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Author Topic: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]  (Read 83058 times)


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It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« on: 26 Dec 2006, 01:47 »

Many people scoff when you tell them that you plan to make New Year's resolultions. They immediately launch into a tirade, explaining how resolutions are a pathetic attempt to assuage our guilt about being bad people. They explain to you delicately, as if you are a child, that nobody keeps their resolutions. They list all of the failed resolutions that lay forgotten after a month, a week, a day. They lecture about how we are all lost causes.

But I say fuck that shit. We can make resolutions if we want to, even knowing that they will not long occupy a place in our mind. Let's make resolutions to try and better ourselves, if only slightly. Isn't it worth trying?

My resolutions:
- Lose weight through exercise, not dieting
- Make art a high priority in my life
- Keep things in perspective
- Memorize poetry

« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2006, 02:27 by Ally »


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #1 on: 26 Dec 2006, 01:49 »

- Not to fail out of college
- Not to be retarded
- To continue to give orgasms as well as I get them if not better

Yeah, that sounds about right.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #2 on: 26 Dec 2006, 01:50 »

- Finally finish that goddamned album like I resolved to do *this* year
- Get at least 10 courses done for this stupidass school I go to
- Work on being less of an annoying ass
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #3 on: 26 Dec 2006, 01:50 »

-Lose weight
-Eat healthier
-Write some decent punk rock songs
-Play more golf
-Budget my money better
-Take an actual guitar lesson or two
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #4 on: 26 Dec 2006, 01:51 »

-No longer drink expensive Starbucks drinks when I go there with friends (started this a month ago, with intentions on it being a New Years Resolution).  Instead I'll just be getting black dark roast coffee.
-Ask out the girl I have a thing for.
-Start a journal.
-Get into university out in Toronto or Montreal.
-Meet some more QC folks.
-Start the novel I've been planning.
-Spend more than $100 in a used book store.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #5 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:03 »

Ooh, here is last year's.

higher self-confidence... I also want to get a job - like, a real paying one - and to find a niiice boy who isn't an asshole... I would like to be less stupid sometimes.

1 for 3 isn't horrible.

Oh, here's another one of mine from last year:

I am going to stop being paranoid about what other people think about me. I should work on being good enough for myself.

I did pretty well with that, I think. It was always in my mind, but I definitely grew up a lot in that respect. It says in that thread that the year before, mine was "Don't be an asshole," and while I am surprised that I swore at age 13, I definitely wasn't really an asshole this year.
« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2006, 02:06 by Ally »


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #6 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:05 »

My to-do list 2007

-Finish personal webpage. After 5 years, it's about time I think
-Master vector art!
-Be a better student. Attend way more classes and such.
-Maybe look for a gf. Maybe.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #7 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:10 »

1. pick a major
2. find a steady bf
3. eat more chick-fil-a
4. don't eat as much in n out
5. paint my room a nice color instead of boring white
6. learn to cook more things that aren't as "college-survival food only"ish
7. save up enough money to revisit holland, germany and the czech republic
« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2006, 03:03 by jolijn »


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #8 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:15 »

I can help with number 3. Except it doesn't count if I eat it and you don't.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #9 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:16 »

- Do a bit of proper exercise. Walking is not counting here because I have to do it to get to college.
- Practice guitar some. Also maybe the harmonica.
- Stop spending so much money. Where does it all go?
- Do some study at least three days a week. And read at least one college-related book fully.
- Cook more.
- Get a job this summer.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #10 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:25 »

I will
- Quit Smoking, but I dunno if I mean this
- Apply to College, but those are due mostly before the new years, so :/
- Gain some muscle mass or something, I dunno.

Does anyone want to make a resoloution for me? I will follow it if it is good, I just do not really know what to do.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #11 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:38 »

-Workout more

-Stop sucking at Spanish

-Get better at chess and poker

-Think about getting a job

I think that's all I can think of right now.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #12 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:41 »

1. Get a Job.
2. Re-think the whole military thing. I can still get out, although it's mandatory.
3. Read more.
4. Practice 2 hours a day on my bass.

