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Author Topic: Post-Rock  (Read 33940 times)


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« on: 18 Jan 2007, 10:27 »

Ever since discovering Sigur Ros a few years ago, I have been very much digging epic post-rock stuff. While I've heard a few of the bigger post-rock groups (Slint, EITS, GYBE, Mogwai, Mono, Do Make Say Think, etc.) 3 or so years of playing these bands over and over again has made me want new post-rock stuff. So, does anyone know any other good Post-rock bands? I'd prefer the really epic kind, if possible. Some Post-Metal (eg, Isis, Pelican, etc..) would be good as well, although I know a lot more post-metal bands then I do post rock one. Thankyou!!!


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jan 2007, 10:32 »

Funhouse, dude.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jan 2007, 10:34 »

Funhouse, dude.

Is that a band, or the stooges album?

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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jan 2007, 10:46 »

Maserati are really good. They have a new record and it is ace.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jan 2007, 11:53 »

God Is An Astronaut & A Minor Forest. ;)


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jan 2007, 12:09 »

For post-metal, Agalloch is a very popular name around this board.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #6 on: 18 Jan 2007, 12:58 »

Please tell me I'm not the only one who automatically thought of the Dirty Three.



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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #7 on: 18 Jan 2007, 13:24 »

I wouldn't of thought Agalloch were post Metal.  To me they're are a combination of Black, Doom and Folk

Labelling something post- is kind of retarded. I remember reading a review where someone was trying to argue Summoning were a post metal band because their music transcended the Black Metal asethetic or some such bullshit. It seems to be a label people throw onto metal bands that either:

a) Have Unusual/Oddly structured songs and riffs
b) An extremely abrassive or industrial sound
c) Contain uncommon (in metal anyway) instruments such as a drum machines
d) Are heavily influenced by Non Metal genres (especially Ambient, Avante Garde and Psychedelic music)

Espeically bands that get a tick in more then 1of these categories. It's just a bullshit way of trying to promote Elitism amongst certain bands.

Anyway this is a reccomendation thread so I should probably post a few albums that fit some of those categories.

Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transfers God
Rev Kriss Hades - Pagani Bloodlust Static Age
Portal - Seepia
Alchemist - Lunasphere / Organasm/ Eve of the War
Thorns -S/T
D?dheimsgard - 666 International




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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #8 on: 18 Jan 2007, 13:36 »

For post-metal, Agalloch is a very popular name around this board.

Yeah, I know and like them. I should clarify: I don't know too much Post-Rock, but I am very much down with the Post-Metal.  :-P Also, I agree with Scytale's thing on Post-Metal- personally, I don't think it should be called that either, but I'm yet to think of a better name. (I do like Post-Neurosis though, it works quite well in most cases.)

Also: Some excellent recommendations- I've got a Blut Aus Nord and an Alchemist album, and they're both really quite good.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #9 on: 18 Jan 2007, 13:37 »

I tend to go with Avant-Garde metal, although blanket terms are inherently silly anyway.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #10 on: 18 Jan 2007, 14:25 »

Since you're on the Neur-Isis train, I'll recommend Rosetta (for some pretty heavy metal-meets-spacerock type music) and Red Sparowes (basically an instrumental collaboration between Neurosis and Isis.)  Also, since nobody's mentioned them yet, Russian Circles are also highly enjoyable.

Links go the these bands' Myspace sites, for easy listenin' access!  Let us know what you think, 'kay?
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #11 on: 18 Jan 2007, 14:34 »

I tend to go with Avant-Garde metal, although blanket terms are inherently silly anyway.

Avante Garde metal I get because it's actually a pretty good description for the stuff that falls under it.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #12 on: 18 Jan 2007, 15:01 »

Red Sparowes (basically an instrumental collaboration between Neurosis and Isis.)

Heywut? Why did no one tell me about this?
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #13 on: 18 Jan 2007, 16:40 »

maudlin of the Well and Kayo Dot: the first constellation being more metal, the latter absolutely amazing.
Fridge: Kieran Hebden aka Four Tet and Adem's post-rock band.
Envy: Japanese hardcore with quite a bit of post-rock, especially on Insomniac Doze. Very epic.
Battle of Mice: on Neurot Recordings, shares members with Red Sparowes and Made of Babies.
Bark Psychosis: Solid early post-rock, the vocals are lacking in my opinion though.
They made a comeback a while ago with Operation: Dustsucker but I haven't heard it.

