate retailers. Not retail employees mind you, I've worked Christmas holidays before in retail and i completely understand the joy one can get for ruining a customer's day when they are being an asshole.. but every goddamn store manager in the area has decided that they are holding the systems they got in this week for next Sunday.

5 hours camping just to be told that they weren't selling their systems today. Wiis really exist.  :-(


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #135 on: 11 Dec 2006, 01:08 »

Finally we have the Wii in the UK, got mine at a chilly 7am on Friday.

Awesome, Awesome to the Max. I'd be playing Zelda right now if people would stop using the damn TV!



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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #136 on: 11 Dec 2006, 11:44 »

and now that I've read his newest entry, I would have to agree,  :-P


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #137 on: 11 Dec 2006, 14:35 »

Oh how silly I feel. <_< >_>


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #138 on: 11 Dec 2006, 14:39 »

Have sympathy for a poor bastard and buy me a wii for christmas?

It was recently released in sweden and of course it?s all soled out before i got my paycheck, damnit!

Has anyone got one so they can tell me all about it?s glorious fun ...stuff


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #139 on: 11 Dec 2006, 17:45 »

four words and a comma:

Wii sports, Red Steel

their meaning:

you people won't be seeing me for at least two months.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #140 on: 13 Dec 2006, 01:51 »

I wish I had a Wii. Sniff.

Storm Rider

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #141 on: 17 Dec 2006, 00:51 »

Just finished Zelda about 5 minutes ago. I'm looking for Metal Slug Anthology, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere yet.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there

Storm Rider

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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #142 on: 17 Dec 2006, 01:31 »

Get them both, dude. They are both awesome for completely different reasons.

There isn't a Mario game out yet for the Wii, although it is backwards compatible with the Gamecube so you could work through that back catalog. I'd say get the 360 now because there are more games for it with the year's head start and they are much, much easier to find. But you should get a Wii later.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #143 on: 17 Dec 2006, 07:27 »

I've never played Zelda, or any of the Mario games.

Are you fucking joking?? Have you been in cave for the last 24 years or something??


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #144 on: 17 Dec 2006, 08:18 »

Now now, be kind to the unenlightened heathen.

Edit: And now I'm off to camp till 8am at Target for a Wii. If I don't get one you may see Rochester on the news.

Edit2: I've got a Wii! yay!

Currently messing with settings and playing with Miis
« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2006, 19:22 by ackblom12 »


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #145 on: 18 Dec 2006, 04:58 »

The Wii60 combo is really the way to go this gen.

You have your hardcore epic gaming on the 360 and your insanely fun addictive gaming on the Wii and you're orgasming daily.
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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #146 on: 18 Dec 2006, 05:08 »

Get them both, dude. They are both awesome for completely different reasons.

This is what I did.  They're both fantastic systems that appeal to two different types of gamers in me.


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #147 on: 18 Dec 2006, 05:44 »

My Wii code folks...

8215 5056 9853 3148


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #148 on: 23 Dec 2006, 03:41 »

Out of curiosity, think we should start a Wii code thread?


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Re: The Wii Thread
« Reply #149 on: 23 Dec 2006, 04:36 »

Don't you just hate it when you're on holiday and having fun but something really cool (like Wii codes) comes along and
you wish you were back home, just for a little while, so you could try it out?
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