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Author Topic: iconic moments in gaming  (Read 34555 times)


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #100 on: 30 Nov 2006, 03:37 »

Taking out the master sword in ocarina of time or crawling thru the vents and picking off that guy on the bog in goldeneye.
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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #101 on: 30 Nov 2006, 07:53 »

The Legend of Dragoon- Every.  CGI.  Movie.  In.  That.  Game.  I got  chills, they were so perfect.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #102 on: 30 Nov 2006, 13:53 »

If only the game play had been better ...

Here's another one for me: The first time I shot a dude at point-blank with the shotgun in F.E.A.R. and he exploded into mist in slo-mo. That was pretty cool. Also, the first time I noticed that the Penetrator had staked a clone to the wall.

And Spinless: You need to use the Sprint Boots, or whichever ones make your party move faster on the field screen. Makes that part a LOT easier.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #103 on: 30 Nov 2006, 15:58 »

the first time you ever see an idle animation in a third person game. for most people, this is jill valentine in resident evil.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #104 on: 30 Nov 2006, 17:45 »

Here are a couple that aren't so much plot oriented, but more so just times where I was actually impressed by a game.

The first time I performed bullet time in the first Max Payne game, back in '01.

Fighting the Hydra on the ship in the first part of God of War on PS2.  (I hear the next God of War game will have you thrust into action involving something bigger than anything you fought in the first game, going for that instant action Indiana Jones sort of vibe.)


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #105 on: 01 Dec 2006, 18:55 »

Some cool games with moments worth remembering:

Alien Breed: Tower Assault - you're running in military base full of aliens (like from Aliens movie), no support, low on ammo and mission objective on some level is to find keys, open doors, find detonation switch and start countdown. Finally I got there, pulled switch... then all screen went red-glowing, alarm sound started buzzing and female voice announced: "30 seconds to self-destruct". Of course exit door was on the opposite side of level, so i started running like mad, alarm buzing, screen glowing, aliens everywhere, finally ran into long corridor, saw only few aliens ahead, fired on them... and instead of shooting hear only clicking sound: no ammo clips.
The horror I tell you...  @_@'

Diablo 2: final animation with Dark Wanderer and old man in asylum was great. And many priceless moments while running away from champions with lighting aura, a few points of light and mana, no life potions, no town portal and map full of monsters in every direction  -_-'

Baldur's Gate 2: as mentioned before, Irenicus is a cool badguy. Also all the "romance" scenes with party members, including special music and dialogs, were unexpected, refreshing and nice contrast to monster-slashing quests.

Carmageddon 2: mission with big truck for the first time was a shock. You start a race with only one opponent, at night AFAIR, and see only a dot on your radar. Well, you drive on road straight ahead, visibility bad, dot approaches from front... and then you see for a second huge truck that smashes your car without stopping and  drives away  X_x'

Pinball Fantasies, Pinball Illusions, Slam Tilt - all animations and mini-games triggered after hitting with ball some hard-to-reach table elements, they were even more enjoyable than pinball itself.
Regards,  Kompan.  (|^.^|)        iMac G3      Mini G4     Civic 1.4


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #106 on: 02 Dec 2006, 05:22 »

Half-Life 2. When I first played the Ravenholm level I got to a point where I come hear a headcrab zombie coming but I couldn't see him and its cry just kept getting louder and louder until he jumped me from behind.

Second would be getting beaten by a stun stick in the beginning of the game.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #107 on: 02 Dec 2006, 06:24 »

Finally figuring out MYST was a big one for me.

Also, Using the whistles in Mario 3.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #108 on: 06 Dec 2006, 23:10 »

Ah, the orginial Lunar 2. This sounds SO lame, but when Ghaleon came back, I was both scared shitless and surprised. Seriously, I did not see it coming. Of course, it probably helped that I didn't have the guidebook at the time.

Oh, and when Zopher showed up and zapped Lucia of her powers. And when you got to the bottom of the Spire you get to fight FOUR of those lovely Guardian things. "OH GOD I'M SCRE- geh, Leo?"