I am a music republican.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #13 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:42 »

I've decided to set resolutions that I can keep:
- Don't start smoking.
- Don't hit babies (unless they're being dicks)
- Eat chocolate if I feel like it.
- Rock out on a regular basis.
- Brush my teeth every day, at least once.
- Find some way of stopping list threads.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #14 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:47 »

-Graduate massage therapy school so that I can start occasionally thinking about doing other things to better my life.

-Massage people and make money from it.
"It's funny how you think I'm an asshole because I've got HIGH self esteem"


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #15 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:49 »

- Brush my teeth every day, at least once.

For some reason or another, I really get the impression that you don't do this already.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #16 on: 26 Dec 2006, 02:52 »

- Run six days a week
- Finally win that race that I keep making the top ten in
- Get on a normal sleep cyle
- Move to a less shitty apartment
- Visit New Zealand

One and two will happen, three, probably not, four definitely will, and five depends on how much four costs.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #17 on: 26 Dec 2006, 03:17 »

- Brush my teeth every day, at least once.

For some reason or another, I really get the impression that you don't do this already.
Oh, I'll add that to my resolutions too.

It's a disgusting habit, but I don't brush my teeth :x


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #18 on: 26 Dec 2006, 03:25 »

I am going to:
-Try harder at school
-Stop procrastinating.

That's all I can think of right now.
Oh yeah and get my girlfriend back.

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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #19 on: 26 Dec 2006, 03:26 »

Two resolutions

-Make with the sexings or at least find some manner of female consort.
-Play enough shows that people at university go "hey, there goes that dumbass that made a fool of himself at the exchange on the weekend! let's go see him next time he plays!"
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #20 on: 26 Dec 2006, 03:47 »

- Brush my teeth every day, at least once.

For some reason or another, I really get the impression that you don't do this already.

I try to, but I sleep in at least once a week by accident, and as a result, I'm in a rush when I wake up, so I forget, and I rarely remember to brush my teeth in evenings.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #21 on: 26 Dec 2006, 03:52 »



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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #22 on: 26 Dec 2006, 03:56 »

-Make with the sexings or at least find some manner of female consort.

Yeah, I should add this to mine.

I am a music republican.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #23 on: 26 Dec 2006, 04:01 »

let's see:

- do some interesting projects. ideas right now include writing/editing/designing a regular-ish (real, printed) zine (possibly as a collaborative thing with a friend, but we'd have to negotiate this first), possible music-making-related silliness, and helping organise gigs/indie cinema nights/big fun stuff for self, friends, and strangers to do.

- write more on my blog: longer, more interesting entries and less asinine, boring, personal shite.

- and somewhat paradoxically read other peoples' blogs less.

- never be bored.

- cycle everywhere. i already kinda do this, but have gotten lazy recently (cold weather and my france bike has been gradually becoming less and less solid). related: learn how to fix every part of my bike myself.

- read a book a week.

that'll do for the moment.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #24 on: 26 Dec 2006, 04:30 »

I resolve:

- Not to spend my entire pay-check on delicious cocktails, pints of Guinness, LSD, Star Trek DVDs, and webcomic T-shirts the second it hits my account.

Thats about it actually. Of course, it would hardly be a New Years resolution if I didn't blow all my money on delicious cocktails, pints of Guinness, LSD, Star Trek DVDs, and webcomic T-shirts in a giant binge immediatly before the New Year, so I have set aside two days of solid drinking, drug abuse, and consumerism from the 30th to the 31st of December.

I am also going to make a normal resolution that this pack of cigarettes will be my last, but I sure as hell am not just going to throw them away, so its pretty likely I am just full of shit.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #25 on: 26 Dec 2006, 04:34 »

-Write some decent punk rock songs
-Take an actual guitar lesson or two

I see a problem...

mine are:

-Make less bad jokes.
-Lose some weight.
-Girl plz.
-Read a hella lot more than I did this year. I used to read all the time, but I have stopped. I've got a bunch of new books for christmas though so YAY!



