I know it's frowned upon for QC newbies to start new threads but I'm hoping i won't get too much grief for this.
I looked through the first couple of pages of threads in here and couldn't find an actual "Runescape Thread" so I decided to make one.
I like Runescape, enjoy playing it, but recently parents forbid me from playing it due to grades dropping. I break one rule on Runescape well 2 actually, and that is Account sharing. My dad plays as well so we share. When i say parents forbid me to play it i meant my mom and step dad heh. Anyhow also i break the offensive language rule w/e -.-
Our account is level 100 with 80 attack, 92 strength, 70 defense, and other stats. He's got 81 cooking 77 mining and 71 fishing or so as well. those are the stats we pride ourselves on.
Anyway the account is a major pker (player killer) as any runescape veteran would be able to tell. He isn't that rich though because I'm far too reckless pking so I lose as much if not more than i get out of pking. heh
If you play runescape as well feel free to post feats whether it be in wilderness or some other skill. Runescape haters, please don't post here and diss us for enjoying a game, we're all entitled to our tastes, just keep your opinions of this game to yourself while you're inside this thread.
OH and one more thing before anyone asks - no i'm not a "member" to runescape.
post away,