Also I would suggest seeking out old krautrock bands like Ash Ra Tempel, Faust and others. The aesthetic is similar.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #14 on: 18 Jan 2007, 19:27 »

Clann Zu
Where I come from, we usually just shorten that to "yee-haw!"


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #15 on: 18 Jan 2007, 20:04 »

Valdemar:  great call on Battle Of Mice and Envy; those are both fantastic bands. 
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #16 on: 18 Jan 2007, 21:00 »

Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transfers God
Dodheimsgard - 666 International
Quote from: Valdemar
maudlin of the Well and Kayo Dot: the first constellation being more metal, the latter absolutely amazing.

I second these bands.

Also, Kayo dot are not really metal. I know Toby Driver hates it when people call Kayo Dot a metal band. Also, their album was realesed on Tzadic.

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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #17 on: 18 Jan 2007, 21:18 »

Well Toby can squeal all he wants, I am still going to call Kayo Dot an avant-garde metal band or at the very least metallic.
Choirs of the Eye was released on Tzadik yes, but now they are signed to Robotic Empire. Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue topped my 2006 list.

Battle of Mice: They are quite good but that 911 call sequence in one of their songs is a bit icky and unfun, like that Coil song only not high on god knows how many drugs.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #18 on: 18 Jan 2007, 21:30 »

I dunno if they're techincally post-rock, but I always thought that Low fit in with the whole aesthetic. Also, the Shipping News are pretty good.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #19 on: 18 Jan 2007, 21:31 »

I still haven't been able to determine whether that 911 call is a real recording, or something they made in the studio.  Neither would surprise me, and whichever it is, it's one of the most unsettling things I have ever heard.  But damn, they make such great music...
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #20 on: 18 Jan 2007, 21:52 »

probably my favorite genre so i know quite a few bands in it.
try these:
magyar posse
friends in the mountains
eyelids like anvils
the capricorns
sparrows swarm and sing (epic, god speed-esque)
envy (for your post-metal fix)
if these trees could talk (their s/t is amazingly good)
because of ghosts

i might modify this and add more later but all of these are great.

More of 'em:
a silver mt. zion
Alamaailman Vasarat
the ascent of everest
broken social scene's "feel good lost" album
the dead texan
(the four above this are all very ambient but still post-rock and really excellent)
day for airstrikes
don't mess with texas (awesome croation post-rock. awful name though)
september malevolence
this will destroy you
the drift
halifx pier
laura (australian post-rock. really great)
the six parts seven (mogwai-ish)
we're from japan! (not from japan, not mono, still good)
microfilm (lots of movie samples and stuff but all very cool)

« Last Edit: 19 Jan 2007, 02:21 by TheFuriousWombat »
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #21 on: 18 Jan 2007, 22:25 »

I dunno if they're techincally post-rock, but I always thought that Low fit in with the whole aesthetic. Also, the Shipping News are pretty good.

The Shipping News are a great band, yes.

Valdemar, I still dont think of them as Avant Grade metal, somthing about that seems wrong. MOTW fits better into that genre.

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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #22 on: 18 Jan 2007, 22:39 »

Sleeping People is an absolute must.

If you want good post-rock music, check out this label:
Temporary Residence Limited
The absolute cream of the crop are on it.

Also, I really like A Northern Chorus. Their albums are minimalistic masterpieces.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #23 on: 19 Jan 2007, 00:37 »

I too agree that there's not really such a thing as post-metal, however, I am definitely behind the idea of post-black metal, as it fits in to the pattern of labelling of post-punk, post-industrial and to a lesser extent post-rock, in that it seems to be a similiar sort of musical progression, pushing a genre forward conceptually whilst evolving beyond its musical limitations and also in that it makes much more sense than to just keep talking about endless 'waves' of BM, especially when you still have new bands doing interesting things within a definitely black metal framework. When I think of post-black metal, I'm thinking mainly of bands in that whole big clusterfuck around Garm and Vintersorg, and those inspired by them.

