I am very bad at reading entire threads, so I don't know what has been mentioned, but since I am somewhat of a post-rock obsessed freak, I have some recommendations:
Ever since discovering Sigur Ros a few years ago, I have been very much digging epic post-rock stuff. While I've heard a few of the bigger post-rock groups (Slint, EITS, GYBE, Mogwai, Mono, Do Make Say Think, etc.) 3 or so years of playing these bands over and over again has made me want new post-rock stuff. So, does anyone know any other good Post-rock bands? I'd prefer the really epic kind, if possible. Some Post-Metal (eg, Isis, Pelican, etc..) would be good as well, although I know a lot more post-metal bands then I do post rock one. Thankyou!!!
Red Sparowes (explosions in the sky-esque collaboration between some Isis members and some other dudes)
Isis, especially Panopticon. these guys are amazing.
1 Mile North - minimalist post-rock that is soo good
Bell Orchestre - their debut album is one of the top 10 post rock cds in existence
Pelican - have been accused of hardcore instrumental and stuff. lies! listen to The Fire in our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw. it's like one big, long, rock orgasm
A Silver Mount Zion - GY!BE offshoot. neat stuff