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Author Topic: Lesser known games you like  (Read 57680 times)


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #150 on: 20 Jun 2007, 08:54 »

Ehh i didn't bother reading EVERY single post for this one, so somebody might've alrdy mentioned or covered this one, but i think the "Tales of" games from namco are really awesome. Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss are really fun out of all of em. Although i recommend getting japanese versions of the game with english subtitles, because english dub sounds okay but there are certain parts of the english dub where it doesn't have voice acting where the japanese versions do, making it sound more natural.


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #151 on: 18 Jul 2007, 03:43 »

Tread Marks.  Non-stop tank-racing deformable-terrain bizarro-physics deathmatching action in glorious circa-2000 3D.  Try it, you'll like it.

For you Europa Universalis types who want to go way-retro, check out Machiavelli the Prince on The Underdogs.  Sorta like EU meets Dope Wars, with massive name cred.


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #152 on: 19 Jul 2007, 07:48 »

Dominus (1994)

You are an evil overlord whose kingdom is being invaded by one of eight rival outlying nations : Pigmen, Sea Creatures, Skeleton Warriors, Bird Men, Fire Demons, Magicians, Mauraders, demonic Wraiths
You set traps to slow their march and capture prisoners to interrogate to gain useful information and discover hidden spells
You can mount your dragon chariot to fly down to the battle field yourself to destroy them! But you have to stop them before they enter your castle and destroy you!
You can also form super mutant monsters in the monster mixing room - take a bunch of your different creatures (as well as captured enemies) and then combine them (up to 6 at once) into a unique, super monster that can be unleased on the invading hordes

free download link (it's slow give it a minute to load):


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #153 on: 21 Aug 2007, 05:17 »

Gotta love the gamer indie cred thread going on up in here. Another game that I liked was Nitro by Psygnosis. Actually, most anything by Psygnosis with a few notable, horrible, exceptions.


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #154 on: 21 Aug 2007, 09:40 »

I was a huge fan of Timesplitters 2 ( It got good reviews, but I never saw it really get any real recognition beyond that.



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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #155 on: 21 Aug 2007, 09:54 »

Psychonauts, Space Channel 5, Shin Megami Tensei games, Disgaea, Oddworld, Bust A Groove
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #156 on: 22 Aug 2007, 01:32 »

Since someone mentioned Psygnosis, I'm going to throw G-Police out there.
I loved a lot about that game, especially the style and the fact that it had changing objectives to deal with (not especially common on the PS1).
I never completed it through, due to the fact I could never survive one level where it was impossible to dodge a ton of incoming fire, and the horrible draw distance stemming from trying to make the console do too much.

If they'd just lasted a little longer, a G-Police game for the PS2 would have been awesome.
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #157 on: 26 Aug 2007, 18:03 »

Well, first off, I haven't played Rez, but it looks amazing, and I want to play it badly.
What about Tales of Phantasia for the SNES? I loved the combat system in that game. It seemed to me to be one of the first games to ever do none turn based combat in RPG's right, if the first at all.
Another is Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. Has anyone heard of this? It is heavily inspired by Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, and it came out for the Gamecube. I loved the game's story-telling, how there were so many ways to change the game completely, and how the insanity system worked. I loved how it made it look like the tv was malfunctioning, with the volume turning up and such.
Also, a game that's a bit more recent in the same vein, but not as great, while still fun, is Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corner Of The Earth. That also had an insanity system, since it's based off the table-top roleplaying game.
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #158 on: 26 Aug 2007, 18:37 »

The game was still fun, but have you played Eternal Darkness? It had a fun sanity system that worked.

Quote from: Wikipedia
The game's standout concept, patented by Nintendo (US patent 6,935,954 [1]), is the "sanity meter", a green bar on screen which is depleted under various conditions, generally when the character is seen by an enemy. It can be restored under various conditions, such as performing a "finishing move" on an enemy. As the bar becomes low, various effects occur, reflecting the character's slackening grip on reality. If the bar remains empty, further damage to sanity decreases the player character's health.
One effect which is consistently used is a skewed camera angle accompanied by whispers, cries, and other noises. The lower the sanity meter, the more skewed the camera angle and the louder the sound effects. Fourth-wall breaking effects include simulated displays with messages apparently produced by the TV or the GameCube; this does not affect gameplay unless the player misconstrues them as actual technical malfunctions and turns off or resets his or her system, thereby losing all progress since his or her last save. Though some of these affect the character as hallucinations or muscle control issues, and others break the fourth wall, being aimed at the player directly, all are temporary.
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #159 on: 26 Aug 2007, 18:38 »

Personally I thought that Ultimate Spiderman for the PS2 was a great game. It had a good combat system, nice chase scenes, and a well thought out story.
It never was honestly a bestseller though.


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #160 on: 22 Apr 2008, 12:44 »

Ill defintiely second mischief makers though.

what about startropics?

edit: also, guadian legend for NES

Startropics was amazing.... freakin' difficult if you didn't have the paper that came with the game... I only found out that you were supposed to have the paper with the game AFTER I went through and tried all 747 combinations starting from 000 on up to unlock the spaceship (aparently something to force people to buy the actual game, instead of buying it from second hand dealers, lol).  also, a lot of the puzzles were really tough in that one, but overall, one of the better games for the NES I ever played.

I never played Startropics 2 though - was it any good?
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #161 on: 22 Apr 2008, 14:12 »

This thread was almost a year old.  Please do not do this to us.
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #162 on: 22 Apr 2008, 19:16 »

My apologies, I actually had just read the thread about not reviving old topics immediately after I left here, but, as I didn't check the original post dates, and everything here appears as new posts to me at the moment (as I have been gone for over a year), I had no idea that it was that old -

My apologies - I shall attempt not to pull the same feat again.
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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #163 on: 22 Apr 2008, 20:20 »

I actually got this mistaken with the "cool games nobody remembers" thread.


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Re: Lesser known games you like
« Reply #164 on: 22 Apr 2008, 20:23 »

As a rule (that should probably be added to the forum rules), if it's more than two pages back, you probably should leave it alone unless you're using the search function to find something (not post in it).  No harm done.
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