On the post black metal front, get yourself some Meads of Asphodel. I recommend their split with Mayhem (Jihad/Freezing Moon). Woods of Ypres are good too, very Ulver/Agalloch inspired.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #24 on: 19 Jan 2007, 01:20 »

I am very bad at reading entire threads, so I don't know what has been mentioned, but since I am somewhat of a post-rock obsessed freak, I have some recommendations:

Ever since discovering Sigur Ros a few years ago, I have been very much digging epic post-rock stuff. While I've heard a few of the bigger post-rock groups (Slint, EITS, GYBE, Mogwai, Mono, Do Make Say Think, etc.) 3 or so years of playing these bands over and over again has made me want new post-rock stuff. So, does anyone know any other good Post-rock bands? I'd prefer the really epic kind, if possible. Some Post-Metal (eg, Isis, Pelican, etc..) would be good as well, although I know a lot more post-metal bands then I do post rock one. Thankyou!!!

Red Sparowes (explosions in the sky-esque collaboration between some Isis members and some other dudes)
Isis, especially Panopticon. these guys are amazing.
1 Mile North - minimalist post-rock that is soo good
Bell Orchestre - their debut album is one of the top 10 post rock cds in existence
Pelican - have been accused of hardcore instrumental and stuff. lies! listen to The Fire in our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw. it's like one big, long, rock orgasm
A Silver Mount Zion - GY!BE offshoot. neat stuff

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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #25 on: 19 Jan 2007, 01:24 »

Be careful with A Minor Forest.  I never really considered them post-rock, to me they were more math-rock.  They're certainly not "pretty" like the big post-rock bands you mentioned.  But, if you listen to them and like them, go for some June of 44.

Also, the first self-titled Rex album is amazing.  It's kind of like a cross between Slint and country music.

Bardo Pond are more of a stoner rock band but they are great.

Roy Montgomery is epic and it's just ONE DUDE.

Flying Saucer Attack isn't really post-rock either but it's a safe bet you'd like them.

If you don't have the self-titled The For Carnation album (ex-members of Slint) then you are missing out in a big way.  Ditto for Papa M's Live From a Shark Cage (and to a lesser extend Whatever, Mortal, which isn't post-rock at all but is pretty good).
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #26 on: 19 Jan 2007, 02:23 »

idk, i love the genre but red sparowes bore me for some reason. i've listened through a couple of thier albums and i don't really see the explosions in the sky comparison. for some reason thier songs never seem very compelling to me and i always end up bored with them before they end.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #27 on: 19 Jan 2007, 02:25 »

If they've not already been posted, I wholeheartedly recommend the first Hope of the States album, The Lost Riots. It's one of my favourite albums ever; it's over an hour long discounting the gap between the last and hidden tracks (the hidden track is absolutely worth hearing by the way) and everything on it is kitchen-sink epic. It's fantastic.

The track to download if you just want a taster of them is 'Black Dollar Bills,' which is three mintues of normal song before the last four minutes of it is just one massive crescendo. One of my favourite songs ever. It's like an orgasm in music.

If you want tasters of them, go to the Halfway Home Fansite, because there's loads of legal, band-endorsed b-sides, demos, internet releases and live shows on there to watch.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #28 on: 19 Jan 2007, 09:16 »

I love you Wombat; you have given me a plethora of music to listen to via that list, most of which I am enjoying.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #29 on: 19 Jan 2007, 09:34 »

I am so post-rock, I- wait, this isn't that thread.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #30 on: 19 Jan 2007, 11:30 »

idk, i love the genre but red sparowes bore me for some reason. i've listened through a couple of thier albums and i don't really see the explosions in the sky comparison. for some reason thier songs never seem very compelling to me and i always end up bored with them before they end.

Yeah, I can agree with that. THe Red Sparowes sound real pretty, but they're music never really goes anywhere, in my opinion anyway.

Thanks for the recommendations people! Some I have already heard but most I have not! Although I already know all of the post metal bands listed here. BUT, I do not know most of hte post rock ones, so that is very good.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #31 on: 19 Jan 2007, 11:55 »

When I think of post-black metal, I'm thinking mainly of bands in that whole big clusterfuck around Garm and Vintersorg, and those inspired by them.

