Marten, easy, and not just because he's the main character.
I'm definitely the most like Marten, in way too many ways to be comfortable. I am a giant nerd, but am decently well-adjusted to the normal world, if not very graceful socially. I am probably too nice for my own good, and always end up walking my friends home, holding their hair back over the a toilet or shrub, etc. (Never been puked on, though, thank god.)
I look mostly like Sven, but I listen to music that most people have never heard of, and have the worst luck with the ladies.
However, my record collection is mostly like Faye's. I like mostly indie-pop and -rock, more than post-rock like Marten, with the occasional metal or dance album here and there. I'm also from a cultural wasteland known as central Illinois, where I've heard Radiohead described as 'freaky obscure Eurotrash' by local music afficianados, and the FCC and ClearChannel are seen as the most important entities in music.
My family reminds me of Hanners', however, especially her mother. Every time I visit home, an arguement over my friends, job, school, orsomething else comes up and I get lectured for 'not doing better.' The OCD thing is also a minor problem.