The epilouge too. How could I forget that?

Man, I loved that game so much.
« Last Edit: 06 Dec 2006, 23:13 by camelpimp »


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #109 on: 07 Dec 2006, 00:57 »

Half Life 2:
"Pick up that can."
*picks up can*
"Now put it, in the trash."
*Throws it at the metrocop, runs like a sissy girl*

Ah, memories.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #110 on: 07 Dec 2006, 04:58 »

I have a couple ironic moments in games, most of mine are from CS: S online play (scrims are the greatest)

the number one most ironic thing I've ever seen, de_cpl_mill my team is t we have one guy left when the bomb is planted, he runs and hides and waits for the last two ct's, one sits on ramp while the other defuses, teammate runs out shoots at the guy defusing and the guy on the ramp shoots at him, and kills his teammate w/ a hs AND my last teammember, but he can't get to the bomb intime to defuse.

the number two is my 5v1 clutch on mill again...bomb site b, I was 0 and 4 going in to this all four of my teammates die, I kill one ct grab bomb at the other bombsite and camp in the noob corner looking at the ladder up to B kill the first two up the ladder, hear ther other two behind me spray/miss reload own one defusing and empty the rest of the clip at his budddy (like the scene from Saving Private Ryan, both our guns empty at the same time) break out pistol...he has a usp, Me a deagle I win....yeah that was nice....I died with the bomb but a 5v1 ace clutch when you were killess for the previous 4 rounds is just AWSOME.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #111 on: 07 Dec 2006, 21:42 »

I think one of the most iconic moments in gaming, specifically in RPGs, is the first time you run into one of those "you can't possibly win this, and for the plot to continue you are supposed to lose!!" boss battles. My first one was in Chrono Trigger. I think you know what I mean.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #112 on: 08 Dec 2006, 01:37 »

I have to second the time in the original Resident Evil when you're walking along the hallway and the dogs jump through the windows.  I freak out every single time that happens, knowing it's coming doesn't really help much at all.

I think an iconic moment for me was when I first realized that Atari games have no real ending.  I think I was playing Yars' Revenge and I beat the "boss" only for the game to start over at a slightly harder difficulty level.  I wanted resolution and there was none to be had.

Also, I came to loathe the phrase, "Thank you Mario!  But our princess is in another castle!"  I didn't really know how many levels were in the first Super Mario Brothers and that got REALLY annoying.  Also, the very last level where you have to figure out the specific pattern of going up, down, middle, whatever it was to get through the level, so frustrating.

When Link grows up in Ocarina of Time was pretty great too.  It just felt like there was a lot of symbolism there, maybe that's just me though.

Finally I'd have to add the first time in one of the Fallout games you get a critical and blow away half of your opponents body.  The sounds and animation are just so good, you really look forward to getting those types of kills.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #113 on: 08 Dec 2006, 06:33 »

I think one of the most iconic moments in gaming, specifically in RPGs, is the first time you run into one of those "you can't possibly win this, and for the plot to continue you are supposed to lose!!" boss battles. My first one was in Chrono Trigger. I think you know what I mean.

Actually, thats not necessarily true for Chrono Trigger. All of those battles COULD be won in the + game, and they tended to be how you got alternate endings in the game. In the initial game though, unless your a grinding whore, yes you get your ass handed to you. I have to say though that i have yet to see a game handle those as well as Chrono did.

Another moment of note would have to be the entire premise of Contact for DS. I can't help but find it hilarious that the character your playing has no clue that he's being "helped" and the professor is quite happy not telling him that.  :evil:


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #114 on: 08 Dec 2006, 08:33 »

The whole boss thing reminded me of an Ironic moment I had when playing FF8. At the end of the second disc the attempted assasination of the queen...I had found an abusable leveling place on the main continent....500 xp a kill high level spells like demi and earthquake, and an easy win....I beefed up so much I one hit the queen...and then watched my main char get owned...I was pissed.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #115 on: 09 Dec 2006, 08:56 »

right now the only things i can think about are metal gear solid moments

when you meet pyschomantis (?) and he's all "i see you don't save that often, you're pretty reckless" or the opposite if you do! Having to switch controller ports so he can't read your mind was pretty awesome too!