Which bands are you thinking of here. I assume you mean:  Arcturus, Borknagar, Spiral Architect, Lunaris, Age of Silence, Winds etc...

Most of those bands are pretty far removed from BM, especailly nowadays.



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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #32 on: 19 Jan 2007, 16:39 »

Yes, but most of them, especially Arcturus and Borknagar (and other bands not in that scene like ...And Oceans and Blut Aus Nord) did start out a lot more BM. That's why 'post'. They're something that has come out of BM and just gone somewhere completely different, whilst still recognisably taking elements of BMs aesthetics and whatnot forward.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #33 on: 19 Jan 2007, 17:03 »

Yeah I guess so.

Arcturus are comming down here in March, I'm not sure if I'll go or not, tickets are $45 and I wasn't all that impressed with Sideshow Symphonies. Virgin Black are doing the support as well, another band I've never been hugely impressed with...


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #34 on: 19 Jan 2007, 19:42 »

idk, i love the genre but red sparowes bore me for some reason. i've listened through a couple of thier albums and i don't really see the explosions in the sky comparison. for some reason thier songs never seem very compelling to me and i always end up bored with them before they end.

I'm personally a fan of Red Sparowes, but I can definately understand that as well.  I love bands like Red Sparowes and Russian Circles, but Pelican bores me to death for the same who-knows-what reason.  I also don't get the EITS comparison - Explosions seems a lot more cinematic than Red Sparowes do.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #35 on: 20 Jan 2007, 05:23 »

Whilst we're here, whats a good new post-rock band for a guy who likes a bit of GY!BE and Mono now and then, but knows for a fact that he does not like Mogwai, Slint or Tortoise?
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #36 on: 20 Jan 2007, 05:32 »

the aforementioned 'sparrows swarm and sing' are very god speed-esque. some might even go as far as to say they impersonate god speed. i wouldn't. but i would say any fan of god speed will like 'em b/c they're similar stylistically and pretty darn good to boot. try 'O?Shenandoah, Mighty Death Will Find Me.' tis quite excellent. also, if these trees could talk are awesome and should appeal to any mono fan.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #37 on: 20 Jan 2007, 05:33 »

Whilst we're here, whats a good new post-rock band for a guy who likes a bit of GY!BE and Mono now and then, but knows for a fact that he does not like Mogwai, Slint or Tortoise?

The first Tarentel album isn't new, but if you like GY!BE and Mono you'd probably dig it.  It's called From Bone to Satellite.

You might like their more recent material, particularly We Move Through Weather, for entirely different reasons.  It's not really post-rock, it's almost industrial in a strange sort of way.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #38 on: 20 Jan 2007, 05:37 »

woah, how did that slip my mind? tarentel is so damn good. i saw 'em live performing a 30 minute improvised set (it was continuous-no pauses at all) which was really amazing. i would agree that 'from bone to satellite' might be the best place to start. their other stuff tends to go towards being less accessible, especially the second of two companion eps to 'we move through the weather' entitled 'big black square.' it's one 45 minute track, the first 15 minutes of which is distortion and a recording of rain falling in an alleyway. sonically it's very intense. anywho, i second this reccomendation wholeheartedly.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #39 on: 20 Jan 2007, 05:40 »

Thanks, I shall see what I can get hold of.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #40 on: 20 Jan 2007, 07:38 »

A Silver Mt. Zion
Telegraph Melts, The Swords Project
The Spires of Oxford
The Azusa Plane
The Album Leaf
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #41 on: 20 Jan 2007, 23:53 »

My Disco!

Wait, post rock?  Whatever, I do what I want.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #42 on: 21 Jan 2007, 00:47 »

Speaking of disco, this thread has gone entirely too far without any mention of Disco Inferno, particularly Disco Inferno Go Pop, which should be owned by anyone interested in the slightly weirder side of post-rock.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #43 on: 21 Jan 2007, 01:41 »

I didn't know anyone actually knew about Disco Inferno outside of the UK.