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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #26 on: 26 Dec 2006, 04:50 »

So...going to live in canada eh Tommy?


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #27 on: 26 Dec 2006, 04:55 »

Dude. DUDE. Denmark.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #28 on: 26 Dec 2006, 05:12 »

- Find a decent paying job to save up money.
- Use saved money to finish degree
- Learn to dance better
- Smile and laugh often
- Try to find happiness in everything
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #29 on: 26 Dec 2006, 05:47 »

- go to more local gigs.
- finish my fusion album with a mate.
- keep my girlfriend.
- become shit awesome at banjo.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #30 on: 26 Dec 2006, 06:04 »

- Save enough money to get myself to America for a few weeks by the end of 2007.
- Do well in my HSC
- Decide what I want to do at Uni.
- Be nicer to my sister (this will be interesting)
- Learn to drive and finally get my Provisional License so I can actually drive my own car by myself.
- Get in shape, I am skinny, but completely unfit.
- Start up Pilates on a regular basis

Overall, be happy, and not worry too much about things. I would like to get my major works for my final highschool year finished and I want them to be something I am proud of and that other people will want to read and enjoy. I want to be able to come to terms with the fact that I am now pretty much a single girl (this will be a short term thing right now, more than a long term thing) after being all coupled up for so long (I am happy, no one fuss over me).

2007 will be my last year of highschool, ever. I want to have fun!
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #31 on: 26 Dec 2006, 06:29 »

I need to
- Stop Slacking in School
- Practice More and hone my ear

I think these are attainable and good goals.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #32 on: 26 Dec 2006, 06:32 »

 -Write more.
 - Keep being the best at everything else.
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #33 on: 26 Dec 2006, 07:12 »

-Lose some weight (like 10-15 lbs) by exercising more, and eating less junk
-Read more
-Stop procrastinating ie: study every night
-Write, and send written work off to literary journals
-Flirt properly and actually land a boy

Probably only 1,2,4 will happen (maybe).
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #34 on: 26 Dec 2006, 07:19 »

Things that I say I want to do in 2007, but probably won't:

Incorporate some sort of exercise routine into my daily life, and not be a lazy sack of crap.
Get the balls to talk to my boss about the idea of being paid what I'm actually worth for all the work I do.
Become less of an introvert, and actually start talking to people.

Things that might actually happen:

Put more time into working on my website to make it actually turn into what I want it to be.
Write even more than what I do, and push my boundaries with what I'm "comfortable" doing.
Try to get myself out from under a hellaciously large mound of debt, and start being a little more responsible with money.
Clean my apartment.

Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #35 on: 26 Dec 2006, 07:40 »

My resolutions:

-Not make any resolutions
-Not break any resolutions

I'm basically screwed from the start.  That way, I don't feel so bad when I fail at anything else.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #36 on: 26 Dec 2006, 08:04 »

I resolve to continue to exist, in some form or another.
You can count on that.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #37 on: 26 Dec 2006, 08:06 »

-Quit smoking and retry quitting if I fall off the wagon
-watch less TV
-visit the Cali coast
-make it to my first one year anniversary
-use the pool & gym at school
-be more studious & don't fail out of school
-get over depression
-pass chem140
-have more faith in myself and humanity
-see more shows
-get past inferiority complex
-enjoy life more
I like the way you work it.

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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #38 on: 26 Dec 2006, 09:02 »

Mine can be summed up pretty easily:

-Start some form of regular exercise routine.
-Stop being such an introverted shut-in. This will hopefully lead to at least some sort of interaction with the ladiez.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #39 on: 26 Dec 2006, 09:04 »

it amuses me slightly to notice how many of us have similar, if not nearly identical goals for the upcoming year...
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #40 on: 26 Dec 2006, 09:27 »

In the competition, Australia recently sprang back into the lead.
Canada and America need to get their shit together.
What, alpacas mean nothing to you now?

