Me and my friends have the habbit of comparing ourselves to characters from QC. so far, i know of three people that have found their match in a character (me and two others).
Now naturally, everyone will probably say that they are marten. Because, honestly, who wouldn't want to be the main character of a comic strip? But honestly try and look at each of the characters and see which QC character you are. Try it, its fun!
I am Steve, besides the hairstyle, hair color, eye color, sideburns, and bushy eyebrows, i find i have alot of things in common with him. I am like the guy that no one really pays all that much attention to, (exemplified by the fact that he is only in like half the strips). I too was dating a girl a few years younger than me, and we broke up when we probably should not have. And I too have seen my fair share of tequila monsters.
Which QC Character Are You?