metal gear solid 3... all the boss fights were awesome. the best would be The End (holy long ass sniper battle batman!) and The Sorrow(it took me 2 weeks before i beat that part) and finally the explanation of The Boss's defection.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #116 on: 09 Dec 2006, 11:28 »

DDR: the moment the music and arrows start to make sense

The Sims 2: hitting a lifetime achievement goal

WarCraft III: the first time you build 25 defense towers right outside the enemy's base

Spore: just watching a demo


Duck Hunt: realizing you can't shoot the dog  :x


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #117 on: 09 Dec 2006, 17:43 »

eternal darkness - the insanity.

i remember how much that screwed my up.
i was sitting there playing, then BAM i had a blue screen of death.
seconds later i realised, i was i playing a gamecube, not a pc.

and the cut scenes were amazing.
"may the rats eat your eyes"

also, the banjo duel in monkey island.

and for me. after being stuck on the same level of medal of honour: frontline. for a year.
i realised i just needed to walk into the next room, and i would finish the game.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #118 on: 10 Dec 2006, 03:32 »

Chibi Robo...bear with me here.

This retardedly cute adventure game probably has one of the most mature story lines I've have ever seen in a game. It handles the story of a family with the parents on the verge of divorce, the 8 year old daughter not fully understanding what is going on and not sure how to deal with it all, and you just trying your best to bring a little happiness to the home.

Oh yeah, and there's a Teddy Bear with a drug addiction.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #119 on: 10 Dec 2006, 11:34 »

Chibi Robo...bear with me here.

This retardedly cute adventure game probably has one of the most mature story lines I've have ever seen in a game. It handles the story of a family with the parents on the verge of divorce, the 8 year old daughter not fully understanding what is going on and not sure how to deal with it all, and you just trying your best to bring a little happiness to the home.

Oh yeah, and there's a Teddy Bear with a drug addiction.

Sign me up, how do I get this game?


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #120 on: 10 Dec 2006, 11:56 »

Twlight Princess:

Every light spirit cutscene, in fact every cutscene. I also love the wolf sections.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #121 on: 10 Dec 2006, 16:25 »

Chibi Robo...bear with me here.

This retardedly cute adventure game probably has one of the most mature story lines I've have ever seen in a game. It handles the story of a family with the parents on the verge of divorce, the 8 year old daughter not fully understanding what is going on and not sure how to deal with it all, and you just trying your best to bring a little happiness to the home.

Oh yeah, and there's a Teddy Bear with a drug addiction.

Sign me up, how do I get this game?

It's for Gamecube, and It's going for under $20 if you buy it at Gamefly, eBay and Amazon Sellers. Amazon itself is out of stock, and I'm not sure how hard it is to find in retail stores now.

It's a wonderful game.


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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #122 on: 13 Dec 2006, 09:18 »

Red Steel - finally cornering Ryuichi (the bastard who kidnapped your girlfriend) on the tarmac of an airport runway. He sends his bodyguard to face you one-one one in a sword duel. you win it. Ryuichi steps down from the plane and owns you without effort, then, just as he's walking away leaving you bleeding and defeated on the runway, he turns back and roundhouse kicks you in the face.

The most perfectly calculated insult/injury combo in history.

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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #123 on: 13 Dec 2006, 11:01 »

Dude, why the hell are you playing Red Steel?

Not to mention putting it in the same category as games like Zelda and Half-Life.
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Re: iconic moments in gaming
« Reply #124 on: 13 Dec 2006, 18:43 »

my two favorite game moments ever:

The first time i beat mortal kombat on the genesis with Scorpion, mainly because i was never good at fighting games and i OWNED MK


The scene in monkey island 2 where, in order to make a voodoo doll, you must remove LeChuck's underware while he was bent down picking up a coin, and guybrush Nonchalontly does this, and LeChuck barely notices
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