-Flirt properly and actually land a boy
Sorry Kat, umm maybe if you do uhhh go to U of W maybe I could umm you know uhh tell you about a party or something if I knew people who were going who maybe would be interested in that sort of thing.

P.S. As for my list, not losing touch with friends is high up there, and I think I'll try and slip 'seducing vegkitkat' in there as well for good measure. I'll just have to be very sneaky about it, I'm playing the 'bumbling and timid but kind of cute' card right now, we'll see if it works.
And probably not screwing up any more courses should be a goal.
« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2006, 09:30 by Slick »
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #41 on: 26 Dec 2006, 09:59 »

I also resolve to meet at least one QC forumer.

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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #42 on: 26 Dec 2006, 10:12 »

-Stop wanking so damn often

-Write daily in the note book or story book

-save money for either iPod or a better amp or a boomerang

-Keep room clean

-Start working out

-Watch tommy hit on girls blunty
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #43 on: 26 Dec 2006, 10:19 »


- Practice bass and become half decent
- Join a band (drumming or bassing) and play at least one gig (this was last year's broken resolution)
- Succesfully flirt with someone
- Moar tattoos

Slightly less likely:

- Be in a good, healthy relationship for more than 3 months
- Save money for something big
- Move out of home

Pie in the Sky

- Move to Brisbane
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #44 on: 26 Dec 2006, 10:46 »

My hopes for the coming year:

Graduate college
Get married
Find a better job
Be healthier than I am now
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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #45 on: 26 Dec 2006, 10:52 »

- Make a genuine effort to get along with new roommate/hall
- Remember to take the pill on time each day
- Gain some semblance of abs
- Be more cheerful/less aloof in person
- Explore the kama sutra
- Get an on-campus job

Even if I only manage the last and first, it'll be a good year:)
Denn Du Bist, Was Du Isst   (you are what you eat)
also, related to burning stuff: a friend threw up on a hot water heater once, the vomit steam burned her face. awesome!


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #46 on: 26 Dec 2006, 10:59 »

I've a couple more serious ones.
- Get my EMT-B
- Get certified in swiftwater rescue
- Take a few NASAR courses


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #47 on: 26 Dec 2006, 11:02 »

I found mine from last year!

Quote from: James, around about this time last year
- Quit smoking
- Approach more girls
- Get laid
- Take guitar lessons

I totally didn't do any of these. Well, I quit the ciggies, but then I smoked a few during exams and the silly season, so it doesn't really count. Even so, I'll set some more!

- Start running again, which will necessarily include heaps of stretching to overcome chronic ITB problems.
- Climb more often - I now have an awesome group of people to do this with, so I have no excuse.
- Keep getting HDs in Honours Maths.
- Ramp down the intoxicating substances intake - it's gotten slightly higher than it really should be over the last couple of months.
- Play more music! This includes more live sets and guitar jams.
- Come to terms with the way I look.
« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2006, 11:17 by elcapitan »

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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #48 on: 26 Dec 2006, 11:11 »

I have too many, most of them involve me being a better person, but right now I can't remember which things exactly would do that, so I guess I get to be a bad person until then. I think it had to do something with recognizing the good in everyone and remembering the things that are important in life. Also I need to work on:

-Saving the earth.
-Getting big and strong so I can work at the farm that is a 10 mile bike ride away instead of working at the place that sells things from the farm that is a 30 mile bike ride away.
-Saving up for a new bow and arrow and getting good at shooting defenseless burlap sacks again.
-Learning ninjutsu.
-Being less scared of ghosts.
-Spending more time walking in the forest, swimming in the ocean, climbing on the mountains and baking the cupcakes.
-Being less shy.
-Hugging more people, also more often.
-Also hugging tigers.


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Re: It Must Be Done [Resolutions!]
« Reply #49 on: 26 Dec 2006, 11:19 »

1) Drop 20 lbs.
2) Keep the 20 lbs. off.
3) Visit Australia and New Zealand.
4) Spend less time in the doctor's office.
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