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Author Topic: anyone know flash?  (Read 2643 times)


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anyone know flash?
« on: 24 Sep 2006, 00:10 »

i've been trying to teach myself flash for a little while now, at first i was trying classic frame-by-frame animation, and though i was making a lot of headway it's just too big an undertaking for one man, namely me. so i tried the more widely used flash animation style (dunno what it's called) and here is the unfortunate result:

aside from other problems, why does the hand not stay with the arm? if anybody knows what i'm doing wrong please let me know. thanks for looking.


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anyone know flash?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2006, 03:54 »

It draws a B-line from the start point to the end point of the tween.  

There are some ways you can fix this.  You can add a mid-point to the tween, to make sure the hand travels more in a curve shaped pattern, but it still wouldn't be exact.

Most of the good flash animators do frame-by-frame animation, with tweening & the other effects used every once in a while.  Go to for tutorials/resources while you're at it.


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anyone know flash?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2006, 02:26 »

Right click your tween layer and select "add motion guide" draw a line on the motion guide layer where you want the hand to move, probably takes some tweaking. Check for tutorials on motion tweens for the motion guide, the help files that come with flash are good for that too. Run on sentences are sweet.


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Re: anyone know flash?
« Reply #3 on: 28 Sep 2006, 19:27 »

oh personal feelings are that tweening makes me sick...utterly and totally...i do frame by frame and everyone seems to enjoy them but like they said a motion guid should fix your hand moving by itself tweening works
you decide how things look in frame A
you decide how things look in frame B
the computer figures out how it looks in between A and B

if you want to use tweening (god forbid) then you need to set up what i call 'keyframes' frames that are important as far as the motion of it goes. like for your hand you would want to put a 'keyframe' every couple of frames to keep it on an arc rather than a line. my suggestion is to use frame by frame, but for text and such i use tweening too so tweening has its purpose
hope this was helpful despite the long-winded-ness...i taught myself flash without tutorials or anything so it can be done
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