I don't think very many do, which is a shame.  I was introduced to them by Tom Ewing of Freaky Trigger, back in the dark days of the mid-90s, when we were pals during the short-lived " has been taken over by a couple dozen people who actually have good taste in music" period of the interweb.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #44 on: 21 Jan 2007, 01:44 »

the pirate ship qunitet are really really awesome. their album isn't out yet, and won't be for a bit, but what i've heard of it is fantastic.
listen to the two mp3s on their site.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #45 on: 21 Jan 2007, 04:58 »

Oh shit yes.
I didn't know anyone actually knew about Disco Inferno outside of the UK. What a great band they were. Also, this is one of my favourite bits of vinyl -

Yeah, that's great.

In the article in which Simon Reynolds coined the term post-rock he talked about Disco Inferno at some length.  Because, you know, they were taking and breaking rock structures, dude triggering samples with a guitar and all that.  Mind you he was also enthusing about Stereolab in this regard, which is kind of funny now given how utterly pissed upon his original image of post-rock has become.

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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #46 on: 21 Jan 2007, 10:01 »

I hate to cast doubt upon your excellently illustrated point - and it remains so, even after I write this - but I typically find myself able to "get" or "not get" albums within five or six listens. Anything beyond that means I'm investing time into an album that may in fact be nowhere near as rewarding at the end of it all as another album which may catch my attention immediately. For example, I still can't get into Feels by Animal Collective, a record that invests itself entirely into atmosphere, after about eight listens, but every spin of Scott Walker's The Drift since I first heard it less than a month ago has revealed nuance and genius that I still managed to miss. The latter album resonated from the first listen and continues to resonate.

What makes this important is that the other album which may catch my attention immediately may turn out to be an album I will never hear. With that in mind you, and anyone, would be hard-pressed to convince me that I should sacrifice - let's say that three spins of The Gap equals one lost album just for the sake of argument - over sixty other albums for this one which is totally the record, man.

In the context of this argument, I'd say give the record a listen. Hell, Tommy produced a little "best of" compilation of Joan Of Arc's works, comprised of what I think were representative songs of each period in the band's development. I found a significant chunk of them almost instantly enjoyable. But I don't think you can justify two hundred listens of a record in order to "get it."
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #47 on: 21 Jan 2007, 10:11 »

Awesome post, Tommydski.  Sincere art music ftw.  Although I do have to confess I would never bother to listen to something 100s of times if I didn't at least like it a bit at the start.

The only thing I've heard from Joan of Arc is last year's Eventually, All At Once, which I understand is way more straightforward than a lot of their stuff.  I've heard things about deliberate digital skips in recordings and all kinds of wilfull annoyances... sounds great. :)

Actually, heard some Owen, which is one of the Kinsellas, right?  That was also really accessible.


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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #48 on: 21 Jan 2007, 10:19 »

Hahah, that's the same thing co-frontman of Olivia Tremor Control Bill Doss said about their album Black Foliage. Well, approximately. Apparently, to fully understand that album one has to listen to it fifty times. I already like that album anyway and I've only listened to it around five times. I'm curious about this whole 'getting' an album thing. It sounds to me like the nirvana an audiophile finds at the end of a long road of searching for such music. What do you call it, enlightenment. I want some enlightenment, instant gratification. Too bad I have to listen to an album fifty times for it. And is it guaranteed? Hell no. But I'll take musical enlightenment over true nirvana anyday. It's way easier to listen to an album fifty times than to seclude myself in the wilderness, fasting for the rest of my days and such.
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Re: Post-Rock
« Reply #49 on: 21 Jan 2007, 10:31 »

(Sorry in advance.   :oops:)

I think all we need in this world is more long, instrumental tracks based around a traditional band line-up, with either some moody piano or some tuned percussion (preferably vibes or maybe a xylophone) and a middle section where the guitars get much louder.  Because, you know, that's really adventurous and interesting and, boy, it goes so far beyond the constrains of rock music into a world of NO RULES!!

Maybe if you're getting wild and crazy you can step things up a notch and have some distorted electronic beats that sound like what happened to "IDM" when that became all codified and conventional in the mid-90s.  Boy.  So dazzlingly inventive.

Even better would be if you put a singer back in the mix, bringing things into the same soaring blissed out format of shit like Cocteau Twins or the shoegazer bands or whoever and then have your fans decide it's the best example of POST-rock around.  Because, man, having a band with a singer and loud guitars is really pushing the boundaries of the rock format into new territory.  Fuck you all, Sigur Ros fans.

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