I hope they regroup and make some more platformers. The weird humor that was incorporated in the Banjo-Kazooie games was AWESOME, and the only platformer I have played that has come close to matching it since is Psychonauts (awesome game, but way too short). Conker's Bad Fur Day was too far ahead of its time to be fully appreciated. The mini-games are awesome, but the story line and dialogue in that game is legendary. The mature tag that extended past the usual violence to include language, sexual content and nudity on a drowning Nintendo console probably did not help the original release either... but then I heard that they waterred it down for the xbox release (not really related to anything, just strange that they would do that). I really need to find that game and dust off the N64, getting drunk and pissing on my enemies sounds awesome right now.
I am excited to see what they do... and sort of curious to see what Rare comes out with next. Their games have ranged from underwhelming to terrible since Conker (I never played Kameo, but I played everything else... I will never forget the way they mutilated Starfox...).