See, here's the problem. It's been three years since their last album, and if they're just going to release a samey-sounding album, then why the hell did it take three years?? This is why I have low expectations for the new Shins album. Their first two albums were fantastic, true, but they were only like a half hour a piece and more or less the same aesthetic. Why the long wait between albums, then??
Of course, then you've got a band like Radiohead, who's release schedule can be termed 'glacial.' Since the release of the last Radiohead album, I saw them live and a few months after lost all interest in them. Maybe I just don't like them anymore, but I think it's more that I'm bored with listening to their stuff for the umpteenth time.
Yet more reason why I like a band like Deerhoof, who've consistently released SOMETHING once a year for however long they've been together.